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Everything posted by ExNihilo

  1. Nope, I'm guessing you took those photos in the morning and I was there from 2-4. But I do remember the girl drawing your Spider-Man sign. I was walking out with my stack of books as you remarked to her "that even looks like Spider-Man." I'll be sure to say hello in November.
  2. I'm ashamed to say I was too busy rifling through books at that table to even notice. I gotta pay more attention. :P
  3. I have my packages sent to my workplace. I'm a little surprised by the number of posts/responses that this isn't a more readily available option for boardies.
  4. Maybe next time I'll order a t-shirt with my board name and avatar.
  5. I firmly believe that Stan still likes to do things for the fans. Last year, his wife passed away a week before D23 and the question was whether he would still make an appearance. There were no signings at D23. It was purely an event for him to be honored as a Disney Legend. Despite the recent loss, Stan still attended the expo. He had an easy out and no one would have faulted him for not being there. But he still went because he loved the fans. I think his heart is in the right place and that some of the people who surround him and guide him could afford to be a little more vocal about taking better care of him. Perhaps fewer sigs, more intermittent breaks, etc.
  6. If I recall, after the fallout with Excelsior, DW/CC stepped in as official facilitator for an event or two where there was no representation. But I suppose that's all moot if he's just doing private signings now.
  7. I do agree that with Stan's declining eye sight and his physical degeneration that comes with old age, I would much rather have a book signed by him from a few years ago when his sig was more legible.
  8. I don't think DW/CC are exclusive facilitators for those private signings. Other facilitators are advertising the private signings which makes me think that all facilitators bring their books on an agreed upon date. Spots also seem far more limited than in the past.
  9. There are 2 printings of this book, one with trade dress, one virgin cover. When the trade dress came out, it was all over the local news since part of the movie was set in Oakland. Needless to say the 1st print sold out pretty quickly. My dad knows I've taken a new interest in collecting in the last year and unbeknownst to me had pre-ordered two copies of the 1st print (trade dress) and presented them to me as a birthday present. When the 2nd print came out, we went to the store and picked up two copies of the virgin as well. Why did he get me 2 copies though? Well, he said I could sell one if it ever got hot, but it feels wrong to sell a birthday present. So I told him that I would hang on to both copies of each the trade dress/virgin and see if I could get them signed. This way I would have one signed copy and one raw/unsigned of both trade dress and virgin. TL;DR - books were birthday presents from my dad which I would like to get signed and I like all my signed books authenticated (which necessitates the use of CGC/Grading). All that said, as you mentioned the grade is secondary to the sentimental value the book holds (these are 100% for PC). But it'd still be nice to at least have a 9.8. Yeah, this is a concern of mine as well.
  10. Re-reading their comment here, it's hard to tell whether they knew about it or not. The implication seems to be that they provided the raw copy of the book but appear to lay the blame on the blood ink itself on Avengers STATION.
  11. Can confirm it was a 1.5, but I don't recall what the price was. He says he doesn't frequent the boards as often as he used to. But he did give me his business card (fantasticcomicsandart@gmail.com). Great guy.
  12. I don't see any user with that account. nor do I see a valid transaction. Also, I thought having a PayPal account is necessary for creating an eBay account?
  13. Hi All, So I know I brought this up back when there was an active thread about the Oakland variant. But after I found out that Jamal Campbell will be signing at Fan Expo in Canada, I decided to stop by Cape & Cowl and try to find a better copy. I went through at least 20 books and all of them had some sort of spine tick. Below are two copies: Copy A (c/b spine crease on back of hover bike) and Copy B (c/b spine crease mid spine on white cloud). All other aspects of the books are sharp so I only have pictures of the ticks in question (though, I can provide additional pictures if you feel that will help aid in a decision). Full cover photos to show how covers look to the naked eye. Which do you think has the best shot at a 9.8? Or do you think I should resign myself to the fact that a 9.6 is the best I can hope for? Copy A: iPhone camera wouldn't focus well, but you can make out the c/b crease in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th photos. You can notice a difference in how extreme the color break appears when viewed top-down (2nd pic) versus at an angle (3rd pic). The 4th pic shows the light bouncing off the gloss of the cover. I'm wondering if a press will at least help by smoothing it all out so that the only defect would be the c/b. Cover B: again, top-down look at the book to give a general idea of its overall appearance. The crease, which I'm guessing is c/b is about halfway down the spine where the pink cloud meets the white/cream clouds (literally where the two colors meet). As with the previous photos, the 2nd and 3rd pic are a close up from top down and one at an angle viewed from the spine. You can faintly make out what might be a c/b (if not for the crappy iPhone focusing.) The 4th picture is again an angled pic to attempt to capture the light bouncing off the gloss of the cover. As you can see, it's mostly flat. Overall, I think copy A looks like a 9.6 candidate. I think with a press, it might achieve a 9.8 (since I think a 9.8 is allowed 2 minor defects?). I think copy B looks like a stronger 9.8 candidate. From the looks of it, it doesn't appear a press would help much and I think the fact that the color break occurs on a whiter section of the cover is better than in Copy A where it occurs on a black section of the cover. What are your thoughts? Would you still send Copy B in for a press to strengthen its case or is that a waste of some $20+? Thanks in advance for the opinions.
