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Everything posted by @therealsilvermane

  1. Captain Marvel is already a flagship property, as in one of the MCU's feature film franchises. What do you think "Marvel" in The Marvels stands for? And I'll say it here as I've said it before, Marvel Studios no longer makes movies where the hero does everything by himself. They're all team movies now regardless of who is the main character. Winter Soldier was a team movie. Civil War was a team movie. Ragnarok was a team movie. Captain Marvel was a team movie. And yeah, obviously The Marvels is going to be a team movie. Nice of Marvel (as in Marvel Studios) to finally acknowledge that in a title. And no, if The Marvels is going to feature Carol Danvers as the main hero, you don't make that a Disney+ show. Carol Danvers is a big-hitter who is saved for the theatrical releases, just like Thor or Dr Strange. A Pepper Potts movie would not have broke the bank, because everybody knew who Pepper was and she's not a super-hero. We all knew what we were getting with Ant-Man which is one reason his sequel didn't get the big numbers. The other appeal to Captain Marvel, besides its tie-in to Endgame, was she was an unknown hero and everybody wanted to discover who this character was that we saw only a hint of at the end of Infinity War and in the TV commercials. I'm not denying that Captain Marvel wasn't a hugely popular household name super-hero like WOnder Woman before her movie arrived. She was generally unknown. That's part of the genius of Marvel Studios, they've turned super-heros than nobody generally cared about, from Iron Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy to Captain Marvel, into heroes that people adore more than Superman.
  2. What's your evidence for the number of people that have moved past the MCU after Endgame? There are no numbers to show that. In fact, numbers show the opposite of that. Spiderman Far From Home (released after Endgame) was the first Spiderman movie to break a billion dollars. WandaVision and Falcon Winter Soldier each were the #1 streaming shows when they were live. WandaVision itself broke the internet several times with all the rampant fan speculation around that show. Yes, your above graph shows less google searches for FWS than WandaVision but all that says to me is there was less fan speculation around the show than WV. FWS wasn't that kind of show. Besides the Power Broker mystery, it gave you everything you needed in the story. I had a conversation with a fairly new neighbor, a middle aged lady who knows nothing about comic books, the other day who was on her way to Disney with her family. We started talking about the rides and she was "too bad" about the fact that the Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster wasn't finished yet and she gushed about how much she loved Marvel (as in the MCU). It reminded me how much Marvel Studios has transcended the usual action movie comic book crowd male audience and has really captured the imaginations of many different audiences. Just because you've moved past the MCU (or were never there to begin with) doesn't mean everyone else has.
  3. I thought you meant all movies. Okay, in the MCU after Phase One, I would be interested to know how the buzz for initial teasers for generally "unknown" characters like Ant-Man, Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, and Guardians of the Galaxy compare to the initial buzz Eternals got from its teaser.
  4. That's a bold statement to say the Eternals teaser is the least buzz generating teaser of the last decade. But maybe not as bold to say you have never seen one. I am curious to see if there is some buzz metric (internet chatter, online polls, repeated online trailer views and taking into account time before the movie's release, etc). I mean, in a pandemic year, would you say the buzz for A Quiet Place II trailer from a month ago was greater than this the Eternals teaser which is still half a year away from release? In the end, what really matters is the final box office receipts. Some movies have made over 100 million from viral marketing alone while some movies have had the greatest marketing of all time and all the buzz in the world but fell flat at the box office once word of mouth got out that the movie was bad.
  5. "Dud trailer" is a subjective. You didn't like it but a lot of other folks did. The Eternals trailer got 77 million views in its first 24 hours. People who know nothing about the Eternals are now talking about the movie or asking more questions about it. It did its job. It got people a little excited about characters that nobody knows anything about. Smart marketing now says to focus on Loki and Black Widow now as that's where immediate audience attention needs to go now. And let's not forget about the built-in "audience attraction" that any theatrical movie or Disney+ show with Marvel Studios in front of it has. Marvel could probably literally not release any trailers for Eternals at all and people will still go see it.
  6. My post was also another side of the argument to folks in this thread who didn't like the trailer or maybe thought it wasn't exciting enough. I think it was an appropriate trailer given its release in relation to when Eternals is actually being released and in consideration of other MCU projects still being released before it. And I liked the trailer. It was cool.
  7. Maybe "compete" is a wrong word. While I'm not on the Marvel marketing team, it makes sense that they be aware of how each trailer for every MCU project plays off each other and how those trailers affect audiences when you regularly release 3 of 4 films a year that all interconnect. You don't want to release an Eternals trailer that uses all the tricks in the bag to excite audiences when you want to save that excitement for later in the year and when you're still trying to get audiences excited for the two other MCU films that are being released before it.
