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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. it IS! aside from it being Wolverine, it looks like an anonymous artist Dell or Archie humor page.
  2. my opinion on the Heritage piece is that its a silly looking drawing, even by comics art standards. But its importance will certainly make the winner happy at ANY price. We will have to wait and see if he overpaid for the privilege.
  3. The short answer is that, you may not understand it, but people with real money do. Do you not like/appreciate the art or is it just the price that you find egregious? I'll be the first to agree that $140 million for almost anything is nutty, but the art itself is beyond reproach. It's mesmerizing, innovative, iconic and historically significant in a way that the 1st appearance of Wolverine could never be - centuries of painting technique and composition turned on its head. As for the price, when you have billionaires competing for so little of the great stuff, sometimes you need to get to $140 million to achieve price discrimination. Like I said, I think paying that much for a painting is pretty nuts. But it would be less nuts to me than seeing that Hulk #180 page sell for 7-figures. Both. I've never understood "art" that simply looks like someone threw some paint at a canvas. I mean, I could create something like that but I couldn't draw Wolverine You say it's mesmerizing, innovative, and iconic. I say any old hack could do the same thing! The fact that "people with real money" understand the art makes the whole thing even more laughable to me. And that's not meant as a jab at you; I've heard that argument before. I don't have a ton of money myself so I think it's silly to spend 10s of thousands on a comicbook. Now if I had money to burn I'm sure I'd feel different. However, I don't care how much money I had, I wouldn't spend a dime on some of the art that's sold for millions. 72.8 million - Really? Looks like an ice cream sandwich. Anyhow, the money thing aside, I just don't get the appeal of Pollock's work. If it had no real monetary value, and was just a painting on a wall, I'd have that monstrosity removed from my house. I respect all peoples opinions, but it's just my opinion that my 5 year old son with a couple of buckets of paint and a brush could make the same thing. haha. this always makes me laugh. I once got a job from a guy wanting to sell knock off Leroy Nieman style posters. I figured (like you did) that its all drips and splashes that look like sports figures, but not real painting like I was doing. after an entire day trying, and getting nowhere, I gave up and never called the guy back. Same idea with Pollack. When you stand there and take in it, you see the layering, and the depth, and you see that the paint while being "splattered" which anyone of us can do, was CAREFULLY splattered, spaced out beautifully, allowing the different colors to work with each other. Closest description I can think of would be looking at winter tree branches of many layers of trees overlapping, forming a mesmerizingly perfect latticework. anyway, as Gene says, the prices they get are ridiculous except viewed thru the prism of guy with 1000x that much money fighting over bragging rights for owning whats out there that the other guys covet too. Im not a huge Pollack fan, and for many years agreed that it was silly if not simple stuff. But one day by chance I was in front of one and I suddenly got it. My eyes were darting all around the canvas and having fun soaking it in. and seriously, YOUR KID COULD NEVER PAINT IT. He could paint HIS work 1000x times better than Pollack could paint your kids work, though. So thats something to be proud of!
  4. haha, yes very true. I can't believe Im always frustrated by this apparent flaw in zombie logic! I don't expects scientific accuracy in a fantasy story, just that things make "sense" If Negan's plan can work, that has to mean that so many other causes for turning must be possible too…. that never have been to date. when Negan proposed it, I was hoping it would be a total bust. That Negan would prove to be a big dumb dope. Rick and others now are kinda sick, but it may not be the result of Negan's Gambit. we'll find out soon enough.
  5. I know that is how it works on the TV show, but not so in the comic, right? At worst, introducing dead and rotting flesh into an open wound will do you harm. ok. maybe so. but consider this: they are constantly spattered with zombie guts, on their face and hands. Then they handle and eat food with their hands. We are talking about microscopic viral particles and organisms. Since they never wash thoroughly, they MUST be ingesting the microbes orally all the time - - to NO ill effect! So I jet don't buy the Negan strategy. Maybe 1000s more microbes are introduced his way than they get orally. But I don't see how a bite, or a gash from a muck covered arrow that lands in muscle is more effective than germs that enter your bloodstream the RIGHT way -- through your mouth and stomach. Im hoping Kirkman has this worked out in a sensible way.
  6. but with 2 issues to go, I guess Rick either dies-- or recovers -- from it real soon!
  7. I think this was discussed a bit back. It is thought that this method would work if you have an open wound or create a wound (bolt to the torso) and insert an infected item into it. This would be a neat follow up to the back up story from issue 75. I never liked the old "you have to be bitten" thing, and I guess only a sick Negan would think of this technique after a while. But it still feels like it shouldn't work.
  8. hey, know what would be cool, but not gonna happen? Negans strategy backfires. It only ends up working like Sideys spider bite - - imbues Rick with temporary Wolverine like invulnerability until it facades away! He can't be killed while under its effects. that would be cool! and stupid at this point. Maybe in issue 12 or so it could have worked.
