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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. OK, I've looked at this too long now to be able to tell, but is Spidey's left hand on backwards here or what? "Nothing can stop Hulk pointing out the missing blue on bug man's right arm, nothing!"
  2. That would make a good Agatha Christie style will reading scene. "And to the missus I leave a sht load of cartoon books in the loft"
  3. I haven't found a new pence GK for about 65 years. Let me know if you find any of the 'missing' issues: I say 'missing' in inverted commas as I don't believe there are any really. Which means you should find one Kevin.
  4. I like the way your mind works Antoni. The customer was T&P though and they were quite adept at that point at stamping the cents books they imported with 9d prices (see here). If they could stamp their cents 1959 Charltons and DC's systematically, why wouldn't they have stamped those two Marvels? If they were imported by design, why would they release them into the wild with no UK price indicator on them?
  5. The fees always get ya don't they. My last invoice from Compal nearly knocked me off my rocking chair and that was just for a handful of grotty Charlies.
  6. He probably looked at them through binoculars from street level
  7. Not a bad price for a pence copy - just this minute sold:
  8. I didn't have a picture of a stamped one of number 5, thanks Kevin. Have you read them? I popped back because I got a notification that Jimmery was back in town and was hoping to catch him Geraldine. He's gone back into hiding though from the looks of it. Shame, he'd like this thread... @porcupine48
  9. Me threads been pornographised! Let's get back to normal shall we: I say normal....
  10. I have to maintain the integrity of my research Stephen. Plus, they're all liars out there! Yes, I've mentioned before that I offered all my scans but gave up because I found the process so clunky, disagreed with their naming conventions and did not want to crop everything. To me, it's important to be able to see that the comic is indeed a comic. A cropped image on all sides, especially a poor quality one, leaves room for doubt. A great example is the brown font 12c JIM 76 below (on the left): I wrote to the GCD and advised that it was highly unlikely that the copy was a real book and they agreed. If you can't see the edges, creases etc, you can't say for certain what you're seeing. Not that any book can't be shopped though, cropped or not, but it doesn't help. Let us see the whole thing!
  11. Are you reporting this from memory Antoni? I've looked at these two issues exhaustively down the years in light of Duncan's UKCBPG website comment (see the foot of the website extract below) but have never seen anything to indicate the 'make weight' copies came over? No cover stamps, proliferation of examples compared to surrounding issues etc?
  12. Welcome to the thread Antoni. That's an interesting theory / observation. I'm just in - will respond more fully tomorrow on it (JIM is a funny book in many ways, as it turns out) OK, where were we. Oh yes, JIM. Antoni, I'm too young to have any at the time experience of the late JIM scenario you outline, and have never seen it mentioned before. But I think I have some evidence in my research to support it. If you read my journal thread on the UKPV T&P indicias... https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/blogs/entry/4927-marvel-ukpvs-thorpe-porter-indicias-june-1960-~-november-1964/ .... you'll see that JIM often presents as an anomaly. If you look at the 'Type 3' summary here... ... you'll see that of the four T&P distributed books cover dated December 1960, only JIM #63 has an indicia which features in all other books from January 1961 (Type 4). This is a clear indication that JIM 63 was likely printed last in the sequence and that they changed the indicia format just before doing so. Also, if we look at those four December 1960 cover dated T&P distributed books over at Mikes Comic Newsstand, the 'on sale' dates, in date order, are: Kid Colt Outlaw #95 - 28th July Strange Tales #79 - 28th July Tales to Astonish #14 - 28th July JIM #63 - 29th August So it's clear that JIM was indeed, for this month at least, 'in arrears' compared to its cover date peers. There are a few other aspects to the JIM title which set it aside - number 60 has it's own unique misspelt indicia and is the only September cover dated UKPV, it has more font variants and a few other things which make it the most oddly temperamental book. As for your JIM / GW #58 comment, don't forget that GW was distributed by L Miller and may have had an entirely different path / distribution area from the T&P JIM #58 once it landed in the UK. They may have been on the same boat of course, but who knows what happened after that! Thanks for posting @Antoni Veys - I love it when separate anecdotes and observations collide
  13. Oh, for s sake! See you boys soon .... joking aside, I'm going to wait until I find a second copy of this book before adding it to the list. Whilst I don't necessarily distrust it, I am wary of images on the GCD which are cropped and which may have been tampered with. Very easy to add that top left corner box to an image like that. So I'll keep looking for a second copy, preferably one in hand. Damn cool though, that, after all this time.
  14. Welcome to the thread Antoni. That's an interesting theory / observation. I'm just in - will respond more fully tomorrow on it (JIM is a funny book in many ways, as it turns out) Yes, he does. I've written at length elsewhere on the problems with focussing on distributed and non-distributed data which he seems to do a lot of, often muddying the UKPV waters along the way I feel. I make you right on that Gary. Marvel does seem to be the least stamped of all the books in the last quarter of the T&P years - probably because it has so may UKPVs! Odd though considering that DC, who had lots of UKPVs too at the same time, continued to be stamped right up to T&P's demise. What more do you know / recall of the distribution shake up by the way? That's not an area I've looked too deeply into really. I always tend to focus on what exists, the associated connections and nuances, and then draw conclusions and observations from them.