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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. It goes down in price. From 1961-present the chasm between Marvel and DC book is growing. Outside of Batman and Joker who are usually as hot as B-level Marvel Characters, The only recent outlier's are seemingly Harley Quinn and Black Adam - Shazam is perhaps equal to a C- level Marvel Character. Sandman has started to freezer chill. TV Shows don't help DC, Large Budget Motion Pictures Don't help DC. It's just the way it .Smart Money purchases only Marvel. True collectors also purchase DC and realize stagnation is the standard.
  2. Low-ish census due to low values in past. Now after decades it's finally worth it to some to submit for grading. We've seen this before as the census numbers climb on a large print run DC book values will drop as demand sinks. Yeah in short term especially it will go up, but IMHO it is not a good investment for very long, it will fall below $100 in 1-2 years. It's huge print run Non Batman DC after all.... BTW folk I'm not anti-DC, in fact from mid 80's until I stopped collecting in 2011 due to the hubris of Lee, Johns, Didio. I was a huge DC buyer with my purchases easily outnumbering Marvel + Independents combined. I was a fan of DC's deep rich tapestry until that was destroyed by the aforementioned who trio actions showed they cared merely about increasing their short-term Corporate Bonus amounts at the expense of the future and then current fans.
  3. I for one am glad I picked up bulk of my 70's art, especially the covers and splashes, 14-20 years ago and held onto approx 95% of it. I believe most of my stuff beat the S&P 500 which is not easy to do over a long haul. Some of it will be used to fund an early retirement. Won't be easy to part with many of the pieces but getting out of the "rat race" early will be priceless.
  4. Please explain how you determined minimum $60 per book for grading cost. Lowest Tier fees per book for Modern (1975-present) is $22, Economy (pre 1975) is $33, and Magazines are $30 for modern, $40 for Economy. While quite a bit less than the $60 mentioned they are not as low in price compared to just the beginning of the year. https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/ As for Max Value its a comic by comic basis. Never assume your comic is 9.8 if you are a beginner or you will be in for financial disappointment. If the comic looks "perfect" to an inexperienced collectors eyes it is likley 9.2 or 9.4 with even a 9.6 being less likely. Determine approx condition then base max value on recent eBay sales unless you have GPA or GoCollect access. There are plenty of youtube video for CGC beginners, perhaps start there. My guess is 2-3 hours of reading, viewing and effort and you will be able to at least figure out rough ballpark grades. Make note that it's better to figure a grade or 2 lower on a raw book, CGC will up-charge if you are too low in your estimate but they will never refund money for overestimating. P.S. Never assume just because the book is in a bag, that the bag increases it's desirability or value. Recently I've seen postings from folks who seem to think a comic being in a bag with a board has some added meaning...
  5. Did not realize had few dozen appearances the past 38 years. Well worth the $1000 for MTU 131 then </sarcasm>
  6. Some error in their scraping. Check GPA for it actual going rate.
  7. To further prove DC is not Marvel: Using that top cover - Shining Knight, Dr Midnight, Steel, Hawkman, and Starman have all appeared on DC live action Television in either or both 2020 and 2021 yet their appearances have NOT gone up even a dime! If that run-off-mill book was a Marvel and the 5 characters mentioned had been on a Marvel TV show it might be $200 in 9.8.... Stargirl has a very well done TV show. 1st app of the character "Stars and STRIPE 0" now sits unsold at $150 in CGC 9.8. Then look at 9.8's prices commanded by Kate Bishop's 1st app or Echo's 1st app or even the White Vision WCA 47 nonsense. My guess Naomi's 1st app will have little or no demand as well. This is why DC book's except for outliers do not get hot at best they get momentarily lukewarm. Folk's Mr Bones Infinity Inc's will not be an outlier no matter who drew the 1st app. Anyone spending 3 figures on it thinking it's an "investment" will be sadly mistaken. P.S. Then you have the MTU with White Rabbit commanding 4 figures at one point this year. A one and done throwaway character - Seriously WTF? Yet Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl nee Star Spangled Kid II) 1st app will be under $100 in CGC 9.8 with little interest in 2022 and that's the title Character of an on-air DC TV show. I Like DC but they are so dwarfed by Marvel its nearly unbelievable.
  8. Agreed, stuff that keeps a 9.8 from being a 9.9 like centering and minute amount of paper loss on a corner (under magnification), or tiny bindery defect will not helped by a press. But yeah I guess in theory some very strong 9.8's can be moved up with a press, in actuality not sure how many of those cases would ever exist... My opinion taking a strong 9.8 and pressing it mathematically more is likely to result in a 9.6 rather than a 9.9
  9. It does very much to Thanos. BTW new comic sales have steadily decreased and will continue to do so. There are less Comic Collectors now than 12,15,20,25,30 years ago. Although it's slightly more cool to do so than at any point in history - so there's that.
