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Everything posted by Duffman_Comics

  1. Now, sometime back AJD showed a copy of WDC&S #53 and I made a few observations regarding the cover, mainly stating that not alot of it made sense- why was Donald riding Pluto, Mickey's dog? How on earth can a bridge be built that small? You get the drift. Anyway, to shut me up (and without telling me) this was included as a freebie: WDC&S #53 Anyway, here's to a true collector, AJD, a helluva guy that I've never met.
  2. Well, as summer draws to a langurous close, a happy set of astral alignments resulted in Undercopy Manor receiving an infusion of Ducks. The books are great, but the story of their arrival is an example of what a good egg AJD is. Yonks ago, AJD let me know that he was upgrading his Uncle $crooge #6. We agreed on a price and as I am a cheap b'stard I asked him to hang on to it pending further additions. Sure enough, magpie that he is, he had a line on some funnybooks from Toronto_Design_Guy. T_D_G also had some $crooges AJD knew I coveted and so I made an offer (through AJD) for four of them. AJD paid for them, his purchases, and shipping. Waited until everything arrived at his place and my junk was transhipped to me before even asking for payment. What a guy - and what lovely Ducks. The U$6 was AJD's undercopy and the U$'s 12, 13, 20 and 27 came from Toronto_Design_Guy. Right in my wheelhouse in terms of condition and price: #6 #12 #13 #20 #27
  3. This stuff is so rare. RM, have you com across this "reference" book? I ask, because there's a fellow pictured, and I can kind of see him as a version of you - though I think you'd have a louder sports coat . . .
  4. I had to check GCD and see if there was another Ricky Martin back in the day. Of course it's Ricky Nelson. Freudian slip? Anyway, mucho for such an astonishing achevement. I have toyed with starting this run, but I'm a completist and fear I'd be finished before it was.
  5. I thought it was Napoleon's army back in the 1800s that used it as target practice rather than the Nazis... Napoleon was no angel, but this is a charge that cannot be sustained. Multiple sources state the nose was missing before the young Bonaparte was a gleam in his Daddy's eye: I swear my boys didn't do it . . .
  6. Nice book Jimbo I'm glad it went to a good home. I was on the fence when this was offered and you made the decision for me. One of my fav EC covers! It's a corker of a cover - aliens, kids, their dog - which has often made me wonder what a Neal Adams recreation would look like, given his (Neal's) later efforts in this area.
  7. How did I miss this? So, when does this date from? "It's a Small World" is an "E" ticket ride? When did the "Pack Mules" shutter? My first trip to the "House of Mouse" was 1980 and the ticket system was still in place - even used some my mother had left over from her trip in 1970/1.
  8. "Friction" House (I like the nickname) were not distributed in Oz - like almost every other GA book. So, despite having no nostalgic attachment to any of the titles, as soon as I saw this one I had to have it. Why? Glorious "steampunk" look to it, and she's no damsel in distress. Just lovely Maurice Whitman art. Stories don't disappoint either.
  9. Terrible news. My thoughts are with you and the wonderful family that adopted you.
  10. The second one of these I have seen on the Boards ( Hepcat) and the first time I've seen the playing surface. Yes, a little underwhelming, but I still want one! I am amused by the characters' names on the box, obviously done by someone with just a passing knowledge of the MLJ line - "Mr Jag" ,"Mr Steel" - or maybe s/he just ran out of room on the box. I don't remember seeing a Fox story in the silver age. Where did it appear? How about the Shadow? Archie also published his stories and threw in an extra pair of boots. Don't have a scan of my copy , but Mighty Crusaders #4 re-introduced a heap of MLJ characters, and "The Fox" was one of those revived. It was also one of the comics I bought from the newsstands at the time, and while even then I had a passing knowledge of DC and Marvel characters I'd never heard of any of these guys, new old or otherwise. Wanting to learn more about all of them probably helped drive the "collector bug". As to Archie's "Shadow", he didn't appear as one of Archie's "ultraheroes" (Gawd that name is so twee) but he did get his own title, and demonstrated in the space of eight short issues that the Archie mob did not have a clue when it came to Lamont Cranston. Truly an awful, so-bad-it's-good run that I am proud to say I have completed
  11. The second one of these I have seen on the Boards ( Hepcat) and the first time I've seen the playing surface. Yes, a little underwhelming, but I still want one! I am amused by the characters' names on the box, obviously done by someone with just a passing knowledge of the MLJ line - "Mr Jag" ,"Mr Steel" - or maybe s/he just ran out of room on the box.
  12. So pleased that the Boards have been therapeutic for you Now, here's a question regarding the above. Back in the pre-internet (and even with the nascent Convention scene) it was incredibly difficult to know WHAT was available unless one stumbled across it. This was also before any sort of toy guide books, pin pack price guides were available. With the Superman aeroplane (note correct spelling) toys, for example, did you know before obtaining any of them that there were three available? The thing is, I knew of the existence of a Superman plane and a Superman tank - but thanks to your post I now know that there are "variants" if you will. Was it just "word of mouth" that alerted you to the varieties available? I ask because "back in the day" this sort of information was often tightly held by dealers and collectors - usually until their "needs" had been met.
  13. Thanks for the scan of sketch, and especially letter. What a loss. Just a really great guy
  14. I've got about 100 issues. It was actually lots of fun looking through the magazines. As long as you're in a rummaging mood, any chance of a squiz at the Dead Sea Scrolls? The annotated version, with author's notes, of course
  15. Great stuff - love the Junior G-Men collection (thumbs u
  16. Isn't it great when a mystery is solved? Terrific work! (thumbs u
  17. Finished the Doom Patrol run a while back, and took few group shots to "celebrate". Difficult series to complete, typical of the availability of DC's of this vintage. They're in 'Bucket, so:
  18. Start a new box - "Crime/Horror" then you'll have the fun of filling it! All my stuff is strict alpha order, so no problems of this nature.
  19. Now don't tease us Mitch. After all, you've been here almost four years and I don't think we've seen anything of yours. I'd love to see some of your stuff though I'd prefer a separate thread to Robot Man's. C'mon - you can do it
  20. Here's an early Theo "outing" in Overstreet - as an advertisement: There's a certain attraction to buying and selling with this guy. Just cannot put my finger on it . . . Even the makeup of the ad is a trip down memory lane - who remembers Letraset?
  21. I can't stands it no longer. What on Earth are the "Red Tins of Mystery"? I'm married with a culinarily challenged wife, but even she hasn't served up a "mystery can". I think. What's it all about?
  22. Fair question. I asked him the same thing when he gave it to me. Larry is his brother. One year younger than him. They both bought tons of comics especially EC's off the racks in Oakland, CA. His brother sent for this and Richard swiped it from him. Sibling rivalry over comics? The older brother covets and procures a valuable item from his brother. The younger brother, unhappy, quietly plans his revenge . . . This has all the makings of an E.C. horror story plot Thanks for clearing it up, anyway. Kudos
  23. Fantastic Stuff GREAT backstory on the Fan Addict Kit and newsletter - it restores one's faith in the hobby when something like that happens. Minor point - the mailer was sent to Larry Kyle and you got it from Richard (Kyle). Name change later in life? I know it's minor, but you know how OCD and detail oriented collectors can be.