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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. I think the production department complained, too much work making and pasting in the reverse photostats !
  2. hey - - wasn't TWD supposed to be coming out every 2 weeks now for All Out War? seems like its still monthly. thanx
  3. thats really an awesome picture! congrats! congrats too on putting out a real buzzkill for the perceived scarcity of these two books too.
  4. Fixed for you... It was 116. And yes it rocked!!! I also find it odd that
  5. There's just less distortion of all the colors period because the paper underneath the ink hasn't changed color. I *thought* your #15 had incredible colors until I compared it to your #2! To me that's an even better comparison. Look at 15 and 2 side by side. As nice as your 15 is you can see a little aging of paper and a little darkening of the yellow; none on the #2. The yellow areas are like comparing a mustard yellow to a neon yellow highlighter. The whites are like comparing a soft grey to a blinding white I dunno what you paid for that #2, but it was worth it. beautiful books both of them. but before you wax rhapsodic on the whites, or compare the 2 scans, first compare the CGC blue label. the FF2 scan is MUCH brighter. In hand, Im sure they are both awesome specimens.
  6. how about early 80s Diamond/Direct vs UPC/newsstand editions? Ive wondered when and if people would start collecting the "rarer" versions as Variants.
  7. Aw shucks. You like me, you really like me! Thanx TTH. ; ) As for never selling, I've actually been thinking of trimming around the edges a bit. Keep all the best stuff of course, but, well, there are 1000s of books I guess I am no longer in love with. Maybe i should sell here on the boards? I think I'd have to study all the rules and protocols first.... To do it right.
  8. Damn, I remember the days when you could pick up a 9.4 for $60K. And aman would call you a nut for spending even that much! Good times. Just saw this little dig! All in good fun right? So here's my answer... You just about doubled your money in just under ten years.... While the other big books I DID pull the trigger on (instead of upping my heritage bids and costing one of us another 20K perhaps on the BB28) have done even better. Heck, my 9.0s are up maybe 300-500% in less time if an 8.5 is is now a reliably 40K book. . I think you should be thanking me for bailing on the bidding instead of zinging me for being wrong. Sorry for any "what do you collect sonny" tone in there... I passed on your biggest book and you did very well. We both did. Nuff said. Good times. :cloud9
  9. I hope there are more high grade copies out there! Been wanting to upgrade my copy. My biggest regret is not picking up the 9.0 copy in the Heritage auction back in 2007 or so...I believe it sold for just north of $10k...also the 9.2 Toth copy a couple years later for $35k...now probably can't buy a 8.5 copy for $35k Ther was an earlier 9.0 that sold on EBay for around 5K too. A few months before the Heritage copy. I thought the 10K was a good deal too.
  10. Wait a second, I want to do the math..... Yes you are correct. (My favorite line from The Social Network!)
  11. Two 9.4s?? Oh boy, here we go.. Wonder if, in the end, the DC census will actually catch the Marvel census after all? Not so long ago we all truly believed that GL 76 was somehow scarcer than it turned out to be too!
  12. yeah, but to the non comics reading public a guy who stretches, is a guy who stretches, no?
  13. but Plastic Man is Reed Richards and we have all seen and been underwhelmed by the stretching thing. I wouldnt think Warners would opt for a remake of another superhero SFX for fear of looking like they copies Marvel at this stage. and even if you told everyone out there that Plastic Man came first, it would work only as well as telling them that Burroughs created nearly all scifi adventure genre themes and conventions DECADES before Star Wars. They tried that marketing angle --- and look how well it worked..
  14. I always wanted a HG #1... Thought that would have been a pretty cool and fairly unique item. But in the past few years seems there are a lot of copies floating around. Maybe Hef kept his own Gaines file copies?
  15. it doesnt get corrected because Kane has a legally defended contract that says HE created Batman and get the credit. Often times the "law" doesnt do justice to the "truth" and wasnt this basically a case of a friend helping another friend work on a project that was all speculative? Who knew "The Batman" would still be around in 1 year let alone a billion dollar property 75 years later? To me , in this case, its Kane who should have made reparations to his friend at some point. But thats really asking too much of anyone in the "real world".
  16. the roots of Marvel losing control to their characters stems back to the 70s when Stan moved to Hollywood to generated interest in Marvel characters to film and TV studios. The majors werent interested... but smaller international guys, who all folded years later (like Cannon and Golan Globus)) bought the rights for whatever meagre fees Stan could coerce out of them. Over the next 2 decades, these film rights then got folded into various bankruptcy proceedings as the folded companies assets were sold, pledged and abandoned. If you remember, it took years and intense litigation to piece together the complete rights to Spidey and the XMen in the 90s before those films could be made. (The danger was what later happened with Watchmen, where still Fox owned a stake in an incomplete legal transfer of all rights to the project (certain papers/clauses were not included in the final deal memo WB signed), Fox then let WB complete the film, only to sue as the opening date approached. A classic squeeze play!) anyway, Id say that ironically it was Perelman's bankruptcy that SAVED Marvel Films! Because the bankruptcy allowed Ike and Avi to "save" Marvel and begin their ambitious slate of TRUE Marvel Films, by attempting well cast and well crafted big budget Spidey Films. The rest of Phase 1 and 2 is history.
  17. I like the cover now as is, before any painting, as an abstractish piece of art! The red and yellow pages interlocking graphically, plus the artsy ripped edges here and there? but as a unfinished comicbook cover? not so much.
  18. They added an inker and a new colorist Twice a month starting soon. Yah, the upcoming double issue a month plan is counter to my argument. But hey! It must be good news for Rick if Kirkman is cashing in by expanding TWD like Spider-Man and batman! I actually wouldn't mind four different TWD books a month. The present continuity. A possible Carl future storyline, a plot line following other survivors in another part of the country. And a Legends of TWD anthology series of one offs and three issue arcs. Go for it Kirkman! And leave Rick alone.too.
  19. If Kirkman is thinking of creating a long term saga, Rick could be dying soon. That frees Kirkman up to widen the story into areas outside of just following our band of heroes all the time. Those that stick around I am sure would grow to still like the book and the new directions it takes. I mean, really, can Rick defeat Negan? Do we want him to? Of course we do, but is Rick just another superhero who always finds a way to win? I hope he lives, but somehow I think Kirkman is taking a longer view of his property and the legacy of TWD. Not just as a cash cow Marvel style to prolong as long as possible as "product". If he did, I think we would now have three or four creative teams producing TWD comics, but we don't. We still have the original, once a month, And a bunch of variant covers! Anyway, eitherbNegan deals swift punishment to Rick. Or he allows Rick to live and they is just as stupid as most other comic book villains. Also, allowing the story to shift to following Negans group could finally widen TWD outward in answering many larger questions of the zombie outbreak that we never see in TWD.