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Get Marwood & I

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  1. Nice. For a second, and given Marvels current preoccupation with diversity, I thought that might be the cover to the latest edition of The Fantastic Four.
  2. Excellent, thanks @Derrico - I suspected they'd be Treasury Editions. Thanks for posting the pictures. I didn't include them in my research as I was concentrating on 'regular comic sized' books. Now I see them though, I think I may as well have a go at documenting them too. I had all the Spidey ones back in the day, pence and cents, so may have a few scans already somewhere. Anyway, stay in touch, as it's always nice to talk to people without any cents Hello @Derrico I had a go at documenting the full range of Marvel pence priced Treasury sized editions and came up with 23 issues in total. If you're still around, could you check and see if what I have listed is in line with your own copies? Hope the chart comes out OK, and all 23 pics are below. Cheers! Marvel Treasury / Special Editions Marvel Treasury Edition Issue Number Date Title Dollar Price Pence Price Pence Issue 1 1974 The Spectacular Spider-Man 1.50 NOPE 0 2 Dec-74 The Fabulous Fantastic Four 1.50 NOPE 0 3 1974 The Mighty Thor 1.50 50p 1 4 1975 Conan the Barbarian 1.50 50p 1 5 1975 The Hulk on the Rampage! 1.50 50p 1 6 1975 Doctor Strange 1.50 50p 1 7 1975 The Mighty Avengers 1.50 50p 1 8 1975 Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag 1.50 50p 1 9 Sep-76 Giant Superhero Team-Up 1.50 50p 1 10 1976 The Mighty Thor 1.50 50p 1 11 1976 The Fabulous Fantastic Four 1.50 50p 1 12 1976 Howard the Duck 1.50 50p 1 13 1976 Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag 1.50 50p 1 14 1977 The Sensational Spider-Man 1.50 50p 1 15 1977 Conan the Barbarian 1.50 50p 1 16 1978 The Defenders 1.50 50p 1 17 1978 The Incredible Hulk 1.50 50p 1 18 1978 The Astonishing Spider-Man 2.00 50p 1 19 1978 Conan the Barbarian 2.00 75p 1 20 1979 The Rampaging Hulk 2.00 NOPE 0 21 1979 Fantastic Four 2.00 NOPE 0 22 1979 The Sensational Spider-Man 2.00 NOPE 0 23 1979 Conan the Barbarian 2.00 NOPE 0 24 1979 The Rampaging Hulk 2.00 NOPE 0 25 1980 Spider-Man vs. the Hulk at the Winter Olympics 2.00 NOPE 0 26 1980 The Rampaging Hulk 2.00 NOPE 0 27 1980 The Sensational Spider-Man 2.00 NOPE 0 28 1981 Superman and Spider-Man 2.50 NOPE 0 Total 17 Marvel Special Edition Issue Number Date Title Dollar Price Pence Price Pence Issue 1 Jun-75 The Spectacular Spider-Man 1.50 0 1 Aug-77 Star Wars 1.00 50p 1 2 1977 Star Wars 1.00 50p 1 3 1978 Star Wars 2.50 0 3 1978 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1.50 0 2 1980 The Empire Strikes Back 2.00 0 Total 2 Marvel Treasury Special Issue Number Date Title Dollar Price Pence Price Pence Issue 1 1974 Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag 1.50 50p 1 1 1976 Captain America's Bicentennial Battles 1.50 75p 1 1 1976 2001: A Space Odyssey 1.50 75p 1 Total 3 DC And Marvel Present Issue Number Date Title Dollar Price Pence Price Pence Issue 1 1976 Superman Vs Spider-Man: Battle of The Century 2.00 75p 1 Total 1 Grand Total 23
  3. Excellent. He was in Lost in Space, made great records and collected comics. What great lives some people lead. Not enough fun in the world....
  4. That takes me back @newshane My Mum and Dad had that album. The robot reminded me of the big metal chap in Jason and the Argonauts and, if I'm honest, it scared the health out of me.
