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There are numerous 'anonymous' posts that bad mouth CGC. Since you choose to go the coward's path and lump yourself with all the other faceless nits then yes you have bad-mouthed CGC. Prove me wrong Anonymous!


Matt's selling was unethical. To accept money (regardless of whatever 'automatic' system was set up) when you know you cannot deliver product is a criminal act. You present yourself as one of those sleezy criminal defense lawyers defending a rapist or murderer.


Old School? Your so laughable! Now you're mister "I'll come to the resuce of the weak and helpless?" Matt can't defend himself? Are you his mommy?


Your statements are ludicrious and you remain a coward with your faceless postings. I won't answer anymore of your baseless drivel. Have a nice life!

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Mean streak?? I have no use for bullies as stated, especially mob-incited bullies. They are my pet-peeve. When I see it, I don't like it and WILL do something about it, firsthand. It's WRONG. Of course with words, an ounce of bravery is far more easily attained. Maybe not, as suddenly, mostly anonymous posts retort my SIGNED ones. Has somebody lost their nerve? The "Gang that couldn't shoot straight" gleefully hammer away at their keyboards, full of and vinegar, poking fun at, slandering, insulting, and BULLYING. Stank Old Guy, bends down to pick up the rope that one member of the lynch mob has accidentally dropped and lacking the IQ of a Waring Blender cuts right to the chase with outright profanity, "Ignorant, Cowardly S**T-Head". SupaPimp's main agenda is his "hedonistic lifestyle" and his ability to "score" swallows every night (420 and counting according to his About me page). That has about as much to do with comics as this deplorable string of threads does. When you start calling strangers things like that, unprovoked, and from out of the blue, they MIGHT take offense, although it does take far more to rattle me than it does y'all. Try that in practice rather than in theorey. Take it out on the street at 2AM in the city nearest you (in case you live on a cow pasture or in a trailer park) instead of at the Keyboard from 3000 miles away and give it a whirl with a number of folks you encounter and you'll see what I'm talking about. Law of averages dictate that if you run up on strangers, get up in their faces, and address them as such, the first might ignore you, the second may run and yell for help, but the third guy may grab you by the throat with an iron grip and leave you swallowing in pain for the next 3 months. I've never been one to ignore, run, or yell for help but then again NOBODY ever approaches me in that manner (ask Mark Wilson why and I'm sure he'll tell you that it just wouldn't be practical). It has nothing to do with "beating people up". It has to do with not being capable or willing to accept undeserved disrespect. I MUST give credit to Architect and CGC for letting the string continue and giving all a chance to be heard on subjects that go way beyond the hobby into personal territory. You all would do well in remembering, before resorting to profanity and bullying that we're ALL guests (one of us obviously an unwelcome one) in THEIR house, and your muddy shoes should be left OUTSIDE. If you don't respect yourself or me, at least have the upbringing to respect the "House".


-"Feeble" Methuselah

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He's being somewhat humble, but since he keeps making reference to it, I'll share with the group: I've been told by the people who used to see him at conventions that comic-keys/Richard Koos/Danny Dupcak is around 5'2" and used to be a MAJOR bodybuilder, and he's possibly still into that. Which partially explains his references to collectors with skinny arms and stepping up to people.


What is it that's kept you in comics for so long, Methuselah? I'm assuming that's why you call yourself "Methuselah," referring to your longevity in comics. It seems like the amount of conflict you've been through would make it tough to still get much enjoyment from dealing with comics. Do you still collect, or is it just the money from dealing that keeps you in? You told me once you don't read new comics anymore, and I assume you've probably read and owned any of the older ones you wanted to after decades of dealing.

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Brainwashed David, Which statements exactly do you in your "professional opinion" as a highly respected production manager stuck in the middle of nowhere, USA, do you find "ludicrous"? Where exactly and by what posts have I "badmouthed" CGC? How do you equate "accepting money by automated system" and making a refund with Murder and Rape? Have you ever been defended by or used an attorney? From your experience, which ones were "sleAzy"? Did you inform the American Bar Assoc.? "Mommy"?...have you seen my genatalia or would you just like to clarify your misconception for your viewing pleasure? "Coward"?...(More of calling someone a coward from 3000+ miles away...unbelievable!) Have you tested your theorey? Why don't BOTH you and Stank Old Guy unhook the trailers, pay a visit to "Zoo York" and test this coward theorey first hand? Which statements do you feel in your qualified opinion are "baseless drivel"?


