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Posts posted by LordRahl

  1. On 9/21/2022 at 6:54 AM, Nic8612 said:

    Because older books probably make up 10% of the total books they receive. They get close to 40,000 books submitted every week, the vast majority of which are modern books. CGC has become nothing but a money printing machine based on modern garbage books, they no longer exist to serve the community in a functional way

    They never did. They are not here to "serve the community", they exist to make money. CGC always was and always will be a for-profit business. I'm not sure why people on this forum ever characterized them in any other way.

    This Econ fiasco is just CGC raising the prices without actually raising the prices. They aren't stupid, they know the OCD nature of collectors and that folks will pony up the extra $15 for FT and not have to wait a year. Don't see them changing the TAT's on Econ any time soon.

  2. What's funny about this new direction for CGC is that it wasn't that long ago that CGC would NOT ship using FedEx in California AT ALL. So just a couple of years ago FedEx wasn't reliable enough to use AT ALL in one of the largest states in the country but now they are the only shipper they use? Riiiiight! Good call there CGC.

  3. On 6/18/2022 at 7:38 AM, Timeless icons said:

    Hulk 1 cgc 7.0  48k

    Showcase 4 cgc 7.5 62k

    More Fun Comics 73 6.5 70k

    Strange Tales 110 9.4 Northland  49k

    Fantastic Four 48 cgc 9.8 42,500

    Honorable mention... X-men 12 cgc 9.8 Pac coast 12k



    x men 12 cgc 9.8 pacific coast pedigree 12200.00.jpg


    That's funny. 2 of us here in this thread have owned that X Men 12 and lamented getting rid of it. I'm guessing you're the one that bought it from me via HGC.

  4. On 6/2/2022 at 7:06 PM, ADAMANTIUM said:

    Basically @THE_BEYONDER 

    @joeypost has asked going on 2 months, for any update, I pointed out that not even fast track had been reported. No economy updates other than someone's who was the last to post an update, which was around I think March reminded us he had posted. And I believe his was fast track maybe


    Economy FT is pretty much at warp speed. My 3 subs that were received on 4/25 were shipped on 5/5, which is less than 10 business days for those counting at home. ST however is still sitting in SFG from mid October.

  5. On 6/1/2022 at 1:48 PM, Red84 said:

    @CGC Mike please share the results of this poll with management. As it stands, 9% are indifferent towards the change; 1% like the change; 47% say they will no longer purchase newly graded books; and 43% say they will still buy books but don't like the change.

    In other words, 1% view the change favorably; 9% are indifferent; and 90% view the change negatively.

    Your numbers are wrong because of the bait and switch tactic you used between the title and poll. I know I for one answered "no" before reading your poll because of what the title of the thread asked and since at least one more person before me posted the exact same thing, I know I'm not the only one. My actual answer would be "yes and the label change makes no difference" so add me to the list of indifferent folks. 

  6. On 1/4/2022 at 4:11 PM, Kevin76 said:

    When submitting bulk, even with a $2 price increase, on top of the increase from last year, it adds up..Like CGC, we wanna make as much as we can. So what would cost $2200 for a 100 moderns @22.00 is now going to cost us $200 more for the same service, on the same amount of books @24.00...for every submission!  You saying to stop whining about the CGC increase to stop submitting is like saying  "Stop buying gas if you don't like the increase, oh wait, you still make money going to work"!!  

    I'm aware of the math, I submit hundreds of books to them every year. But if the math stops working out with the price increases, then yes you should stop submitting. And if the math for your job is such that an increase at the gas pump impacts your ability to live, then yeah you should find a new job where that impact isn't there. I don't begrudge anyone trying to make money when there is money to be made and that includes CGC. The part I'm whining about is the fact that they are raising prices and all the supposed "investments" they are making sure aren't showing up for me the consumer. But since there is no viable competition I'm just going to whine in here like a jerk and then bend over and take it up the tailpipe... just like all the rest of you.

  7. Going to have to agree with John on this... for all of you in here whining about this... STOP submitting. Oh that's right you won't because you still make money off CGC's services even after the price increase. Well then you have nothing to person_without_enough_empathy about. If you are one of the ones person_without_enough_empathying and you don't submit and I know there are some of you here... what do you care? You don't submit anyway, doesn't matter if they charge $1 or $1000, has no affect on you. As a matter of fact why are you even posting in this thread?

    @CGC - when am I going to see all of this "investment" you are supposedly making. Your TAT's still suck. Go ahead and take my money, I won't complain because I'm one of those people making money off your service and a $2 hike in price won't have any effect but please don't insult me by lying about all these "investments" you have made because clearly they aren't doing any good. 

  8. On 12/20/2021 at 11:11 PM, lou_fine said:

    Totally agree with both points highlighted here as absolutely no argument that even at these "lowered prices from the peak, they are still substantially higher than what they were selling for back in 2019.  (thumbsu

    The only question is when does such a common book like GSXM 1 (even in CGC 9.8 uber HG) stop falling and start to consolidate because this latest continuing downward sale at $37K still represents a percentage drop of over 48% from its peak of $72K back in June of this year?  :wishluck:  :taptaptap:

    With 9.6's still selling in the $20K neighborhood, my guess would be that 9.8's settle in the $40K neighborhood, +/- 15% on any given auction for the usual reasons. That of course is just a guess. Any sort of X Men MCU news would probably goose the book back up again but until that happens, it's not the flavor of the month.

  9. On 12/19/2021 at 8:50 PM, Ghost Town said:

    It's not for sale. But some dork posted it here in this very thread back in April.

    Nice Barton, VERY NICE! Of all the people that should have that first 9.8, can't think of a better one than you. I was curious if it would have any of the ink transfer that is so common on this book and it looks like it does not. Absolutely beautiful book. Congrats!!!

  10. On 12/18/2021 at 7:22 PM, Laszlo the Mudjar said:

    I think you are misinterpreting my comments, and the facts do not support your comment.  I believe the prices for comics will go up over a longterm, but over shorter periods there have been numerous downturns.  Looking at prices on GPA this has happened time and again.  Without question comics increase in value over a longer time period, but not always over the interim periods.

    If you are saying that prices will dip and then go back up, then yes I misinterpreted your comments. I took them to be the prognostication of the always impending "GCC". My bad, apologies.

  11. On 12/18/2021 at 12:21 AM, lou_fine said:

    With one key exception being GSXM 1, as I had already alluded to in a post from a few days ago:

    Looks like it is still continuing its downward drift with this copy managing to hit only $37K in CC's auction tonight after the previous CGC 9.8 graded copy sold for $38,400 in Heritage's Signature Auction last month:  :frown:



    In this current environment, it would appear that the relatively huge number of GSXM 1 with over 200 slabbed copies already slabbed in CGC 9.8 has resulted in a situation where the supply is greater than the demand at this current price point.  Kind of makes me wonder what or when the equilibrium is going to be reach where the demand is going to equal the supply for this book, as I guess only time will tell.  hm  :taptaptap:

    They have cooled in 9.8 but holding strong in 9.6 and 9.4 and even the 9.8 that just sold for $38K sold for TRIPLE what a 9.8 was selling for just 2 years ago. Still on fire for the majority of people that own one.