  5. What great lives some people lead. Not enough fun in the world....
  6. I couldn't find it with a search either so searched ebay instead to find a graded version. If you do a cert lookup on a graded version there's an entry in the cert overview, "graded at" which is a link to the census. I don't think CGC's search implementation is very well done for the census because some books are difficult to find if you don't know the proper title. I found it fairly easily. I searched for Avengers 11 and there are only four options, one of which is dated 1964 (the original print). The date of the promo is 2004 and it shows 15 graded copies so far. It doesn't differentiate between the three known versions but it's probably unreasonable to expect CGC to know what versions exist when dealing with little known promos that have multiple versions. From memory, the Grand Central copy was the hardest to find. I wonder if CGC would update the recording of future copies if we provided them with the three known variations? Probably not, as the existing 15 would render the data inaccurate I guess.
  7. Cheap enough, sure, but it was a 100% increase on it's predecessor Craig
  8. We need Jimmers to drop by. I bet he'll have a few examples in that stonking great vinyl collection of his. Jim? Where are ya? @porcupine48
  9. Not sure if this has been done before, but I'll start with this LP from the imaginatively titled 'Barnes & Barnes' which I found recently. I haven't played it yet but with titles like 'I want to live in your brain' and 'I don't remember tomorrow' it's got to be good. Hasn't it?
  10. I found three versions during my Spidey promo collecting days @shadroch 2004 Avengers # 11 – In New York Magazine Edition 2004 Avengers # 11 – In New York Magazine Edition: Grand Central 2004 Avengers # 11 – In New York Magazine Edition: Gray Line I don't own them now, but kept pictures:
  11. “Good afternoon. That pair of truculent cretins Marwood and I have invited me to say a few words to mark their 3,000th post on the CGC Boards. Quite why they chose me is anyone’s guess as those still living who know me will know that I am not normally in favour of such blatant suckupmanship. Nevertheless, there is something of the underdog about those two, so I feel it would be churlish of me to decline their earnest request. Will my words find favour with them? We shall see…..” Hello Pence Friends! Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to John Morlar for his wonderful introduction to this our 3,000th post. We were going to say “make some noise for big John” but realised that people who say things like that should be destroyed at the very earliest opportunity in, to quote Poirot, a manner horrific. So we didn't. But look, let’s not call this the 3,000th post – let’s call it The Last (Pence) Post. Bugles at the ready chaps. Before we proceed, it’s not every day that you get to meet your deceased fictional heroes and we like to think that John will be chuckling away somewhere up there in the nethersphere as his memory is momentarily revived back down here on terra infirmer. We did actually want Harold Pelham but he was too busy haunting himself. No matter. That reminds me, I must get around to reading this before the lights go out: Those of you in the know of the knowing know all knowledge will know that we have always favoured talking pence over cents in this thread. That is not to say that we think less of those who favour talking cents - far from it. But we have always liked to fly in the face of popular opinion so this post, like its predecessors, will continue to not deliver any semblance of cents whatsoever. See what ‘I’ did there? If a pence copy is your thing then read on and you will be duly rewarded by the three exciting pence dimensions we have concocted, namely: 1. Episode IV: A New Find 2. L Miller & Co Conclusions (caution, extreme detailia disinterestia content) 3. Dimentia5 Let us begin! By way of reminder, we have had up until now conclusive proof of 3,002 pence printed price variants. For the vast majority of titles, it is patently clear to two men and a dog like sparky which issues exist as pence copies and which