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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Thank God for Charlton. Only thing that keeps me going
  2. Do you know, I can't remember the last time a new Marvel UK Price Variant appeared? Must be years now. After all this time and focus there are still quite a few for which I've only ever seen one copy - at both ends of the production window, oddly - so there's always hope. But maybe that's it now. Maybe the job is done....
  3. He's asking for rust, isn't he, pooping on his staples. I don't know, some people....
  4. ...I shed after...you have drunk fishteen pints, Shalbert.....after... We need to raise our game - even the Aussies are beating us!
  5. Great, the scores are up! Can't remember what I sent in now, let's check.... Oh.
  6. Not sure, Gary. They're using his story to make a programme so you'd think the participants might get something wouldn't you. It's all a bit staged though, isn't it. Would he really be surprised by the totals? Never once looked on eBay? I dunno. I wonder if any of the bidders in the room were any of our prolific eBay sellers? I did grimace a little when they were manhandling the books in the loft though. What's a few more spine stresses between friends, eh...?
  7. That's been my experience, watching and attending lately - hammer prices that leave little to no room to make a buck. Either some avid collectors are paying top dollar to add to their collections, or some dealers are dying on their arses.
  8. Even when they 'get it right' they get it wrong!
  9. Nice looking pair. And properly labelled...
  10. I've not seen it before but yes, it's a UK stamp - Greenwich and Blackheath were some of my old stamping grounds - used to see Squeeze there quite a bit back in the day. This was taken there:
  11. Chap seems to have an endless supply of books, doesnt he. Been on the bay forever.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204076493114?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=x6qdv2alStO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=3MQXJMJlSYu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. No, they don't - it's viewed as production / distribution related. I'll attach the confirmation that I got from them when I find it!
  14. I'm far too busy posting nonsense here to do anything productive like that, Eric! You have my blessing to upload. And you can add them to the GCD too, if you like