-"Feeble" Methuselah (again under siege from still another "genius")

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I think it's cowardly to threaten people and use intimadation. I don't care what kind of condition your in. For one thing you don't know who you are truely dealing with on these boards. Let alone who is reading these posts, I mean were is the place for being a respectable businessman. You think any respectable dealers will get anywhere treatening people. So I'd suggest if your brain is as big as your brawn I'd stop playing internet tuffguy.


BTW- This post is getting truelly ridiculous

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Danny, you've come out more here to complete strangers than you have to old friends and business associates who wanted nothing more than to reestablish contact with someone who they liked. You did have friends who wanted nothing more than to enjoy your company and conversation. You chose to hide behind the doctor tag. Why? It's already out there now. Too bad you decided to go back to the old ways that started all the trouble in the first place. frown.gif

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Yea, he's fairly likable and has a lot he could offer to other people. Too bad about the duality. I can't even see what he still gets out of it after all these years. I could see getting an ego boost when he was younger and still feeling like he had something to prove, but two decades later? It must be the money.

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"Threatening people". "Cowardly". The mere suggestion, when being called a coward (THREE times now on this board), of testing your theorey is threatening? I simply don't appreciate being called a coward unprovokedly and if done so in print will call upon the person disrespecting me to repeat it to my face. PERSONAL denregations should be delivered PERSONALLY, not from 3000 miles away. That's "threatening"? My how sensitive you all are to interpret NON-cowardice in that manner.


"Feeble" Methuselah

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How ironic it is that you challenge me to physical confrontation from behind an anonymous identity. You're a real tough guy. I wont be able to sleep tonight.


I think you need a hug. frown.gif

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Hello Mr. Anon. Looks like an interesting debate.


However, please get registered if you are going to continue to post on these boards. It is counter-productive to the community to have extensive coversations with anonymous users. I'm not censoring your view point, but I am requiring that you give yourself an identifiable handle rather than leave people wondering who is saying what.





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The names Scrima, Glenn Scrima. If you need me to spell it again let me know. If you have a problem come fly down. I'd love to give you a chance at the first punch and the second for that matter. And I hope you don't mind a couple of witness's so I can own whatever you've achieved in your short life.


See unlike you most people in this board use their brain. They don't need brawn to make up for the lack of it. You think you can beat up anyone and threatning anyone is smart. I'm surprised you still walk straight at this point in your life. As there are people who aren't so forgiving as the people who register with this board. I don't know where you come from but people like you only last long when they pick on small prey. Maybe that's why you feel the need to be in the comic industry. Show your superiority to all us so called geeks. Go spout your mouth off like that to men your own size (which I've heard isn't much btw) and I'm sure you won't get to far.

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Ahhh..the old "Phantom Menace" from the 80s theorey!


"5 foot 2"!!!!!!!! A major bodybuilder?? Which one of us?


According to patrons of Dupcheck's (one of 100 spellings I've seen) stores who had frequented them on many occassions, he was approx. 5 foot 11 inches at a skeletal 130 pounds (in other words, the spitting image of Vincent Zurzollo) with a full head of curly hair and a long pony tail. I weighed that much in Grammar school and as a LIFELONG Powerlifter/bodybuilder a shade under 5 foot 9, at a constant 238-241 pounds of year-round, under 8% bodyfat, have registered at a National Sanctioned Powerlifting meet a 551lb. bench (2014 pound three lift total..bench, deadlift, squat) WITHOUT a canvas Benching shirt, and have done 535 for a triple in the gym (ask Mark Wilson about the veracity of this and while we're at it, how come I NEVER have seen Mark Wilson or Rob Roter listed when y'all create these cute "best dealers in the world" posts..they're as deserving as ANYBODY to be in the top 5 of ANYONE'S list), which has taken a lifetime of dedication. I also haven't had any hair to speak of, curly or otherwise, for at least 15 years!

As far as shows go, I've been to a total of ONE. That was enough to convince me to stay home to buy. NO lights (unless you consider 40 watt bulbs spaced 10 feet apart and 40 feet overhead adequate grading illumination), people banging into you with comic boxes, Sellers who want snap decisions on a purchase as you try to angle the book into poor lighting to see it, inadequate parking, dirty bathrooms, and grade-B food fit for cattle, oppressive heat (no AC in JULY???). Maybe some like rubbing elbows and being sardined in crowds as a wonderful group, hobby happening, but at my size, I DON'T, as I always seem to be in someone's way. I'd rather buy books in an atmosphere where I can feel like a human. NOT have to make snap decisions, and not have to park 8 blocks away. No one recognized me at that 1999 NYC show because there WAS NOTHING TO RECOGNIZE. Just as since it was my first show, I had no idea who anybody was unless they were sitting at a table with a banner displayed. Citizen "all my knowledge is second hand" Rudd, with all that yarn you spin you must have an endless supply of sheep! Ironically, exchanging emails with you in the past WAS pleasureable. I looked forward to our correspondance and welcomed it, intellectually refreshing as it was, centered on COMICS. I don't fault you as I think I know who did the "hack-job", the frontal lobotomy on your brain as far as these matters go. It's most probably the same "gentleman" that frequents an infamous NYC underground S&M club on 14th St. and 9th Ave., wearing a woman's wig and being led around on a leash attatched to his..... by another man on a regular basis when in the Big Apple. And BELIEVE me when I tell you that I WISH I were making that up! Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with that, we're not little children here. To each his own.


