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Posts posted by PovertyRow

  1. I've been upping my CGC Bronze Marvel horror collecting. I have no problem getting 9.0 or 9.2 books. They are usually quite attractive and much more affordable than the upper grades. Not to say if I run across a higher grade at a bargain price I'll jump on it. I'm not into it for making money but if a time comes when I want to sell some I should be able to break even or make a small profit. 

  2. On 10/21/2022 at 6:06 AM, Jayman said:

    Reading through this thread again. Just for you POV, a page I have from Unexpected #194. The story is titled Moonlight and Laughter starring Madame Xanadu. Jess Jodloman is the artist. Werewolves galore! :x

    Unexpected # 194 Page 21.jpg

    Thanks Jay. I just pulled my copy and read it through. Fun read and that werewolf story was the best of them. Especially glad to see it was a Madame Xanadu story, my favorite DC Supernatural character!

  3. On 10/19/2022 at 4:19 PM, rexinnih said:

    Kind of two in a row here. Watched the first few episodes of Moon Knight and She-Hulk and then stopped. Finished Moon Knight eventually and will do the same with She-Hulk eventually...

    I had a similar issue just with MK. Being a big fan (liked him more than ASM) I could not get beyond ep 3. But as is obvious I just enjoyed the heck out of She-Hulk because it was so reminiscent of the second series Sensational S-H.


  4. Just a passing thought. On my several-ist rewatching I realized the opening narration referred to "this is where monsters dwell". Not sure how I missed that BUT it must have been added intentionally. For those who may not know, Where Monsters Dwell was a 38 issue horror revival title from Marvel from 1970-1975. I wonder if this could be a hook into future type one-shots?

  5. While Hammer and Universal seemed to be in cahoots, that did not happen until 1958. Hammer had released Frankenstein and Dracula films with tremendous hedging, manuevering and legal wrangling to avoid being sued by Universal. After the 1958 Dracula was a worldwide hit, Universal and Hammer came to an agreement and Universal opened their vault of classic monsters to Hammer.

    Interestingly, one thing I always noticed about the Universal and Hammer werewolves was the fangs - always prominent on the LOWER jaw: aka an underbite. Even as a kid I was fascinated with this werewolf underbite.

    The current WWBN gives the werewolf an overbite instead.  Does that bother me? Not really. It just looks a bit odd to my Uni/Hammer eye. But I still love the beast!


    werewolf fangs thru history.png

  6. On 10/17/2022 at 5:52 PM, drotto said:

    It is much more difficult to compartmentalize what has been done here.  I know you could make a similar argument in the comics, but how do you now integrate this character as one to be taken seriously into other Marvel projects.  This is not a side project, this is her introduction into the MCU, and is canon. She-Hulk now "knows" her world is fake, and can be changed on her whim. So how does any MCU project with her in it have any stakes? If she does not like the outcome, she  just crashes the fourth wall again, and change the ending?

    I guess Marvel has abandoned The Hulk, Wong, Titania, Abomination, Daredevil, and any other guest hero/villain for simply being on the show. And Man-Thing in WWBN must have been a failure before it started by being preceded by that Lionsgate entry. 

    You know, people praised the heck out of Wanda Vision but to me that was a mess and a half. The best thing about it were some of the Easter eggs. And The Scarlet Witch is one of my favorite Marvel characters.

    The Jen character can be taken seriously if she appears next in a serious role. Or she could simply continue as an iteration of Sensational She-Hulk, breaking fourth walls and being herself. Deadpool seems to be doing ok for himself. Precisely HOW connected do these MCUs have to be?  When you look at the endings of the later Avengers films they were a jumble of character after character after character which actually got rather boring.

    Are we slaves to some "canon" which has been retconned hundreds of times across hundreds of characters and events? What happens with the next retcon?  Will THAT destroy the MCU? I do not get how a series of 10 25-or-less minute "tv episodes" can have such a final and fatal impact on her in the MCU. The idea is preposterous. 

    I thank you for your consideration in this matter. :)

  7. On 10/15/2022 at 7:49 AM, drotto said:

    There is no denying toxic elements exist in fandom.  There is no denying there are some pockets of ..ists and ..phobes that are part of fandom.  The problem occurs when creators apply that idea so broadly to include everyone that does not like your product must be one of those things.  That is when using these claims becomes a shield, rather than admitting that some people just honestly and without malice,  did not like you product. Brining it back to the older days of comics where there were often two general comic book fans, DC fans and Marvel Fans.  Those two groups would spend endless hours going at one another which company and universe was better.  While it often got heated even seemingly vicious, in the end it was just in good fun, and based in a general love of the products in general.


    You can say this was an f----you to toxic fandom in general, I can see that point of view. I felt it was a bit to broad, and a bit to on the nose.  It lacked any subtly or maturity, where a more subtle approach may have been more effective. This came across as the writers venting and lashing out. more than it came across as well crafted response to those groups.