don’t. For those few titles where there is doubt – the early ones mostly - we have The Missing List. Here it is: So, to dimension 1 – the new find. Dah-da-da-da, dah-dah-dah-dahhhhh! What a thing of flippin beauty. We’ve been looking for this book for 800 years and have frankly lost track of how many times we’ve drawn a blank. And don’t even mention the Jedi. This of course means that we now have 3,003 confirmed pence variants. Triffic. Our friends at the Comic Book Price Guide for Englandville cite TGK54 as one of the first 14 pence printed books: http://www.comicpriceguide.co.uk/features.php?id=23 Shall we argue about this here or later? Later. Much later, in fact. Not only is our friend the TGK54 a pence printed book, and a first wave book, but it is also an L Miller distributed book. Which brings us neatly, and without a single poo joke, to dimension number two. To have any chance of understanding dimension number two, you will need to have availed yourself of our sister thread the highly praised yet completely ignored L Miller Indicia Fred. Here she be: What we learn here is that it is almost certain that the following books do not exist as pence printed copies: Gunsmoke Western 61, 62, 64 Rawhide Kid 18, 20, 21, 23 Two-Gun Kid 56, 57, 58, 59 They should only exist as 10c priced books with L Miller indicias (so still variants after a fashion, just not pence printed price variants). Of those titles remaining on the Missing List, we have been looking for so long now that we feel that the chances of finding a copy are becoming remote in the extreme. We have said all along that we are happy to be proven wrong (and indeed we were so with a wayward Flash in our DC thread) but now is the time to say that 3,003 may be it. It would be a very nice symmetrical figure if so, don’t you think? If that number should increase, I am afraid you won’t hear about it here, hare, here , at least from us, as we have other fish to fry up into a Shippams paste. I am afraid that Marwood is getting restless again. He wants to go out and feed Mr Friendly Crow who he swears is pecking at the window. What a whimsical, twee cretin fellow he can be at times. Marwood that is, not MFC, who retains continued respect at all times through his total and absolute command of solo aloofness To conclude, we hope you, our long suffering reader (likely singular), will find something to favour or savour in this final round of wordy pence behaviour. And look, we almost forgot the third dimension. Here it is: We never did add up. Chin-chin! be seeing you, farewell. Or as the big fellow once said “end of (pence) message” Epilogue: 3,004. And a list. Title Confirmed Pence Number Range Total 2001: A Space Odyssey 1-10 10 Amazing Adult Fantasy 7-14 8 Amazing Adventures 5-6 2 Amazing Adventures 2nd Series 3-22, 26-39 34 Amazing Fantasy 15 1 Amazing Spider-Man 1-17, 28-41, 44-54, 71-120, 215-223 101 Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2 1 Astonishing Tales 2-7, 9-22, 25-36 32 The Avengers 1-8, 19-32, 35-45, 63-120, 153-182, 184-199, 201-203, 206-214 149 Battlestar Galactica 2, 9, 19 3 Black Goliath 1-5 5 Black Panther 1, 7-15 10 Captain America 159-171, 176-253, 256-264 100 Captain Marvel 12-21, 25-30, 34-48, 53-62 41 Chamber of Chills 19, 20, 22, 25 4 Chamber of Darkness 6-8 3 The Champions 1-12 12 Conan The Barbarian 12-35, 41-53, 57-81, 121-129 72 Creatures On The Loose 31-37 7 Crypt of Shadows 21 1 Daredevil 1-3, 9-20, 23-33, 51-108, 112-149, 151-160, 163-168, 170-177 146 Dazzler 2-10 9 Dead Of Night 10 1 Defenders 4-7, 9, 11-12, 15-54, 71-91, 94-102 77 Doctor Strange 4-21, 25-34, 46-50 33 The Eternals 1-18 18 Fantastic Four 1-31, 42-55, 58-68, 85-143, 149-175, 177-189, 212, 229-237 165 Fantastic Four Annual 3 1 Fantasy Masterpieces 1-2 2 Fear (Adventure Into) 23-31 9 Frankenstein 12-18 7 The Ghost Rider 1-6 6 Ghost Rider 1-4, 7, 9-19, 22, 36, 39-49, 51-52, 55-63 40 Gunsmoke Western 58, 59, 66-68, 72, 74-77 10 Howard The Duck 1-26 26 The Human Fly 1-19 19 The Human Torch 8 1 Incredible Hulk 1-6, 114-152, 161-166, 258-266 60 The Inhumans 1-9 9 The Invaders 3-40 38 Iron Fist 3-7 5 Iron Man 12-42, 47-66, 69, 71-111, 122-142, 145, 147-153 122 