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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Tread lightly, Steve... I will. You never know when there'll be a stray Piece of Poo about, PooPiece
  2. You should read some of my threads Srezvan. All for the pure love of comics There are four of these ASM #387s - two Directs and two Newsstands, each with different back cover / ad configurations (I made the stickers):
  3. Here's a post about newsstands from me which has nothing to do with money - just the pure interest in what exists - sitting lonely in a thread about newsstands and money: Discussing newsstands and their relative scarcity does not have to be anything about profiteering. It's silly people like Mile High who take the information, apply some dumb price ratio multiplier to them, and then artificially try to create value that are the problem. Did anyone say there was a problem here? Probably not. I'll get my coat.
  4. Ha! See my post above Me too. I sold my ASM #667 for £500 and thought I was a master seller. I was a master something, I'll tell you that for nothing! (I won't charge you).
  5. Thanks. And to be clear, 95% of the 'variant' books that I personally seek have near zero collector interest and value. It doesn't matter if a comic is pricey or not. The market determines that. The important thing is the comic. I make one exception to my argument - the 'manufactured' variants, i.e. the modern approach of printing 100 often completely rubbish covers for a new number one issue just to make money. I think they suck.
  6. I think it's fantastic that there are different types of the same comic out there to research and collect. I love comics full stop and delight in all their variations, quirks and nuances. If every comic ever made was its own only version, that would make collecting 1,000 times less interesting for me. Personally, I think the person that doesn't thrill to the discovery of a National Diamond Sales lingerie insert, swoon to the touch of a pence copy, drool over a double cover, delight over a production error, salivate over a near impossible to find newsstand and palpitate over a price variant just doesn't understand comics. Or collecting even. Just my view though, you don't have to share it
  7. There are lots of threads already on this subject Steve so don't be surprised if you get push back from some. Two things resonated with me in your post though - I did exactly as you said - went after all the ASM newsstands once I completed the DE set. It's the natural next step for the collector / completist as you say. Then, and this covers the second point I took from your post, I sold them all just before they 'took off' pricewise. In the main, pretty much every selling decision I have ever made in comics has turned to that word that the boards profanity filter removed from your post. So you're in good company mate (P.S. How much for the Harbingers?)
  8. It took me years to put the ASM run together all those years back. It would probably be easier now, as there are more copies coming out of the woodwork, but the prices on some have gone nuts. I should've kept quiet! It's not often you can find something new to get the juices flowing, but I can't wait to see what's under those stickers Revat. My US copy is coming from the Netherlands, so it might take a while though. I've got the lighter fuel and magnifying glass ready...
  9. If any of you guys have any December 2013 Marvel newsstands and would like to contribute to the gathering below by all means dive in Maybe it's already been done by someone....
  10. Now that I've seen the actual listing, and the failure to give reasonable prominence to the trimming / CT, @J-KComics, I would retract my bid as DTO428 suggested.
  11. Morning I've ordered a stickered newsstand copy of the US version of Ghost Rider / Blaze #13 to see what's under those stickers and to see how hard it will be to remove them assuming I ever snag an AUS copy. I'll let you know how it goes. I bet none of them have printed UPCs underneath on the back covers. I've completed my sweep of all the known titles now and arrived at my own personal opinion of how many more books might be out there. There are 1,711 actual US copies for all the titles within the AUS date waves so that is the maximum number of APVs that we could have. We have a nice round 1,300 confirmed and, by my reckoning alone, another 74 may be out there: That's just my own personal assessment based on my experience and analysis to date. Of those 74, there are still some that I think will not surface. Take these three books in the 'Night' titles: I have multiple examples of the 3 confirmed books for Night Thrasher: Four Control (2-4). Wouldn't you expect number 1 to be more prevalent than it's following issues? There are a few titles that are missing the number ones so it may be that this title ends up joining them. Time as ever will tell. Back to the GR / Blaze book, here is my list of the seven books which have some variation of 'official' issue sticker and / or unique APV barcode: If anyone knows of any others, please shout - all of them have been covered in this thread at some point.
  12. Nice. You don't often see them in a circle do you
  13. Yup. The book has a slight miswrap (evidenced by the cover stating to appear at the bottom on the back cover), a bad cut which may or may not be production related, disclosed trimming and colour touch. And if someone has gone to the trouble of trimming and colour touching, what else has been done we should ask ourselves? Has it been bleached, full blown restoration etc etc. To conclude, and as they said in that film once: "Leave. The book. Alone" I think they said kid though, not book. In the film I mean
  14. That kind of slanted cut can actually manifest at the point of manufacture and may not actually be the trimming to which the seller is referring. The fact that they've called out both trimming and colour touch is good - some unscrupulous sellers don't - but the combination is lethal regardless to the vast majority of collectors. Only you can decide how you feel about owning restored books though J-K. I don't mind them on low grade books, but wouldn't touch one on a high value one like this - it would make no sense to me.
  15. I think so, yes. Take a look at eBay sold copies - always a good indicator of what people are currently prepared to risk for raw copies advertised as unrestored The back cover picture looks slanted top and bottom - it might be the photo but it looks off to me:
  16. Cool. Are they all pence copies? Pence books are cool, I'm told.
  17. It does look nice. A few raw copies described as VFN/NM have sold on eBay for around $4K so with restoration usually at least halving the price you can see where the $2K has come from. Trimming is fairly loathed in the industry however so your resale opportunities - raw or graded - would be severely impacted if you were looking to make money or sell in the future. Don't let the apparent eye appeal take you in - restored books are only for those who want to own a copy with no thought for resale and who don't care either way as long as it looks nice - they just want a copy for their collection and restored ones are that much cheaper. It has a dodgy cut though. Personally, I wouldn't go near it at that price.
  18. Evening No new sightings from me I'm afraid but I did add the 'on sale' dates from Mike's Comic Newsstand to my summary table the other month to see if they had any bearing on the 'missing' issues: Hopefully you can see that more clearly if you click and zoom in. When these $2.29 / $2.49 variant books were solicited the starting point could have been cover month driven or perhaps a simple date in the diary from which the printers would have selected and produced the variants for the requested titles. If we look at the October 1999 cover dated books we can see that there are three 'on sale' dates as follows: 4th August 11th August 18th August So let's just speculate for a moment that the variant production starting point was date driven and, for the sake of argument, that the printing dates mirrored the on sale date sequence. Being the two 4th of August books, you can see how Thor and the FF might have preceded the cut which would explain their non-appearance to date. For the second date, we can see both ASM and Cable have at least one variant, indicating that their printing date was after the variant production start date. And then the Hulk and X-Men follow on the third date, the X-Men with a full set but with no Hulk copies. For the date driven approach to make sense, all the books with a production date after the variant start date would have to have been made. The fact that some of them have yet to appear however means that either their production wasn't date driven or that the missing issues exist and have yet to be found. Consequently, the two October Hulks and the $2.49 Cable may yet surface. Alternatively, dates may have nothing to do with it whatsoever and they may have just thrown darts at a board with pictures on them to determine the 32 known variants we've captured to date. A similar scenario can be argued for the final month too, if you look - The FF snuck in with a date of the 1st of December but we can see no such copies for Thor, also the 1st. Did any of that make sense? Probably not. But it was worth posting if only to bump the thread and increase the chances of someone new chipping in. My gut still tells me that there will be no more though. Probably...
  19. Yes, often. I often am convinced that I still have books that my records subsequently show that I sold or gave away at some point. And sometimes they show up, misfiled, in ways that - as an organised person - I can't fathom. Hope it surfaces