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Posts posted by thegiftedone45

  1. On 10/14/2022 at 10:47 AM, D84 said:

    Mine finally showed up yesterday and I took the opportunity to read it during a lull with the family.

    The story was enjoyable and I liked the characters so far. The relationships between them were fleshed out enough to make me want to know more of backstory.

    The dialogue was a little awkward at times, but nothing too egregious. I've read worse out of recent DC.

    It's interesting enough to get issue 2 and see where it goes.



    I pretty much felt the same exact way (Got mine last week).  It's enough to keep me interested and wanting to see more. I also think the dialogue was definitely awkward some times with someone speaking slang then using a SAT type word.  I liked the truthfulness on why Isom stated he was coming back (his ego with the bad guy talking down to him).

  2. Just have to say I'm excited about this but in the write up they named the trinity that they were excited to expand on and then.....Harley Quinn.  Can we pleased have Nightwing, Bat family, Green Lantern, Booster Gold, etc. have a chance to shine instead of more Harley Quinn?!

  3. On 10/27/2022 at 11:15 AM, theCapraAegagrus said:

    It felt like they just wanted to recreate the way that Shazam has a kid-friend sidekick.

    Agreed.  If you had take his time and given it more to the JSA, I think the movie would've been better. Pierce as Dr. Fate was my favorite thing in the movie. I also wasn't a big fan of Cyclone, my buddy and I kept referring to her as Fruit Roll up wind girl.  She just seemed useless besides the "look smart" stuff.


    I loved the scene where Hawkman and BA are fighting and Dr. Fate is just hanging out watching them.


  4. Overall I give this movie a 5/10.  It just seemed a lot like Aquaman where I didn't really like it but didn't really dislike it either.  I thought it would've worked better with Black Adam going straight bad guy and defeating the villain at the end because he wanted to be ruler (Kind of like the Invincible cartoon "Earth is not yours to take over").  I did like that it didn't feel like the average super hero movie, it definitely was different. The last thing I have to say is the main character boy was annoying it would've went a lot better had they decreased his part and expanded on JSA and the demon part at the end of the movie.

  5. On 10/7/2022 at 6:30 AM, Bosco685 said:

    Okay. I'll play. This is just more of your reaction and wall of words when you rush to 'defend' the rights of women everywhere when someone says something even close to the opposite of MCU productions being amazing.

    And now because I posted I finally enjoyed an episode of She-Hulk but have concerns how the main female character is portrayed I am:

    1. Supporting She-Hulk being harassed because she was asking for it due to her behavior
    2. I uphold dated sexual expectations
    3. Implied that I supported men can use women but women can't use men
    4. I cannot craft a legible statement nor outline a credible counterpoint

    Clearly this must be another MCU thread where folks are so protective of THEIR MARVEL anyone that says something different must be group-attacked and run off. Healthy thinking.


    It clearly is inconsistent. It conveys throughout how all men are about is using the degrading women. Yet then portrays a woman demanding and frustrated she is not seen as respectable and a credible professional yet then put her in multiple scenarios to detract from her decisions and character. But I am definitely not going back to those 7 episodes to prove my case. It is clear even here fellow comic book fans are frustrated with Phase IV and parts of this show. It has nothing to do with a misogynistic mindset nor sexism.

    Another clear example of someone in this thread attempting to portray another board member as a sexist. Nowhere in this thread did I even convey women are objects to be sexualized. Yet here it is where it is assumed that is my thinking by implying I am okay with this concept. That is how troublesome this fanatical support of anything MCU can be when a few try to characterize fellow board members like this to drive them down just to make a point only they get it and anyone else that doesn't are THOSE BAD PEOPLE. The same debate approach you used with Capra because he is hardcore against the portrayal of Captain Marvel.

    I can see how you gravitate toward the stereotype men must be of the mindset shown here even nowadays in general and you are their cheerleader and official spokesperson. Yet the show takes a hard swipe at men in general, yet in its own writing it shows how there are many men in support of women being treated as equal. Even with Episode 7 when Jen visits Emil Blonsky at his retreat, the all-male residents end up circling around her to provide support and convince her that she should have more self-respect. But that is the rarity of a theme on this show with men actively and without an underlining motivation being there to help fellow female human being getting through life. So attempting to make it out FINALLY a show is calling out men this hardcore is reasonable is blurring the lines of reality.


    Again, more hyperbole to make it out like anyone not satisfied with this show's portrayal of Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk then they must be in support of objectifying women.

