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Posts posted by BCarter27

  1. Any criticism below given in a very grateful spirit that you all put so much time and work into this! I LOVE the CAF Best Of!

    As I said in the other thread, you really need to toss the "only 5 votes" thing. It's never going to work if your goal is to encourage more voting. We are in the Instagram age... View the piece, click Like (or don't), click to the next one, repeat. You can "vote" as many times as you like. The results get tallied on the back end and split up into however many categories were presented to the owner submitting the piece. The work isn't in the clicking Like. It's in trying to order your selects down to five pieces. That's the fail here.

    That's also why having Other be a dumping ground is not a big deal. Because the main body of voters are interested in Covers, Splashes, and Panel Pages, you want to keep those as clean as possible.

    I also think you need to remove the word Unpublished from Covers, Splashes, and Panel pages. Again, it's just going to muddy up those categories.

    Looking through Other, there were only 124 entries... much less than some of the main categories. So I think you are trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. I think most people are OK with Other being "everything else". I think the only thing you could do would be to break that up into two parts - Published and Unpublished. That would separate out the commercial illustrations (animation, house ads, movie, game).

    Otherwise, I think the existing categories are pretty clear and make sense.




  2. 4 hours ago, ESeffinga said:

    Encourage folks that are buying current work, so they aren’t lost in the lower end of voting against the same big trophy pieces of decades past.

    To some extent, the price point does this on its own. Such that you are going to see more modern stuff and more unpub pieces. And then if someone was able to hustle or dig hard enough, or got lucky with a nice vintage piece under $500, then they get a little bump for that effort too.

    I think overall what you are getting at is a blind "art contest" and where we are at currently is an "art collecting review". The current emphasis is on the collectors. Because it's not like we were the ones drawing this stuff. We just bought it.

    4 hours ago, ESeffinga said:

    how very different would the results be with the names of the artists hidden, and the names of the owners hidden?

    But I like that you are thinking outside the box! The current format was made possible because of the new board format with the easy Like system for voting. Hmmm... maybe I can think of a simple way to do a "black box" category next year. Until then, take a look through this recent (great) thread--


  3. 22 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

    "Post Your Art That You Can Buy For Less Than $500 If You Live in New Hampshire Or Less Than $459.24 If You Live in New York City"

    Writing that down. That's a good one for next year.

    26 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

    Not surprisingly

    I should be offended by this, but I'm a teeming mass of contradictions so I'm gonna run with it.

    28 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

    Just. Makes. No. Sense.

    I applaud your ability to argue your side of this in a total vacuum without an entry this year or any personal stake. It speaks to your credibility.

    29 minutes ago, delekkerste said:

    is a big deal to those of us who do not tolerate obviously flawed rules concocted during a wine binge! 




    13 hours ago, NewCollector101 said:

    I'd like to to learn more about the aesthetic qualities of comic oa, things the artist is doing on the page, learn why I like the work I like and gain a better appreciation for what goes into the craft of comics. Does anyone know of any good resources for learning more about this, books or websites or anything else that have been helpful? What terms would I even search for to find more info about this?

    Cross-posting my reply from the other thread...


    3 hours ago, ESeffinga said:

    Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud is a great book, done in a simple and easy to follow way. It's more fun than a textbook, using the very medium he is discussing. Gary Martin and Steve Rude's Understanding Inking is a solid book as well, for understanding some of the nuts and bolts of how inking is not just a form of drawing outlines for a pencil piece, but the dynamic changes it can make to a single image. There are countless books on general art composition, theory and philosophy. I like Molly Bang's book How Pictures Work, if you want to get into a real understanding of composition

    McCloud and Martin's books are great! I have to check out the Molly Bang book.

    36 minutes ago, NewCollector101 said:

    I think I'm gonna start with the Scott McCloud book and go from there.

    I'd also add Terry Moore's drawing book as well as the magazines from Two Morrows. Rough Stuff, iirc, had a great column by Bob McLeod where he would break down sample pages and show you how to rework them. It was fascinating. And of course, their Comic Artist and Modern Masters series are just gold through and through!


  5. 3 hours ago, ESeffinga said:

    Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud is a great book, done in a simple and easy to follow way. It's more fun than a textbook, using the very medium he is discussing. Gary Martin and Steve Rude's Understanding Inking is a solid book as well, for understanding some of the nuts and bolts of how inking is not just a form of drawing outlines for a pencil piece, but the dynamic changes it can make to a single image. There are countless books on general art composition, theory and philosophy. I like Molly Bang's book How Pictures Work, if you want to get into a real understanding of composition

    McCloud and Martin's books are great! I have to check out the Molly Bang book.

    23 minutes ago, NewCollector101 said:

    I think I'm gonna start with the Scott McCloud book and go from there.

    I'd also add Terry Moore's drawing book as well as the magazines from Two Morrows. Rough Stuff, iirc, had a great column by Bob McLeod where he would break down sample pages and show you how to rework them. It was fascinating. And of course, their Comic Artist and Modern Masters series are just gold through and through!




  6. On 1/16/2020 at 5:22 AM, dichotomy said:


    The big change in that decade was the rise of bookstore sales (including Amazon) over the comic shops. So how much of this is the retail echo chamber...? Buyers at the chains with only limited comics knowledge buy these titles because that's what they've been told to stock... which are then on the endcaps and are then what sells.

    By "invoiced" do they mean after returns? Because that would negate the above echo chamber effect.

  7. 19 hours ago, delekkerste said:

    or any other extraneous charge that doesn't treat all potential buyers equally

    Just to get into the weeds a teensy bit, because details DO matter (and also we encourage OCDs in my house!)... It's not about treating all potential buyers equally, it's about staying under a particular budget within your personal means or situation.

    Also, you've mentioned in past threads (as have I) that factoring in sales tax has affected your bidding. So that's you staying under your budget.

    Now, I could argue further that under a certain price point... say $500 where shipping could be up to 10% of the total, people factor that into their budget as well. Shipping for higher-priced pieces doesn't really factor much into the total cost. But we still leave off shipping from the entries here because.

    But this is all just academic. The BEAB prefers a more wine-fueled intuitive approach to rules, so let's see what happens next year! Now go buy some cheap art!

  8. The problem I am having this year with the big surge in entries (due to just being able to select pieces from regular galleries) is that there are too many to narrow down to just a few per category. So while I am browsing and loving all of the art, I'm not going to vote this year. I just don't have time to try to whittle it down with a billion tabs open.

    If the large number of entries continues next year, I would recommend changing the voting system to something similar to what we do here on the boards for BUDGET... As you go through the listings in a category, you can Like or Vote for as many pieces as you want. If something catches your eye, you click Vote right then and move onto the next piece. Then, all of the totals are tallied up.

    Overall, the middle will get lifted up with more overall votes, showing more diversity and breadth of tastes, while the top will still be the top.

    But most importantly, an individual voter doesn't have to spend time ordering their own selects down to just 3, 5, x, etc.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nexus said:

    On an even more important note, I got shorted two votes.)

    The BEAB takes any tallying discrepancies very seriously. We have conducted a full investigation and discovered the votes in question came in from one "lb jefferies" after the results were tallied-


    It's too bad really. I was looking forward to firing the imbecile who miscounted. The BEAB doesn't need any FIFA-level scandals.

  10. 1 hour ago, vodou said:

    Fans of newer comics/art can you tell about that stuff; what I know is that was common at Charlton in the 1970s (maybe earlier too?) to take an interior panel and blow it up for the cover. Charlton was cheap, I doubt the artists got paid twice or paid at all for the cover use.

    It would be fun to see an example if anyone knows of any.

  11. But seriously... Why are we just talking auctions here? Dealing privately doesn't incur sales tax. Go out and buy that way and clean up during next year's awards! That's your way in people!

    To balance the scales, shipping, packing, insurance, etc. are NOT factored in. I don't want to penalize our overseas collectors.

  12. My thought process was if you buy a bottle of Cisco and you know up front you're going to be charged sales tax, you factor that in. Tree-fiddy is your budget. That's it. You have to come in under that.

    But if you think it's only going to cost you a bus ride to get back to the shanty town under the freeway, and THEN the bus breaks down and you gotta "work" your way back across town... well your costs of carry just went up. That's nobody's fault and has nothing to do with your ability to budget or your finely-tuned tastebuds and their appreciation of Cisco over, say... Thunderbird or C45.