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Everything posted by thirdgreenham

  1. Here it is Andy. Manny What a great book! Andy
  2. Congratulations! Post a picture if you can. (thumbs u Andy
  3. Just saw it and was going to ask if that was yours. Actually I knew it was yours, quite identifiable. Nice copy, it'll be interesting to see where it ends. The 1st Johnny Cloud is nice, I was the under-bidder on that one. Good luck! Andy
  4. Thanks guys, I was pretty stoked going throught them. Andy
  5. I just got some books in that I bought from eBay nearly a year and a half ago..... As some American sellers don't like shipping out of the States, if I really want the books, I have to send them to a US address. I have a friend whose friend lives across the border and he told me that I could always ship these books there. Well, I took advantage of that offer and bought a lot of "US customers only" comics. It came to an end eventually, as the recipient was running out of room to store all of these boxes and packages that I was sending him. He called my friend and told him to pick these up and tell me to stop. My friend went to pick them up and getting all of these packages was like Christmas. Now, after my friend's trip to his friend's place, two more lots came in and were sitting and sitting for nearly 1 1/2 years, I finally got to open my packages and see what the hell I was buying. Pics to follow: Sorry for the sideways shots, btw. It was fun and there were a few issues in there that I needed. Nice to get that US in 9.0, I remember picking that up for around $90, so it's nice to finally have in my hands. I'm hoping some of those loose books are upgrades for me, although most weren't so hot. Andy
  6. It's hard to say what is considered "high grade". Different era books have different availability for certain grades, and sometimes certain issues within certain runs seem to be tough as well. I'll try to sum it up a little bit here: Yes, 8.0 to 9.2 are great grades, but for anything early, 8.0 is usually tops, and 6.0 is still a very, very desirable grade. The later silver age books, 9.2 to 9.4 are pretty much tops, and 8.5/9.0 are still very desirable. Bronze age, you'll start to see many more 9.6's and some 9.8's. 9.2 is still a great grade, mind you. The newer stuff, high grade would be 9.4 to 9.8. My opinions anyway... Andy
  7. Total for all three under $20 including a share of shipping from a board sales thread. Defects, sure, but nice bright covers and light pages. Jack That's what I'm talking about! Decent books for decent prices. Andy
  8. Seriously, this bullshiitt has gone too far. http://cgi.ebay.com/OUR-ARMY-AT-WAR-83-1ST-TRUE-SGT-ROCK-1959-GD-1-8-2-0_W0QQitemZ360045003989QQihZ023QQcategoryZ14213QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem That near mint beauty came from my last ebay sale. It sold for $260. I was very pleased with it, obviously, but my beater GIC 87 only got about $150. Mind you, that had extra staples in it, so.... The fuel for these crazy prices is most definitely coming from us, the collectors. Sorry, I should add that the speculator/investor have now joined the fruckus. Once the word got out that war books were undervalued, more people started buying. The high prices due to the speculator/investor should really just stop at high grade copies and keys. It is pretty amazing to see some of the prices that these books are getting, but if you search, you will still find some deals. The non-key books are readily available, for the most part, in lower grades and with very affordable prices. The semi-keys are picking up extremely fast and genuine high grade copies seem to go up into the stratosphere. I do feel for the collector who is still missing some of the higher priced books, as I feel these have nowhere to go but up. Patience is a key, that and also hoping someone lists them incorrectly on eBay. Andy
  9. Well, you can see from these pics that there were some DC war books at the NYCC. If you recall, Dmac, can you tell me what the asking prices were for these books? I see by Steve's pen, there is a GIC #68. Wonder the grade and price... Top row, sixth from the left is an OAAW #82. Grade and price? Any other CGC graded DC war books that you can remember? Thanks, Andy
  10. A VG/F GIC 80 is INDEED a helluva tough book to get. You guys are being complimentary, but for cryin' out loud, cut out that king zhit! I spend a good deal of the school year teaching my 3rd graders about social justice, civil disobedience, revolution, freedom from the crown, and other subversive notions. My students would get out the pitchforks and torches if they heard that. I never called you King Andy
  11. Yeah, that #80 has always been tough. . .honestly in ANY grade. I just don't recall seeing it very often at all. I think #44 is easier. . .even in grade. And that's saying a lot because #44 is a very tough book compared to tons of other comics out there. Glad you like that copy, Shep. Other than those two, haven't seen much else that's as nice. Might've been something at Heritage, but I can't recall. That #80 is righteous!!! #44 is tough, but not GIC 80 tough. As Mick says, even #44 will show up in grade, #80? na-ah.... Andy
  12. Well, the others beat me to the punch, but my suggestion would be to pass on them all. The GIC 87 would be ok in my mind for $300 and if it were a CGC graded 3.0. But those prices they're asking is just way too much. You will be able to find them, much cheaper, with patience. Good luck! Andy
  13. Perhaps the comments were a little uncalled for, but you really should wait 30 days before dropping the bomb in this thread. Andy
  14. ...and with this book posted, that is the dreamiest copy of GIC #80 I've ever flippin seen! Wanna trade down to a lower grade copy? Andy
  15. Try also # 68 with Heck, Severin, Kirby, Kirby / Ditko or # 63 for a different but no less interesting line-up: Sinnott, Maneely, Ayers, Ditko, ... Good observation, GermanFan. That collection of artists is unusual for an Atlas book. #67 is near the end of the run (#70). The Battle run from #62-70 have a different feel compared to the earlier books. In June of 1958, the Atlas artistic mainstay, Joe Maneely, had just been killed in a subway accident. There's a month where Severin, with some help from Davis, does a lot of cover work and then there's a big shift in House Style. Kirby and Ditko return to what was Atlas and the company begins a steady metamorphosis into Marvel with the December/January 1959 issues (only the six teen/romance titles remain unaffected). Goodman is then (as always) experimenting with genre. With #70 (June 1960, cover date; February 1960 newsstand date) Goodman retires his company's last war book. Not until 1963, with Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos, do Lee and Kirby seek to reinvent the war comic in the Marvel image. Very interesting to hear the story behind the scenes. That was a nice introduction for me, not knowing too much about the history of Atlas books. Thanks. Andy
  16. This is a tough book to find in nice shape. What to do now? Add another DC war title or run to your collection. Impressive! Andy
  17. So much nicer with a big scan. That sure looks like a 6.5 to me. Good luck with it Larry!!! (thumbs u Andy
  18. Nice to hear, Brent and good luck Larry! Andy
  19. My latest pieces of art, picked up from the Toronto ComicCon. Ultimate Spider-Man by Bagley Andy