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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

126 posts in this topic

Why does everyone hate on Temple of Doom? I loved TOD, all 3 honestly. Haven't seen the new one yet.


I love TOD too. But this latest movie rates a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. meh. (shrug)


Enjoyable but doesn't hold a candle to the original three.

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My wife and I enjoyed the film...3 out of 5 stars


Is it going to win any Oscars? No (shrug)



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It was alright, just alright, not great, not bad. It had some very hokey scenes, the last 20mins seemed very un-Indy like. They have forsure set up Shia to take over the franchise if that's the direction Spielberg wants to go, which is fine as Shia is a very likeable actor. One thing that annoys me is all the George Lucas hate for the way the movie is, let me clairify exactly what Lucas had to do with the movie.


"George Lucas came up with the McGuffin (the crystal skull), and is credited with writing the story. He also served as Executive Producer. According to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas was on set for a total of nine days. Although George Lucas suggested Steven Spielberg shoot the movie with digital, Steven Spielberg used film, as he has on all of his previous movies."


Pretty much it, and the use of CGI was purely to express the few scenes that convention stunt work couldn't accomplish, I don't like the route they went with the last 20mins but before that the CGI was kept to a bare minimum, Spielberg's quote on this


"MPAA mandated Trailer alterations aside... 10.10.07 "...the effects work was approximately seventy percent practical and thirty percent CGI, although the computer-generated work will be obvious."- Steven Spielberg


Like I said most in the last quarter of the movie. It's fine for what it is but it did not keep with the tone of the originals.

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I saw it last night and was "eh" about it. I have read many mixed reviews and ones that ran all over the critic gambit. (From "Great" to "Terrible". )


As far as the Sci-fi plot line, I kind of liked it since the movie was set in the 50's. But the film lacked "flow" and went too far with some of the action scenes. Granted, all movies like this are "far fetched" but there's still a believability" factor for me. Having Indy in the "atomic" refrigerator was totally unnecessary for me. And Shia and the monkeys was horrible. The waterfall sequences was also way too much. Is it too hard to make a movie like this with a tad more restraint and pseudo-plausibility? (Am I missing something? Didn't they say John Hurt's character had been to the final spot before? If so, how? The entrance seemed to be a "one time only" opening.)


The final gripe I had with the sci fi angle was the need to "explain" it all. Sometimes hints or off-camera items would work better. I didn't think it was necessary to see the aliens or the ship. Leave a little to the audiences imagination. I had a similar beef with "Last Crusade" and the eternal knight. I found it useless and it detracted from the story.


Overall, I'm glad I went but it was a shallow experience. It didn't rekindle any Indiana Jones amgic, but then again, none of the sequels ever has met the match of the original. Probably too high of expectations. So far, "Iron Man" is the champ this summer for me.

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it was ok, I didn't find myself getting pumped up like the others. Was great to see Indy back on the bigscreen though and worth the price of admission.

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My wife and I enjoyed the film...3 out of 5 stars


Is it going to win any Oscars? No (shrug)


no superhero movie will ever win a Oscar as Watchmen the movie fans will find out next year. I can predict right here and now how much Watchmen will be critized very unfavorably next year as that`s our grail and it won`t even come close to

Indy 4 or Ironman.

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This movie sucked, and it wasn't Indy/Ford, Stephen and George, all you lame fanboys wouldn't even be lining up.


Parts of this movie are just sad, like the Tarzan Monkey-man bit, the waterfall and how the :censored: Indy emerged unscathed from the fridge. And was the fact the Shia-Pet intended as the protag of the movie any more obvious - did Indy actually do anything? These handing-off movies (like Blade 3) never work, as movie-goers are there to see Ford, not his hair-obsessed Mutt-faced boy.


And after reading about Indy for so long, and seeing Lucas kick out screenwriter after screenwriter for "not accepting his vision" I can see why they all walked. The last "vision" George had before thinking up this movie was looking into the toilet after a hitting the Mexican buffet.

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When Indy got punched for the 100th time in the ant fight, my wife started laughing. Afterward, she told me she kept thinking about her Dad, same age, who fell asleep on the couch yesterday while I was grilling the tri-tip. She didn't think he would make a good Indy.


Um, but I thought it was ok.

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This movie sucked, and it wasn't Indy/Ford, Stephen and George, all you lame fanboys wouldn't even be lining up.


Parts of this movie are just sad, like the Tarzan Monkey-man bit, the waterfall and how the :censored: Indy emerged unscathed from the fridge. And was the fact the Shia-Pet intended as the protag of the movie any more obvious - did Indy actually do anything? These handing-off movies (like Blade 3) never work, as movie-goers are there to see Ford, not his hair-obsessed Mutt-faced boy.


And after reading about Indy for so long, and seeing Lucas kick out screenwriter after screenwriter for "not accepting his vision" I can see why they all walked. The last "vision" George had before thinking up this movie was looking into the toilet after a hitting the Mexican buffet.


Joe nailed it for me. I agree 100%.

I'll just add that the acting was worse than you'd expect from a Troma movie.

Harrison Ford's acting was just as weak as everyone elses. The lines were so forced and painful. I seriously wanted to leave after the nuclear bomb scene. I just kept thinking "it's got to get better".


Horrible movie.



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Well, despite the consistent criticisms hurled it's way by the CGC Boards, it became the second biggest Memorial Day opening in history (Pirates 3) and made a whopping $151 Million for the total five day opening weekend. reports are that the numbers increased from Thursday to Friday to Saturday, which apparently shows the potential for "legs"..............


I'll probably see it this week one night and hope I don't come a way as disappointed as most of you seem to be............... :wishluck:

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Well, despite the consistent criticisms hurled it's way by the CGC Boards, it became the second biggest Memorial Day opening in history (Pirates 3) and made a whopping $151 Million for the total five day opening weekend.


Well duh! Of course it made money - it's Indy and since none of us own a time machine, we pays our money and we takes our chances.


But let's see the 2nd week totals - bad word of mouth is going to drop this puppy like a rock.

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In today's world....success is the best revenge. Of course I was still disappointed in the film, I found it to be just OK, but then nothing could compare to the first movie. As an audience we've become jaded with big budget films, which is why films like Juno have such appeal, they have a good story with characters that you care about. Don't get me wrong. Indy was worth seeing... but it could never be as good as I hoped it would be, just like I can never be as young as I was when the first film came out and believe me, younger is better.

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IDon't get me wrong. Indy was worth seeing... but it could never be as good as I hoped it would be, just like I can never be as young as I was when the first film came out and believe me, younger is better.


That's a pretty lame excuse, as there are still lots of big budget movies that surprise me, and bring back that same feeling I had when I was a kid.


I walked out of The Matrix having been just blown away by a real spectacle, and one with a story and some character development/journey. Same with the first Spider-man movie, other than the Green Power Ranger, it was a perfect super-hero adaptation. The first Pirates movie was great, I really liked Shrek, have a huge soft spot for most of the Pixar movies, absolutely loved Fellowship, and even thought Iron Man was pretty good.


So it's not like they're not making any good spectacle movies, it just happens to be that the absolute WORST ones of the last decade have involved George Lucas in some way.

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