  8. I could post something that literally says "I liked this MCU movie for better or worse" and you'd reply "Your grandstanding for the MCU is quite annoying." It seems to be your automatic response to everything I post in addition to laugh emojis. Grandstanding aside, my post was simply the other side of the coin of some on the internet who think the Eternals teaser wasn't exciting enough or "wow factor" enough for them. Again, it would be very dumb of Marvel to release an Eternals trailer that shows Celestials in all their glory and crazy action and blows us all away when Marvel ultimately doesn't want to distract from the upcoming Loki show, the Black Widow film, or the Shang Chi film. Because Marvel has so many projects in release every year, they have to be conscious how each MCU project and its marketing competes with other MCU projects and their marketing. Eagerly awaiting laugh emoji now...
  9. First, it was a fine teaser trailer. I mean, how was it bad? Second, Marvel Studios still has two MCU theatrical films and a couple Disney+ MCU shows to get us really excited about before the real Eternals marketing campaign kicks in. I imagine in a couple weeks we'll start seeing Black Widow commercials all over the place. After that, we'll start seeing more Shang Chi commercials and marketing for that film. The official marketing for Eternals really kicks in when we start seeing trailers at the movie theaters and on regular TV. I get it. Y'all want to see a Celestial in action or more kung fu action. Smart marketing says don't unload all your tricks on the audience at once when they're just going to forget about it anyway as we're six months away from an Eternals release and the Studio still needs to gin up global audience enthusiasm for Black Widow and Shang Chi first. I know y'all disagree with me but you probably don't understand marketing, either. Marvel didn't even need to release an Eternals trailer yet. But it was smart to release something that reminds folks who search this stuff out on the internet that it's a movie by Oscar winner Chloe Zhao movie and that it's going to look like her movie (if you saw Nomadland). It's also a nice gift to us hardcore fans who've been dying to see at least something about this movie and give us some idea who these characters are. We got it, and now Marvel can go back to focusing on Black Widow and Shang Chi. While I'm sure we'll continue to get a few Eternals sprinkles here and there through the summer, the real marketing for Eternals won't happen until after Shang Chi releases this fall.
  10. I always have chapstick at the ready but not sure what that has to do with anything here. I do seem to get sore thumbs a lot from all the typing I do from fact-checking your posts. As Uncle Sam says, do better.
  11. It's a teaser trailer. It didn't even show the Celestials yet (yes, they're in the movie). I wouldn't worry about this being a movie with no action and intrigue. It's a Marvel super-hero movie, it'll have plenty of it. You doubt Chloe Zhao's ability to be able to direct action because she's never directed a blockbuster action movie before but did anybody doubt the Russo Bros (who previously only directed TV comedy) or Christopher Nolan (who previously only directed pseudo-intellectual drama) or The Hangover director (Joker). Maybe people did, but it goes to show you that just because you've never directed a blockbuster action movie before doesn't mean you can't.
  12. Not sure about that, but I did have a chat with Michael Golden once at a Con, and I asked him what was the purpose of Rogue stealing Ms Marvel's powers as he signed my Avengers Annual 10. He said the reason why was because Chris Claremont wanted Carol Danvers to confront the Avengers at the story's end as a normal human woman. Claremont felt Carol calling out the Avengers (for allowing her to be kidnapped and raped by the interdimensional Marcus in Avengers #200) without her Superman-like powers would have more resonance and impact, and Carol would have to rely more on her words rather than fighting the Avengers in retaliation. At the time, that was the only reason they had Rogue steal Carol's powers. It turns out that Rogue became a fan favorite while Carol Danvers has had to claw and fight her way back to getting her own title and now has her own billion dollar MCU movie. So all things work themselves out in the end.
  13. I'll admit the Ms Marvel 1977 run isn't Gerry Conway or Chris Claremont's best work, but there are some good stories in that run IMO, like particular issues that tackled Carol Danvers personal life like issue #13 or #19. As I've said, Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel was conceived to be Marvel's answer to Wonder Woman, but I don't think Marvel knew what to do with a solo female super-hero series back then. She-Hulk and Spider-Woman, the other two major female hero titles didn't fare so great either. Chris Claremont was arguably Marvel's best writer of women, but they still seemed to fare better when part of a team until they finally figured it out in the 90's.
  14. Kamala Khan will not have made her MCU debut yet when Eternals takes place this fall, so what you're saying makes absolutely no sense.
