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Posts posted by Inaflash

  1. Is that HIT 11 as rare as it seems? Haven't actually went after one, but that bear cover is great!
    The only other one I've ever seen since I started collecting the Gerber cover covers in 2003/2004 was on eBay with a detached cover and amateur resto as I recall and it still went for something like $200. It's like the Rocket 3 where I've only seen one other and it was in worse shape (a Rocket 3 on eBay in Poor sold for more than I could pay at the time).


    I always like an excuse to show this book off. Picked it up a long time ago and feel very fortunate to have it.






    (worship) If that's unrestored and you'd like to, you know, unload the heavy burden that book must be on your collection, feel free to let me know. lol


    It is unrestored, but I could never burden someone with such a thing.





  2. Is that HIT 11 as rare as it seems? Haven't actually went after one, but that bear cover is great!
    The only other one I've ever seen since I started collecting the Gerber cover covers in 2003/2004 was on eBay with a detached cover and amateur resto as I recall and it still went for something like $200. It's like the Rocket 3 where I've only seen one other and it was in worse shape (a Rocket 3 on eBay in Poor sold for more than I could pay at the time).


    I always like an excuse to show this book off. Picked it up a long time ago and feel very fortunate to have it.






  3. I was going to post this in the "Confessions of a Crack Addict" thread, but figured Timely geeks would get more utils out of this than just a good ol' fashioned crackhead. :baiting:


    It was an absolute joy going through this book the other night after I freed it from its synthetic coffin to breathe a little. (Sorry Alan, I just couldn't wait.) It was like sipping a nice glass of scotch. Enjoy!:








    If you've never seen it, this is what the Olshevsky/Chicago code looks like. It is usually about a third of the way in, on the inside margin:








    I thought this was a really cool visual when I was flipping through this book:









    Stunning copy. I love the way the light blue sky makes the rest of the colors pop off the book. Great pick up!!



  4. Thank you GE that is a great copy you got there. (thumbs u I never see the #55 around too often and I'm looking forward to cracking this one out of its shell.


    that is a gorgeous book. now that we're talking d.c.'s, here's my d.c. collection in full formation. just stuck it over in group.




    I like a lot of the cover selections you picked out. Really nice collection.



  5. Here's a recent pick-up. Always loved this Frazetta cover... and I finally have one for myself. It's a beauty, ain't she?


    Special thanks goes out CollectorsAssemble for sending it my way. Great service, great product!


    I think I'll have that cigar now...







    Awesome book! I saw Marnin's listing too late to grab that one and I already have the other ones he has listed. If you ever want to sell it for a profit, I would be interested.



  6. What is cool about collecting comics?? Well in my opinion almost everything! For me its a time capsule into an earlier time. I may have not been alive during this earlier time, but I can relate to it for some reason. Don't get me wrong I am a man of the 21st Century, meaning I like my plasma TV, computers, internet, and most things modern. What I do conect with is an earlier time when people cared a little more, and worked a little harder.


    For me, buying a old funny book from the 40's conects me with these earlier people and social mores. I enjoy reading posts showing pictures of young kids crowded around this artform in its infantcy. I love the smell of old paper and ink, I love the color and richness of that color as it performs a titalation of my eyes. I love the way puplishers used this to not only market youth, but to rally them in a patriotic fever. Uniting the nation to rally behind the troops, sacrificing profits, all for the benifit of our country. Can you imagine this today? Not likely!


    Characters were fresh and new as the art form. Colorfull, exciting, outlandish, and to the 10yr old of 1940 something visually stunning. Pre sit com, pre-video game, these funny books we love did far more than polute the minds of 40's american children. They taught reading, imagination, hope, patriotism, and love of art.


    In fact what drew me into comics as a young child was the Patriotism of Captain America. He was the best of what we as a nation should be, the perfect American. I was attracted to the selfless nature of God and Country before your own needs even then. It was the Schomburg Overstreet cover with Cap floating down to kick arse that hooked me, untill that time it was make mine Richie Rich. From that point forward, it was Cap, the Spidey, Iron man, Hulk and on to others. My first silver age back issue was in fact Captain America 100, man I was hooked. I knew someday I would buy a Captain America Comics #1, but of course I wanted a Mint copy and at that time its was like $3000.00, might as well been a Million to me. Now finally getting a copy it is a sweet as I could have ever imagined. Its not mint, but its perfect to me. In every possible sense of the word and experience its perfect an actuall GEM Mint!


    It is my feeling that this experience, reconecting to an earlier time is what makes the hobby(passion) so completely wonderful. With out it, I doubt prices would be even close to today's amazing values. Comic collecting is a wonderfull disease which is impossible to explain to someone not afflicted. Today, I pulled out all my Timely's and just stared at each cover, marveling the imagination, creativity, and social conditions of the time. I was transfixed, and moved to another time where things appeared to be simpler, more defined. Maybe that is a fantasy, maybe not, but its mine and I enjoy it. The thought of young boys and girls running around to the local newstand and rushing home to ready to read the next Chapter is a good thought. Heck, today I would be afraid to let my kids go anywhere with out supervision. A world where locking the door was a rarity, not where its expected and foolish not to.


    I think what I conect most with is the feeling of wanting to be suprised. That almost never happens to me anymore. Maybe I am not correct in my thinking but I think that, that is the difference. There was a world of possiblities, not said facts. Discovery's around every corner, new worlds, adventure, action, all things lost today. Nothing is supprising or new, its all so common place we don't strive for much. So maybe, thats what I hang on to, and covet with old funny books. Its my gateway to forgotten worlds of adventure and action, where the good guy is good, and he doens't always win the battle, but he does win the war. Where realism is not faked, but delt with in a honest portrayal. Bad or good, at least honest with out political correctness or politics, and where a dime bought you this, and another .25 cents got you a soda, popcorn and movie.



    Nicely said. I have the same nostalgic feelings toward the past. I am just about finished with a biography about Walt Disney that is an excellent read and captures many of these sentiments perfectly. The book does a wonderful job of describing America's culture and feelings from the early 1900's through the 1960's.



  7. Just got a couple of books back from CGC...


    I have always loved this cover. Got this book in 1990. Sold it twice and bought it back twice, most recently in 1997. Then I decided to try to get the first twenty Batman. Still need four of them.


    Stunning! You need to stop collecting and start selling.



  8. With a word of thanks to MCMiles for selling me a book he really didn't want to sell (and for throwing in a small discount to boot), I'd like to present a recent purchase from the Tampa Comic Con. Sure, its not high grade, nor slabbed (two things that are normally a must if I shell out over $100 for a book), but the great Schomburg cover really caught my eye and the White back cover and pages didnt hurt either.


    I see the Census reports a number of copies graded between 8.0 and 9.2, PM me if you know of a upgrade copy available for sale as I would be interested. Thanks!






    What a nice copy, and I really like the cover art. It's one I haven't seen before.

