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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Patience? Cheers. Hard to do when they have about twenty resized photos in though, which mine tend to have....
  2. I just managed to post something over at Gold, then went to post a suggestion in Domo's poll thread and got a two minute buffering episode. If that had happened during the Gold post a few moments earlier, I may have lost it (get your jokes in now) and then would have to decide whether to risk doing it again or not bother. It's just after 2pm in the UK and I know tonight between 5 and 7pm the 500 errors will likely start up. So I was lucky to get one 'comic' post in today it seems. And who knows when the next 24 to 48 hour maintenance outage will come? It's just not worth it Paul, really - there's enough shyte going on in the world, and our lives, without punishing yourself by visiting a site that crashes every single day you try to use it - a site that is supposed to be your safe haven, a focal point of your hobby. It's working right now - whoopee. Will it be in an hours time? Who knows.
  3. Hello EC, what a nice thread you have here. Gold is not my area, but I just spent some time looking at all those lovely old comics and thought I would seek your opinion on this book - Comic Crimes #11, Nov/Dec 1946 from Bell Features: It seems to be in remarkably good condition for a 75 year old comic. Here is the splash page - the contents are in colour: Inside cover, bottom left... The indicia at the back: My understanding is that there will be a printed 10c / 9d price under that shilling sticker: https://www.comics.org/series/21867/covers/ I quite like that it says 'England' as opposed to the 'UK and Continental Europe' of the indicia If I may, a few questions which you might be able to help me with: Would this be considered a 'Canadian White' or does the dual UK distribution aspect disqualify it from that group? I know this happens often in comics, but why does it start at number 11 (see the 'nn' 1948 issue on the GCD above)? Would you have any idea as to the split of distribution on books like these - who would the primary market have been, the UK or Canada? Presumably Canada, but you never know Anything you can tell me would be appreciated - hope you don't mind me gate crashing
  4. Same here Oak. There are few things in life more tedious than sitting in front of a computer screen, constantly refreshing an unresponsive webpage. I feel myself slowly drifting away and have long since given up on posting anything substantial - it's not worth the risk to craft a lengthy post or journal entry if you're likely to lose it to a 500 error. No one at CGC seems to give the slightest care for what is going on though, do they. Whatever the reason for the technical problems, there is no excuse for not communicating with us about it. I know very little about computers, but I suspect a process runs each day - maybe the backing up of all the stuff we manage to post - and the system just can't cope with it. My old computer would become unresponsive whenever the virus scan was running. Not enough juice in the engine, something like that. I suspect there is something they could do, but I feel less and less inclined to hang around waiting for CGC staff to make some kind of meaningful statement on the matter as each day passes. Is this how it will always be? We don't know. And it's not as if a number of us haven't tried to get across to CGC what is happening, behind the scenes. So I suspect it won't be long before some of us give up on the place for good. And that will be a shame for me, as I've always quite enjoyed posting here.
  5. That's quite a mark up on 50p isn't it Fanzines were great weren't they Voord, the good and the bad. I had quite a collection of Who ones back in the day. I wonder what the enthusiasts of today do, those who back in the day would have made or contributed to a fanzine? Post online somewhere I suppose. Things move on, but I did enjoy those days of hand typed ads, 75p postal orders and A5 envelopes dropping on the doormat with various degrees of competency enclosed. A more charming time, I think, and one which I'm glad I lived through.
  6. On a mobile device you get that Error Code screen if you (sensibly) go: Account > Ignored Users Try the less obvious: Forums > My Settings > Ignored Users That works.
  7. Just to echo what Sharon has said, in offline dealings, CGC staff have told me that they value this forum very highly and are as frustrated as anyone with the performance issues which they say they are working hard to put right. I can't explain what prevents any CGC staff member from posting an update here - the continuing failure to do so breeds the kind of uncertainty and speculation seen in this thread I think - but they are all likely under extreme pressure as Sharon has said and maybe don't want to be drawn into lengthy dialogue about it all. Fingers crossed they succeed soon and return some much needed access stability to the site
  8. I knew you'd be excited. I'm on the road today - will pm tonight or tomorrow. I held it in my hands Daphers...
  9. "Close friends get to call him Tee-Cee, pro-vi-ded the cost is three-pee...."
  10. Yes. Hours were certainly frittered away today, in an offhand way...
  11. Indeed. All those pence copies owned by 9d.... I wonder how many pence Adventure into Fear 19s they've been offered?
  12. https://www.startrekcomics.info/art/markjeweler.html
  13. Funny you should say that, as I was a fair yesterday and thought I saw the tell-tale blue line on a Star Trek #9. Nice to know.
  14. I was at the London Fair yesterday and noticed that all the Alans were missing. Usually, there's quite a few sellers with them, often they're on the floor in cheap boxes. This time - none. I overheard discussions about Double Double comics and the eye watering T&P annual prices, and a few dealers complaining about the speculators clearing them out of 'hot' books before they were even aware they were hot. "I can't spend my whole life on eBay seeing what is hot" said one dealer. I would imagine it's very hard to find anything now, to make a buck on, in the internet age. All the secrets are out now, it seems. Thank God I only collect the stuff that has not yet caught on (and probably never will)....
  15. The above compares some of the cast of ASM #121 to the UK reprint versions: Again, redrawn, whereas the next issue was more faithfully portrayed: Nice poster bonus inside for the Kangeroos:
  16. I actually prefer UK Gwen here. US Gwen always looked like she'd done something unpleasant to me, and was desperately trying to feign innocence. UK May is having none of it of course, having clearly caught it...
  17. No, nothing that mysterious Lou, it's just the UK Super Spider-Man cover, redrawn to accommodate the landscape format: Not sure who the artist was, but they clearly thought it easier to completely redraw it as opposed to a cut and paste job. Tis a cool thing, either way...
  18. Nice to see all these pence copies together, and the flurry of posts yesterday I was at the fair myself, and snagged a third TGK #54 - I need three because: One copy is for my 'First 20 Marvels' run One stamped Miller copy is for the Miller run The other unstamped copy is to put with the Miller one to show that they didn't always stamp them Or it's just an excuse to own lots of pence copies Go fer yore doops! One for each 'ACTION!!' on the cover. I got this for four quid too - couldn't leave it behind at that price:
  19. Thanks for the tag Lazyboy - for the OPs benefit, here's a picture of the two error copies I found back in the day, which is included in the link that Wormboy posted above: I found the hand error to be scarcer than the 'P' incidentally, but that was back then.
  20. Yes, the fact that it seems to be an official attempt to correct an omission arguably indicates that the book was always intended to be an APV. But, as we know, stickers can be manufactured, and a book can only claim variant status for me if it comes from the original print run and has a deliberate printed difference, aimed at a specific market or for a specific purpose. So I remain opposed to including it in the figures. That's just me though, as custodian of this piece of research. Others may include it in their figures if they choose, and I would understand that. 1,323 confirmed APVs now, with the Ravage #13: All good fun