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Everything posted by mr.schomburg

  1. hello all... while I certainly appreciate the cover, am I the only one that really doesn't want to own a copy of this book? just curious gator "Really doesn't want to own a copy...", or "Really doesn't feel it's worth what the book is going for...". I'm not willing to lay out over a grand for a 2.0 copy either, but that doesn't mean I don't want to own one. If you collect esoteric (non-Timely) Schomburg covers, there are a handful of books that stand apart from the others, and this is at the top of the list. very true....price is not the issue with me...I love schomburg, and I love the Suspense 3 cover, but I am just not drawn to want to own it? gator I was really hot for that book for a while. Was even willing to pay sick money for it, but then I cooled off...I still very much would love to own one, but compared to many other books I could buy in the same price range. I just can't or wont pull the trigger on one unless I find a really great deal. I don't know if your the only one, but one of the few. I actually am drawn to the whole run, I think the hard part is, there is no real character to reference or relate to, so they are just a string of great covers. Which I believe makes it harder to choose over say a Cap, MMC, MF, or Batman book. Which can have great covers and a hero and story to relate to. Paul
  2. Peter, Super nice copy, and what a great cover. Just classic, and it takes a lot for me to say that about a DC book. I would be proud to have it next to my Timely's, If you ever need a book-sitter, I will work for free! Paul
  3. 86Celtics, Super nice book, would have been better if you were kissing it like on the Tube! Welcome aboard, and you have a stunning collection. Can't wait to see more books. Paul
  4. You got it! Quick learn and nice book. Welcome once again. Paul
  5. Welcome to the boards, great MMC! Great way to Pop your cherry! As to posting in the body, open a photobucket account. www.photobucket.com its free, then down load your scans/pics into photo bucket. After this you can click on image while you are posting, you will see it under Instant UBB Code and color fonts. Copy the url and presto chango it will appear! Good Luck! Glad to have you aboard! Paul Paul, you are the man. Thank You for the direction. Mike Did you click on URL or Image? Your pic is not embedded. Click on IMAGE then copy URL with http;// from your photobucket and then it should show up. Paul
  6. Welcome to the boards, great MMC! Great way to Pop your cherry! As to posting in the body, open a photobucket account. www.photobucket.com its free, then down load your scans/pics into photo bucket. After this you can click on image while you are posting, you will see it under Instant UBB Code and color fonts. Copy the url and presto chango it will appear! Good Luck! Glad to have you aboard! Paul
  7. I actually prefer comics to the holders, but.... Better Holder, and local for me no shipping! There are tons of threads here on the subject. See the grading thread, many do not feel as I do, but I have done my research and feel confidant in the work. All of that being said, I like CGC just fine and buy their books as well. Make up your own mind, take a look at all sides, but either one is fine by me. Paul
  8. Captain America & The Human Torch Like those characters have captured the imagination of the world over the last six decades! Torch is gaining some popularity with the FF movies, but where was he since his inception? In terms of global appeal, you have Batman, Superman and Spiderman. Hulk, FF, etc are window dressing to the big three. What has DC come up with since 1939? Black lightning, Firestorm, Booster Gold just to name a few! In perspective this is a very funny post, because there are another 20 I could put right in with the above.
  9. I'll take this over a BA collection any day! Gorgeous, simply gorgeous Angelo I will flash you a real nice BA for your MMC 26!
  10. Congrats on this rare book, Peter....Highest Graded Copy! Superior reprinted this less than 3 months after its Timely counterpart: Wonder if the color palatte was different...or is this a result of fading? I guess someone has to find another one to find out... Dino Here is another to compare to, non altered scan. Just a pic with a 10.5 mega pix Cannon. Real nice book Peter! congrats!
  11. Oh, they know what they are worth, they just don't have any intention of selling at the moment. Anyway, my comment is more to the availability and actuall scarcity of AF 15 as compared to MC #1. There are I believe many many unknown copies of Silver age high grade stuffed away in perminant collections. When some of those collections come out in about 10 to 20 years we will see this. Just like we did with GA from the late 80's through the 90's, and the big difference being the amount of collectors in the mid sixties hording these books as opposed to the many GA being collected in the war time paper drives. Paul
  12. Given the fact I believe there are at least 30 copies of AF 15 in similar grade not even slabbed, it is my contention that they while being a super key, and my second favorite character all time are not scarce even in 9.4 or higher. However there most likely are not many copies of Marvel Comics #1 in lets say 8.5 or higher in left, reguardless of reprint status. I personally know of 3 AF 15's in my little town owned by guys who will never grade them which I would easily give a 9.4 or better, hell they might be a good press'n from a 9.6 or 9.8. I have seen two of them, and they are news stand fresh and minty. So my long winded answer is MC #1 hands down a much bigger key for me, sides 25 to 35K should get you a 8.5 spidey first appearance, but a 9.4 MC #1 who knows what that would bring. So apples to apples boys!
  13. Well, BZ it should be said...Wow! I've used that term more than a few times in reference to the wonderfull things you show, mainly because I become speechless. Great group shot of OA! Litterally priceless on many levels. You have amassed an amazing collection of books, art and fanfare, thank you once again for sharing. Paul
  14. Vern, I don't care what CGC says that book looks great. I would take a 1.8 with that eye appeal anyday! I have noticed CGC and PGX are extremely hard on Page quality as of late, book looks VG ish. I suppose long term page quality is going to be the biggest factor in the GA market. You can't reverse it no matter how hard you try or how you store it.
  15. Well come and join us on the OA forum for Pete's sake! We'd all love to meet ya [and your collection]. ORIGINAL ART FORUM Bill Bill O on the boards, how cool is that! Love the show and a big Welcome! Paul
  16. All good suggestions. In fact, I'd already pulled Suspense #1 out for future use. Took me a while to find it, and he didn't say Suspense 3, but a 1 yes! So how about the 1 and the 3...huh BZ what do you say?
  17. Finally home, and very content... Now that is so much better than any comic....congrats on the new one NM! Very cute, here's to health and happyness!
  18. So congrats to 143, then to Gator...right? Well to who ever has the book, nice book and congrats!
  19. Very Sweet room NM! Love your treasure chest of GOLD! Definately one of the best comic rooms.
  20. I would like to see that museum. Cowboys, guns, oh yeah a childs dream world.