  15. Do you mean by panning left/right or zooming in/out for almost every shot (that we've seen)? Those are either dolly shots or steadicam shots you're talking about in the trailer, where the camera moves in space. With panning shots or zoom shots, the camera is in a fixed location and the lens does all the work. In the case of the shots in the Eternals trailer, the moving camera adds energy to the scenes where the characters stand still and also explores the space around them as if we are discovering this space as said characters do. It's evident from Chloe Zhao's previous films The Rider and Nomadland that she likes space and likes to explore it with her camera. For a film about characters that are living in and discovering an entire planet and its people, Chloe Zhao, when considering her past films, seems to have been the perfect choice for the way Marvel has agreed to approach the Eternals' story.
  16. Loki should most likely be a team-up series as well, though it's not advertised as such. It's definitely not going to be the all Loki show and new characters like Mobius and Ravonna Renslayer should play major roles in achieving whatever the mission is.
  17. I can't stand the Verizon commercial guy. Ugh. Didn't he turn out to be some another sexual harassment actor or something?
  18. Yes, The Marvels will feature Captain Marvel teamed with her new friend Ms. Marvel but it's still going to be Captain Marvel's movie. "Batman and Robin" is a team-up movie of Batman and his new friend Robin as well and the title says as much, but it's still a solo Batman movie. If you don't buy that then you'll just have to wait for the film to finally arrive in theaters and you can see (or be told by others) what I'm talking about.
  19. Carol Danvers Captain Marvel is totally A-list and not because hordes of middle aged male comic book readers can't get enough of her comics and clamored for more Carol Danvers. She is A-list because Disney/Marvel finally realized that they don't have their own Wonder Woman and finally decided in 2012 to fulfill 1977 Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel's original purpose to be Marvel's Wonder Woman. Since 2012, Marvel Comics has placed Carol Danvers front and center in every major event storyline and had her co-star along with Tony Stark in the unfortunate Civil War II which apparently made some fans dislike Carol Danvers. But fan reception to CWII didn't matter. Disney/Marvel still wants Carol Danvers to be their Wonder Woman and they will not be denied. Since 2012, Captain Marvel has been the longest running major solo female super-hero with her own title from Marvel Comics. Ms. Marvel is the only character who comes close. And Captain Marvel in the comics is now consistently front and center in all Avengers storylines and appearances. In new Avengers tie-in marketing, Captain Marvel is now appearing at the head of the table. I don't need to say that Captain Marvel is the only solo female super-hero film in the MCU now and in the foreseeable future. Kevin Feige has stated that Captain Marvel will take the lead and be at the forefront of the entire MCU. Direct Sales shipments to comic book shops and the opinions of middle aged hardcore comics readers means nothing. Captain Marvel is now an A-lister in the Marvel Universe because Marvel wants her there.
  20. I understand that there's still a lead in Winter Soldier and Civil War. I get that Steve Rogers was the emotional lead in both those movies. They were still team-up movies. Let me clarify how I see it. Guardians of the Galaxy is a "team" movie, but it had a clear star. That was Peter Quill aka Star-Lord. More than any of the other characters, Guardians Vol. One was Peter Quill's story. He was the emotional lead. We don't know how Eternals will turn out, but Kevin Feige is on record saying Sersi will be the star (as I've been saying the past year). The Avengers films are the only true ensemble team-up movies with no clear single star or emotional lead. Which is how it should be. It's the movie where all the solo movie stars team-up.
  21. I didn't write them off, just acknowledged that not every middle aged male customer of a LCS is necessarily a devoted Captain Marvel reader the way they are devoted to X-Men or Spider-Man. But there are definitely male consumers of the current Captain Marvel series. In fact, for the past few months, Captain Marvel has regularly sold out of copies in some of the LCS near me.
  22. I didn't say Carol Danvers Captain Marvel has a massive fan base. Carol Danvers has only been an A-lister in Marvel for about 8 years. I will say she definitely has a strong following since her promotion to Captain Marvel with members of her fanbase calling themselves Carol Corps online and that growing fan base has gotten stronger since her MCU debut. The character is also just getting started in the MCU. We've yet to see an entire movie where she is full on full-powered Captain Marvel for the whole movie. She's only been in 1.5 movies. She hasn't even referred to herself as Captain Marvel yet, relying on a few others since Far From Home to call her by that name. Don't worry, as The Marvels approaches and finally arrives and as she takes the reigns of the MCU, you'll see plenty of Captain Marvel logo shirts to make you sick.
  23. Ragnarok was a team-up of Thor, Hulk, Valkyrie, Loki, with an assist from Dr Strange, Heimdall, Scourge, and Korg(sp). Hulk and Loki weren't just side characters. Captain Marvel was a team-up of Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, Maria Rambeau, and Talos. Winter Soldier was a team-up of Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, and Sam Wilson. They are all team-up movies under a particular hero's franchise within the larger MCU franchise.