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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I, thankfully, can do lawyer stuff at home. Today I had oral argument before a federal judge from my dining room. I really wish my family would STFU in the background though. My 8 year old demanded breakfast, my wife disappeared, and I am making a sandwich for the kid while the other side argued. I won.
  2. For most other shops new comics pay the rent, so I guess you are unusual
  3. I'm not sure how pumping 1-6 more weeks of releases into a quarantined market will save the floppy. It may kill it faster.
  4. I met Neal Adams at the NYC Art Expo, not a comic con, so he was pretty pleasant as he was not dealing with a bunch of signature grubbing fanboys, but rather, general art collectors who may not have been that aware of him as a comic legend per se. Didn't ask him to sign anything though.
  5. What's the point with half or more of the shops getting closed? Give it a pause for a month or two. Maybe a month in isolation will result in some incredible creativity.
  6. Seems like a great time to buy books like these...just not at January 2020 prices?
  7. Probably not getting either though... Adams is not a young guy, but he has been signing like crazy....
  8. It's an Adams book and not a nothing book, so it is desirable, but I wouldn't call it a key
  9. Same price, etc.... Not a key, early BA, Neal Adams cover/sig. What would you buy? I'm not a signature hound, but he's a legend and obviously someone I grew up loving his art. I don't mind having some sigs.
  10. We have been going up here 5,000+ cases a day the last few. Yesterday just under 16K, now just under 21K. This is serious stuff. On March 17 there were 1374. I know Oregon has not exploded, yet, in part because y'all are less on top of each other. Heck, my teen who was hanging out in the street last week with some local girls and definitely not keeping 6 feet apart has now accepted that he has to stay in for the time being. A week ago he was screaming at me telling me my obese 47 year old lungs had nothing to worry about. Terrible weather today (snowy rain) helped. My mother is in the hospital (not with corona, for now...) and I feel terrible as I am not even allowed to visit.
  11. This should probably be your full time profession once quarantine is over...
  12. I have no idea. I am sure this executive edict is going to need tweaking.
  13. Maybe Cuomo can't dictate Freddie mac loans, but I think he can pretty much do it for any private bank that does business in New york
  14. I find it wild that in Colorado, closer where to this stuff is made/produced, you don't have stuff, while my NYC stores are in decent shape. No hand santizer or Clorox wipes or Lysol, but paper products and food
  15. From the NY Post: Homeowners will still have to make good on the payments, but they will be tacked onto the back end of their mortgage agreements, sans late fees, Cuomo said. “Eliminating that stressor for 90 days, I think, will go a long way,” he said, noting that the offer could be extended beyond 90 days depending on how the fight against the contagion plays out. So, according to this, I don't think what the bank said was right. But it you have 10 years left on your mortgage I guess it is 10 years and 3 months?
  16. Commercial landlords may be greedy and evil, but they're not going to be able to evict 4/5th of their tenants, nor would it make sense to do so.
  17. I really don't think Dale was asking unemployed people to buy comics either. Although if you ordered stuff you really should be paying for it.
  18. I think dale's post was more about picking up and delivery, not hanging out for an hour in a shop. Shops that have on line systems in place for stuff have a chance (assuming the owner can go in, just not be open to public).
  19. Some folks have differing levels of job security, income, etc. If all these local businesses go under, the "storm" will be far worse. We are looking at a bad 3-8 weeks accompanied by the government pumping and printing money. Starbucks in China has reopened. The apocalypse isn't upon us. Guvner Cuomo will get us through this!
  20. And likely 1500 by next weekend and 10-20k the weekend after that
  21. Yes. Went from 10kish to 15kish in one day. 100k by next weekend seems likely. And if we don't get our shyt together 1 mllion in 2 weekends. I have no reason to leave the house/ yard for 2 weeks unless my job orders me in on 3/31 when my 2 week work from home assignment wraps up
  22. Ohio just ordered shelter in place? That kind of decides for you, no?
  23. Marvel/Disney has the money. The shops don't.