  14. I have a co-worker who buys the movies on blu-ray so I just borrowed his copy of BvS: Extended because he said it would be better. It was still pretty bad that it makes me wonder how much worse the theatrical release was. Justice League and Suicide Squad, I watched on flights. I honestly can't remember anything about Suicide Squad other than it was completely forgettable. But, I can say in all 3 cases, the trailers turned out to be a good predictor of how big a pile of steaming the actual movies were. The bottom line is that the people who put together the trailers usually do a pretty good job of making the movies look compelling, interesting, exciting, etc. I mean, name a good comic book movie, that had a bad trailer? The only one that comes to memory recently is Black Panther and that trailer wasn't even that bad (the Golden Jaguar trailer reveal just made me worry that it was gonna be like any other Marvel movie where the hero fights an evil mirror version of himself). If a person putting together a trailer can't manage to make a good trailer, to me that implies that the footage they were given to work with wasn't that good to begin with. There's obviously no correlation between the two, but it also doesn't give me any warm fuzzy feelings.
  15. Since joining the boards a year ago, I have missed the last two Berkeley Comic Con's but decided to try my best to make it out today. I didn't have money to buy up major keys and truthfully wasn't expecting to buy much. I was really more interested in going and putting a face to a board name and just meeting people. Well, the dollar boxes and discounted long boxes changed all that as I was able to fill gaps in some runs. My only problem was not having an accurate list of books that I needed and I ultimately ended up having to rein it in a bit out of fear of buying up doubles (something I've done far too much of late and have been trying to minimize). Next time I'll be sure to go with a full catalog of my collection as well as a list of books I'm looking for. The books available throughout the room felt very balanced. There was a good mix of GA/SA/CA and more modern age stuff than I was expecting. So something for everyone. There were also quite a few nice wall books which is always fun because it serves as a physical reminder of what I hope to one day strive to own. On top of that there was a lot of knowledge in the room. It's fun hearing some of you guys talk about collecting, original art, cons, the historical value of books 10 years ago, the rise and fall of some books, predicting future value of books, etc etc. I learned some stuff just casually eavesdropping and it's just nice to be around people with similar passions for comics. It's also fun just seeing you dealers rib each other. I guess that's what happens when you've been around each other for as long as you have. Anyways, it was a great way to spend an afternoon and I'm looking forward to the next one. Lastly, thanks @HouseofComics.Com for organizing. And if there are other boardies who work to organize the con, thanks to you as well.
  16. Refer to this link which shows creators and convention appearances. You can then cross reference to see which facilitators will be at those conventions. TL;DR - dscott, Kevlar, Rich_Henn can help you get it done.
  17. What are the widely accepted forms of payment at these? Obviously cash is king, but do vendors have Square or some other mobile credit card platform? Gonna try to pop in to meet fellow boardies.
  18. I'm for sure in the minority. I'm one of those stubborn people that let my wallet speak. I refused to watch BvS, Justice League, and Suicide Squad in theaters, just as I refused Fantastic Four and Age of Apocalypse. At the very least I didn't go watch it opening weekend and waited for reviews from friends. I think if more people took that approach, the production companies would learn and give us better sequels.
  19. The cardboard itself is thin, but when layered is surprisingly thick. it's still not as sturdy as the thick pieces of cardboard (think 2 half back boards vs 1 full back), but to date i haven't had any issues. (I've also probably only shipped out 10 books so we're not talking a big data set here). That said, you're right. I should probably ask our shipping & receiving department for their extra cardboard boxes. I would imagine they must see a lot come through on a daily basis.
  20. Movies that bomb, don't get sequels. (See: Fantastic Four). I'm not saying it's gonna bomb, I'm just saying that we'll have to wait and see how the movie does at the box office before we can claim anything is "all but confirmed." As a child of the 80s/90s, and a fan of Spider-Man, Venom, and Tom Hardy, I really hope it does well. But what I've seen from the trailers doesn't really inspire that much hope in me. This isn't like the Infinity War trailer which just hyped me up so much.
  21. Whenever I see his sig on a Star Wars book I'm like "huh?"
  22. EDIT: just realized it was in the wikipedia article i linked. I should probably fully read links that I post instead of just glancing at the summaries.
  23. I took a psychology class and this is appropriately called "the bystander effect". We were told of an extreme example of this where someone was attacked/robbed in their apartment courtyard. The victim called out for help to residents watching the commotion from their windows, but no one called the police or acted immediately because they all thought someone else would do it. Moral of the story: be the change you want to see in the world.
  24. I haven't followed the story. Is the potential there? I look at The Batman Who Laughs as the most recent example. His popularity seemed to grow quickly just as did the value of his 1st appearance. Oh sorry..."1st" appearance. #TeamMetal2
  25. This. I spoke to CGC customer service about a separate issue and somehow got sidetracked and mentioned Paradise Comics in passing as an example of poor service from some dealers and the response from the rep was almost like "that's the first I've heard." I even mentioned there was a lengthy thread and she suggested I formally put it in writing and have it submitted to the customer service manager. I really don't think there are that many people that file any grievances with CGC regarding facilitators/dealers.