    As for the fourth wall brake, like Skipinkblu, it reminded me of the ending of Blazing Saddles.  That movie was funny as well as a brilliant commentary on racism in America.  It remains funny and relevant even today for people that can get past the langue and some of the jokes that would not be seen as appropriate today.  While I donot mind some forth wall breaking (it is hard to do right and needs to be used minimally), the massive forth wall brake at the end of the film has always been me least favorite part of the movie.  The first time a saw it, it completely pulled me out of the film, and I hated it despite loving the rest.  I have grown to appreciate what Brooks was going for over the years, but I still do not really care for it. With She-Hulk doing basically the same thing, I still do not like it.

    Very well said. I feel the same about Blazing Saddles as well, but have not yet reached your level of appreciationfor that ending. I agree with much of what you say about fandom, too. I know I have gotten some negative emojis to my comments but I fear that is partly my fault. I never mentioned I have been a long-time fan of the Sensational She-Hulk comics. They were pretty unique in the way they were so self-aware of being a comic book. The scene of Ep 10, where she breaks through the Disney+ streaming screen has actually been done in Sensational more than once where she tears through the comic panel. She has also torn through a page to get at John Byrne (aka K.E.V.I.N) over a bad plot. These things were being done in the comic 30+ years ago. She was carrying Byrne on her shoulder on the cover of 31. These scenarios were the norm for Sensational She-Hulk and it made it one of my favorite series. So now you have a better idea of where I'm coming from and why I enjoy the show so much. They pretty much nailed the comic.

    Here is a panel from #31 where Jen is talking to Weezy. It could have been lifted from the tv show itself rather than a 30 year old comic. Following are other panels showing her breaking through the comic (similar to ep10), confronting Byrne (K.E.V.I.N) etc. 

    (There are a slew of examples like the ones below but a few should suffice.) Note that last panel was preceded by 4 blank pages when she took on The Eraser. 


    sen shehulk writers.png

    sen she hulk more ref.png


    she she rip comic rip.png

    sen she-hulk 31 comic rip2.png

    shehulk - byrne erase.png

  8. Adding a bit more here, especially after seeing some comments. I feel Elsa was one of the highlights of the show. Absolutely loved her attitude and delivery, combining bravado with a slight titch of vulnerability. And tremendous fighting chops! I'll watch and listen to her all day long.

    As far as Jack's werewolf appearance, I found it rather reminiscent of Henry Hull's portrayal in the Universal 1935 Werewolf of London, as opposed to Universal's 1941 The Wolf Man with Chaney.

    Here is that 1935Universal werewolf:


    werewolf or london 1935.jpg

  9. On 9/26/2022 at 1:05 PM, ChasingKingKirby said:

    Marvel Spotlight 2 CGC 6.0 OW/W $425    $400




    On 9/26/2022 at 1:04 PM, ChasingKingKirby said:

    Just one book for now.  Maybe more later...  I dunno...


    No HOS or Probies.   (I know others will sell to those on the list.  I will not...)

    US Only  (Sorry, I'm not getting warm fuzzies from the USPS on international packages lately...)

    Shipping is $15 no matter how much you buy.

    Returns accepted within 2-weeks, but they're on you unless I make an error.  (e.g.  Sent you the wrong book, missed something on a raw book etc.)

    PayPal or Checks are fine.   Checks are always appreciated but not required.  Just to be clear, I will NOT touch the funds from a check until the buyer has received their book and are satisfied.

    PM negotiations are fine, but :takeit: in the thread rules.   I will be the final arbiter if there is any controversy.  (I expect none...)

    takeit  :takeit:

  10. On 10/11/2022 at 1:54 PM, Gaard said:

    It sounds like TATs are at the top of your priority list. I'm afraid I can't join your club.

    Me too. Top of my priority is not having my books downgraded by finger bends and creases that happened at CGC itself. I am also not a fan of having to deslab a book because the way it was put in the case the entire bottom was a series of ripples. (In case folks are wondering I have already documented them on these boards and sent the S/Ns to Mike a while back. Never heard back about them but I honestly am afraid of submitting any more books right now.)

  11. On 10/8/2022 at 11:10 PM, Mmanick said:

    I really liked the show. Wish it would have showed a bit more jack Russel werewolf by night but I'll take it. I'd say it's the best marvel tv show produced. 

    Felt the same about not really digging into Jack or the WWBN mythos. But still tremendous fun, great b&w (LOVE b&w) with a German Expressionist feel reflecting, too, the old Universal Monster films with the impressive sets, moody lighting and shooting angles. Quite a surprise that got my old heart beating. 

    I cannot add any more to what has already been said about Man-Thing. Now THAT was quite a surprising and remarkably effective rendition. Ted came across perfectly in b&w. Loved the humor between Jack and Ted as well. My only regret being it is a one-shot. Hopefully the critical and audience response will encourage a follow-up.