John Carter Warlord Of Mars 24-28 5 Journey Into Mystery 58-60, 62-63, 66-69, 72-109, 119-125 54 Journey Into Mystery Annual 1 1 Journey Into Mystery 2nd Series 8, 9, 12-18 9 Jungle Action 11-23 13 Ka-Zar, Lord Of The Hidden Jungle 5-18 14 Ka-Zar The Savage 1-9 9 Kid Colt Outlaw 91, 96-101, 103-104, 106-107, 109-119, 124-129, 133-137 33 Kull The Conqueror / Destroyer 7-11, 18 6 Logans Run 1-7 7 Luke Cage / Power Man & Iron Fist 20-57, 65-66, 68-76 49 Machine Man 10-18 9 Man-Thing 8-22 15 Man-Thing 2nd Series 1, 6 2 Marvel Chillers 1-5 5 Marvel Classics Comics 5, 7, 9-36 30 Marvel Double Feature 10 1 Marvel Feature (2nd Series) Feat. Red Sonja 2-7 6 Marvel Premiere 22, 24, 26-34, 37-57, 59-61 35 Marvel Presents: 1-9 9 Marvel Spotlight 8-13, 17, 26-31 13 Marvel Spotlight (Volume 2) 1-7, 9-10 9 Marvel Super Action 30-36 7 Marvel Super Heroes 72, 80 2 Marvel Tales 104, 126-134 11 Marvel Tales Annual 2 1 Marvel Team-Up 24-37, 39-80, 82-99, 101, 111-112 77 Marvel Triple Action 28, 30, 32, 43-47 8 Marvel Two-in-One 11-71, 74-82 70 Marvel's Greatest Comics 68, 93 2 Master Of Kung Fu 36-96, 99-107 70 The Micronauts 28-36 9 Monsters on the Prowl 9-12, 15-16 6 Moon Knight 1-3, 6-14 12 Ms. Marvel 1-23 23 My Girl Pearl 7 1 Night Rider 5 1 Not Brand Echh 1 1 The Man Called Nova 1-16, 20-24 21 Omega The Unknown 1-6 6 Patsy And Hedy 70-71 2 Rawhide Kid 17, 24, 26-42, 48-54, 56-60, 151 32 Red Sonja 1, 7-14 9 ROM Space Knight 1-3, 17-22, 24-25 11 Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandos 1-10, 21-34, 37-47, 107-117, 128, 132, 152, 163-166 53 Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandos Annual 1 1 She-Hulk, The Savage 9-10, 15-23 11 Shogun Warriors 4-20 17 The Silver Surfer 11-18 8 Skull The Slayer 2-8 7 Son Of Satan 1-4 4 (Peter Parker) The Spectacular Spider-Man 1, 53-61 10 Spider-Woman 5-34, 37, 38, 40, 41 34 Star Trek 13, 14, 16, 17 4 Star Wars 2-5 4 Strange Tales 75-77, 79-125, 136-150, 152-162, 175-187, 89 Sub-Mariner 12-69 58 Super Natural Thrillers 13, 15 2 Super-Villain Team-Up 3-9 7 Tales of Suspense 10, 13-58, 69-83, 85-95 73 Tales To Astonish Volume 1 10, 14, 16-61, 71-84, 87-97 73 Tales To Astonish Volume 2 4-14 11 Tarzan 24-29 6 Thor 126-132, 135-146, 163-221, 226-282, 285-299, 301-303, 306-314 162 Tomb Of Darkness 10-20, 23 12 Tomb of Dracula 7-18, 23-28, 55-62 26 Two-Gun Kid 54-55, 60-72, 77-90 29 Vault Of Evil 23 1 Warlock 4-5, 9-15 9 Weird Wonder Tales 5-11 7 Werewolf By Night 6-14, 20-39, 41 30 Where Monsters Dwell 3-23, 25-27, 30, 32-37 31 Worlds Unknown 8 1 Wyatt Earp 29 1 Uncanny X-Men 1-7, 13-24, 27-37, 55-66, 73-86, 89-93, 96-101, 108-120, 123-136, 138-141, 144-152 107 Updated 11/09/17 Total 3,004
  12. Morning Miller Minions. Sorry for the extended absence, but Marwood and I have been busy trying to break through the bottom of the tedium barrel whilst fighting against the slings and arrows of the fortune outrageous as Poirot might say, were he alive and real and not dead and fictional. As is often the case, the last few inches have proven problematic, but persist we did and we’re finally through. So prepare yourselves for a fresh round of musings from Camp Tedium on the rare genus comicana uninterestia nitpickia tediata. In keeping with tradition, we will link the findings here to our sister thread the Mighty Marvel Pence Variant thread. We’ll be updating that soon to ensure we get to the year 3,000 and, in doing so, secure our next Boreds Title, unilaterally imposed on us as it is by Monsieur See-No-Hear-No-Speak-No. We begin this final Miller post proper with a pretty picture of a brand new and mightily significant find, Two-Gun Kid #54. But look, let’s not call her ‘Two-Gun Kid #54’. Let’s call her ‘Two-Gun Kid #54, 9d Copy with L Miller & Sons distribution data’. Ta-dahhh! And inside... What a lovely book, the only one we’ve seen in 800 years. Did we already mention the Jedi training? We did? Right. We’ve just spent a few minutes holding it, smelling it and feeling nostalgically content with it. And then we looked at the comic. We were lucky enough to snag this copy from the Bay of the E and it now sits among its L Miller chums in a short box looking, we have to say, ridiculously