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Everything posted by Hepcat

  1. Sorry. I goofed. You're very correct about Flash 106 being Grodd's intro and not his second appearance. But you're wrong about Justice League of America 21 being the Justice Society of America's first Silver Age appearance. The Justice Society appeared and decided to reconstitute itself in Flash 137.
  2. But we never have/had enough money to do what we should/would have anyway! I did some selective buying when Diamond Galleries sent out that gorgeous red catalogue featuring their Harvey file copies in the mid-nineties. I've often kicked myself ever since for having been so selective, instead of just buying one of just about everything. But of course I didn't have the disposable cash to be much more than selective anyway.
  3. When was this, Bob? Which ones did you get? Very cool nonetheless!
  4. Here are scans of four more of my Rip Hunter comics:
  5. Flash 137 is the issue featuring the first reappearance of the Justice Society. All Flash 129 has is Jay Garrick's reminiscences of the JSA in action and a pinup of the Justice Society that's in no way a part of the story,
  6. Here in alphabetical order by publisher and then by title are scans of twenty of my favourite covers from my collection for the year 1965: 4 23 76 77 12 19 2
  7. Here are a few more from my collection: Super Gorilla Grodd Justice Society in Silver Age Doom Patrol Star Sapphire Mera Zatanna Spectre in Silver Age Inferior Five DC Plastic Man
  8. Editor Jack Schiff unveiled an atomizing effect on a World's Finest Comics cover in 1962: He reused it on a Blackhawk cover in 1963:
  9. Here are a few more from my collection: Fly Fly Girl Jaguar Gorgo Blue Beetle Nightshade The Question E-Man
  10. Oh wow! Now that's a tough one! Is it also not the second appearance of the aptly named Madame 44?
  11. Indeed! We're all audiophiles and two channel purists in this household! We love our vinyl and classic turntables. Digital in comparison just doesn't offer the richness and warmth for our tastes. We're all big Chicago Blackhawk supporters in this household. The MAN has been a huge Blackhawk fan ever since he found four hockey cards on the street in December(?) of 1958 when he was in first grade. He couldn't yet read the team names but as soon as he saw that big Indian head he knew that was the team for him. Here he is showing off his current collection: Here's Styx proudly showing off two of the four Blackhawk jerseys we share in the household. The MAN insists that we share them of course although two of them fit The WOMAN the best. Here's Styx again happily admiring two of our Blackhawk jerseys after we added 2013 Stanley Cup patches to them: And here's Styx with our 2010 Stanley Cup Champions T-shirt and our red 2013 Stanley Cup Champions T-shirt: Here are Deuce and Cowboy admiring another one of our Blackhawk T-shirts: Meanwhile Cowboy hasn't given up on the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and expects them to contend for the Grey Cup next fall: The WOMAN is a big Blue Bombers fan while The MAN leans more toward the Edmonton Eskimos.
  12. Here are some photos from Xmas a few years back. First here's Phoebe(2005-2008) in the large bedroom: The Christmas tree: Here's Deuce(2006?-2015) beside it: The tree is a fiber optic one to which we add multiple strands of seven(!) colour C6 LED lights and decorate it with predominantly silvery or white decorations including lots of little birds. Adding multitudes of silver icicles and swaths of angel hair turns the tree into a scene from a magical wintry wonderland where a riot of colour can be seen breaking through a haze of snow and ice. Unfortunately, The MAN has never been able to capture the effect with the camera. Here's Phoebe with her soul mate Blizzard while he still shone brightly: So after we'd taken down the tree in January 2007, we put Blizzard in the upstairs closet. One day the following summer I opened the closet door and Phoebe discovered that her long lost friend was dwelling there! She happily lay down beneath him again. Here's Styx(2000?-2015) with Blizzard: Here's Cowboy with Blizzard: Here's Blizzard out on the front porch with Deuce:
  13. So growing up as a youngster I was generally required to attend supplemental Lithuanian language classes Saturdays between 4:00 and 5:30 PM during the school year. These classes were in the basement of St. Peter's elementary school just north of downtown London on Richmond Street by the cathedral. Dreadfully inconvenient to be sure. There was a silver lining though. I'd be given $0.50 or so to go see a movie downtown prior to classes plus bus fare there and back. But St. Peter's was only about a mile and a half away from where we lived in Old South London. So I could walk there anyway. The bus fare I could then spend otherwise! Sometimes I would indeed take in a movie. But often I'd elect to deploy my cash in other ways. The first temptation was a pinball machine at a diner that was right across from the Wishing Well Beverages bottling plant on Richmond Street which was on the southern edge of the downtown area about halfway to St. Peter's. I believe that it was this Gottlieb Sweet Hearts machine released in 1963: After a few games I'd head further downtown and check out the magazine stand at the United Cigar Store at Richmond and Dundas Street, London's main intersection. I bought many a comic from that newsstand. I'd then head east along Dundas Street a couple of blocks to the News Depot which had a much more impressive selection of magazines, comics and other offerings to tempt a young fellow. I still remember buying and strongly associate these comics with the News Depot: But the News Depot was also one of the relatively few stores in London that stocked Krun-Chee Potato Chips which sometimes offered a premium coin free inside such as these Fighting Warship coins: Or these 1963 Canadian Football coins: I mean wow! What else can I say? I wanted everything so badly but my funds were very limited so I had to choose wisely and carefully.
  14. Here are scans of nine more of my Detective Comics: Goofy though some may be, they're always colourful and cool!
  15. Here are scans of five more Adventure Comics from my collection:
  16. Wow! I love Batwoman covers, and finding one that's a 9.6 is incredible!
  17. See! Never give a woman a leopard skin leotard. It'll bring out the savage in her and she'll turn on you in a flash!
  18. Yes, that is the conventional thinking alright.
  19. That Tales of the Unexpected 17 is simply sensational!
  20. Hey, wow! A really early crossover with Prof of the Challengers in House of Secrets!
  21. Here are scans of seven more of my Detective Comics: I really like the next three covers. Very pretty.!
  22. Mmmmmm, Lady Blackhawk! Great cans, great legs, great copy! Here she is in her second appearance after she turns to being a bad girl:
  23. Here are some second appearances from my collection of Harvey comics: Black Cat in her own title Kit Spooky in his own title Wendy as cover feature Jigsaw Pirana B-Man Jack Quick Frost I was hoping to add Herman & Katnip as well but it seems that I have their third and fourth but not their second appearance as cover features.
  24. Wow! I never previously noticed just how long and lovely Myra's locks were!