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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I used to have fun sending these in to DWB as a young whippersnapper.....
  2. I can remember reading somewhere on the boards a debate as to whether double inserts existed - I had one back in the day - this ASM #96 had two NDIs: I should've taken a pic of the inside
  3. Ok, here we go. First up, a book I used to own: And here are the screen dumps I did from Ebay a long time ago. You can just about make out the books: Hope they help
  4. Number 2 in a series of Events The Direct Edition of Amazing Spider-Man #389 has two different Marvel Mart advertising inserts:
  5. Number 1 in a series of Some Amazing Spider-Man #387 has two different back cover configurations. This applies to both Direct and Newsstand Editions, so there are four to collect if you're a completist / completionist / nutter:
  6. If i can quote The Housemartins, Bah bah bah bah BUILD! I really want to! Seriously, unless you're saving this stuff for a future sale, or are obsessive about preserving the condition, then build it. It's what it was made for and how cool will it look in your man cave This would be one of the last things I would sell, but I am a bit obsessive about condition The question is, does the display that cannot be seen actually exist.....? Build it. Love it. Revel in it. And most importantly, send us all a picture of it when you've done it.
  7. Thank you Chokie, I'd forgotten about you again too. It's nice to be back.
  8. If i can quote The Housemartins, Bah bah bah bah BUILD! I really want to! Seriously, unless you're saving this stuff for a future sale, or are obsessive about preserving the condition, then build it. It's what it was made for and how cool will it look in your man cave
  9. If i can quote The Housemartins, Bah bah bah bah BUILD!
  10. Its the Hotel California for the collectibles set! Indeed it is! But I'm off to reception to get another room - there's a funny buzzing noise in this one I thought you were quitting this awful, awful place? I made a mistake when the chemicals were low and have apologised for it. So I won't be quitting this awful, awful place, but I will be quitting interaction with awful, awful people. So unless you can say anything charitable Harvey.....
  11. Its the Hotel California for the collectibles set! Indeed it is! But I'm off to reception to get another room - there's a funny buzzing noise in this one that's just the sound of their steely knives.... Shame, because it's such a lovely place.
  12. Its the Hotel California for the collectibles set! Indeed it is! But I'm off to reception to get another room - there's a funny buzzing noise in this one
  13. I hate to see a good post with no comments I think you're right, the price has more or less doubled over the last few years, and it could well be down to AF15 moving out of sight of many pockets. Future collectors are going to need very deep pockets if they want the keys. Bit of a shame in a way.
  14. I think I'm the only one who found the Pa Kent death scene quite moving. What I felt was that Jonathan knew that if Clark saved him - which I accept he could have done so in a blink - that he would likely have then tried to save others and, in doing so, reveal his powers. It was more important to Pa that his son's anonymity was preserved. I was touched by Costner's acting - when he raised his hand and shook his head it brought a lump to my throat. I did like it and thought it fit in with the overall mood of the film. No you aren't. There are at least two of us. Emotional souls unite!
  15. That's an interesting point you raise there. I liked the dream sequence (and consider it a taste of things to come) however did we really need it? What I'd like to see is a whole movie based around the dream sequence concept... Future Bats up against Rogue Supes, where neither are playing by the usual rules. Someone get me WB on the phone! I liked it too, in isolation, but I missed what it added to the film. It seemed to break the flow for me and the double dream was a bit clunky. Hold on, I've got the head of WB on the other line.....
  16. I think I'm the only one who found the Pa Kent death scene quite moving. What I felt was that Jonathan knew that if Clark saved him - which I accept he could have done so in a blink - that he would likely have then tried to save others and, in doing so, reveal his powers. It was more important to Pa that his son's anonymity was preserved. I was touched by Costner's acting - when he raised his hand and shook his head it brought a lump to my throat. I did like it and thought it fit in with the overall mood of the film. I had a lot of issues with the film, and many more w bvs, but I was fine w the pa Kent thing. It rang true of the uncertainty and insecurities Clark might still have had at the time. And seemed reasonable as his ongoing motivation. My main issue is that I ended up wishing I was watching a movie about Lois searching for superman, rather than the actual superman movie we got. Her gradual discovery of superman was so compelling that it made the other parts noticeably weaker to me. I think that's my main gripe with the dceu movies so far. There's some good stuff in there, but I can't help feeling like there's a similar but better movie in there somewhere, but we're not getting it. I get what you're saying here. I often come out of films thinking that there was a better one just waiting to be made (I'm 100% certain that my own Rogue One plot would've been a much better movie, but then again wouldn't anyone's!?) and I like your Lois searching angle. The only thing I would change about BvS though would be to lose the dream sequences. They were the only real jarring points for me.
  17. You're welcome. Good luck with the search. And to think I sold these two for less than $250.... Bugger!
  18. Some Spidey info from my old Completist days (all long since sold):
  19. I think I'm the only one who found the Pa Kent death scene quite moving. What I felt was that Jonathan knew that if Clark saved him - which I accept he could have done so in a blink - that he would likely have then tried to save others and, in doing so, reveal his powers. It was more important to Pa that his son's anonymity was preserved. I was touched by Costner's acting - when he raised his hand and shook his head it brought a lump to my throat. I did like it and thought it fit in with the overall mood of the film.
  20. I think you have great taste Ken. I enjoyed both films too. They had a great mood and BvS had one of the greatest, most moving soundtracks of any superhero film I've seen. In fact, I thought BvS had an epic feel to it and was very cleverly plotted. Imagine how difficult it must be to create a believable real world setting in which both Superman and Batman exist, let alone go up against each other. If I had made that film I would be so proud and would be expecting both critical and fan praise. The response baffled me and, I bet, it baffled all who were involved in its making. Unfortunately in life you sometimes just have to accept that you know that what you have done is brilliant......
  21. Hi Guys, During the interlude I've been busy gathering further evidence on both themes in this thread I started. I've more or less worked out the L Miller situation, and will post the findings soon. Gunsmoke Western, it turns out, is not the only title which has an L Miller indicia line, so it is no longer correct to say (as most reference sites do) that Thorpe & Porter were "the sole distributors of Marvel comics in the early 1960's". They weren't. Turning to the early price font variants, I've populated tables for a number of additional titles and, again, more or less have the complete picture of the brief time period where these variations exist. That detail later (with pictures - I moved some of my old ones into a folder and that seems to have broken some of the picture links in my previous posts). As to why these font / price format variations exist, I've been less successful. CGC are not responding to any mails and, whilst I've had responses from a number of high profile industry figures, all replied in the "can't help you but good luck in your search" mould. I've sent private messages to a number of board members who had links to Sparta, but no luck so far. So as it stands, I know what exists, and in what pattern, but still don't know why. But there may be a glimmer of hope.... Despite being advised that I was wasting my time, I wrote to Steve Ditko, firstly, to thank him for the impact on my life his work has had, but also - somewhat cheekily I guess - to see if he knew why these font variations exist. Maybe he would surprise me with an answer! So I composed a letter on the 6th of January this year and my wife (who's been kicking up a storm elsewhere from the looks of it) took it to the post office on the 7th. She forgot to put the equivalent of return postage in the envelope. So I thought I'd be a lucky man if my letter did not grace his dust bin. 13 days later....... I can't bring myself to open it!
  22. Nope, you and the other one who suggested it are both wrong. For the record, I'm based in England and this is the only board i.d. I've ever had. I have no idea why you would think otherwise, or who Lavaman is/was. I see pretty much every online response has been derisive so far, so my instincts were right. A Mark Jewellers insert to the first person who says "so much for last post". Enjoy the Silence, unless you're a Doctor Who fan that is.