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Everything posted by Hepcat

  1. Wow! That's a big one! I have all the Flash Archives though.
  2. So did you buy any? Do you still have any?
  3. I really enjoy seeing the comics in this thread!
  4. Here are a few group shots of the tapered half pint chocolate milk bottles I have from Ontario dairies: And here are a few group shots of the quarter pint bottles I have from Ontario dairies:
  5. Another good way to get at least career guidance if not vocational training and improve your resume at the same time would be at the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology which is probably no more than a long walk or short bus ride from where you live: Niagara College By all means see them! That's why they're there.
  6. You know the best thing you can do now if you truly want to better yourself is apply for admission to Brock University and in the interim start looking for a job. If you're truly interested in selling, commission sales positions typically go begging. And you could still continue such a job part-time while attending university.
  7. A million!? I'd like to see the storage system in your comic room. Post pictures please.
  8. So on Saturday I had a Cornish pasty from the Brick Street Bakery outlet on Queen Street East in Toronto: I also had most of a sausage roll. While the quality was truly excellent, I was somewhat disappointed. I didn't like the flavour of the sausage filling of the sausage roll, and there was also a spice in the Cornish pasty that brought down the taste for me. In future I'll stick to the range of meat/steak/chicken pies sold at the Brick Street Bakery. Celena's Bakery on Danforth Avenue in Toronto sells the most fabulous Cornish pasties I can remember having in recent years. They seem expensive at $6 each but they're really big compared with most other ones. There's also a fellow from Simcoe who sells very good British meat pies and Cornish pasties at the St. Lawrence Market on Saturdays. And his prices are very friendly so when I make the trip downtown on Saturdays I stock up.
  9. Here's a list of the brands of soda pop no longer available in my neck of the woods that I miss the most: 1. Wishing Well Beverages Orange, lemon-lime, grape, cream soda, ginger-ale, Wishing Well bottled a complete line at a plant just across the street from Labatt Breweries in London. And they were all really good! Store signs, vending machines, Wishing Well was all over the place in London up to the late sixties. 2. Kist Beverages Like Wishing Well, a complete line. The local bottler was out of Stratford, Ontario, home of the Shakespeare Festival. How could you not like a brand called Kist? 3. Frostie Root Beer Great taste right up there with A&W! It didn't have the unpleasant aftertaste of Hire's Root Beer. And fabulous graphics! 4. Squirt Retreated to Detroit and area. I haven't seen it here in stores for about twelve years anyway. A sour-sweet grapefruit flavour. 5. John Collins A unique light lime rickey flavour if I remember correctly. It's been over fifty years though. 6. Nesbitt's Orange It's the bottles with the white pyroglazing I remember as a kid. Good orange! I haven't had it for fifty years though. 7. Royal Crown Cola I haven't seen it in the Toronto area for nearly ten years. It was bottled by Wishing Well in London back in the sixties. Royal Crown Cola introduced the concept of the sixteen ounce bottle to my neck of the woods. And from an iced water cooler no less! Mmmmmm, what more could a young fellow need on a hot summer's day? Except a few more dimes for an ice cream cone, a bunch of comics and several packs of baseball cards.... 8. Stubby Beverages A complete line like Wishing Well and Kist. It just wasn't as good though despite the great graphics. Stubby may have been bottled out of Toronto.
  10. This book is impossible in high grades. Indeed. The two previous issues of the Brave & the Bold with the Justice League are tough but they're about ten times more common than issues #31-33 with Cave Carson and crew.