"Feeble" Methuselah


Editorial note: You must admit, though at this point they have NOTHING to do with comics whatsoever, my posts are as entertaining, making for absorbing reading (tell me you don't all read them at least twice...c'mon now guys, at least be honest here!) as well as being informative! If I promise to register will you guys at least give me 5 stars? Plus I want that hug Brian promised me! That is, if he can get his arms around me! smile.gif

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just ignore his post guys, i feel like im on the yahoo stock board discussions, with shorts ranting and raving to try to get you to sell. if it is comic-keys who is the anonymous poster, im currently the high bidder on the TOS 49. so what are you going to do, end the auction early and cancel all bids? that would be admission of guilt. in an private inquiry you said it was NM 9.4 with interior tanning, now you list it as NM+ 9.6 and no mention of tanning. starting to feel the heat? blush.gif

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Glenn, You're even feistier than my pet coelecanthe who by coincidence is your namesake, except he spells it with only 1 'n'. Everyone seems to assume things. You assume I'm threatening you because you called me a coward and I'm simply asking you to put your theorey to the test. If you don't wish to, I understand that. Face to face, no sane individual would, and even if they thought they had a chance, be it one or more individuals, they would realize that it would be an empty and bitter "dark" victory with massive, permanent, personal casualties. To formulate a belief that I wish to travel to you to administer a "beat down" because you called me a coward, I asked you to prove it in the only way I know how...to come and lay your foul tongue on me in person, and you won't, is irrational thinking. You don't see that? Does the "Porkchop Express" have windows that let you see out? No one is spouting their mouth off to me anywhere else except here on this board. And I should just listen silently, right G? "People like me only pick on small prey"...seems to me that I'm the one being picked on here and it's PERSONAL. All I'm saying is that if you want to make it personal with words, you should be man enough to back up those words face to face. You don't like that, do you G. and yet you have a picture of a "tough guy" (Snake Pliskin) in your profile box. You're a paradox.

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It's a picture of Jack Burton (Big Trouble In Little China). He played a clutz more than anything. And by by the way I'm actually 6 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 220 pounds. I'm no small guy. And that's the point that I'm trying to make. You are being pretty bull-headed thinking everyone's a little 130 pound stereo-typicaI comic reader. Some of my friends come from Southie and Mattapan (aka Murderpan). I happen to hang out with the people who are good people from bad neighboorhoods. You wouldn't know all this thinking I'd be the stereotypical comic geek. But it could be worse, what if I was some sociopath who took your words to seriously. It's dangerous to threaten complete strangers. I don't like bully's, if you are right or wrong is beside my argument, violence is uncalled for. Maybe you are just saying that but people in this board, myself included took what you were saying seriously. I would tell you this to your face but I don't have that option availble. And as far as I know, you haven't said anything to my face likewise. I'm not defending you or anyone else's arguments other than what got me posting in this thread. Violence and intimidation, is unwarrented, real or not. I have nothing more to say as I would like to enjoy the rest of my weekend.

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Should I also make note of Iron Man being on the cover or do you need every possible obvious observation made on the book for your descriptive needs? You are unable to see the slight halo on the comic in the extremely clear scan? Knowing ANYTHING about comics, what would lead you to believe that if there's a halo present on the outside, that it wouldn't be mirrored on the interior of the same front cover?


-"Feeble" Methuselah

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Monies that exchanged hands after the robbery were not a "kosher" thing that is for sure.I never denied that some of the things I did were perhaps the wrong thing to do at the time. But sometimes when horrible things happen to us, we do the wrong things. I quite frankly was overwhelmed at the time, trying to deal with a HUGE financial loss, I don't defend my actions. But everyone that was involved got every penny back very quickly.

I think this thread has really run it's course at this point. Let;s talk about the future and not dwell on the past.

Those that think badly of me , don't do business with me. We all have the right to choose who we trust in this hobby, just don't base that trust in hearsay.

Best Regards to you all,


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