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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. A bus probably Jim Still two Millers left to confirm: I'll carry on looking for those, and for the other confirmed copy I don't yet have. Wyatt was the big one though.
  2. Logic says Ross pencilled HH as the cover wouldn't make sense otherwise as you say @Spider-Variant I wonder how he felt having part of it replaced? I can see why HH was enhanced, as the original is a little distant, but it's still a damn cheek isn't it. Not the first time either (185's head). I also think Ross would frown on the ball point pen. Something cheap about it, regardless of the whys and wherefores. Or, he may not have given a damn and gone out partying with a hot chick on the paycheck
  3. Do you want me to send the boys round? Great achievement Kirk. I'll keep the list with me for the next fair
  4. Charlton Canadian Price Variants Hello Reader Here is a summary of all the Charlton Canadian Price Variants (CPVs) that I have captured hiding between the cover dates of September 1983 and July 1984 inclusive. If you'd like to know more about them, please click the picture below and you'll be magically transported to the discussion thread in which we talk about them: The Headlines My research shows that Charlton Canadian Price Variants exist for the cover months of September 1983 through to July 1984 inclusive. Others have attempted to document what copies exist down the years but I believe I am the first to gain agreement from ‘the usual suspects’ on a firm set of dates (previously, many researchers have suggested the books date back as far as February 1983 but no such books have ever materialised). Charlton published twelve titles between my revised CPV cover date range (September 1983 to July 1984 inclusive) and each has at least one CPV confirmed. The 12 titles are: Attack Battlefield Action Beyond the Grave Fightin' Army Fightin' Marines Fightin' Navy Ghost Manor Ghostly Tales Gunfighters Haunted Scary Tales War Here are the current confirmed issue numbers: From August/September 1984 (all titles are bi-monthly and staggered), 8 of the still running 11 title's issues have dual US/Canadian prices indicating the end of the CPV experiment (the other 3 become dual from October). July 1984 cover dates are therefore confirmed to be the final CPVs. Every example confirmed so far is priced at 75c (versus the US 60c priced copies) - I have found no other prices and no annuals, oversize issues or 'specials'. If I am right about the dates, there will be a maximum possible 64 CPVs across the 12 titles and the most any one title will have is 6 CPV issues. However, my research indicates that no one title will have more than 5 CPVs as, for the four titles that could have six issues, all of their missing September 1983 cover dated issues were all coincidentally on sale prior to the 9th of June 1983 according to Mike's Comic Newsstand. Fightin' Marines #170, Ghost Manor #70, Gunfighters #80 and Haunted #69 are therefore not expected to exist as they were all 'on sale' prior to the 9th of June 1983, the likely starting point for the CPV experiment. The maximum number of CPV issues is therefore likely to settle on 60, five for each title, which makes numerical sense at least. Please see the discussion thread for more on this (link above). At the time of writing, all 60 of the likely theoretical maximum of 60 issues have been confirmed (24/07/22 Update - Haunted #70, the final book requiring confirmation was provided by CGC board member @bellrules) The only difference I have found between a 75c CPV and its US 60 cent equivalent is the cover price. No other elements differ on these books and the indicias are the same in both editions. This is true of every copy I have found so far. A number of CPVs appear to have overprinted prices where the original 60c price can still be seen behind the updated 75c price. I’m not a printing expert, but this could indicate that the CPVs were printed at the end of the run. Some of the confirmed books are fairly hard to find, so happy hunting if you decide to build a set yourself! Only time will tell if the remaining books exist but collectors have been looking for some time so.... By Stephen Cranch based on v2.1 of the ‘Charlton Comics – Canadian Price Variant Summary’ Here is an example from my collection for each of the 12 titles:
  5. ....no one interested? I'll save Wyatt for later then In the meantime, some recent additions to the Miller vaults: Cor! It's a Miller Torr! Phwooaar!
