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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Phew. You can't be too careful Voord - there's some touchy buggers around here
  2. Don't bother, you're here! That was a joke Voord So, are these balderdash then or what?
  3. Ramble just a little Buttock, for the benefit of those of us who weren't even alive when they were being produced - what makes them so different do you think?
  4. Hope you don't mind me using your thread to post this, but what do those in the know make of the items on this UK site, which emailed me this morning: https://worldofsuperheroes.com/collections/signed-by-bob-kane It's not my area of interest but I was intrigued nonetheless in a 'too good to be true?' kind of way.
  5. That's very kind of you Eric, thank you, but I don't think I fit the bill really - this thread is more about the glories of the past it seems and I've only been here a short while. Maybe if there was a thread in support of those who are contributing positively to the forum now, I might garner a nod or two from those who seek a Morrissey among the Coldplays. But let's face it, this forum has never really looked to the present has it. If we are to obsess over past board history however, my nomination for HOF would be @goldust40. Firstly, because he is a Brit and we should always support our own. But secondly, and more importantly, because he deserves it. Golders has been here from the start and is an exceptionally intelligent, knowledgeable and witty board member. He buys, he sells, he contributes. He laughs, he jokes, he informs and he's always positive. Always. He's never mean spirited, never gets involved in board feuds, and I have never seen him disparage anyone in the time I have been here (however deserving they may have been) or in the older threads that I have read since joining. An unsung gentleman in every respect with a quite superb knowledge and appreciation of popular culture, music and of course comics. And his comic collection, I think, would likely make your eyes water. Not sure about his choice of Football team though, but no one is perfect. That's my vote.
  6. Me don't know Robot. Had a Spinne though, or two, too, back in the day... Die Spinne, Die!
  7. I've translated the wording blurb: "Charles Rand, rocking it in a red all in one, set off nicely with a simple plain white belt, smashes some beardy bloke from abroad in the face called Mr Hummitan Ilplayit. His mate Barry Pensacopy from Hillsborough is moving in but he'll get a swift kick in the nuts too if he aint careful. Later, Rand gets it on with the local hot chicks before completing the mission in a new woolly jumper he bought at a street fair in Delhi. Will it all go to plan? Yes of course, I've just told you it did haven't I?"
  8. Being an Agent Y, was he RandY? Hid the sausage and all that with the hot chicks of the sixties?
  9. "U.K. Edition" Course he would Robot. It would be easier to list what he wouldn't sign. Didn't sign, even.
  10. Evening All Not my copy, lifted from eBore, but has anyone got one of these? Read that corner blurb. My God in Heaven, it's so galactically awful that I want to buy it No Country is safe from its efficient operations! Unless their Y agents wear red socks that is. Let's hope for the Barman's sake that Kung Fu Rand never trod in dog sht earlier. Hi-yuck!
  11. Marwood couldn't give a monkeys actually - I'm doing it all Here's a good reference book for the Miller Westerns - lots of nice little snippets in there:
  12. Just ordered a copy of each Robot (on the off chance he's reading, I think Golders put me on to this publication a while back but there were no copies available to buy at the time and I proceeded to forget all about it!) I'm taking it the index will be of Miller's self produced reprint titles only, and not the imported books of this thread (or the Charlton UKPVs). Brilliant, thanks Robot. I'll punish Google later The zebra crossing is still there (hiding under the lorry on Google maps - typical!): Brilliant.
  13. Morning I've been doing a bit of research into L Miller over the last year, looking to see what information is out there. As well as the Marvels of this thread, and the Charlton UKPVs of the other (see sig line), their 6d, 9d and one shilling 'LM' cover stamps tell us that they also distributed IW Super, Archie, Harvey and cents priced Charlton comics in the UK. Who knew. I'm planning a fairly extensive journal entry on all that, as well as a quite exhaustive one on the history of Charlton in the UK right up until its demise. Miller plays a large part in that. Their old address as we know was 342 & 344 Hackney Road and I've tried hard to find a vintage picture of the place. The closest you can get currently is #340, Wall & Jones: To the left, up the road, we have a housing estate which I'm guessing was built on the former Miller site. The retail numbers return in the 380's so Miller sat somewhere in what is now the Warner Place / Hadrian Estate which I believe was built around 1967. The site was opposite the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children and, try as I might, I can't find an old picture of it from the sixties. I'll keep looking though, and plan to have a mosey in person when lockdown ends. See if I can detect any Miller vibes, 60 years later (it can happen). Next up, a check for the Folgate Street address.... Hmmm...
  14. Good spot Robot! (that rhymed) I never noticed that before Odd isn't it, given the massive lower right cover blurb!
  15. Tell me about it! You can't find one reference to RV anywhere online and every single avenue I have pursued leads nowhere. Here are how the issues plot by the way Robot for Horror & Mad: And we have the Black Zoo too (Zoo Too?): And the Vamps: I've seen the RV Series shield on other publications too, so maybe they fill some of the 'horror' gaps: And I tried over at the Comics UK site the other month - nothing so far: Welcoming bunch....