smug and superior. And why not? In addition to the TGK54, we also found photos of a book we sadly missed, so don't own, Rawhide Kid #22. You’ll see she’s also a Miller with cents: When we started out on this journey last November it is fair to say that we knew very little (insert joke here) about this aspect of our comic history. One Gunsmoke Western with a 10c price and an L Miller indicia strapline courtesy of the much missed EwanUK was all we had to go on. Now, almost a year later, and after much digging and scraping, we think we’ve cracked the code. As is often the case, a chart is required to support the findings. There have been a number of charts to date. We like charts. But this is the final chart. Here she be: Imagine if you will the gallery theme tune from Vision On is playing in the background as we deliver the usual findings and conclusions. First up, we can see that there are 5 western titles in the running from May 1960: Gunsmoke Western Kid Colt Outlaw Rawhide Kid Two-Gun Kid Wyatt Earp L Miller as we know were largely known for reprinting Atlas western titles from the 50’s, and we’ve found no evidence of any non-western L Miller first printing Marvel interventions to suggest they went for any other genres. Although this picture from the web got us wondering on this point for a while. Can’t see inside though, alas…… To further break the wordy monotony (TLDR! TLDR! …..WFOT), here’s a picture of an L Miller reprint example by way of timely interlude: Nice. Back to the chart conclusions, we can see that Gunsmoke Western, Two-Gun Kid and Rawhide Kid all have confirmed L Miller copies. Poor old Wyatt Earp ended as it all started with number 29 and, as we only have a 9d cover image, we don’t know what’s inside. Clearly, L Miller were publishing Wyatt Earp reprints (see above interlude example), so it may be that if we ever find a copy of #29 it will have an L Miller indicia strapline (if it’s blank, i.e. no LM or T&P strapline, as can be the case, and has no 6d cover stamp, we may never know). Kid Colt Outlaw seems to have escaped the Millers clutches with a number of copies in the ‘Miller’ date range appearing to indicate that Thorpe & Porter locked down this title. It makes you wonder how it all came about. Some chap in the Thorpe & Porter offices one day says “OK chaps, there’s money to be made here. Let’s import Marvel comics and get them to slap a nine donkey price tag on them. We’ll clean up”. As the deal progresses Mr Miller gets wind (terrible farter he was), dives in and says “Hey, just wait a cotton pickin minute pardner! (he liked westerns you see). We’ve been doing those western titles for more years than those cretins Marwood & I have been training Jedi – if anyone’s gonna distribute those titles it’ll be us ya varmint!”. “Oh do come on Mr Miller – at least let us have the Kid”. A deal is done satisfying all parties and in May 1960 a batch of 9d printed lovelies come hopping across the pond, some for T&P to distribute, some for L Miller. Ultimately, T&P win the day and muscle the Millers out of the game, taking over all titles from August 1961. Maybe the Millers failed to compete by charging 6d to T&P’s 9d? Miller the younger goes on to make films. Speculation aside, these are the kind of details we may never know. We’ve tried hard to track down Arnold Miller – we don’t even know if he’s still alive – so this may all end up dissolving into history, much like the Batty replicant’s tears did in that rain that time, just off the shoulder of Orion. Sniff. Those in the know of the knowing know all knowledge will know that we don’t have all the copies in the date ranges yet. For those that don’t, there are clues on the chart in the form of blank spaces. But we think we have enough information now to say with some certainty that: L Miller exclusively distributed at least 3 Marvel titles from May 1960 to July 1961 The first two issues of those titles were 9d printed copies (possibly as a result of that being the price T&P requested) which L Miller sold subsequently for 6d (hence the cover stamp, and possibly an attempt to outprice T&P) From Sep 1960 to Jul 1961, the L Miller titles reverted to 