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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. I dont show much, but when I do.....
  2. Do you know of any way to examine the difference between their grading process/scales? To my knowledge, neither publishes their grading process... it doesnt even matter. PGX has no credibility in the comics market, except, for a few who prefer the lower prices they charge.
  3. There have been stories of pgx grading tighter than CGC leading to upgrade for years, but my experience has been the opposite. Pgx grades differently, so upgrades and downgrades are to be expected.
  4. 9.8 AF15 might. I agree that BB28 is coming into its own. gee, they guy who sold it must be feeling a twinge he lost interest in comics a few years too early. The gains on that one book alone would have outweigh all losses on the others. but I really think 300K is wayyy to high an estimate. Being the sole 9.4 IS a very strong X factor, though
  5. if Man of Steel does well JLA will be fast tracked. TW desperately wants a profitable franchise out of their characters as Marvel has done this past decade. They USED to laugh at Marvels films... not any more!
  6. Hey, bb showed some nice books.. Think he'd ever sell them?
  7. Wow. What an excellent post! I agree completely that one can make only guesses and stabs at forming a direct line from one eras cheap entertainment to the next one. The business of business is making money, and publishers for a millennia have tried whatever they could devise in order to make a buck with the technology available to them. End of story.
  8. Hearing all the comments and points of history, Id date this flyer as being shipped with whichever issue was leaving the presses when the sales results of #7 (or maybe #10 if they shelved the decision for one more test cover) came back. Figuring a 3 months delay, the flyers might have ben prepared as early as issue 11, or 14.
  9. looks like a flyer made specifically for and sent only to newsstands advising them on how to increase sales with kids looking for the hot new Superman, even tho he wasnt on the cover.. which would place this specifically in the time period where DC knew sales were up, and were JUST making plans to increase Supermans visibility on all subsequent Action covers. That would make it 2-3 months before Action 19, right? sales returns sure were slow back then..
  10. Best part for m was we finally are getting Michonne. In the comic, she is the toughest and most reliable character, the one you can count on to do what needs doing and stay level headed. I just haven't understood why she wasn't allowed to say anything until last night. But that's a curing issue for me with TV series like WD, Revolution, Lost, etc. nobody ever asks the questions, and if they do, the answer is always "not now" . S frustrating. Michonne has had many opportunities to explain herself, and to share what she has seen and learned. I guess she'll finally begin taking a larget role now like in the comics.
  11. One thing didn't make sense. Gov attacks the prison right? And his plan includes the zombie bomb thing. So when the zombies come out and all hell breaks loose inside the prison as Rick and the others contend with zombies in the middle of a firefight, WHY does the Gov call off the attack and drive away? They could have picked them all off once they exposed themselves escaping zombies. No way Andrea drove the van. She ends up with Rick just like in the comics. And finally. Michonne speaks! Even though she's living in a van down by the prison gates...
  12. I always preferred DC to Marvel, even back in the 60s! I remember buying but no longer reading FF after the Surfer/Doom arc because it was getting too science Fictiony... Spidey was always a decent read though.
  13. But even dumb characters can and have had excellent story arcs when written well. All WB needs to do is manage avoid group thinking that usually leads them to bad scripts for their comics films. Marvel has successfully turned their dumb characters into very entertaining films! Even the wide expectancy of a good AntMan film is proof that they "get it" and know how to fashion a good film from the most boring characters. Actually, casting is key too. Iron Man would never be as huge a franchise without Downey Jrs take on Stark. Without his cheeky arrogance, iron man is just a guy in a robot suit.
  14. haha. well, if Glen Mazzara was the prime mover on adding a ghost in a wedding dress as a cool horror touch? I can finally understand why he was fired! He tells it like it was his decision alone and he had to fight to keep it in. but, if it just leads to a brief period where the stress gets to Rick and he steps back from leadership, like in the cmic, it will pass and we can move on.
  15. For me the show is fine, but practically unwatchable due to the commercials!! Feels like its one quick scene and done, then 7 minutes of ads. I fast forward thru but each time I'm like what the F? Shows on premium cable have killed ad supported channels for me. Imagine Walking Dead on HBO?? Non stop and R rated.
  16. so YOURE the guy who nailed all those books! kudos!
  17. its funny how Kirbys work really all comes down to his inker. I usually think of his work around the 50s/60s as different from his 70s work in detail and shapes... but look at the soldiers and rocks behind "Sgt Fury" here.... they are quickly inked and look like the looser 70s Kirby stuff that we all think doesnt compare with the Marvel Age comics work. Those guys just have a clunky look to them like a Kamandi or a Demon bkgnd. further, the lead figure was clearly worked on more carefully. But even here, the inker drowned out Kirbys natural "abstract energy" linework --- making the sleeve and backpack look TOO normal, and less "Kirby"
  18. think of greytone covers as photographs like you see in newspapers, but with colors added to them. Thats for pieces where only the black plate looks photographic. Of course the panted (photography) areas can be converted and printed with a color plate (blue, red, or yellow)
  19. Guys, greytoñes are just when the black plate is shot from painted artwork as opposed to an inked solid black line. The Challengers was created by painted images that were stripped onto the cmyk plates. The Kid Colt however was colored the usual way except that instead of a coloring with percentages of the colored inks, the colorist chose to use 30% of black ink.
  20. books are undergoing the same grading process. What seems to have only changed is the notification process. The actual results are now posted at the SHIPPED/SAFE stage and no longer at the GRADED stage. CGC is holding back the actual grades until they ship.
  21. now that Guv is missing an eye, I think he will reappear with a black eyepatch and assume a closer resemblance to the comics Guv. And I think he will be a bit more angry and unhinged... and hopefully meet his end like in the comics... no need for him to stick around unless the show will last a decade or so. Too much more left to uncover from the comics. and Carls a lot cooler on the show than the comics huh? Becoming a stone cold survivor. If we get to Negan, Negan's reaction to Carl will make a lot of sense.
  22. how exciting for non comics fans. outer space madman/diety wages war on Earth. Wasnt that what Avengers 1 was all about setting it up for Avengers 2?