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Brian Peck

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Posts posted by Brian Peck

  1. On 2/28/2023 at 7:16 AM, comicwiz said:

    Apologies if this was already posted, but this doc is being released on March 11th at the Omaha film festival. I hope it gets wider distribution.


    This is the doc that should have happened many years ago.When there were more living comic artists who could have been interviewed - better late than never I suppose, but long overdue!


    He is a thief and a hack. He stole from artist and copied their work almost line for line. When it wasn't line for line his drawings were inferior to the original comic book artists. I have always considered him a con man and rip-off artist. With all the AI being "Trained" by using other artist work, I have coined the phrase being "Being Lichtensteined" !!!!!!!


  2. On 2/23/2023 at 7:43 AM, Will_K said:

    I'm sure some of that is because on ComicArtLive, Bill used to (or still does) give numbers on top sales (aggregate or individual pieces) of dealers that Bill is hosting.  And my guess is some of that could be useful for the dealers own accounting purposes.  However, just because Bill is keeping track of sales, that doesn't mean it has to be displayed in the dealer's inventory after it has sold.

    Bill seems to allow for some variation, for example, you can see just sold/for sale/all pieces for Albert.  For Mitch, sold pieces are taken down altogether.

    But the pieces have no price so how does that relate to top sales which is value not number of pieces sold.


  3. On 2/21/2023 at 3:41 PM, Will_K said:

    Maybe the only advantage to a dealer that displays sold pieces:  See all those sold pieces ??  My prices are totally reasonable, so buy something.

    For Romitaman he posts what was sold on Dueling Dealers, which never made it to the site before they sold. It’s great to see what was sold on the show but the show is similar to cons where dealers can bring new art not on their that sells. I have not seen a dealer post art sold at cons which were not on their site before. Seems to clog the new art section of the dealer. More non sale art to scroll thru.

  4. Each year of the Best of I just want to get at least one vote for each entry. Did well this year, one outside of the top 5. It was fun and loved seeing what other people acquired over the year.


    My Best of 2022

    10 votes - Rocketeer at War #1 (Cover)

    9   votes - Conan illustration (Comic-book Pin-up)

    6   votes - Shazam (Commission)

    15 votes - Madeleine Elster Costume Sketch from Vertigo (Media Artwork)

    28 votes - Strange Fantasies" Portfolio Page (Non-comic illustration)

                     6th place (missed by one vote)

  5. On 1/29/2023 at 8:00 PM, J.Sid said:

    So you're saying some Buscema die-hard trades half his collection for a great Silver Surfer #4 page and has to vote 5 lesser things in ahead of it in that category?


    (Disclaimer: I voted for both of my submissions... because I love them)

    We already know what your 5 favorites of the year, the voting if for you to pick which pieces other submitted you fell are your favorites that you may want to own.

  6. On 1/29/2023 at 9:46 AM, Fischb1 said:

    I fail to see the comparison between a German art dealer taking advantage of fleeing Jews, and Europeans selling their art in the 80's. Can you clarify for me?

    The family sold it to a jewish dealer outside of Germany. This is different from the law requiring art to be returned that was stolen by the Nazis or forced to sell to them. The family needed money to get out of Germany and had to choose a piece to sell they keept the rest of hwat they owned. Its like someone having to sell an OA piece for personal or family needs, medical procedure, house repairs or needing money to move.

  7. On 1/23/2023 at 9:05 AM, JC25427N said:

    I think having the # of votes be dependent on the number of entries would be a good idea.

    So if a category gets less than X (not sure what a good cutoff would be) number of entries, everyone only gets say 3 votes for that category.

    If it gets greater than some Y number of entries, then everyone gets 10 votes in that category.

    Then if its between X and Y then we stick with 5 votes

    Something like that so it doesn't have to be a flat number for every category. 

    People get confused enough with 5 votes per category

  8. On 1/20/2023 at 1:29 PM, J.Sid said:

    It's not about the price. It's not necessarily about the lettering. It's about the drastic difference in eras.

    Then having the eras mixed is a good thing. There are many new collectors that started reading in the 90s that have no interest in silver and golden age  artwork and vice versa. For me new art without letter doesn't interest me and I usually will not buy panel page without lettering. So I wouldn't vote for anything in that category is it was 2000 and later.  Double edged sword, breaking it down by eras might get fewer to vote in a certain category.

  9. On 1/20/2023 at 11:40 AM, J.Sid said:

    The biggest reason would be to split a category with 400 entries into 2 categories.

    The secondary reason would so that a Kirby/Sinnott twice up Fantastic Four page is not in the same category as a non-lettered, pencil page which was drawn in 2021. At least make an attempt to compare apples to apples.

    And you have a Jim Lee Hush page which is not lettered on the artwork. That would be like Kirby/Sinnott twice up Fantastic Four, very expensive and out of the reach of many collectors. You trade one expensive page done in the 60s to another one done in the 21st century, would still be the same situation.

  10. On 1/20/2023 at 11:17 AM, Phill the Governor said:

    I think that's it in a nutshell: I don't think most people set expectations for winning (I know I didn't); by and large regardless of what you collect there's universal acknowledgement that virtually any Killing Joke, Watchmen or Dark Knight page will 99/100 times get chosen over something less desirable. If that's the case, why not segment those types of pieces into one category, so they can compete together, and all of the other art that is submitted competes separately.  Maybe I'm alone, but if there's all this talk about using this as a way to discover and see new art that was missed being posted over the last year, I think this separation would be beneficial to seeing and viewing all other non-classic pieces differently. Otherwise it feels like those pieces can be unfairly compared to the likes of those they can never compete against.

    @Brian Peck is right in saying that it's impossible to police by price. However, objectively it feels odd that such a significant amount of comic art conversations revolve around price, but one categorical separation of above or below one value is something that can be dismissed as impossible.

    Everyone that submits their art into the public sphere, and the people behind CAF, overall, make it the great thing that it is. And for that I am grateful. :)

    For me its all about seeing what I missed and sharing what are my favorites I acquired over the year. Spreading going out over 2 weeks gives people more than a day to going thru each of the 11 categories. My main expectation for Best of it I get at least one vote for each of my pieces.

  11. On 1/20/2023 at 9:43 AM, J.Sid said:

    I like this idea, at least for the main categories (Cover, Splash, Panel Page)

    Gold / Silver / Bronze / Copper / Modern? (too many?)

    Pre-Image / Post-Image? (1992)

    Pre-2000 / Post-2000?

    This has been brought up alot but I do not see the reason for it. Besides having to set hard dates for each category, when does silver age end? Bronze Age? etc. What is the point? There are 5 and 6 figure image artwork, along with silver and bonze age artwork. Even modern Jim Lee art fetches high 5 figures.

    More categories the more work people have to do choosing where their art should be and that might cause fewer people to enter. This year we had 20% increase in the number of entries compared to last year. So long as entries stay the same or increase. That is the main thing Bill and I want to see. We are open to changes but many of these have been mentioned over the almost 20 years of CAF and the Best of.


  12. On 1/20/2023 at 9:49 AM, RBerman said:

    Two other modification possibilities:


    1) There are separate categories for "Illustration" and "Other." I would think those could be combined since this is a contest for illustrations. As I look through the "other" category, most of the pieces look like they could reasonably have been put into a more specific category like "commission" or "illustration" or "cover" or "recreation. Speaking of which:

    2) Specifically expand "recreation" to include "homage." Not all recreations are intended to be exact, like the "One Minute Later" series, or the "Calvin and Hobbes version of Silver Surfer #4."

    1) We have "Other" as a category since people always ask what category something should be in so if they are nor sure just use Other. I have been trying to get "Other" smaller each year. Might remove it next year and see how it goes. After adding the other non-comic art categories I think Other can go away.

    2. Recreation like homage are basically commissions, unless done for the publishers for the released comics. Didn't think it was necessary to call it out in the description.