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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I can see why they did it. Things have to develop to survive, but if you stray too far from the guts of a thing, you run the risk that it's no longer that thing. See also Doctor Who - sixty years of history torn up by one clumsy pair of hands, one person who couldn't stay faithful to the original premise and had to deliver 'their take', their shocking twist. Once the dust settles on that shock though, all that is left is an enduring sense that something big was sacrificed for something small. A bit like Mallory's desk. And, as I've said, that shock leaves you - well, left me - with a deep sense of injustice. I can get that every day just by engaging with the real world. I didn't want it in a Bond film.
  2. It's been reported: Although some might say that stopping people finding my pence threads is a public service.
  3. Murderer! I love the ASM#42 one Gary, and the fact that the image is of an actual tatty copy. I must look out for one of those. I did this Andru one earlier in the year - we had a little competition on it in my Andru thread to see who could do it the quickest and it ended up in America with Spider-Variant: My sister won! Talking of Garys, @Garystar- you're a jigsaw man - got any to show off here?
  4. And you can just about see that 6p sticker residue there on your copy Paqart - it looked like this at some point:
  5. That's a very good idea, even at this late stage. Too late for some, but a good way to reach and help those still struggling. And an apology might restore a touch of good will in the hearts of those who are flagging. It would show us they care. I've got nothing more to say on it, you'll be pleased to hear. They sodded it up, I tried to help, we've had zero communication, here I am moaning about it instead of boring everyone with pence drivel. Same drill every time. What is it they say about people who keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?
  6. It's a worry. I keep getting subliminal messages flashing up. I can't be sure, but I think they're saying "Stop worrying about this forum you fool, and go and get a life"
  7. I said the same in one of the threads covering this. A banner message is possible - they did one for the Journals migration. Bottom line, CGC staff may care passionately about this forum. They may open a vein when it doesn't work and gnash their teeth behind the scenes. But if they never tell us, never show it, and generally go out of their way to promote the exact polar opposite position - namely that they don't give one toss - what do they expect us all to think? We're not mind readers.
  8. What can you do. I notified Dena within two hours of the update that I thought the site location changing (URL) was likely going to stop people logging on, as they would all assume it was the update that was the reason for the error code. We have had 48 hour outages in the past so it would be entirely reasonable to make that assumption. And then you find out there's a new URL and you could have been online 24 hours earlier. People have missed sales threads, pms and have been unable to fulfil sales activities. Again, what can you do. I've tried everything to spread the word. I wish, just once, CGC staff would match the effort of some of the site members when it comes to communication. Don't promise immediate action if you can't deliver it.
  9. Just an observation, but the number of logged in users seems to be well down, the number of guest users seems massively down and the number of posts is clearly down. We just had a 12 minute spell with no posts - that's not normal for this time is it. The site is working well enough, but my sense is that we've lost half our audience since the update. I try to be supportive of admin as I know how stretched they are. But we were promised immediate action if there were any post update problems and, well, we've not heard a peep have we. There's clearly something wrong, many users are expressing exasperation with the URL change, there are three or four threads talking about it and, as usual, no communication from CGC staff. It's starting to feel like just another shot in the foot in a long line of them. Just another self inflicted wound. How much longer should we bear with this stuff? Be honest, reader, has the thought occurred to you recently to knock visiting this place on the head? Is it fun, anymore, visiting here? When was the last time the site ran for more than a week without problems, blow ups and angst? It's rudderless, this place, and seems to be going nowhere.
  10. I agree. CGC advertise a 'crystal clear display'. That's what you paid for @Brandon Shepherd and that's what you should get.
  11. Drat. Did we miss anything profound Mark? Oh, sht it worked in the end then. Sorry, I meant, phew, that's great Mark.
  12. I've had two 3-5 minute spells of buffering today. Two tabs open awaiting CGC, nothing coming through. All other websites working fine, so not my computer. It's early days though. Anyone else getting that?
  13. Come on now, why would you want to post something as sensible as that? Provocative....
  14. 300 It goes to the heart of collecting. Why do we collect this, or that. There's a defined subset - it's something to go after. I collected the ASM set as I collected Spidey. ASM #13 is an awful comic. Awful, horrible Byrne cover. So bad I made a thread out of it. But that little $2.29, and $2.49. Well, that's just got to be collected, hasn't it. Nobody said it should make sense, collecting.
  15. And who needs an excuse to show these two Kids off again: Nice looking Kids, aren't they
  16. ...and I think I've posted this before - not my copy, it's from an old auction photo - but that's some riot of stamps isn't it. Love it
  17. Here's my old copy, by the way: It took a very long time to track him down - one of the scarcer 9d Kids in my experience.
  18. I've just added a 'last updated' date at the top of each of the seven UKPV journal summary pages Robot. If you click on my board avatar picture, you can see tabs for 'Journals' and 'About Me' - they have links to all my stuff:
  19. Spot on Mark. After a few unsuccessful attempts at accessing the forum via my browser's bookmark, I tried the main CGC site and found that was working. I then clicked on the forum link from there and found that was working. Whenever things go wrong, you just try all the usual tricks and sooner or later you're back in. It's a shame that a great many people probably assumed the error message meant that the upgrade was still running, or was problematic. The site has been down for 48 hours before, so it would be reasonable to make that assumption. Invision lead the change I believe, so maybe our admin guys didn't know that was what would be happening. Most members didn't read Dena's announcement thread anyway, so most wouldn't have even known the update was due. It probably wasn't a good idea to sticky it to the top of CG as many members don't visit that forum and even those that do would likely have missed it, as they are used to skimming past the largely redundant, now familiar stickies at the top. Maybe the announcement section would have been a better location, as that is visible from the main page, or even a moving banner message which is possible here (Scott did it when the journals migrated). Everyone saw that. Anyway, everyone will find their way back eventually, in various states of indignancy, and then it will just be a case of whether the upgrade worked, and the 500 errors have been banished