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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I don't understand your point. They took it seriously after not taking it seriously. They waited too long, but then went hardcore. I have read nothing about infected textile workers. (And basically the only reference I see is on some reddit forum... that Italy has/had Chinese textile workers who were immigrants does not mean planes were being loaded up in January to go to Italy) I thought they linked it to tourists (which seems pretty feasible, tons of Chinese tourists in Italy, it's a beautiful place to visit)? Again, trying to paint these as "partisan" issues sounds silly. If hotspots had been in Kentucky and Indiana or wherever rather than Seattle and New York I think we would see less accusations of partisanship. The Admin seems to be taking appropriate steps now. I am sure this is a big picture move as this will be used as ammunition in future trade wars. I don't know how much of our critical medical stuff is not made in the USA (or at least Canada or maybe Mexico), but it does seem we should never allow this to be an issue in the future.
  2. Was China pursuing some angle to hurt trump by taking this seriously? All these other countries? I just don't get this dismissive attitude towards the views of very concerned scientists about how bad this can be without precautions. That part is not a partisan issue. Maybe faulting trump for not taking this seriously initially is, but We are way past that.
  3. My wife dressed as Ebola to a Halloween party 4 or 5 years ago. There were doctors there dressed as Ebola patients and doctors coveted in blood. Terrible
  4. Folks who feel comfortable with their retirement $ are more likely to play around with their fun money in comics. I have no idea what kind of jobs internet comic buyers have. Probably not a lot of money thrown around by service employee folks, but this is going to ripple into other areas.
  5. You are focusing on deaths. Hospitalization due to pneumonia can be brutal. And yes, traffic deaths are An epidemic too.
  6. Someone in my office building tested positive, though not a co-worker, thankfully, and someone in the building across the street. Of course, I have no idea if same elevator bank. Irritating thing is the elevator buttons often do not work when pressed with a gloved finger or sleeve, they want flesh. And yes, I know, chances of hospitalization even if you do get sick are not so high, maybe 5-10%, but....
  7. Nobody estimates china has a population of 3 billion. It has a population under 1.5 billion. No, 11 million is like putting Chicago on lockdown. 60 million is like putting a big chunk of the NYC metro area under lockdown (which may be happening).
  8. I am approaching 50. Been through a few unpleasant recessions. Late 70s, early 80s. Post '89 black Friday. That felt like it lasted a long time. 2000-2002. 2008, etc. We get nailed with one every 7-10 years or so. Inevitable. This is a doubling down though. It exposes how unprepared most people are for bad times.
  9. Yes, I know the bulk of the predictions were just for slowed growth in the 1-2% range, but I saw some predictions for recession from non sky is falling types.
  10. I was reading recession predictions and a stock market correction before covid19 was a "thing" folks were concerned about. Too much debt, bubble, prices, etc
  11. Jeez, when did these become double digit books? I have been waiting forever but have been out of the loop for a few months. I would sell the pair for $9-12, maybe
  12. People's 401ks are down 30%. That is stress. I don't doubt half of that or more will be back by the end of the year though. I have let my ebay store fizzle and don't have it fully stocked. I now have time to get those listings up. Maybe they'll sell in 3 months.
  13. They'll be coming back. But it is going to be a rough few months.
  14. What's the other side? Even Trump is taking this seriously and realizes the best way to say in 4 months this was all b.s is to take all these precautions now. If we take them this may pass and be as deadly as a terrible flu season or even less. If we blow it off it explodes. China shut down a city of 11 million to control this and basically shut down a region of 60 million. Italy was slow to act and 300 people a day are dying. That's like 1500 here. Good Lord I hope this was all overblown and my kid can safely go back to school April 20.
  15. I am stuck with my family in the house and our 1/11th of an acre for another 13 days. Yes, unless the guvment orders otherwise we may walk around the hood a little avoiding others, so we won't be genuine shut ins, but I am not inclined to do much more than that. I am supposed to be working from home 9-5 or 10-6. I do have work to do, so I should be ok. Will probably be visiting here a lot.
  16. No reason to think when/f this passes there will not be pent up demand in general, particularly if the guvment (fed and local) steps in and props things up, stops foreclosures and evictions, etc. Granted, we have a lot of debt right now so one could argue we were having a recession this year anyway. 10 years of "up" usually falls off a cliff at some point. We usually don't get an 8-10 year run. We are shutting things down in order to slow things and have a China like resolution to this, which would basically be akin to a horrible flu season in terms of deaths or hospitalizations. Alas, it is only a few places really going wild. I happen to live in one.
  17. Guys on Facebook still think their spawn 2 is worth $15
  18. I agree, but being ready for a 2-3 week interruption makes sense. If I am. Under order not to leave my house other than for necessities I don't want to explain to cops I am just walking 2 blocks to the market. Thank God I can work from home and have a solvent employer, but I suspect I won't get a raise for 3-5 years in order to pay for this.
  19. I actually have no desire to leave my 1/11th of an acre. We have 4 floors, a backyard, and a garage.
  20. My wife is an epidemiologist. I get updates every 10 seconds.
  21. 2 or 3 weeks ago I went to the drug store just to see if they had any hand sanitizer or wipes left. They were out. I bought 4 bottles of 70% ethyl alcohol though. They were even on sale. Apparently people did not know this is the active ingredient in hand sanitizer and 70% is a concentration you can spray right on your hands.
  22. Last sunday I went to the supermarket and found plenty of steak on sale. Loaded up as we were low. My theory was that peoples' freezers were already full and they had no room for more. I was right. Barely any canned food or other long term stuff was there though.
  23. Thursday night we ran out of the house to stock up as a friend told my wife they're instituting limits. I think that was b.s. though. It isn't as if the wine and booze won't get drunk though. Same with the bottled water. We'll take it to the beach this summer if the beaches are open.
  24. So what you're saying is that the comics ordered in the last week or two and in the next week or three will be very rare?
  25. Take a vacation for a couple of months? If he doesn't have a few months of nest egg to live off of the poker playing wasn't going all that well anyway. This is a time to find a job other than at amazon, etc. He won't be able to get a nursing degree in the next 2 weeks.