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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I was slightly in awe of Steranko as a kid. Not only the name - Steranko - which seemed impossibly cool as a singular moniker, but the power of the art. There was something 'epic' about it. Proper drawing, if that makes sense.
  2. Still with Spidey, and as a nice follow on to the previous great suggestion, I always liked this one, hiding away in the Cyclone story: I like the mood in the issues around this time. A little sombre.
  3. Hello According to the GCD, the title 'Avengers West Coast' ran for 55 issues from #48 to #102. Numbers 1-47 were called the altogether different 'West Coast Avengers', incidentally. Accordingly, Avengers West Coast has 40 issues sitting in our AUS first wave date range - numbers 63 to, coincidentally, the final issue #102 which, having a US cover date of January 1994 means that it's AUS cover date would be three months later and be the last month of the first wave - the dreaded April 1994 for which only 4 titles currently have an AUS issue confirmed. I now have a full run of 30 AUS images for issues 63 through to 92. Number 92 is AUS cover dated June 1993, the last month that titles were priced AUS $1.80. So the fact that all 30 of the first 30 issues have been found, none of the last possible ten issues have materialised, and that #92 was the last cover month at AUS $1.80 it would be reasonable to speculate that the AUS experiment ended there for this title. Cage, Daredevil, The Fantastic Four and Nightstalkers all also appear to end at AUS Jun 1993 rather than make the jump to AUS $1.95 light speed. As things stand, I should be therefore able to reasonably mark the remaining ten AWC issues as 'NOAUS' and, in doing so, reduce the overall theoretical maximum by ten issues (currently at 1,704): I plan to do that for all 103 titles over the coming weeks, but only for those where there is a reasonably strong case for doing so, like that above. If Avengers West Coast #94 turns up, brilliant, that will disprove the rationale and reopen the remaining ten. But I don't think it will. Once done, we should be able to say with a reasonable level of certainty the total number of AUS copies that may be out there. It will then be a simple case of seeing how long the figures last. The missing Amazing Spider-Man issues (340, 385 and 409) have been absent for over ten years, hence why they are already marked as 'NOAUS' on my spreadsheet: I'll be interested to see where the final figure settles, once I have applied the theory to all 103 titles...
  4. Nobody likes a triple-arse attack in the morning Jim. Certainly not after a 1K post alert. Have to say, Black Fury is f furious about it. So watch out. "Neigh!" (Translation: "I'm f furious about that")
  5. They apologized a few years ago at a high school reunion. No need to muscle 'em any more! It takes a big man to apologise Roy. Oh, what the heck. Let's duff em up anyway
  6. OK, let's see what we've got I've made a first full pass of Gary's files and have added 95 new issues to my spreadsheet / files. Here is the Current APV Confirmed Issue List link, showing 1,255 confirmed issues now of a maximum possible 1,704 I've added two new titles, both annuals: That means we have ten confirmed annuals now, all priced at $4.75, all 1993 - Amazing Spider-Man #27, The Incredible Hulk #19, The Punisher #6, Silver Surfer #6, The Spectacular Spider-Man #13, The Mighty Thor #18, The Uncanny X-Men #17, X-Factor #8, X-Force #2 and X-Men #2. Here's one for @revat - Ravage #14: Ravage #14 becomes only the fourth title to have an AUS April 1994 title confirmed. It also means we have to find #13 now Wolverine #57 remains conspicuous by it's absence: I wonder if this means it will not exist: Those 'official' looking stickers are becoming quite a thing aren't they... I've filled a lot of titles, based on assumptions like April 1994 books being unlikely to exist, gaps where titles end together etc, so I will be speculating over the coming week what the overall total may end up being. There is the current total (1,255), the theoretical maximum (1,704) and the likely maximum, once the gaps etc have been accounted for. I note that Gary had not found any non-annual title that I did not already have, which as I said earlier encourages me to have faith in the list of 103 that we now have. Missing two single issue annuals is quite easy to do given how comparatively scarce they are, whereas missing runs of a title are less so. And Gary did not have any of the 'missing' ASM issues which further supports my theory that they do not exist (where this whole journey began for me). I'll post some more observations tomorrow. All good fun
  7. I've had such a great week on comics Revat! Gary's files have so many of our missing issues, I was grinning ear to ear the whole time going through them. Lot's of things to discuss too. Now to upload them all!
  8. Afternoon Aussie Collectors of Earth I am the bearer of splendid APV news. I've been contacted by a chap called Gary Martin Jr, based in the US, who has been doing what I've been doing on the other side of the pond - gathering Marvel Australian Price Variant images! We've shared spreadsheets and it looks like I have about 80 that he doesn't have. The good news for this thread is that he has over 100 that I don't! Hooray! I have a lot of work to do to integrate his information into my files / spreadsheet but the highlights are: We will have in excess of 1,260 confirmed images when I have finished Two new annuals Lots of titles will be 'completed' Lots of gaps will show as consistent (e.g. ASM) - Gary has been collecting images for a lot longer than me and he doesn't have any new non-annual titles which strengthens the robustness of our research here And there are a few quirks to report too! I posted details of the Captain America #410 earlier, misprinted with the issue number 407. Well, it turns out someone in officialdom spotted the error: Gary's input is going to be invaluable to this project. Once I have added his copies I will be able to speculate much more accurately which gaps are likely to be permanent and, therefore, how may APVs we can expect there to be. This is one of the benefits of posting here - others get to see it and dive in with their own input. So, a big round of applause for Mr Martin, who I 'm sure will join the thread soon
  9. You mean Ralph? Yes, he's feeling rough Jim as he got stuck on the roof with Rolf, the orange dog, who got him by the ruff of the neck.
  10. Cheers Bob. I can't tell you how great it is to finally have it (Like the new avatar by the way)
  11. I hear that Great Britain is leaving the E. The reply I want to give would get me a strike alas. Suffice to say it was along the lines of "what told you that?". Minus the u
  12. A book you don't see often - the pence copy of the 'final' Wyatt Earp. Before the gap I mean. It has a Miller indicia, which is cool. And some rather splendid anatomy on the cover
  13. Sounds like a great day. Went to a con and got a Shagg out of it
  14. Nice aren't they. You missed the Dogs of War though Jim.