  12. Again, let me make this clear. I am not debating the use of silver over the centuries to ward off evil.  Siodmak did extensive research into folklore before writing The Wolf Man. I'm sure he came across references to silver vs evil. BUT until The Wolf Man, the werewolf had no particular vulnerability and could be killed by the same means as killing a person. Could a silver bullet kill a werewolf? Sure. So could a lead bullet. A steel knife. A wood baseball bat. Siodmak introduced the lore that only silver can kill a werewolf. As I cited above, Maleva the old woman said to Larry  "A werewolf can only be killed by a silver bullet, or a silver knife or a stick with a silver handle." That level of specificity simple did not exist before then and its influence can be felt in almost every werewolf film since then. 




  13. On 10/10/2022 at 4:22 AM, shadroch said:

    Silver bullets were around long before The 1941 movie. He might have introduced the lore into Hollywood, but Europeans have used silver bullets to ward off evil for centuries.

    I said Siodmak introduced the concept of silver to kill a werewolf. Before Siodmak, werewolves have always been vulnerable to any ordinary weapon. A lead bullet. A steel knife. Etc. No silver needed. With Siodmak silver was required, and not just a bullet but any silver weapon. As the old woman Maleva said in the movie "A werewolf can only be killed by a silver bullet, or a silver knife or a stick with a silver handle." This  simply did not exist before Siodmak's screenplay. The Wolf Man in the 1941 film was killed by being beaten with the now legendary walking stick with a silver wolf head handle. 

  14. On 10/7/2022 at 3:30 AM, Bosco685 said:
    On 10/6/2022 at 10:56 PM, PovertyRow said:

    I am having a difficult time even recognizing some boardies here. And for other boardies my respect has dramatically increased. Not that my respect really means anything.



    Dang I was not thinking of your posts or including you in the unrecognizable boardies. Some of our opinions differ and some align. That makes for conversation. Being involved in film for a few years (was an AP, wrote for a film magazine and was sometimes consulted by writers of film books) your contributions to the board’s Movie/TV threads are invaluable.

    As far as my using  misogynist, I was looking for an antonym to feminist and that was the one that came up. Felt it was too negative but better than chauvinist. Still dislike it but made me realize a true antonym does not exist, I guess because it is the norm already.

    It is interesting to see similar kinds of backlash in the Cap Marvel thread, probably because so many “men” were offended by Brie and it became contagious.

    One disturbing thing for me is I am getting increasingly bored with the MCU after Phase 1. Some have been good and some disappointing and I STILL cannot get past the halfway mark of BLACK WIDOW, despite loving her in the Avengers movies (yes I am capable of disliking female led comic book films/shows. Could not get into the current Ms Marvel show. Kept getting CW flashbacks. Could not get into that Hawkeye series despite my really enjoying THE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN. For years I have been posting they should do a Doc Strange film and I thought the first was a mess despite being a Doc fan and the second far superior. Deadpool 2 was kind of ‘meh’ for me in comparison to 1, which I rank in my top five favorites. For me She-Hulk is just a real joy to watch. It is funny, dialogue is snappy, love Jen’s 4th Wall breaks. IS it sometimes over the top or in your face with a message? Yeah, but at least for me it gives me something to think about.

    People obviously have different tastes. It is a sad thing when that results in conflict.

  15. Just FTR  I enjoyed Ep 8. Loved the way Matt was portrayed and the dynamic with Jen/She-Hulk. 

    Leapfrog was a bit weak as he was treated similarly to Donnie Blaze in Ep 4.

    Have to take a wait-see on the whole Intelligensia arc. It tends to bore me and is being used in pretty obvious ways. Have to wonder if  Hulk V2#15 and #16 will feel an impact. :ohnoez:

  16. Much of this has a truly bizarre and telling take. To paraphrase cause the quote function sucketh here:

    "Men don't want a garden tool to have their children." I guess men just want to have relations with a garden tool. How tooled up is that? Men are the arbiter on what is and is not? Well historically that has been so for ages and look at the state of our world now.

    "The show was written by feminist writers." What the hell is a.feminist writer? Stepford Wives with a shared programmed perspective? That has to be one of the most revealingly uninformed statements. And how about the misogynistic writers? I guess they are either ok or non existent because they are men.

    All the blather about a woman having frequent relations with various men. These posts literally make me feel like I am back in ancient times where a garden tool could be stoned to death.

    I am having a difficult time even recognizing some boardies here. And for other boardies my respect has dramatically increased. Not that my respect really means anything.

    But these have been among the most blatantly revealing posts where the male dominated society continues to be taken not only for granted but for a standard that must be adhered to. It literally makes me feel slightly ill to be a member of a group with a common interest such as comic books and read how unenlightened and even hateful many are.