  9. question: and I skipped over a lot of pages and may have mixed the discussion, sorry, but why would Negans muck-encrusted arrow and knife trick ever work? Because it bypasses the "bite requirement" and delivers the muck directly into a human body? If anything other than a bite could work, all the zombie guts that that splash on their faces and in their mouths and noses and on open cuts etc would have done the trick all along. right? Im thinking Ricks and the other can't catch activate the zombie virus from Negans stunt…. and on another line of thinking - - he JUST thought of this? one more thing, a real pet peace: Negan keeps standing out in the open, even with Ricks snipers perched and ready, making speeches etc… JUST SHOOT HIM already! He is the key to the battle. I know recently Kirkman mentioned that there more than one side to Negan, so he must have his reasons for keeping him around, but, really? no one has the order to shoot him on sight?
  10. I liked this season and am confident that they will continue to keep the show an exciting companion to the comics, while being its own storyline too. Many of you complained that this season felt stretched or slow, but I liked the wide open feel it had, being cooped up in the prison was such a drag! Each week was a different location, and while it was weird that we only saw a few characters a week, it lead, as many have stated, to deeper character development. oh and please, no more LOST comparisons! I lost too many hours invested in what ended up being a copout slap in the face ending! yeeccch predictions from me are that Terminus lasts most of next half season, a few are killed (maybe Glenn a la Negan) then signs of Alexandria type places, and sooner of later, Negan. But the TV show must lag behind the comics so maybe the year after that, we finally get to ALL Out War while the comic is doing whatever Kirkman has planned for issues 150 and beyond.
  11. Pasted it, too lazy to add the quotes boxes - took me 2 tries to get the bold right!
  12. Ok here's a pretty nice but opaque explanation of what has occurred here... Now, if you imagine a red image in a sign, which is made using cyan, magenta and yellow dyes, the red colour is formed by a mixture of yellow and magenta dyes. The white light falls onto the mixture and the yellow dye absorbs all the blue light. Similarly the magenta absorbs all the green light, and so the remaining light – red is the only light reflected back to your eye. If you see the red fading – i.e. your eye is seeing other colours coming back reflected from the image area that is supposed to be red this is because the yellow or the magenta or both are themselves fading and failing to fully absorb the blue and green light. Now it is usually the case in photography that the magenta and yellow dyes in colour prints fade faster than the cyan. You may have noticed that photographs faded in shop windows go cyan in colour – this is why. Remember cyan is the opposite of red – so the red is fading fastest, just as your observation stated. This is because the yellow and magenta dyes are more susceptible to oxidative fade induced when light reacts within the dye layer to produce oxygen radicals which tend to react with the dye and bleach it – destroy the part of the molecule which absorbs the light to give the dye its colour. Cyan dyes tend to bleach by a reductive process and are actually less stable in dark, hot conditions than are yellow and magenta.
  13. Fading looks too even? You mean the suns powere fluctuates every few inches. If I could do the math I bet that's an arc of .ooooooo1 degrees starting 93 million miles away.
  14. Definitely faded. There are many faded storefront issues out there. It's not special nor desirable. Yes sure looks cool in its current duo tone effect, but it's a damaged copy with no extra value
  15. Not Goyer - Argo writer Chris Terrio. It was posted a few pages back, and seems like a smart move to better the -script before shooting. yeah he was brought in to make sure the -script Flo good and i think the -script is huge which why we hear so much about BvS and JL filming back to back. thanx guys. Im not up on who's who, only that Affleck has taken some measure of control of the film. Im not big on Affleck, but didn't think casting him as Batman was the end of the world, but Im not sold on his filmmaking skills. Yes he won Best Picture, but in a conflicted race last year, I believe he slipped thru. I found Argo to be almost insulting at the end with all the last second airport tension that NEVER HAPPENED! It was a true story, why give and in to punch up the narrative for dramatic effect for the movie? The real story was cool snuff even though they skipped out of Iran uneventfully. So Im not seeing how Afs Oscar -winning film experience helps him in crafting a superhero flick. But, hopefully it won't matter so long as the collective wisdom on the films makes all the right moves.
  16. did you guys read all the recent stuff about hw Affleck brought in Goyer to do a total rewrite, and that now its an Affleck/Goyer pic?
  17. hey, look in the lower right corner area. There was a large shark in the original drawing that they replaced with little fishes!
  18. What's so cool is that this is just a pic of a normal crummy newsstand with the latest rags for sale, as they were in all cities and towns that week. But to our eyes we see a lost gold mine! Book after book just sitting there in brand new condition plus or minus some handling issues.... You could say treasures hiding in plain sight... Hindsight that is,
  19. yeah, pretty sure. someday Ill know for sure.
  20. Absolutely gorgeous. Has it had restoration? -J. looks too nice right? I really don't think so.
  21. as they say in Star Wars "there is another…"