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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That one got through before Admin applied the @tv horror pun filter Harry Oh, and it's Andru Romita Sr Ditko
  2. Maybe Rey and Kylo were so powerful, even moreso than Luke and pre-Darth Anakin, that they tapped into the lighter side of Darth Plagueis' work...
  3. Admin have added a 'tv horror' filter Maurice. It filters out terrible puns. We're doomed mate.
  4. Windows photo editor actually. It's narf hard writing with a mouse. I'll use a pen next time
  5. Correct, that is Nicholas Hammond, who played Peter Parker on the Spider-Man live-action television series shown from September 19, 1977 to July 6, 1979. But, was it his most famous role? That's the hint....
  6. Here's a few more: The inconsistent use of Rey's powers - one minute she can hold a billion ton space ship from accelerating away, the next she can't levitate out of a sand pit. One minute she can levitate with huge rocks circling her, the next she has to cross a short choppy sea in a stolen skimmer (so the bird who owns it can have a chat with Finn and make him feel useful) Sixty bazillion Star Destroyers and eighty bazillion million Storm Troopers can't stop a handful of people landing on the big one on horses and bringing the whole thing down A nine film / 45 year story arc culminates in a battle between good and evil and evil is defeated in six seconds. Bye bye Palpatine. No need to drag any emotion or significance out of the scene. No words, facial expressions. Just Rey is tougher and melts him in six seconds. The Force Ghosts (?) in Palpatine's arena didn't do a round of 'dem bones'. Missed opportunity Leia only ever seen from the one angle. Not in the least bit awkward looking was it. Always use her best side. C3PO centre stage. R2D2 relegated. Split up the double act why don't you. Too much general droid praise to the point where it was oddly noticeable The need to do something somewhere so we can beat the Empire. Only funny dwarf loon can open C3PO's head. No one else in the universe. But we'll do it Chewie dead! Chewie not dead! Zero sacrifice / emotion C3PO effectively dead! (mind wipe). C3PO not dead! (mind restored). Zero sacrifice / emotion. I want to take one last look....at my friends. Oh, no, I can see them again. Horrifically forced interplay - you're an annoying one etc. All the old ones look awful. Luke looks like his head is five times bigger than his body. Han has had his eyes done. Lando has eaten Chewie's brother. And other such pies. Leia isn't there. Thay all have aged badly and look rough. Finn. Why? "I have a bad feeling about this". May as well have said it when visiting the toilet. Rose doing the plans. Great, I hated her. Better to kill her. Drag some purpose out of her, please. All that aside, it was a badly made film. Choppy editing, frantic pace. The story was poor. What actually was the story, really? Once you take away the dazzling visuals, which we are all now accustomed to, you need a strong narrative. Strong characterisation. It wasn't there. If I read that 'someone in the office' meddled / insisted on this being cut / this added etc I'll post them a Bantha fodder sandwich. If I was ten, as I was when I saw Star Wars, maybe I would be more forgiving. Maybe I wouldn't. The story was just bad. Just a sequence of 50 scenes, some brilliant, some awful, many pointless, stitched randomly together. That is not a film. That is a youtube video playlist.
  7. Indeed. If they make another Star Wars film I'd like Rey to be played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's only fair.
  8. I agree. Despite not liking it overall I will go and see it again at the cinema. The bits I liked I really liked and I'd like to see if I change my mind at all on any of it. I have a habit of liking things more second or third time around. I think the scene where Rey leaps over Ren's ship in the desert is just superb. And the resulting force tussle trying to stop the ship departing was excellent. I could watch scenes like that all day. It's odd that the power to hold a gazillion ton departing space ship in mid air deserts Rey when she needs to levitate out of a sand pit five minutes later of course but there you go. The inconsistent use of her powers just to allow a plot device got a little wearing. Why skim across the waves when you could just as easily levitate? And I don't see myself ever warming to the also rans as I call them who add little to anything. What is the point of Finn? But I do like Rey and I like Ren. I think there was a fabulous trilogy about their story hiding somewhere but it never really took flight.
  9. That's Peeder Parker, sorry, Nicholas Hammond drinking a McDonalds coffee. No idea about the link. Could it be age related? Maybe if I was sixteen going on seventeen I'd be able to work it out
  10. Shame isn't it. Discuss offline Ryan, when you're ready...
  11. Only Suckers This Label Attracts (Yoda) @Get Marwood & I Oh sh. That label again
  12. Ha! I was watching the final of Master Chef and thought I'd mistyped or something
  13. Both cents and pence should be recorded as September, as both carry that date on their indicias. The pence copy has no cover date, the cents says August. So the cents copy has the contradictory info. Interesting that CGC take the indicia as the pence date, given the lack of cover month, but take the August cover date on the cents copy over its September indicia. I was taught to take the indicia as the correct detail.
  14. The Man from Atlantis didn't half look like Bobby Ewing didn't he.
  15. I saw it this afternoon. It wasn't what I was hoping for, by a country mile. There were a few good moments and some good use of previous musical themes but overall I was completely underwhelmed. I've come straight in here without reading anyone else's thoughts, but I'll be surprised if anyone thinks this is the ending the story deserved. Two stand out characters struggling in a sea of also-rans. You can't force interplay or chemistry. It works or it doesn't. And you can't force magic. For all their flaws, the original trilogy had magic. It has been stubbornly elusive in the last three. Oh well. I so wanted it to thrill me and will have to console myself with the version in my head.