    So talking to the audience so they are clear on her inner thoughts of wanting a guy sexually is being respectful because she doesn't share it with her fellow characters directly? Since James Bond was used before as a comparison (how? does that matter in a 'I'm going to prove your mind is warped' debate?). So if he all of a sudden steps back from a scene he is in and turns to the audience with "I'm going to ring her bells tonight - hubba hubba" that would be respectful because he isn't it saying to the character in question. It's just between us in the audience and Bond. Got it!


    Ahhh. But you see. Even this it was a horrific situation meant to destroy her character, it was also done knowing it could force her into a rage reaction fitting the old stereotype women are just a ball of emotions and the men must be there to save the little ladies from themselves. So the Intelligencia - most probably being of that old-school and warped mindset - got the reaction they craved in front of Jen's fellow professionals and the Media.

    That's why her friends around her were begging not do what she was about to do (and did). So I guess you were okay with her being put into that situation.


    More hyperbole so as to convey you are the champion female rights. Nobody here even conveyed support for that video and its intent to discredit a professional woman (or any woman for that matter). But you'll insert it in so as to make this about misogyny and sexism again.

    Your case you just rested (nice try as you attempt to associate yourself with She-Hulk's legal side) has many holes and obvious flaws noted above. Including your attempt to convey anyone not supporting this show must be against female comic book characters. It's a rinse-and-repeat of the same themes used in Captain Marvel's move defense. Just some scenarios and names changed.


    Or "Yeah I like the show too - get 'em!"

    Sorry folks. I love being on here and chatting comic book shows and movies. But some of you then want to make it about the obvious - either people support what you support or they are not of this forum. But then want to also tell me how I am destroying this portion of the boards. You know - the one I have kept fed with a steady stream of MCU, DC, Fox Marvel, Sony Marvel and many other studios without trying to allow bias to cloud my initial support before their release.

    I definitely don't recognize some of you nowadays.

    Dang you old people and your logic.  It's 2022 we're all about irrational emotions now. 

  6. On 9/23/2022 at 4:47 AM, Bosco685 said:

    That's a misinformed assumption. As I try to give MCU, Sonyverse and DC movies and shows a fair try in the hope they will work. Even when there are folks that repeatedly say they will be bad before release.

    So playing at I am taking it out on others must be your attempt at projecting. As your first assumption comes across as if individuals that don't appreciate these She-Hulk episodes by default then they must be DC fans (like you must be Marvel or none at all). That ignores the story influences we are seeing played out here. Like in this latest episode with an immortal man that when he gets bored with a love interest (majority women) he kills himself to escape the relationship. Or as has been noted in the scene when the two female attorneys are telling him he needs to improve his views on partnership, he throws himself out the window to escape their 'nagging' and then comes back to life to move on.

    It's blatantly clear what these writers are heavy-handedly conveying: men see women as temporary playthings, and just want to screw and move on. Yet if She-Hulk does it, she is just playing the same relationship games that men play at. There are some damaged people on that writing staff.

    If Sony did this with its content, people here would pounce on the fact it is ramming social commentary down our throats. But with MCU there is always that hardcore portion of fandom that no matter what, "This is so amazing!"

    This is a big problem with a lot of people.  They fill the need to categorize you or insult your intelligence because you don't share the same opinion.  These same people then seem to claim that they're very tolerant of other people........

  7. On 9/21/2022 at 7:43 PM, Iconic1s said:

    Hello, wondering if anyone has heard when the Dan Jurgens signing will occur?  Deadline was 2 and a half weeks ago.  Thanks!

    From what I understand CGC doesn't or won't give out that information.  But usually it's within 2 months of the deadline.  I got my Chuck Dixon book back last week it looks awesome, hopefully Dixon will do another signing soon so I can get something else sent in.

  8. On 9/21/2022 at 11:23 AM, Dave2739 said:

    To be fair, creating a whole new universe in comics isn't exactly a novel concept. It happens on a regular basis actually.

    Yeah I know I've be reading comics for over 30 years....It's weird the hate some things get before it even comes out but it's the times that we are in. Yall have a good one.

  9. On 9/12/2022 at 10:40 AM, Darin Wagner said:

    I got myself a copy pre-ordered. Could only get Cover C, not the more iconic Cover A.

    Just did the same. I'm interested in the concept and willing to at least try it out. It's interesting how so many people on here are against it and it hasn't even came out yet.

  10. On 9/13/2022 at 12:53 PM, musicmeta said:

    I liked the Captain Marvel movie quite a bit....I guess I'm the only one..lol... I figured since it made over a Billion Dollars at the Box Office somebody else out there liked her as well. hm

    Lets remember they released it a month or two BEFORE Avengers Endgame and talked about her being important to that movie. A lot of people like myself didn't watch it for her but because it was going to be connected to Endgame.