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Weird Paper

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Posts posted by Weird Paper

  1. I have seen, but not purchased original comic art and covers out in the wild (many years ago, during a period of little money and lots of debt) In the past 10 years, I have found (and purchased) early 20th century illustration art and what I believe to be the (possibly) earliest existing complete Sunday originals to Happy Hooligan, Maud the Mule and Foxy Grandpa, and a single Katzenjammer Kids panel (all 1905) out in the wild. I genuinely believe it's out there -- you just have to be lucky. 

  2. On 12/21/2019 at 10:54 AM, Rick2you2 said:

    Followed your suggestion; and for the first time, received a positive response. Unfortunately, the response made it clear that I would have to blow him away with an offer, and given the market price, I am not prepared to offer a multiple of it (at least not right now). But, I plan to thank him for his response, tell him I like the piece but can't blow him away with an offer, and ask him to keep me in mind if he does decide to sell it because I am optimistic about the future. 

    I can only speak for myself, but as a collector, first and foremost, an offer near market is almost never going to pry a piece away from my collection. Certain things I would not let go of for 10x market, but almost anything that I like enough to have pursued and acquired would not leave my hands easily.

  3. On 12/23/2019 at 11:06 AM, delekkerste said:

    It's well past Dec. 15, and, thus, time for the Official 2020 OA Collecting Goals Thread! 

    After a banner year of acquisitions for me, it's going to be much harder in 2020, given that I killed so much of my ever-dwindling Want List this year.  My goal remains to stick strictly to only the top 1% of most-nostalgic pieces to me, with a little wiggle room for smaller pick-ups here and there (mostly newer art that catches my eye).  And, also, to finish in the black for the year on a cash-in/cash-out basis - didn't quite get there in 2019, but, overall, I've managed to hold the line on new net money going into my collection for the past 4+ years. 

    Actually, I might have to add one more goal to the list - now that I recently bought my first Kaluta piece (to add to my Jeff Jones and BWS pieces), I probably need to get a good Wrightson piece to replace the Frankie plate I sold to help finance a property purchase this year so I can complete my "The Studio" collection.  Though, the timetable on that is open-ended; it doesn't have to be something I get in 2020.

    How about everybody else??


    I have needed the right Kaluta to finish out the Studio guys. I've had multiple pieces by the other three for decades, but the perfect Kaluta has eluded me. Maybe this year.

  4. 2 hours ago, grapeape said:

    I’m with you on that. Look I really believe CAF is the chance to be the curator of your own art gallery. What I put up is meant for my own pleasure first and foremost.

    I am aware of the community also. I hope they like what I present. I lose zero winks at night if they don’t put 50 comments on a newly added beauty.

    Im fine with all communication. I welcome it in my home page. I love talking about art. I love the artists. I love the stories of triumph and empathize with the dregs of defeat.

    So naturally limiting conversation in any form to me preempts what might be an intriguing discovery. I always have control to address bad behavior or insist on a level of conversation that empowers myself and the person I’m communicating with.

    ultimately I can stop responding.

    I can also be mature and stop inquiring of someone who is not interested.

    I have suffered insulting offers and market data FMV tutorials...all unsolicited mind you. However the majority of my interactions have been outstanding. Rewarding even.

    If I can share a few pet peeves.

    1) Disproportionate views to comments.

    I don’t care about a total number of positive comments. I’m just saying if 1290 people looked at a Kirby action page but only 3 people left a comment, what the heck is suppressing their chance to say “wow”with just a few words?

    2) Responding to every comment in a way (REPLY) that bumps your CAF comments total up. Most comments left should be appreciated but only a very few are thoughtful enough to require a reply on the actual comment page.

    Im thinking of Foggy who always leaves the comment “baller,” on pieces he likes. I love that guy but no need to bump my comment total but replying “right back at ya Foggy.”

    Full disclosure a few times I got carried away with the reply button but mostly I want to hear from the visitors to Le Museum de Grape Ape.