  10. I do admire your idealism if you thought it would be different on an internet forum
  11. Those are 80's books - did you mean 80's hoarder? If so that was not the topic at hand and much easier to make bank with books from that decade than with early 90's glut. 9.9's yeah that's decent money, not sure how you managed multiple copies from raw purchases in that grade unless you had buddy planted at CGC grading the books However, 9.9 or 10's are outliers to these type of conversations. They are a privileged class all their own.
  12. Yes, Superman #75 had more media coverage. Not sure how many retailers truly ran out or like my LCS at the time was "screwing" loyal customers to make a quick buck. Found out from a buddy who worked at my LCS is reason there was no #75 for regulars on release day was; my LCS owner had all his #75 copies placed in his back office. Selling them for $25 to $50 to the those jumpin' on the bandwagon. Those folks of course never, ever, never, ever came back. All one-and-done. From that point on I went from spending $40-$60 per week at that shop to purchasing less than 10 books over the next 20 years there. The owner of the new shop I became a regular at said I was not alone in my actions in fact i started to notice a lot my old shop's regular's there. The Superman #75 was straw that broke camels back. He pulled similar nonsense with X-Force 1 copies with what at the time contained the desirable Cable card. Approx 10 years later I happened to stop by the old shop and the owner asked if I had moved as he has not seen me in years. I explained the Superman #75 incident and he did not seem to understand. He said he was making fast profit per book why wouldn't he do that. I proceed to explain how just on me alone how many 10's of thousands of dollars of profit he left on table to gain a quick few buck's to people who never patronized his shop again. He still did not get it. While the guy did make a living for 2+ decades from his shop, he could have been making so much more money... I've found in my life more times than not that "small business owner" = "small mind". Those thinking they are smart for holding on the 90's glut drek for 30 years. You got LUCKY with COVID. Pure luck does not equal business skill. The bubble is bursting however and will likley have ramifications that last multiple years. Prices on Glut era books are already less than half their peak and dropping - just look at ASM 361. Sell now, be willing to take under going rate of the day just to finally get rid of the stuff as in the near future it again will be nearly dead product.
  13. Seem we are in agreement But yeah most 16-18 don't make real investments. Some that do however become the next generation of moguls.
  14. Yep a good list. I can also think of: 1) Possible storage costs over the years if applicable. These could offset all profit depending on the situation. 2) Inflationary losses compounded since day of purchase. This applies until items are sold. Depending on index used cumulative inflation from 1992-2021 (Jan 1) is 98.5%. When the 2021 numbers are determined expect that to jump to a minimum of 102%. Every $2.00 on Dec 31, 1992 was equal to $3.96 on Jan 1 2021. Many perceive a sale as all profit including some shop owners I knew, none of them are still in business. They simply did not understand a re-occurring expense for storage is not a substitute for steady continuous cash flow. Not sure if was hoarding mentality or just a total lack of business acumen.
  15. Man you hit it right on head w/condition. Those few who read my postings know that I used to go to 3 Comic Shops on release day seeking what are now considered 9.8 books. Even doing that there were times I'd have to settle for lesser condition (considered 9.2-9.6 today). It was difficult even getting 1 or 2 copies of some books in 9.8, now imagine trying to find 50 or 100 locally? It's certainly plausible but unlikely and a issue basis. If seeking bulk copies in 9.8, yeah you could get lucky on one book but strike out on 15 others...
  16. I guess if you has enough of them that graded 9.8W you'd be able to make enough profit early in the COVID era to send 1 kid for for 2 years to a state college.. Still it would have to be a lot of books. My guess is if a 5K had been put into a S&P 500 fund in the early 90's rather than dumped into a bunch of glut era comics you might be able to send 2 kids through a 4 year college, assuming state school Over the long haul it's not easy to beat the S&P 500 and most don't. It's why in Oct 2008 I took Buffet's advice and directed most of my then current and future (to this day) 401K in to S&P 500 and 400 funds. That has proven to be a far more wiser choice than to buy up glut era comics.
  17. Always difficult to pinpoint higher grades from pics but based on what i see you have a nice 9.4 and firm plausible 9.6 with a press. If you get a 9.6 IMHO put it away, future you may be glad you did. It's one of the few hot books from earlier this year that has not lost very much of it's gains. It may have long lasting legs and be considered a classic cover as time goes on, if not already.......? It's probably my Favorite TM ASM cover!
  18. 5.0 maybe a weak 5.5 if grader just received some good personal news. IMHO not worth pressing. Going rate on the book is way down the past 3 months, its a DC after all
  19. 9.0 possible 9.2 if some of the back right bottom presses out? Unless centering is extremely bad on a book I could not care less about it personally. It's one of the things I despise about the trading card hobby.
  20. Although topic is Movies, I want more Comic Book TV Shows. I really do! It's nice escapism at night after work.