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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Shhh. He's doing all the CGC signings Ken. Keep it under your hat.
  2. This one's rather cool isn't it. About eight feet of empty space at the top
  3. What was the record I wonder? There are four of these in the same title - 10, 104, 132 and 161: I have the two above, 104 is on the way and am still looking for 132
  4. Afternoon Do you ever get that feeling before you post something that you've already posted it at some point? I do. Probably because I do similar things a lot, and after a while they all blur into one. I was looking at arrival stamps again this week on Charltons, trying to work out the dates for books without cover months. It was very successful, thanks for asking. And then I did the same on some Archie 15cvs after an email conflab with a Bill (of Bill's Archie 15cv thread fame). Then I thought I'd have a go at a random Marvel UKPV related date, because it was too hot to go outside and live a little. There are 15 Marvel titles cover dated November 1966. I picked that date because it sits within one of the UKPV gaps but has three UKPVs in evidence, straying into it. What I like to do is to see whether arrival date stamps / markings, which themselves give a good indication as to printing dates, help inform why some UKPVs exist and others don't. Regular readers will know the score. I did it recently in my DC thread to prove a longstanding absence. Anyway, 12 of the 15 Marvel November 1966 cover dated books are eligible to have a UKPV because UKPVs exist before and after the gap. If I plot those 12 books in order of their 'On Sale Dates' as per Mike's Comic Newsstand, I get this: Straight away, it seems to show no obvious cut off date for the production of UKPVs to cease, if we assume that 'on sale dates' correlate to production dates (which you would presume that they would). But one thing I have found is that many of the 'on sale dates' on Mike's Comic Newsstand do not tie in with the actual dates on the comics themselves. Certainly not for Charlton. A quick scout about online and I find these three: August 24th August 18th August 16th If I replot these books using those actual dates instead of those on MCN, I get this: Kid Colt Outlaw doesn't count for UKPV eligibility as it is a 25c issue and, at the time, no UKPV was made when that happened. So that leaves us with a clear picture which, and I accept it is all anecdotal, seems to imply a natural cut off date for the UKPVs. Perhaps the instruction to the printer to suspend UKPV production came mid-August hence three got through and the rest didn't. I'll need to find actual examples for the remaining non-UKPV books of course, for the exercise to stack up fully - maybe those dates are different too - but it's interesting how cleanly it panned out after the brief assessment. All good pointless fun, which I may of course have already posted...
  5. I was having an email discussion with Bill the thread owner this morning about the 'missing' Archie 15cvs - Bill was of the view that Archie #136 would not materialise. One thing I have been doing a lot lately is using arrival dates to help inform the printing order - and therefore the potential cut off points - for books with the same cover month which have missing variants. Here is an example for April 1963, the last cover month that Archie 15cvs have been found to exist. If we look at the image below, we can see that Archie #136 has no confirmed 15cv (as per Bill's assertion) and Laugh #145 does: A quick scout around for arrival dates on copies of those books and we find: Laugh #145 (confirmed 15cv) - arrival date February 13th: Archie #136 (no 15cv confirmed) - February 26th arrival date: Perhaps, therefore, Laugh was printed two weeks earlier than Archie and snuck in a 15cv before the production ended. Comics aren't all printed on the first day of the month of course, so it makes sense that there would have been an instruction to the printers to cease 15cv production at some point and that would likely have been date driven, not cover month driven. It's all anecdotal of course, but adds to the likelihood that certain books will not surface as people like Bill, who have been looking for years, believes will be the case. All good fun.
  6. Exactly. I've always thought it would be fun to see what members would choose to have as their board titles were it down to them. What would you choose for yourself if you could replace that TOTAL NEWBIE you're now stuck with for all eternity?
  7. It could've been worse, they could have outed you as a lumberjack or something It looks like the processing has finished updating, and these things are still here on our profiles: Any chance you could message the admins to see if they would reconfigure them into oblivion? Unless everybody likes them of course.
  8. It's the same for me. I get a 500 error with every second or third action within the same time period every day, including today. Sometimes I have to refresh the page several times to clear it. If today's update was designed to solve it, it hasn't worked - yet.
  9. It's just your 'Boards Title' in picture form Mark. When they set the site up all those years ago, the admins come up with a series of hilarious phrases which would indicate / correlate with how many posts a member had made. Yours is 'Total Newbie'... ...which indicates that you have reached a certain number of posts. The 20/20 indicates that that is the last of the Board Titles - you will stay as 'Total Newbie' now unless you ever do something to warrant getting a 'Custom Title' (a bespoke title applied just to you by admin in recognition of something - see mine is 'nappies' instead of 'diapers' in recognition of my UK pence work) Grendlebo is 'Talkative'... ....because he's only made 681 posts. When he hits the next post count level his Board Title will change to the next embarrassing phrase like Vhelflin's 'Bid more or post more... tough one...' It's a load of old guff and always has been. The phrases are donkeys years old, unfunny, untailored and meaningless. And not one person can remember what level of posting was required to get the next one - or care, I suspect.
  10. You do. You achieved 'bid more or post more....tough one...' which gave you a score of 12 out of 20:
  11. Yeah. Thread over then. Lesson for the future - wait for the update to finish
  12. No, you misunderstand me Poopiece. I'm suggesting you change your board name to 'You'reachievemnetsarerubbish'. It makes about as much sense as the goat thing. This seems to be new - at the bottom of the page - 'More Sharing Options': Do you like to share, Poopiece?
  13. Only in the You Ess of Eh? You're achievements are rubbish, by the way: