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CGC Journals
Everything posted by Johnny G
Nice! Looks familiar... the mess that is Keep 'em coming gang... it's great to see how everyone displays their stash. I have gotten some great ideas from this thread. It also gives me a sense of great "accomplishment" to have a post I started stickied!!! Kidding... well, ya just kidding! John (thumbs u
What's going on my man? You've been one of the followers of this since day 1... Where's the room??? John
Your bedroom has stacks of comic boxes and a Frazetta picture over the bed. You rock. Thanks! I wish the bedroom didn't have the stacks of comics! But the Frazetta over the bed is A O K! I am hoping to change rooms over next month. Out bedd and dresser/TV in the smaller of the two rooms and then use the master for the main comic room... I have it all drawn to scale and think it'll work out very nicely! ' Again thanks John (thumbs u If you check the first post on the first page, you'll see shelving units that I use. I have another room posted one here, it's just easier to point to the first page. Those shelving units can be picked up at Costco for under $100 and come with 6 shelves which will house 30 shorts PERFECTLY! I use them and think that they are a great investment as they can easily be taken down and adjusted to meet any of your height needs. Good luck with the room! Be sure to post pics when you get something together John (thumbs u
Great copy! Congratulations on some great books (thumbs u That Invaders, along with Annual #1 are two of my all time favorites as well. I need to dig out my copies, I may have a couple of sub worthy copies. I bought one of the #1's off a boardie (name escapes me right now!) for a great price and the book was better than I had anticipated... Now I just need to track it down! There have been some great books dosplaed in this threar recently, keep 'em coming! Thanks to all for sharing John (thumbs u
[font:Comic Sans MS]Very nice room! I like the framing that you've done. I actually just had my neighbor over and we were discussing making the "matting" for comic framing. RAW comics , not CGC'd (YET!). I had picked up the matting pictured below at the Seattle Con a few years back and it wasn't cheap! No frame, just the matting. Apparently it's archival safe and it does appear to be of good quality. The comic is held in place almost like a CGC holder. A couple of plastic tabs keep it in place... I don't think we'd have to worry about SCS UNLESS, you live in an earthquake zone! I think it's a nice touch for books that I'd like to display on my wall in comic room. I am pretty sure others would agree. I am always looking at ways to make a side business for myself. I am a person with a disability (severe rheumatism/arthritis) and need to create work for myself as it is sometimes hard for me to do my regular job. I have actually been off work since July 8th when I was in an auto accident while on the job. I work (worked) in IT, doing deployments of workstations and servers for a few of our major banks. I was the lead tech and made decent money. However, I always found it pretty rough on my body and now after the accident, I don't know if I'll be able to return to the job. It really sucks! So I am desperately trying to keep from drowning here... anything I can do to make the payments is a bonus! So, while speaking with my artistically inclined neighbor, I thought that we may give the "matting business" a go! Do you think there's a market for them? If so, would it be best to sell as just the matting? Made to order (color scheme)? Create different color schemes and sell as is? Sell both matting and frame? Or sell the whole kit; frame, matting and a comic to match the colors? Just thought of another factor we can add! Underneath the comic, there can be a little "nameplate describing the comic and it's significance" it is something that I think would be a good go... especially for people like ourselves, who like to display our goods! I'd like to hear thoughts on it... There may be something similar out there. But from what I have seen, and I have seen a lot, they are only generic plain black frames for the most part. Here's the one I have. I bought the Red/Blue and touch of white because I knew I had many different comics with that color scheme. I chose to put the Shazam! in it because there is some "sentimental story" behind the comic. Plus, I think the colors are bang on and look great! [/font] Our man Ray (Crows), bought one or two himself. MAYBE he'll pony up a picture to see a different color/comic combo... c'mon Ray, show us what you've got!!! [font:Arial Black] Anyhow, would you buy something like this? If so, how would you prefer? With frame? Or just pick color scheme and provide own frame. Standard size would be 8.5x11. [/font]
Mitch has bought many books from me and always pays promptly. He is a valued customer and one that I don't mind going the extra mile for. Good luck with the sales Mitch! I am sure you'll have nothing but kind words said about you. Mitch is a very honest and classy guy... buy his books! John (thumbs u
Nice pick up Ray! At least we know the pages won't be sticky, as it's slabbed! Congrats! ~JG (thumbs u
Cool! Any closeups of those sketches? Here you go! Unfortunately, the Deadman is personalized and reads "To Stu". They came out of an OO collection I bought a few years back. It was a really fun collection to go through. The guy had literally everything to do with his favorite artists such as; Adams, Kirby and Kubert. He has newspaper clippings, magazine articles, sketchbooks, you name it and he had it! I sold a couple of pieces a few years back. One was an 8.5x11" Enemy Ace that was laminated The other was an Adams' Green Arrow, again it was laminated!!! If they hadn't been laminated, I think I would have kept them. Oh well, I did alright with the sale and still have these and a few others. Actually, I also have the piece pictured below that came with the collection. I don't know what to think of it! It IS colored on the actual paper and not a colored copy. Where would I go to find out if this is in fact done by Kirby? Who would I ask? I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to the OA. Any and all help would be genuinely appreciated! I am sure that IF it really is done by Kirby, that it will be worth a pretty penny!!! Again, thanks for all the comments! Also nice to see a few more rooms added... keep 'em coming! Here's the pics... Adams: Kirby??? And that is that! I look forward to any and all input. I can take criticism, so please don't be shy! Now that doesn't mean that is an open invitation to be rude and obnoxious, just honest opinions! Again, thanks all! John (thumbs u
Thanks folks! It's been a work in progress. I hope to get organized and be able to start having some serious sales. It seems every time I start a sales thread, I get pummeled with PM's and am then off to take care of those and the thread gets neglected! However, the end result is always achieved... I sell books! Getting lucky... I have no problem in that regard! The chicks dig "big" collections I am thinking of moving my bed into the smaller room and using the master as the main room. I'd be able to set up about 6 or 7 shelving units which hold 30 boxes each. Plus, where the tv/dresser are, I'd be able to put about 20 - 25 "drawer boxes" in that space. I am currently off work due to health reasons, so I may be able to get it going. I need help with the organizing and my "comic pals" don't seem to want to help! Even with the offer of free comics!!! Oh well, I guess it'll take a while, but they aren't going anywhere One goal is to get rid of the smaller storage unit pictured. I figure I may be able to transfer them into the drawer boxes and maybe one shelving unit. It's a LOT of work, but work that is for the most part, FUN! I also plan to have many sales, so be sure to keep an eye open! I have a solid mix of genres, ages and grades. So there really is something for everyone! Again, thanks folks! Keep the thread alive with more pics and suggestions... John (thumbs u
Hello all, It has been some time since I have posted pics in here. My "comic room" has basically turned into "comic house" now that I am a free spirit! I can let my geek flag fly high! So, I have posted some pics for you to check out. My main reason for posting is so that I can look and be disgusted at the "mess". It will then give me the kick in the pants I need to get organized!!! So, without further delay; I present "Johnny G's Spot!" Here's a pic of a couple of items I have in my entrance way. You'll notice the top shelf has a "Gator" theme... I am a Florida Gators fan. I have my Man-Thing sculpture along with a couple of alligator heads. There's a Florida Gator golf ball in front of the Man-Thing sculpture Over the sink we have the John Constantine sculpture "tending bar". Next, we have a view to the left when coming in. I've got my makeshift "work space" which is actually somewhat clean! The folding tables are great! When company comes, I just fold them up, put the books away and voila! I have a clean and organized living room! A couple of Neal Adams pieces are what make this shot Looking back to the left when in a little further. Here I have a little corner dedicated to some OA. Nothing "spectacular", but pieces that I really like! I just added the Northwest Native Art. I came across about 5 pieces this last week. I was actually quite surprised when learned of their value! All good with me. I need to get the other 4 framed. Here's the view from the doorway entering my dedicated "comic room". The usual stuff one would find in a comic room! Once I get it organized, I'll be able to work in here instead of the living room... one day! Here's a couple of Ernie Chan pieces... notice the alligator? I think it is a beautiful piece with a ton of detail! The other page is from Spawn #155 Philip Tan. I thought it was really cool and "disturbing". If you read the issue, you'll see what I mean! Great stuff... Here's the left side of "the mess". A few dvds and some cool sculptures. Including an artists' proof of Marv. I'd have to say it is one of my favorites And, here's the right side of the mess and work area. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my white boards! I use the one on my fridge CONSTANTLY! Without them, I'd be lost! Left Side... Archie Zombie Action!!! Right side... Here we are in the "overflow room". I just love these shelves! It worked out perfectly by accommodating the TV! The caricature was done for me while in a rehab hospital for physio on my replaced hip. It is supposed to be of my dad and I. "The Comic Guys" refers to the two of us (thumbs u More overflow... And, you guessed it, OVERFLOW!!! Here's a pic of my "Quiet Corner" And lastly, here's a picture of some books at the smaller of my storage units... I would LOVE to get rid of the storage units and their associated costs! Like my friend Ray (Crows) has been telling me; they just decrease the overall value every year because I am paying $1000's in storage fees! So, I hope to have many, many sales this coming year! Time to thin the herd drastically!!! So, there you have it! I hope to have some new and improved pics in the coming months I really, really need to get organized! I just moved in here not too long ago, well, going on 3 years now!!! Where oh where does the time go??? I guess I can't use that excuse anymore Thanks for looking! Keep the great pics coming everyone. It's nice to see how others have their spaces set-up. John (thumbs u
I don't think I have yet the pleasure of selling or buying from Claudio. I have had the opportunity to attend a forum dinner that he had set up and would like to say that he is a great guy, who makes sure that everyone is pleased! If he does that for a dinner, I can only assume he would also pay great attention to his buying/selling of comics. Thanks Claudio! I am looking forward to another successful dinner next month! See you soon... John (thumbs u
I had the pleasure of dealing with Frank. I could not have asked for an easier transaction! Quick to pay and no hassles. Thanks Frank!! I hope to have something to offer you in the future Best wishes and Happy Holiday's! John (thumbs u
GREAT stuff everyone! Keep 'em coming. It sure is cool to see all the different rooms! i am in the "process" of changing and sorting my new room(s) out! I have moved since the first post in this thread and have A LOT more books at home with me. I also have a storage unit full! I'd really like to have them all at home, but just no room for them all! Barely enough room for what I do have here! Plus, I have my "original" collection of about 150+ longs back at my parents home in Toronto... if I ever move back that way, I'd have to get those as well! I haven't seen them in well over 15 years! I don't even know what the heck is there anymore!!! It'll be fun when i actually am able to incorporate them into the books I have now. I hope to be able to post a few pics of the new space within the next couple of weeks. It's been a work in progress for the past year! I am close... John (thumbs u
Glad to see a happy collector! Congrats on the grade, too bad they didn't list it as a Canadian! BTW - I am back playing with comics and have a lot of CDN Editions! Holler at me (thumbs u John
Fortresses. Chris Pedrin manufactured and sold them back in the 90s. They are no longer in production, but can sometimes be found for sale on eBay BCW makes something similar (linky) AWESOME room BTW (thumbs u The header to that site you just linked to made me laugh... Actually, when talking bags and especially boards, the shipping is quite often triple the cost of product! So in essence, the $1500 is a good deal! Gather all your friends and even sell some product to local shops! It could be a good way to get free product for yourself I plan on getting an order of that size together when I return from a funeral back east. Here in BC, the local wholesalers have closed shop, so LCS' need to order from Diamond; it gets to be very expensive for shipping! I plan on ordering a ton of product and distributing to the LCS'. I have a few who are already interested. So, I will get much needed supplies for myself for next to nothing (thumbs u Great new rooms guys!
Fortresses. Chris Pedrin manufactured and sold them back in the 90s. They are no longer in production, but can sometimes be found for sale on eBay BCW makes something similar (linky) AWESOME room BTW (thumbs u
Yes, yes you do! You have been a part of this thread since it's inception and still no room! Get with it man!!! John
TOO COOL!!! Very sweet room as well! It makes me want to work that much harder on getting mine done and posted up on here! Unfortunately, as usual, my health is "lacking" and it has been a rather slow process! But, when done I will be quite pleased with the result. Hopefully I will get some nods from you all as well Keep 'em coming folks! I love it when I see new posts in this thread John (thumbs u
Yes, it is one of a couple. If interested in that whole story about how the CCA (Comics Code Authority) came about, there is a book called ""Ten Cent Plague - The Great Comic Book Scare and How It Changed America". An interesting read (thumbs u And another that "put them over the edge!" I am happy with the #22, but I want to upgrade the 20. It has a couple of small pieces of tape and general wear. I'd be happy with VF copies of both. I also want to upgrade this one.... Another "Grail" of mine. I collect the drug/alcohol storyline and this has got to be one of the top books to have in that type of collection. Great books! Again, for anyone interested in the story behind the CCA, the book mentioned above is a great read. You can pick it up at any of the big book stores, or cheap on eBay! Thanks! G
Glad to see this thread alive and kicking! Once health is better, and I am able to finish my "room", I will be posting pics. It is a major change from my first room (first post in thread). Seeing as how I am now a bachelor, the "Comic Room" has pretty much turned into the "Comic House" Keep all the great pics coming folks! It's great to see how everyone has their wares displayed (thumbs u John
Yes, writing indentations can be removed. I do it all the time. Spot press? Tacking iron?
It's like the Hulk is saying "Get over here you little !" And Bucky's saying "This looks like a job for Captain America." (thumbs u Bang on!!!
Nice books one and all! Doc, that is a one sweet pair of slabs my man! Congrats, you should do very, very well with those! I figured I can post pics of comics till the cows come home! So I decided I want to post the different collectibles I pick up along the way. I love this stuff for the comic room and displayed around the pad. Arrived today; I received 2 ERTL Die Cast Batman toys. One is the 2 pack of figures (Bats & Joker) while the other is the large Batmobile, only 5 inches so not really "large"! These were put out in 1990 and are a set of only about 6 or so, I believe! I have 2 more of the set on their way. BTW - Notice that the packages still aren't "punched"! Oh ya baby, oh ya! Next is a Superman puzzle circa 1973 ; excellent condition and never opened... I am sure that the G man will be trying to pry it away from me next time he's over; that is if he doesn't already have it! The seller had a second one of Supes wrestling a shark... I lost it as I didn't bid high enough. However, that is the fun of it for me! Sure, I can afford $20, but I'd like to try and get it for $12! If I do, it makes the hunt and kill that much more enjoyable. I could probably do a search and pick it up right away for $20, but I want the excitement of seeing if my bid makes it's way to the win category Anyways, here's a pic of the loot! John
One of my all-time faves! It's like the Hulk is saying "Get over here you little !" Love it!!! I need to upgrade mine... the 8.0 just doesn't seem fair to such an awesome book! John (thumbs u
Nice book! How is the right edge? Notorious for bad cut. How does the back cover look for fingerprints? I just got a copy back and turned out a 9.6W. Good luck with yours mate!