    I'm not bothered by that so much as I an curious about it. As a general rule, T&A illustrations get a lot of views to relatively few comments (I know there are exceptions to this). For many years, the second-most viewed piece in my CAF had over 5000 views and no comments (it now has two) and it is as far from risqué as you can get. In the old days, (certain unnamed) collectors would set up programs to just rack up views. Thousands of them. Why, I don't know. Maybe there was a sense that a large view count would make it desirable for resale? 
    I think it would be an improvement, albeit minor, if Bill's programmers could make it such that owner comments would not count toward the total, because sometimes it would be nice to respond, but I don't because I don't want to artificially inflate the comment count.
    Definitely first-world problems, though.
    What's your gallery under, Grapeape?

  5. 1 hour ago, grapeape said:

    Dear P-Nutz,

    •I was scrolling through the various Schulz daily strips you have. I’d like to make you an offer on what I consider the weakest of your collection.

    •You have Schroeder playing the piano but only Lucy is listening. You have Snoopy dancing in every panel but where’s the doghouse? And the Red Baron? Then you have Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown in the final panel but you can’t see the zig zag on his yellow shirt cuz he’s flying upside down after missing the ball.

    •Even with all of those letdowns it is still a Schulz. I can check it off my list even if I probably won’t even bother to frame and display it. So I’d like to offer you (fill in low ball offer here) for it. I think it’s more than fair and no one else will offer you as much considering all the deficiencies I have pointed out to you.

    Let me know,


    Tell me that's sarcasm and you didn't really receive an email that said that. I know there are some spoons out there, but this can't possibly be real, can it?

  6. On 12/6/2019 at 8:08 AM, bigford_79 said:

    Does anyone know cgc's opinion on these or where to find real knowledgeable information on these?

    I have a few, didn't pay much but thinking of selling as I have ones that I think would fetch good money as I saw the ff#2 link above. If that one sold for that amount I'm sure my Ms #5 cover would go pretty high.

    Thanks in advance

    These people are all real knowledgable on these. They are trash. 99% of them have never been used in any printing process and vintage printing processes did not use transparencies other than CMYK flap proofs, and those were not made to be archival, so most would have been tossed or faded by now. If they fetch "good money" anywhere, it's only because they found 2 people gullible enough to bid them up.


  7. 10 minutes ago, Drewsky said:

    This is not my piece, but I was watching it on eBay. The seller did have genuine comic art in the comic art section that sold a few days back, but this piece was in the art section as an auction at the same time, but not labeled as print or or original. It sold for 500 and then was recently relisted as a buy it now by the same seller, so maybe it didn't really sell or it is just a print. What is it? Art or print or hybrid of both? It has a date stamp on the back. 


    Am I wrong, or was this a story that was only done as pencils? I know there was one like that. This could be the stat shot from that that they used to print from. It's either a bad scan or the blacks are too solid to be an inked piece, but I would not dispute that it was the final production piece.

  8. I don't know that I could quantify it. I love my collection. It represents both a process and a result and every piece has its own story. If I never added another piece, I could look at it and be satisfied with the enjoyment is has given and continues to give me.

    At some point, it will do a 180 and get sold to supplement my retirement funds, but for now it's still fun to feed the monster.

  9. 21 hours ago, telerites said:

    I am so sorry I had to miss so much of the show.  I came early Saturday morning and did see @MrBedrock and @Weird Paper and intended to go back to their booths to look more closely but unfortunately I had to leave less than an hour after I arrived.  Not to bore with details but I take care of my parents - mom is in her 80s and my dad in his 90s.  My mom has among other issues, some major anxiety and onset of Alzheimer's.  She called and was having some issues so I came back to OKC to check on her.  

    Apologies to Richard and Roger and I did enjoy our brief visits.  And sorry I missed meeting Art @mysterio in person - we've conversed here and really wanted to say hi.  @Cat-Man_America I saw you there and was going to stop and say hi but you had some folks gathered around so did not get a chance.

    I had hoped to return on Sunday but I dropped my parents off at church and after they were done, it would have been mid after before I got there so decided it was not worth it. 

    I left empty-handed.  :sorry:

    Richard - I hope you saved the coke bottles I gave after you drank the coke - Boomer Sooner.  I wouldn't touch a real bet on the game Saturday.  My heart says OU but I fear our defense is still porous as a sponge.  


    No apologies necessary. You did the right thing and your parents are fortunate to have your care. I lost my Dad at the beginning of this year largely to complications arising from Alzheimer's and I know how tough it can when that insidious disease takes hold.
    I did wonder what became of you Saturday, but your priorities are in the right place, without question.