  11. We were released from St. Anthony's High School for the customary three week or so break from school over Xmas and New Year's fifty years ago. Interesting that I recall next to nothing about either my journey home to London, Ontario on the dog in December or back to Kennebunkport, Maine in January, only that the trips were grueling and tedious. I do remember the comics that caught my eye on the various spinner racks in the Greyhound stations though. I picked up these three on my trip home: While I was glad that Metamorpho wasn't going to be a member of the Justice League, I still found it somewhat disturbing that a character so unlike the other members had gotten an invitation in the first place. Metamorpho just didn't fit the "competent man" mold that I expected from my superheroes. While I was glad to see that the Teen Titans had been awarded their own title, their portrayal was somehow off the mark. I wasn't yet aware of the concept of "camp".... The one I really wanted though continued to elude me: My subscription to the The Fox and the Crow had not yet expired so this comic awaited me at home: I didn't realize it at the time but the intro of that execrable pair, Stanley and His Monster, was the harbinger of the end for DC's long running Fox and the Crow title. That issue #95 was actually the last before the process of crowding the Fox and the Crow out of their own title swung into high gear. As opposed to any comic it was the latest issue of Creepy that drew my attention at my local variety store newstand in London though: So compelling did I find the stories that a few days later I went out to comb the newstands at variety stores in my neighbourhood looking for that first issue of Eerie that was being advertised in Creepy. I tracked one down just three or four blocks away on Wortley Road: I was so captivated by the gritty tales contained in Creepy and Eerie that I dutifully sent in my remittance to subscribe to both. Anyone who ever had any dealings with Warren or their subsidiary Captain Company at the time though will tell you that ordering anything from Warren imperiled your funds. I received notification of my subscription to both publications, but ended up actually getting only the Eerie. So in January gifted with a pair of spanking new skates endorsed by Bobby Hull (so bereft were these of ankle support that you had to be Bobby Hull to manage to skate in them), I boarded the dog again to return to Kennebunkport. I remember buying only this Aquaman comic on the way back: I glanced at the latest issue of Wonder Woman, but the retro setting and artwork caused me to put it down in disgust: And I still refuse to add those retro look Wonder Woman comics to my collection! All in all though, I just wasn't nearly as compelled to pick up DC's monthly offerings as I had been two years previously. I now realize that it wasn't just a function of growing out of comics. I'd really been a fan of DC's house look covers and DC's decision to compromise this look with Marvel-style bombast lost me.
  12. Here are scans of a few more second appearances from my collection: Deputy Dawg Rocky & Bullwinkle Top Cat Doctor Solar Man from U.N.C.L.E. Owl Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  13. So has anyone seen a Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons! pinball machine in their own neck of the woods yet? It's made by Stern and it's the first new electro-mechanical pinball game in over 36 years!
  14. How are you doing then on the Beany & Cecil and Tom Terrific?
  15. Cool! Sad Sack collectors are a rare breed. Sad Sacks have to be tough to find too.
  16. Why don't you post some of your other Charltons in this thread? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9100327&fpart=1 And Archie Adventure in this thread? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6476437&fpart=1
  17. Here are scans of eight more of my Little Audrey comics:
  18. Which ones were these? They're not showing up.
  19. Welcome Anttheknee! You're the fellow whose comics I often find in Photobucket when searching for my own Charlton, Archies and other off titles.
  20. So here's a great site for locating pinball machines: PinballMap Individual specimens of these three machines are evidently right here in Toronto!
  21. I opened up a five cent pack of 1960 Topps Funny Valentine A cards in 2005 and ate the gum: It hadn't improved with age. It was really crumbly and somewhat bitter. The best tasting trading card gum though was that found in Parkies/Zip hockey cards issued by Parkhurst: 1960-61 Parkhurst 1961-62 Parkhurst 1962-63 Parkhurst 1963-64 Parkhurst The slab of gum included in the Parkhurst cards was not only somewhat thicker than the Topps slab, but it was juicier and less crumbly and had a delicious cherry taste. Mmmmmm, I wish Parkhurst still made bubble gum!
  22. Rip Hunter 27 would have hit newstands in late May 1965.
  23. It was the Gottlieb 2001 released in 1971 that was my own gateway machine to a lifetime of pinball addiction: I had played various pinball machines as a kid but then they were banned in the Province of Ontario (or all of Canada?) for a twelve year period or so ending in 1974(?). But when the new student recreation center at the University of Western Ontario was completed in 1971, it had five pinball machines including the Gottlieb 2001! I was never short of cash as a student and I fed many a quarter into that machine, but it couldn't last. You see under the law it was an "illegal gaming device". Accordingly a City of London police officer appeared at the rec center after about three months, played the machines for two or three hours to satisfy himself that they were indeed illegal gaming devices which could very well corrupt students, policemen and whoever else for life, and the machines were gone for good the next day. Yes, seized they were by the fascist State! While the draconian law was repealed a few years later, I've not forgiven the bastards. Smash the State I say!