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Everything posted by Axelrod

  1. Well, apparently, some people really want an unslabbed book, but at the same time also really, really want it to be "unrestored." So they are willing to pay the CGC surtax to guarantee it's unrestored, and then just crack it out. I guess they keep the label to "prove" to other people that it's really unrestored, but as you say, no one is going to just accept that this book is the one that went with that label, so if the idea is you are keeping the re-sale value intact I don't think that will happen.
  2. Sounds like this is still a long way from actually happening, though. It's currently "in development," and J. Michael is currently writing the pilot episode for the proposed series, which has yet to actually be picked up.
  3. I think this is my only one, from 1985. Walt Simonson is the best.
  4. First four seasons were amazing (esp. 2-4). I do wonder about the reboot concept though. I assume he wouldn't just tell the exact same story again. Because, like, where would the excitement be for that? But if he were to change it up, why characterize it a "reboot" at all, as opposed to calling it something new? Just name recognition? The worst would be (I think) if he tried to do something similar but not exact, and then just filled it up with easter eggs calling back to the original show, and have it where almost like the entire point would be making people notice where things are different now. Sort of like what Star Trek Into Darkness did with the Kahn storyline. Ugh. I say this recognizing that Disney is currently making bank with remakes that do essentially tell the exact same story over and over and over again. So what do I know. Probably different for a TV series than a movie though.
  5. I mean, are you suggesting that Disney hasn't been trying to change the copyright laws for decades (and succeeding) to lengthen the period of copyright protection? Because I rather think they have. And sure, it's absolutely true that Disney will still sue the ever-living hell out of anyone who tries to use Mickey Mouse for anything, even after the copyright has expired, using the exact same kind of rationale that the Holmes estate did. Whether or not the rationale will have any merit or not is almost completely besides the point. Most people don't have the legal resources to fight. And even those that do (Netflix, eg.) often decide it's still more cost effective to just pay than go to court. More on topic, I'm sympathetic, to some extent, to the heirs of creators who pretty much got the shaft during their lifetimes from the big corporations, but I'm less sympathetic than I would be if it was the creators themselves who were involved. And as is often the case, there's probably a large gulf between what the "right" thing to do is, vs. what the "legal" or required thing is.
  6. I'm envisioning collectors the world over, proudly displaying their 3.0 CGC copies of Giant Boots! Because, a first appearance is a first appearance is a first appearance. I'm sure there are bunches of examples of comics where the 1st appearance cover is basically terrible, but that's the collectable one. Probably multiple threads about that already.
  7. Why would you ever buy a slab with the intention of cracking it out? Why don’t you just buy a nice unslabbed copy? Which is, incidentally, going to be a lot cheaper. I just don’t understand some things.
  8. If your concern is that someone cracked the slab, slid out the original comic, and then surreptitiously substituted and re-sealed this one, I don't think that is very likely - if it's even possible at all.
  9. I don't think you can really make a determination about the page quality based on that photo. I have noticed that some books (showcased in the "please grade my book" subforum) come back from CGS with "White" pages when the interior pages didn't look particularly "white" to me. Which suggests there's somewhat of a range there.
  10. Bump! Just because I've noticed in the recent mycomicshop auctions that these MofU "previews" are apparently being pulled out of the comics they were originally in, and then sent to CGC to be graded separately, and 9.8s of the graded preview pages can go for over $100.00. Doesn't seem like there's any indication or note of which particular comic the preview came out of. And as far as I can tell the comics these previews came in still aren't especially valuable, so it's weird that the pages in said books, separated out, could be more valuable. Also seems like there ought to be a higher chance that the pages inside a given book would grade higher than the overall book, since they are more protected. I guess it's probably still not a great investment risk to spend $30-$40 to grade and only get maybe $100 back if it comes back 9.8. But could they go higher than that? Or you think this a temporary fad? I do wonder how they get the preview pages out of the original comic. Do they remove the staples? And then put them back? Or just cut away the rest of the book? Anyway, I thought that was interesting.
  11. I looked at that listing yesterday and I didn't see the "reprint" qualifier either, but it's there now. I assumed he added it after the fact (after getting reported).
  12. This is what Key Collector says: So, maybe just an actual tie?
  13. Same question as above person. I'm curious if you found that their grades for your raw books came in lower than you thought they would/should have been, given the reputation they have. Regardless of whether you got the price you wanted for the books in the end. I guess this didn't happen, but would/could you ask them to just send it back to you if you don't like the grade they give it? Do you pay that extra shipping? Oh, also, what % would you say sold for your list price as opposed to your accepting an offer for less? Thanks for the information!
  14. Are all those "grime" sellers you? Why have all those different accounts? I'm confused.
  15. Hey, since someone else just put up their Watchmen 1, I thought I'd throw up mine also. For comparison purposes! I was also just curious in general about how much the back cover hits the overall grade. That massive amount of black is rough. Mine has what looks like some scuff marks, and maybe fingerprints (that might come out?), but also some random blue circles? No idea what those are or where they came from. I assume some kind of manufacturing thing? Maybe ink transfer? Thanks for looking!
  16. I'd be curious what the C&P did for the back cover, if it's not too much trouble to upload that scan.
  17. It's weird that the seller would get to see/know what the bidder's "Max" bid is though, as what the OP seems to be saying happened. How would the OP know there was a bid of $250 that got retracted if there was no underbidder that pushed the bid to $250 to begin with?
  18. What I'm saying - and what I think the OP is suggesting - is that you bid $250 on the item and then no one else bids on it (because you overbid it). Then, at the last minute, you "retract" the bid, and bid something way less. Or does that not happen because you can't actually bid more than the minimum. If you bid more, Ebay only makes your bid the minimum amount necessary to win? And it only raises your bid when someone out-bids your current. But if that was the case then seems like what the OP is describing couldn't happen?
  19. Is this a thing you can do on Ebay? Overbid an item so no one else bids on it, and then - at the last minute - "retract" your bid and get it for a lot less?
  20. I think you want at least two more pics for a full assessment. You took a pic of the spine for the top part of the book, but not the bottom where the corner issue is. That's going to give people a better idea how significant it is. You also want to show a pic of the back cover. Very nice book though.
  21. Nah, it was a lot. Though, YMMV. Some people actually liked the first one.
  22. To answer the original question, I don't think theaters are more strict today in checking IDs than they were in the 80s. Suicide Squad did not underperform because it was R rated. It "underperformed" because (1) Pandemic; (2) Simultaneous release on HBO Max (that's where I watched it); (3) It's Suicide Squad, and while the first movie made bank, it also sucked, meaning no one was excited about a possible sequel. This one was a lot better, but it had a larger hill to climb.
  23. Does it drive anyone else crazy the way every. single. listing. on Comic Link for a book with "White" pages get the descriptor "newsstand-fresh" added to it. Every. Single. Time. Like, someone thought "White" wasn't punchy enough and really wanted to jazz it up. They love this descriptor sooooo much, that even when a book doesn't have white pages, but it has "Off-White to White" pages, it still gets described as "near newsstand-fresh." Is there anyone, in the history of buying comics, who ever bought a book thinking "well, gee, if it's newsstand fresh...." It's so lazy. And also stupid. Drives me nuts. /rant