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Everything posted by Hepcat

  1. Now here in alphabetical order are scans of my twelve favourite DC covers from 1964 that I have in my collection:
  2. Thank you! Now, this is a run I have been working on for YEARS. Still need a few to finish it. I've found it to be brutally difficult in higher grades, even the issues as recent as those from 1963! Have you managed to score any higher grade copies? How about Adventures of the Jaguar? Great stuff! That's what I like to hear. (thumbs u
  3. I knew a fellow named Alan who doted on Big Al's kids' program on CKCO-TV from Kitchener. He absolutely idolized Big Al, a cowboy type character who ostensibly loved all kids. So Big Al was at a Kitchener area fall fair. I guess it was a long, hot thirsty day and Big Al was resorting to a series of cold ones to make it through the ordeal. So inevitably he had to retreat to the washroom to take a leak. Now Alan had seized upon the chance to meet his idol at the fair that day and followed Big Al to the washroom. So Alan sidled up to Big Al at the next urinal over and said "Hi Big Al! They call me Little Al." But by this time Big Al was pretty tanked up. Three sheets to the wind you might say. He accordingly looked over at this annoying little twerp beside him and said "Ahhhhhhh, f.... off kid." Well Little Alan was just shattered! Here he'd gotten the proverbial back of the hand from his idol! So years later Alan became a city cop in London. One day he pulled a woman over for some picayune traffic offence. It turned out to be Miss Dorothy, the hostess of CFPL-TV's own Romper Room in London. What, one of those good-for-nothing kids' TV hosts?! Well Alan threw the book at her. Got her for everything he could think of and more. That'll teach those kid hating hypocrites from those TV shows!
  4. Here in alphabetical order are scans of my twelve favourite DC covers dated 1963 from my collection: And here from my collection are scans of my favourite five comic covers from 1963 by other publishers:
  5. Well Marty from the back row is still a regular visitor to the front porch where he hangs out with Ace and Cowboy. The WOMAN won't allow Scout outside yet so Scout and Marty merely touch noses through the window screen. Here's Scout on her perch on top of the scratching post in front of the kitchen pantry this morning:
  6. The words "Howdy Doody" were magical to me when I was a kid. To me they represented an exotic U.S. TV program that the more fortunate kids got to watch. You see our local TV station in London didn't carry the program and one needed an antenna on the roof of the house to get it on a Detroit, Cleveland or Erie channel. For my family it was a moot point anyway because the program was cancelled in September, 1960 and we didn't even get a TV until 1961. These days though I like to pick up Howdy Doody paraphernalia when I get the chance. I have this Milton Bradley board game: Plus five DELL Howdy Doody comics. Here's my favourite of the five:
  7. Here then are scans of all my Dell comics featuring Rocky and Bullwinkle: Here are two Dell comics in which Bullwinkle gets top billing:
  8. The WOMAN snapped some more shots of Scout yesterday. Here she is with Cancun: And with Hop: And finally with Cowboy:
  9. That Strange Adventures' cover is among my very favourite covers from the Silver Age!
  10. Here from my comics published in 1962 are my favourite twelve covers in alphabetical order:
  11. Here are a couple more pictures of Scout from last weekend then: Her stomach was shaved for her hysterectomy operation when she was just over eight weeks old.
  12. Scout is a girl and has another white patch on the lower part of her belly. Did you see the ones on page 56 of this thread?
  13. It's a carved wood scale model of a Republic Airlines DC-8 with the twin goose livery like the ones that used to be a common sight in travel agencies. I paid about U.S.$175 for it back in 2006. I'll try to take some pictures of it this weekend.
  14. I'm somewhat saddened by the death of the legendary Christopher Lee. Here are some of my favourite shots of Christopher Lee as Dracula: Christopher Lee not only fit Bram Stoker's description of Count Dracula physically but he also conveyed the strength and unrelenting nature of the Count better than any other actor who played the role. He could convincingly speak the words "What, you dare oppose me? I who have led armies?"
  15. Interesting! Evidently DC accidentally left the cover price off Sea Devils 22. In other developments Scout had by this past weekend scaled and conquered the Tower of Power:
  16. Okay! Here then are scans of my twelve favourite Sea Devils covers from my collection:
  17. Thank you! Now here in alphabetical order are scans of my twelve favourite DC covers from 1961 that I have in my collection:
  18. Here in alphabetical order are scans of my twelve favourite DC covers from 1960 that I have in my collection:
  19. I'd be very much interested in that story.
  20. We acquired a nine week old female kitten we're calling Scout a week ago last Wednesday. Here are some pictures of now ten week old Scout: And here she is with old uncle Ace: She was the runt of the litter so she's not very big. She's grown very noticeably in the last eight days though!
  21. That reminds me that I need to pick up the first four Mad Archive books!