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Everything posted by scburdet

  1. I suspect the experts here will tell you to get this cleaned and pressed first. The back looks pretty dirty and it would really help if that was cleaner. I'm going with a 5.5 as is.
  2. I think a 5.0 is about right. With a little work it might go up a 0.5 or so. You probably saw my copies of this book I posted here recently with my usual square bound ranting.
  3. I'm interested to see what some other people say about this one since I have several books that look about this good with one of the little crease like the one at the top right. I'm going to go with a 8.5 with a high degree of uncertainty since I don't know what I'm talking about.
  4. From my recent experience that staining on the back cover is going to kill you unless someone can take it off. I'm going with a max of 5.5 with the stains. Maybe you can get it to 6-6.5 with some work. I got a little lucky with my copy of this. I bought it like 20 year ago when no one cared about Brother Voodoo. It's on the way to CGC too.
  5. Sub-par photography on my part. Hard to deal with the shadows and hold the cover. As far as I can tell, there isn't a missing piece. It's just separated and there there's a tear that separates the thin spine paper from the rest of the spine. Thanks for looking!
  6. From my Square Bound Closet of Anxieties. There's some obvious dings and the back needs cleaned, if possible. It presents very well though for a square bound book. My obvious concern is where the cover is separating from the spine at the bottom (I tried to hold it up without making it worse). Again, I've heard that sometimes sq bound books don't get hammered as badly as regular books, but how bad is the deduction? I'm bias about getting all the square bound books encapsulated just to keep them from deteriorating even more.
  7. I'd go with 7.5 ± 0.5 without accounting for the detachment. I really don't know how much of a ding this is given the rest of the book looks pretty good.
  8. I think a 7.0 ± 0.5 with C&P, leaning higher. I have a copy of this one too that looks better, except there's a hole on the spine that's 1/16"-1/8" in diameter
  9. Only been on this thread for about a week, and I'm already causing a civil war. Take that Tony Stark. I'm inclined to agree with you here. I only vaguely recall buying it, but I suspect that I few bidders were scared off by the overspray, so I might have gotten a better price than I would have otherwise for a book with similar front cover eye appeal. It's in my grading queue, but that queue is >30 years deep with books I've been acquiring. I think we've waded through the express tier candidates and this one is mid-standard, so it might be a while. It is crazy to learn about something (overspray) even after so many years as a semi-serious hobbyist.
  10. Depends on if they bring back Michael B Jordan to play the Black Panther . I'm pretty sure I paid less than what I can get for it now.
  11. Thanks. I don't know whether to be happy my ASM123 doesn't have an overspray, or sad my 109 has an overspray . The 123 has the cooler cover.
  12. That's what he called it. I kept Googling ink spray and similar. The other book I have is more oversprayed spots all over the edges of the interior pages and so forth.. At least this one is limited to the back cover/spine. There's not ink on the interior pages
  13. I was going to save this one for later, but someone posted a PGM on ASM123 and I thought mine had the same issue as this copy of JA6 (I misremembered, it was my ASM109). I decided to go ahead and abuse the good people on this board with another post since I had these out anyway. I showed this to my CGC facilitator recently, and he had a name for this extra ink along the edge, but I either forgot what he called it, or there's not a good resource I can Google. It's a pretty nice book otherwise. If it is a manufacturers thing (which seems right), I wonder if anyone has sent one of these to CGC before and knows how they weigh it.
  14. Thanks. That was my first though, but it hasn't been uploaded to comicspriceguide.com. I re-searched and there are a lot of gaps in their UK FF list. I would never have guess issue 48 would be one of them. It's not like anyone cares about this book or anything.
  15. I'm very interested in how this turns out if you get it pressed and graded. The back cover of this book looks almost the same with the subscription crease, the only difference is the ad is for a GED program. Of course, this FF book is probably a lower grade b/c the crease shows up quite well on the black cover. I think 6.0 is a good number to set expectations for your book
  16. I can't tell if those are spine ticks on the front cover or just effects of the photo. The front looks solid, I think the back stress lines might be fixable. If so, I'd say you have a decent shot at a 9. 8.5 if not. My copy is somewhere between the shop preparing it and being sent to CGC, so we can see how things turn out. I didn't photograph mine, so we'll have to just make totally random guesses.
  17. I don't see anyone mentioning it, but can anyone educate me on what version of FF48 this is? I see "10d" where it usually says 12¢. I searched really quickly, but I can't find any examples, and it certainly looks like it's as it was printed that way
  18. I have so much trouble zeroing in on grades for these middle-of-the-road books b/c of the ambiguous nature of the word "several" in the CGC guidelines. I feel like 5.0 is almost certain, higher with some luck and all the standard prep-work. I would feel ok if I bought this at the advertised range. I got a "6.0" book recently that ended up having a >2" split in the spine that was not mentioned (this book was returned). I just love these Kirby covers from that era of FF.
  19. Thanks. Funny what sticks with you. I still remember walking into the comic shop all those years ago and seeing this hanging up behind the counter. It was rare to see any books older than a decade, and seldom prized issues. 16ish year old me must really have been a savvy collector!
  20. Cool. Thanks. I am waiting for my 101 to come back from Claremont signing (it's been sitting in a Tampa PO for 3 days). I submitted it fully expecting an 8.0 even with CCS pressing, which I know some folks don't hold in particular high regard. It's coming back with a 9.0. I try to do these kind of comparisons to predict and so far it's still varies between expectations and actual grading.
  21. Cool, cool, cool. I was definitely pricing in a C&P as I think most of those are going to respond well to it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something as I alluded to in the AiF20, my current paranoia about stains.
  22. IMO with a book of this significance you definitely want to get it graded regardless of the condition. To me, this looks like a 1.5 or 1.8 at present. But since it is FF1, it might be preferable to have a professional do cleaning and restoration. Even with a qualified grade, it would command a healthy price. I'd definitely give you a crisp $10 bill in its current condition 🙂
  23. I was going to submit this one for the Layton signing, but got cold fee when examining the top black areas around the title. IDK if the photos are clear enough, but under light you can see what looks like light scuffing. It's not noticeable until you shine a light on it. It definitely makes it look marginally duller. Thoughts?
  24. Thanks. You think those corner issues are that bad? I didn't have it quite that low, but I'm not too familiar with how some of these specific defects impact the grade.
  25. Does CGC promote *all* the in-house signings on social media? This seems to be the only way to really figure out when the actual signings happen. Just based on the submission cutoff, it seems like Wolfman, Starlin, Aaron, Kubert, Salicrup, DeCarlo and some others should be happening soon if they haven't already happened. It would just to be good to know rather than having to check my submissions dashboard hoping that signings happened in complete silence and the books are magically being processed.