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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I find this very helpful. I'm looking forward to next month's tutorial - how to take the best part of a year to grade a comic
  2. Is this you? https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/profile/23990-obmit/ If so you can request a merge here: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/forum/80-account-merge-requests/
  3. Must say, I've never enjoyed collecting as much as I do today. All these crummy old variants that I categorise, that few if any care about, give me more pleasure than any of my previous comic collecting phases. Today in the post I got a Gold Key Pink Panther UKPV, a Ghost Manor CPV and what might be a new DC pence variant (subject to research). And I just won an Archie 35cv and scanned an Archie 15cv from a previous box diving trip. And I received some old distribution data which makes interesting reading when compared to the existence of Marvel UKPVs. I could wallow in it for hours. Actually, I do wallow in it for hours. Good time to be mucking about with comics.
  4. Ding dong, ding begone! High grade Charlies are a rare thing indeed Jim. I love it when I get one, but in the main they tend to look like they've been trampled by a stampede of angry voles. Led by Fury of course. He's a trouble maker that one. My interest as you know is to try and prove that all 833 possible pence copies exist. Condition is secondary to that, but I do love a tight glossy one.
  5. High grade Gold Key pence copies are hard to find. They don't appear to have been cherished as much as the Marvels. Or perhaps they're more cherished, and all hiding in collections.
  6. Yes. They should make them out of wood instead. Plenty going spare on set if the cast's acting is anything to go by...
  7. Try as I might Ken, I just can't warm to any of the cast. And the writing is so staggeringly awful, preachy and crammed with awkward social messaging that i just don't know what to make of it. This era can't come to an end quick enough for me. I managed about ten minutes of yesterday's effort. It was just so unforgivably boring. Hopefully the show will return one day with some semblance of order restored. I imagine there may be only one being alive who rates it less favourably than I do. And that's this chap they used to call the Doctor....
  8. I must remember not to turn on BBC1 around this time on a Sunday. Little bits of plastic we're ingesting didn't you know according to Jodie's latest speech. Silly humans. And some fella isn't getting on with his husband. So Graham's just had a chat with him. And Ryan hasn't done or said anything of any consequence.
  9. Evening My good boardie chum @Gnasher Bob sent me this interesting article from an old UK fanzine recently: It's not often you find any distribution data that helps with your research but this did. Firstly, it correctly identifies that the Incredible Hulk would stop being distributed in the UK at issue #152. This ties in nicely with the presence / absence of pence copies: 'Distributed in the UK' and actual price variants are two different things of course, but it's still a neat tie in. Secondly, the article mentions that only ten titles per month were distributed in the UK which, again, ties in with some research I had been doing - and have done for a few of the seven pence publishers - namely the 'how many titles per cover month' assessment - evidence here: This process is a good way of sense checking whether there may be any missing issues in the 3,020 pence tally and it's interesting what it shows at times. For example, I did an assessment of four months as follows: What it shows is which of the titles available were selected for the pence treatment. I did it as a bi-monthly snapshot to accommodate bi-monthly titles. You can see a core of the same 9 titles selected in each of the four months. Now, in December 1971 we have Conan #12 as one of the 10 chosen titles. In February, April and June however there are no Conans to select so someone had to choose a different title to keep it up to ten titles. They chose Monsters on the Prowl for February and April. In June, Iron-Man was chosen to be one of the ongoing ten and, accordingly, Monsters was dropped. You can see all that activity here in the snapshot of my spreadsheet below: The exercise helps you to see why Monsters on The Prowl only has pence copies for 15 and 16 and not the surrounding issues. If issue 14 or 17 appeared that would take the pence total above ten titles. As to why that title (Monsters on The Prowl) was chosen over other arguably more popular ones in the first place is now likely lost to history. But it's an interesting little snapshot into the thinking and process of the time. There are more scenarios that I have found. maybe I'll post them another time. See ya
  10. Top man! A book in the right hands is a wonderful thing Johnny
  11. Nonsense! It's all been nonsense Bob I tried to track him down once. I was hoping for a chat about the early days, maybe he would know something about the Millers and their under the radar Marvel variant dabblings. I gave up too easily I think. Maybe I'll try again, see if 30th Century have a contact for him. Hoping he's still going strong. P.S. my kind of nonsense, your stuff
  12. @lou_fine Lou, I just ticked four posts of mine in four different threads and my screen shows this: Here... ....are.... ....the four... ....posts.
  13. Hello Lou There is a way of doing this, quoting from other threads / pages, if I'm understanding you all correctly. If you look at the screenshot below you'll see that when you click on the little boxed plus sign to the left of the 'quote' command it will turn into a green tick and then bring up a little box bottom right to show that the post selected has been saved for quoting elsewhere ('quote 1 post'): If you then come out and go to the thread you want to quote it in, select quote as normal and then click on the little 'quote 1 post' box which will have reappeared at the bottom right of the screen. That will then quote the saved post from the other thread / page. You can add your comment as normal from that point (or before it if you want to write something first). If you want to test it out, remember that the test area is set so that only you can see it. So you can muck about in private. https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/forum/11-testing-1-2-3/ There are scenarios where functionality differs by user. Nothing sinister I think, just a combination of glitches and / or arrangements made with admin, e.g. for those running competitions or virtual cons etc. Give it a try and let me know if it works. You can use the tick box to quote as many threads as you like. Good luck
  14. A comic or three may indeed have had the scissor treatment, but it's of its time Kevin. That's what we were supposed to do back then. And it's not like each comic doesn't have thousands of other examples in existence. I just watched a video of Alan Class explaining how he ripped the cover from a Fantastic Four #1 to give to the printers as a colour guide for one of his old sixties reprints. This is what we did back in the day. I think the full up stamp book is fantastic. Thanks for showing it
  15. Cor, I really enjoyed that Bob, thank you for posting it. What a nice chap Alan is and some very interesting background there on how things used to be. The sort of bloke you could talk to all day I'll bet. Funnily enough I was in 30th Century talking to Will this last Monday. Best 'proper' comic shop in the world really. The last man standing. Anyway, you know what's coming next Bob don't you...
  16. It was. Gone are the days, alas, where you could pick these non-super hero books up relatively quietly and cheaply...
  17. You can't beat a Betsy Pencey Jim. Except maybe with a Cynthia....