10c (but with L Miller distribution details added to the indicia) and Miller would add a 6d cover stamp. This may have been to prevent confusion – a 9d printed price with a 6d stamp would likely confuse in the UK, as both are valid prices, whereas a 6d stamp clearly overrides a cents printed price From August 1961, the L Miller copies stop and Thorpe & Porter take over all Marvel titles To conclude, Marwood and I feel that L Miller & Sons have been completely overlooked in the history of the distribution of Marvel first printing copies in the UK. Thorpe & Porter have taken all the glory. We hope this thread goes some way to rectifying that injustice, and we’re pleased to see that our ramblings and pictures now appear in the results of ‘L Miller’ Googleation attempts. We hope anyone else with an interest in this history will find their way here one day in the distant future and crack on with the search for the as yet unconfirmed copies. That person doesn’t seem to be here today alas, as this thread has met with universal indifference from a supposed enthusiast crowd. Possibly everyone has us on ignore as a result of that attention seeking scapegrace Dog Like Sparky and his embarrassing shenanigans but, as Michael Jagger once said, “A jumpin jack flash is a gas gas gas”. No one likes an insecure wing nut. No matter. Marwood needs his medicine now and I need Divine Intervention so we’ll leave you with our best wishes and two final pictures. These two compare a Gunsmoke Western #65 US copy, which arrived in the post this week looking all pleased with itself, to an L Miller copy which was already in situ and planning a stand off with our new kid in town TGK #54 (“Flippin noobs he said. Who do they think they are!”): Indeed. Who do they think they are? Super covers. Super comics. Chin-chin!
  13. Hello @Redshade, sorry I haven't responded sooner. I have a family illness to deal with and will likely be away from the boards for some time after this post. But I didn't want to leave you unattended as pence collectors are few and far between and must be encouraged. According to my research there are 107 X-Men pence printed variants from a possible 152 issues as follows: 1 - 7 priced 9d 13 - 24 priced 10d 27 - 37 priced 10d 55 - 66 priced 1/- 73 - 86 priced 6p 89 - 90 priced 7p 91 - 93 priced 8p 96 - 98 priced 9p 99 - 101 priced 10p 108 - 120 priced 12p 123 - 133 priced 12p 134 - 136 priced 15p 138 - 141 priced 15p 144 - 152 priced 20p All the issue 'gaps' are in line with other titles and relate to shipping strikes, printer changes and double sized issues (e.g. 137 is double sized hence no pence copy). I note you are missing 111, 129 and 132 - they definitely exist: Good luck with the hunt and I hope this list helps you. As Adamantium said, don't take it personally if your post is taken down by the mods. CGC see images of competitors products as free advertising and do tend to remove them when they spot them. It is in no way a reflection on you as a new member, so do stick around. When I get through my personal stuff we can debate pence books further. Cheers, Steve
  14. Here they be @Spider-Variant There's a great book on the Andru / Esposito partnership if you can find a copy. Here that be:
  15. Using our usual crystal ball approach, Marwood guessed Spidey and I guessed the Hulk. Patrick refused to play.
  16. Being in Englandville I always miss all the fun. Just woke up to see how I did, with a level of excitement unbecoming of a man my age. I thought the Jo Jo was an obvious 3.0 but had no idea how CGC would treat the ink marks on Gay so went down the middle. But I see I did ok, and have inched up a few more places. Regarding all the 'cheating', I feel sorry for two groups. The organisers who are putting in so much effort - and the people who scored bullseyes fairly. They must now feel that others will be wondering whether they looked them up. So a bit of the fun has gone out of it. Out of respect for Thirdgreenham and Sckao I'll keep on playing fairly to the end and will just have to hope that whoever claims my prize offering is worthy of it.
  17. They are nice. You do like your fire and water covers don't you Harry