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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. Does it really have to sell to be updated to sold? Then in a year or so roll it out as an auction and watch the bidding go up to 4+ mill by wealthy folks perceiving they're getting a great deal. Perhaps that is the actual plan all along???
  2. The most interesting post stuff like the past few pages, takes place in thread whos title does not reflect the content
  3. ^ IME that is an outlier for the oldest school slabs. Logical or not something about that old label that makes me feel good wish I could say the same for post 2015 slabs.
  4. Very possible and good business if a big client and in effect large scale influencer (you are man and have earned it) like yourself is given the VIP Red Carpet Treatment to the extent as CGC's and their parent company internal rules and regulations permit. That does not mean will be perfect for you from CGC but on the whole better than the average customer. Which again, giving preferential treatment to your firms most important clients is tenant of great business.
  5. You are a larger customer than most. Which brings forth some speculative questions: 1) Do larger clients receive greater attention to QC? 2) Are inner wells used for larger clients from different stock/shipments CGC has received? Meaning they do so much biz with some submitters that supplies are set aside in advance to ensure fewer delays in event of an unforseen supply shortage (aka good business) - perhaps the supplies are even stored in separate spaces. 3) If issue resides in the sealing procedure, is that now done differently, likley more time consuming manner, for larger clients. Which wraps into #1 in this list. @joeypost you are highly respected by many including myself and you have earned trust time and time again, were you looking at the sides of the books since beginning of the year or only recently when this came to your attention? If only recently do you feel it's plausible you may have had affected books earlier in year ? If in May CGC did become aware of the issue and for their larger clients started to implement or pilot something akin to #2 and #3 above then all the submissions you have received back since you personally became aware may not have been affected? -------- Yeah it borders on conspiracy but still it's very interesting that the largest submitter's who have weighed in here seem to have noted zero affected slabs but all small time submitter's and those who have purchased 2024 slabbed books from other sources seem to have ultra high levels of slabs with issues. Logically there must be some difference in the process and or supplies used.
  6. Most certainly plausible, so too is the heat being applied to each inner well edge one at a time rather than concurrently. I'm also sure there are other possible explanations. What I do know is we will never be informed of the actual root cause. I think those who store the slabs horizontally vs upright vertically are exceptions. I've never seen anyone store horizontally or sideways but I'm sure a few do...
  7. My thought was the additional mass would hinder the pressure from the inner well or that the process on the larger slabs differed. Perhaps not on both those counts.
  8. @CGC Mike any chance of cleanup? this way the thread stays on point complaining about your employer
  9. ^ My apology was genuine. I have voluntary taken some recent EQ (Emotional Intelligence) courses, as I now have to handle increased and younger staff at work. I should have worded my initial post differently and not put anyone on the defensive even indirectly. I constantly try to improve myself but like all of us no one is perfect. Make note: You can not control the actions of others but you can control your own
  10. On Magazine size the .35's greatly reduce protection. When I can, I use a .24 + a .35 combined on the same Mag. But if the Mag is too thick it wont work thus need a larger size Mag Mylite and boards. Cole no longer has the old Time-X-Tenders. Their current Mylar/Plastic type cost whole lot more and not as simple or fast to use. You have to peel the coating off of both sides which takes more time when doing a bunch of books then you have to dispose of pile of coatings. Not to mention I found only way not to get my prints on the boards was to wear gloves (I use Venom) that limits dexterity which makes the process even slower. I gave up on the new X-Tenders after my first order. Not easy to be an "old school collector" in the hobby anymore. By "old school collector" I mean one who just wants to go back to 2019 or very early 2020
  11. Approx the 1st two years were something special. The first year being totally unique in comics at the time. Nice article in Back Issue Magazine 127
  12. Yeah my comment was less than nice and for that my apologies - seriously. However, Did that really deserve you disparaging another collectors interests? If your books are not affected and others have been, perhaps as a large client your submissions are handled different. Example more attention to QC. After all a tenent of great business it to keep your biggest clients as happy as your internal regulations permits. This will be my last response to one of your postings as well as alluding to you in any manner. Hoping at this juncture you will do the same in return so we can both take the high road.
  13. ___________________ The Santa Ana winds may soon be heading east.
  14. I recall Bob and others like him being dead set against CGG for multiple years at the start. They will waffle and flip flop on their opinions if the marketplace shows even a hint of being kind to PSA.
  15. The clear plastic will not absorb acid, those full back boards might? Whether a positive or negative that needs to be looked at further. interesting reading;
  16. I'm going to say 600-800K due to the bottom middle panel.
  17. Breaking News: Roy Thomas now taking credit for creating Conan, Captain America, Superman, Tom Sawyer and Sherlock Holmes. Disney will now list Roy as sole creator of Captain America. IMHO Gerry Conway and others had better outlive Roy or he will weasel his way into Stealing credit for Punisher and other Characters...
  18. Retro Old School 1st Gen CGC label/flip. Like how Marvel still offers original design as a Variant on most Masterwork editions
  19. Based on the amount of 9.8 books i received with badly crushed backs in the past 6 months it does appear to be the way many including CLink and suprisingly MCS conducts their business. I will say at least with MCS they are Total Pros and returns are easy. Clink too but getting them on the phone presents challenges due to their tiny staff. eBay is hit or miss hassle depending on seller. I've shown some examples of the inner well notches causing damage to comics earlier in this thread. Damage is in exact shape of the notches. 2nd Gen slabs has nice flat inner well tops and bottoms so was not an issue. If respected folks in the hobby are missing crushed bottoms or tops of 9.8 labelled books, then logically they certainly will not take a fair amount of extra time to view sides of slabs to check for curved or wavy inner wells. Wells that in short amounts of time after slabbing will damage standard size comics.
  20. BTW Roy had not lost his mind. If anything its proven he is still as Rascally as ever. Where Rasically = Devious Honest Good People don't rise to an Executive Position like Editor In Chief. You need to be nasty, cutthroat, and to at least some degree a sociopath. That goes for any Exec Position in any semblance of a decent size firm. Those who lack those characteristics never rise above middle levels
  21. ^ Agreed. CBCS will have no niches left. CGCs parent should purchase them for their superior slab tech and patents.