  6. This Gunfighters #85 ticks all the usual Charlton production boxes. Miscut? Check Mis-stapled? Check Miss Marple? Check Here are all five of 'em (assuming number 80 wasn't made): Peeown!
  7. Here's another example of what looks like a 75c overprint of the US 60c price: Attack!
  8. Don't knock it Bob. That Charlton printer could turn out cereal boxes too you know
  9. Maybe. Given that the Marvel Millers have UK indicias as well though I think that's unlikely. Sending US copies over with or without price / indicia details for the recipient to add them or overprint them seems overly awkward to me. Better surely to just give the US printers their instructions and to receive the finished product?
  10. The feet and right fist look sloppy to me and unlike Ross' finished work so the inker wasn't at their best. It would be nice to know what happened.
  11. Morning Two new mildly interesting ones today. First up, Wolverine #100: Priced at a whopping $4.90 this issue completes the second wave Wolverine set: No #77 yet incidentally, as is common for the first wave Apr-94's. Next up, Conan #253: I do like a comic with a blank little box to the right of the price box. This Conan is slightly unusual as it is priced at $1.50: Every other AUS May 1992 dated book that I have captured has made the transition to $1.80 at this point. Up to 1,160 now.
  12. It could only be better if Orman's first name was Clint...
  13. Here we are back at my own personal favourite thread of mine. For the longest time I have been looking for a pence priced copy of Wyatt Earp #29. Up until now, the only copy I have ever 'seen' was a grainy image taken from a US comic site. Given that it's the final issue of the title and only just scrapes into the Marvel pence production window, it occurred to me that it may not even exist and that the image I saw was a mock up of some sort (although the '9d' looked authentic). It's a key book for me - my own 'holy grail' in fact - for three reasons: I need a copy to prove it exists in the first instance and to show that I've been right to include it in my 3,019 Marvel UK Price Variant list I need it to see what indicia it has so that I can update my Marvel Thorpe & Porter Indicia research I need to see if it's a Miller! Regarding point 3, I have always speculated that it would be a Miller, as three of the five Marvel Western titles were picked up by them. Only Kid Colt was picked up by Thorpe & Porter for some reason and, given that Miller produced Wyatt Earp reprints, I thought it was more likely that WE #29 would be a Miller than not. So when I saw an auction in the UK for a group of old western comics with a description including the words "Wyatt Earp 29" I got excited. Trouble was, it wasn't ebay and the auction house didn't show a picture of each book in the lot. Not being a comic based auction house, they weren't able to provide those pictures. It was a bit like "look, they're old comics. What more do you need to know?". That kind of thing. So my choice was to bid blind and cross my fingers, or leave it and not potentially waste a lot of money. I bid. Big. And I won. The parcel arrived last Friday while I was in Norfolk and I have to say it was the most exciting comic thing I've contemplated for 52 years. If you love comics, you'll understand. Being a coconut half empty kind of guy, I speculated on the long drive home from seeing my Mum what could go wrong: The auction house would send the wrong lot It would be the right lot, but they'd post it to my neighbour. And he'd keep it I'd get it, and it would be the Charlton Wyatt Earp #29. Cents copy too to rub it in It would be the 10c copy of the Marvel/Atlas copy It would have the price area torn off Etc Never be a coconut half empty guy, if you can help it. Anyway, when I got home, I opened it. 8 comics, mostly in a shocking state. I placed them on the table, face down. I turned each book over to reveal it's cover. Gunsmoke Western 76. Gunsmoke Western 77. Gunsmoke Western 75. Gunsmoke Western 72 (all pence copies ). Wyatt Earp #20. Wyatt Earp #9 (both Atlas). And then the final one. Talk about suspense. They even packed them in order to drive me nuts. I have to say, it was exciting beyond words. Would I finally hold a pence copy of Wyatt Earp #29 in my hands? Would it be a Miller? Or a Thorpe & Porter? Or neither? I turned the book....
  14. There has been some suggestion that they can form in transit, yes. Have a butchers at this lot when you next have a spare year: