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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. Yikes! That is brutal. Hopefully they make it right (ie offer to pay you the value of the book they lost). This is why I always take pictures (and video) of my books before sending. I don't send many so I can see why people think this would be an inconvenience but if something like this happened to me, I would want all the proof in the world about the book I sent in so that CGC would have no choice but to make it right.
  2. Is it even a comic? It looks larger and more like a painting reproduction of a comic cover....I hope you aren't viewing it somewhere assuming it is a comic. Heck I hope the seller isn't selling it as a comic...if they are, yikes. Unless it is a comic. In your hands...or someone else's. If it is though, it is one hundred percent not real, at least the cover is not.
  3. Definitely pictures! Also I encourage others to highjack and use this thread to share collection finds…be they studs or duds
  4. CGC are quick pressers...if it is a book from 1990 to now, sure using CGC is probably fine and they will eliminate most of the flaws. For higher value older books, I would invest some money and time into finding someone with proven experience
  5. Maybe the box I am in store to see if the box of books he walked out of your store with
  6. Sadly, no comics viewed today. My colleague said the boxes are buried in a closet that he has crates of CD's packed in front of and he did not have the time to start digging them out to bring in today. But when updates on his stuff (and my other friend's mysterious box of comics) are available, I shall return!
  7. Upon reflection, you are right. They need to have their own standards and follow them. I think what I was trying to go for was the idea that maybe they should soften their stance on certain flaws that majority of the community feels acceptable with (and to my knowledge, over time they have done this with things such as tape and other defects). But my post seemed to suggest that "hey I think this is 9.8, so should CGC" and that they should pander to that....so that's my fault for not being clear.
  8. In all seriousness removing some of those notes, sure. But stuff people cannot see? Come on CGC get your heads outta your tuckises
  9. CGC suits be like ”Alright our turnaround times suck, our pressing services suck, our graders are all over the place, our quality control is suffering….what else can we do to off our customers”
  10. If CGC is smart they will use the data collected from a large number of these contests to improve their own grading standards so they are more in line with the people paying them. Keeping customer happy with your product so they come back and spend more and more and more should always be the priority for a business and it’s how you keep competition at bay
  11. I’d be fine with those:) it’s the sixties and seventies stuff that doesn’t excite me as much
  12. Haha well I know for fact it won’t be. He didn’t buy a single comic from that time period. If anything he is misremembering the issue number or maybe it’s X-Men annual 4 (altho I recall selling that era of books when I did for him….unless he kept a copy back for some reason lol)
  13. Sadly, seeing the books might have to wait longer than I hoped. My friend is very busy this week between an event and her other job so it appears doubtful I will see the comics this week. She seemed pretty flustered when I stopped by to chat briefly so I did not want to push the matter at the moment. BUTTTTTTTTT....another friend, whose comic collection I helped sell almost a decade ago because he needed money for his divorce, told me he still has some comics (if I recall, some where titles I had a hard time moving then, like Alpha Flight, Marvels Greatest featuring FF and Marvel Two In One). He mentioned at the time, he held back some books he liked that he still has and thinks he should probably just go through it all again. I convinced him to bring them in Thursday so in one way or another, garshdarnit, I will see some comics this week. He mentioned he has X-Men issue 4, which I am excited to see. From previous experience, I know his collection was mostly 1975-1985 range. When I helped him sell stuff ten years back, we moved all his X-Men (a solid run including a Giant Size X-Men 1, in lower grade). He also had a bunch of comics still in their "sleeves" from the mail. I think he kept a few, the others we tossed because at the time, we did not think they had much value (just a brown piece of paper that slid over the comic and then was stamped with his address and shipped to him). A wiser me now would have kept a few but at the time I sold them with those included. So I have a general idea what he has but am unsure exactly what books he kept back (and neither does he). I even tried to describe the X-Men #4 cover to make sure it was the one I'm hoping it is, but it did not ring a bell. He was pretty much only active in comics from 1975-1985, saying that once he hit University, comics were replaced by girls and music (to this day he has more CDS and boxed sets and albums than anyone I know). As always, pics will be shared! Ditto for any buys or negotiations!
  14. I understand the struggle. Even being in Canada poses a similar challenge. It comes down to eventually trusting someone to help you do it. And faith in the postal system which....that's a tough one I know.
  15. Seems to be dropping...a 9.0 newsstand sold back in April for $700+. A recent sale shows a best offer accepted on a $575 ask (same grade, newsstand). Even at that price, my $40 investment is doing fine. Definitely might fall more into the affordable realm for future Spidey fans and as a result should always have interest regardless of a lack of movie/tv show appearances.
  16. The staples look like they also have some rust or at least discolouration.....would be a bigger concern personally.
  17. I admire the specificity and would feel inclined to ship you said books pro bono should they appear
  18. I just got those in my last collection. Lightning never strikes twice
  19. Yeah I’m feeling western gold key vibes. That and stuff like ripleys and Boris Karloff, that kind of jam. That’s my personal bet. Doubtful there be any marvel or dc.
  20. Oh of course. I also started this thread as perhaps a fun way to share the journey of purchasing a collection. All details and aspects from here on out shall be shared
  21. I’ll be talking to her tomorrow. So at the very least I’ll have more info on how she acquired them and the man they used to belong to. Provided there is more to tell of course.
  22. I know full well the imagination is likely to outstrip and ruin the reality but it’s a fun exercise letting the mind wander like so
  23. A bona fide No Prize to whoever predicts at least something i find within!