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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. 20 hasn't arrived yet, so the update will have to wait a bit longer. Thought I'd gate crash the competition while I was waiting... https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/topic/484697-bronze-age-uk-price-variants/?do=findComment&comment=11922418
  2. Good. I wouldn't want you to muddy the waters. That's CGC's job.
  3. There isn't a pence priced #49 Mark so it must be a cents copy. It's not a UK Price Variant therefore - just a cents copy, distributed in the UK.
  4. Yep. Shame a lot of it comes from our hosts. Still, they're making a lot of money aren't they, for themselves.
  5. In 2019 I pushed for CGC to stop labelling the pence copies that were printed at the same time as their US counterparts (today's UKPVs) as 'UK Editions' primarily to differentiate them from later UK publications which reprinted original US material. At the time, they were labelling both book types as 'UK Edition' and, in doing so, the first printing distinction of UKPVs was being obscured / lost. Effectively, CGC were contributing to the spread of misinformation. Happily, I tipped them over the edge and they started using the term 'UK Price Variant' which is about as accurate as you can get (although I accept some do not like it). Regarding your second sentence above, 'Edition' does not necessarily indicate a later or foreign printing in itself. If it did, Direct Editions would be in trouble. But whilst the main reason for my 2019 crusade was to get UK Price Variants distinguished as first printings, I did also want CGC to stop using the term 'UK Edition' for subsequent publications which reprinted original US material. That practice was / is also misleading, suggesting as it does that a comparable US original book exists (which it rarely does - there is no US edition of 'Spider-Man Comics Weekly' for example). Alas, I wasn't successful in that second regard and the 'UK Edition' label that CGC illogically insist on using for UK produced books continues to muddy the waters to this day. The recent decision of CGC's to start labelling UK publications which share the cover - or key content - of an original US book as that US book is another example of their confused labelling approach. I tried to get that overturned too, but they wouldn't budge. I'm still waiting for their official communication on that change by the way. Books like this one below (graded this year) are a disaster to me: It is not Tales of Suspense #39, and there is no US original of 'Sinister Tales #23' for this book to be the 'UK Edition' of. CGC play an increasingly important role in the hobby it seems, whether we like it or not. They are redefining everything from grading standards to restoration. And now they are wilfully labelling books incorrectly to suit a niche need. I've spent five years here trying to promote a factual understanding of what books with UK prices on them are whether they were printed alongside original US books or later for a non-US market. I fear that I may have wasted my time.
  6. So that's what the OP is up to in his avatar....
  7. Cor, you're on a pence roll Josey! (don't forget, only three books per 24 hour period, if you didn't already spot that in the rules). I could see CGC giving this a 2.0 as it goes. I would be in the 1.5 area myself. Being a GB copy adds an additional 8.5 generally, so it's a 10, from Len * *Joking on that last bit
  8. I love that M.M 9d stamp, Josey - about the fourth one I've seen. Len Miller's wife, perhaps? Given that the book exists as a pence copy, distributed by Thorpe & Porter, it's interesting to see a cents copy with a stamp like that. I'm not an expert on the practice, but I don't see that copy being strong enough to take a press and I suspect it wouldn't do much for it even if it could. 0.5 to 1.0 is likely the best it could achieve given what is missing. Thanks for posting it
  9. That's a cool book Paqart. I'd love to see a side by side shot with the US version. You might get more reaction if you posted it here: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/topic/42333-show-us-your-golden-age-canadian-comics/page/85/#comments The Gold crew tend to have better manners too, from what I can see.
  10. Nice to see the club members helping each other out And three have become four, courtesy of a visit from
  11. Try again using a hyphen, i.e.: Spider-Man instead of Spiderman...
  12. Still on Classy printing errors, Alan vets some of his wares.... "OK, 8p...nice colour strike" "25p...nice colour strike" "15p...ni-oh, f it"
  13. He's only showing the data from the library of congress though I suppose, to be fair. You're right, highly unlikely, and it's only one example. Maybe one shop owner selected the wrong month on his stamp. The other price font variants I've studied are less conclusive. Not that there are that many - finding any images in the first instance is hard enough for some of them, let alone multiple examples with arrival stamps. I'll post some more when I've found enough examples to make it worthwhile. A couple of the kids at least.
  14. Now you mention it Stephen, are those two different Helvetica's there.....
  15. Meanwhile, back in the jungle, I've been looking at arrival stamps on some of the price font variations to see of anything jumps out. Here's one example, which may or may not be telling. Two Battle #70 bold font copies, both with an arrival date of March the 10th: Mike's is a bit off incidentally, at January the 29th... ....but look at this slim font with an arrival date of April the 10th, one month later: Hmmmm. Purely anecdotal of course, but could it be that the slim font version was a later, second printing......? More examples and speculations to come, another time....
  16. Really annoyed to have missed these two on the Bay recently, given my fondness for a PE. No idea how they got past the Marwood search antennae... Stoopid faulty Marwood search antennae.....
  17. Another 3p T&P stamped Awstraylien: I missed the bidding on this one, alas, so won't be able to say (Gordon and) Gotcha!
  18. This Blackhawk T&P annual did rather well on the Bay: Batgirl might have had something to do with it, but I think it was the 10d T&P stamped Blackhawk myself....