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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. It’s better than a 6.5. The spine ticks are the major drawback 7.5 makes sense to me
  2. First, story time quick. My friend messages me earlier today and says a friend of his dads has comics. I get a couple pics and this issue was one. I tell him I’ll pay $$$ for it and budda boom budda bing, he drops it off and now I have it! I know what I would give for a grade but wondering what everyone here thinks. Complete, centrefold and cover attached. Major flaws are what ya see!
  3. Hmm you are right. Imagine if they did ads outside of comics? That seems to be the only place they advertise, is within their own product and within stores that sell their product. Imagine they went bigger with ads like you say? Or imagine bookstores carried posters or something advertising it? Or even a TV ad? I know that is expensive but has it been tried in the past two decades? I wonder why that hasn’t been done. Thats great you found comics though! My question would be do you feel interested in acquiring first appearances of character you enjoy, like Venom? Do you care about older issues from the 90s for this character or could you care less? Granted I know ASM 300 is a steep price now but maybe someday it’s a goal of yours? Or are you content with the now and reading Venoms history by other means?
  4. It’s quirky, it’s an homage to classic television, it’s witty, it’s has humour that is nothing guy busting but makes you smile. Above all, it’s different and you know there are breadcrumbs leading to something bigger (or at least or hopes). It’s well acted and filmed and I just think the intrigue is really there. I kinda like that I am gonna be left hanging for a week before the next episode. I’m gonna hang my hat on a big reveal here and say that one of the characters who we meet in episode 2 is Mephisto. And I think he and Kang are the next two baddies that cause mayhem moving forward in the MCU.
  5. Yeah I think you may wanna reevaluate the images. Multiple spine ticks, those corner creases suck but this is exactly the solid mid grade copy Id love for my own a solid 5.5 with 6.0 potential from me
  6. Oh and don't forget "Face front, true believers!" Jeez comics are starting to feel kind of culty all of a sudden....
  7. Words of Stan include "Excelsior!", "Mighty Marvelites!" and "When I came up with the idea and pitched it to Steve...."
  8. Maybe we are responsible for sustaining the hobby? I was a fluke as no one introduced me to comics that had prior comic experience. But maybe if we all introduce someone and get someone passionate, to some degree, the hobby will never die. Hence why we should welcome newcomers with legit questions. Remember, we weren't all as knowledgeable as we think we are (and some of us still aren't but we live in a beautiful illusion ) I have yet to find my replacement but I am betting on my offspring. He shows a legit interest at 2. Maybe I'm delusional but I feel like I have time in life to connect with someone and get them into comics. If I have to, I could always walk door to door and say "Hey have you found Immortal Hulk today? I can help you, there is this guy I know selling issues from his garage. They are great, both in terms of stories and art. Our great leader Stan Lee once said..." (door slams in face)
  9. If you don't have a warm apple dessert on the menu (like a pie, or crisp or something cinnamony and delicious) I am not coming to your restaurant.
  10. At the end of the day, I have been teaching now for 7 years. And I have met less than 10 students who seemed to have ANY interest in taking their joy of the movies Marvel et al have put out beyond and into comic books specifically. Most kids are like "yeah that Spidey movie was good" then they go back to Tik Tok or whatever. Are those 7 or 8 kids per 2000 or so enough to sustain the hobby? My sample size is small keep in mind, although I have taught/interacted with a couple thousand kids in that time period. And a couple of those 7-8 kids were content with trades and digital reading....granted, comics physically are costly, speficially older books, so maybe that interest piques later but it could also not happen at all. Not many seem intrigued that I have physical copies of the stories they have read...for example, when I told the one I had the actual issues where Gwen Stacy dies, there was no glimmer of intrigue. It was more so "Oh yeah I've read that. I more so like insert newer story here". So it may becomes similar to scenario 2 posed by @The Lions Den earlier.
  11. I mean, the Marvel movies (and I am using them as the juggernaut, knowing full well that DC and other comics series have been successfully adapted on smaller screens) provide entertainment for everyone. Diehard fans, casual fans, kids. I think the hope is that it will continue. Stories will be adapted for years to come, characters will be used and reused and recast and one-shot films will happen. It could last a looong time and it should because the stories and characters that exist to be used are still the thousands (of good ones anyway). Maybe you are of the belief that just because a story was good does not mean a movie/show needs to be made but hollywood will view otherwise and if comic companies and creators are smart, they will too and continue to produce these. The variable I have NO idea about (because my city of 75000 has no LCS, just some guy who somehow sells new releases two weeks later out of his garage....he's great by the way and I love this) is how many "new" fans get into comics specifically. Even if it is to acquire some keys, or key artists or whatever. And when I say new, it does not have to be kids. Comics are not a dirt cheap hobby so finding kids who buy comics is hard...its usually 20-25 years olds who start to have expendable income who seem to be the newcomers. So my question is how many of them do LCS's see? If it is a decent amount, the hobby will sustain. If it is not, well it may be a scenario where it exists but not as strong as it does now. I believe the strength we are seeing, and have seen over the past couple years and likely will see for the next decade or so at least, is that most "older" collectors still have their stuff and are still in the hobby. Then, you have the 80's and 90's kids with money now to spend, going back to their childhood where these characters were a big part of cartoons, comics, cards, etc. And finally you have those who WERE in the hobby getting back in because of its relevancy after the crash and burn through the 90s. My fear is the 2000s and up generations....they just dont seem to have that same level of interest in collecting. They seem more likely when they hit 25 to say "oh yeah, Avengers was a great movie from my childhood" and just leave it at that. I hope I am wrong here though.
  12. Also, I appreciate the insight everyone! It appears that, while likely much more rare than a standard comic double cover, that they do exist. A weird white whale for me to consider, as I do enjoy treasuries.
  13. Yeah come on man Canada is small enough. How would YOOOUUU like it if I went hunting in YOOOOUUUR backyard? Uh well I do....and sometimes people won't ship to me .....even if I pay a smidge more for their time.....sniff sniff
  14. But you want one like me...right? Hmmm its loose right? I'd need to see some glue evidence along that other spine to feel like its legit.....To me it seems like someone COULD be passing off a cover that fell of one book onto another book
  15. Well, does a double cover treasury exist? Or unlikely due to the way they were made? I am just curious....
  16. I've seen 4.5s that looks worse and I think 5.5's look better so 5.0 is where I am at! Looks much nicer than my 2.0
  17. I am also around a 7.5 with a shot at 8.0. I don't think a press will help this achieve higher. Also those "holes" you were concerned about are common production issues from printing back in the day and don't usually have an effect. If you had a perfect book and those holes were the only flaw, well you might get a 9.6 instead of a 9.8. However, you have other minor flaws that are keeping well from that range and that factor in more so than those holes.
  18. Heavier staple wear than a 7.0 would allow. Might make it a 6.0 but to be cautious, 5.5-6.0. I think some other small flaws keep it from higher and it is nicer than a 5.0 outright so this is where I fall.
  19. He mentioned spine splits, which are killer. I was at a 5.5 before scrolling down. Also was hard to tell that the staple was detached at all. Those are the killers, otherwise I think guess in the Fine and upper Fine range would have been spot on!
  20. Tan shadow on the back sucks, I know they hit it for that....Without, I think 7.5 but with I think 6.5-7.0