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That is meaningless spam.


Nope, I was mistaken. You will never get it. I thought maybe if we went back and forth for a while, you would learn the meaning of the word spam. It appears that you are indeed as young as I thought you were.


While this IS in fact a comic book forum, the people around here like to see people act at least somewhat like adults. Your posts suggest that you are quite young and still have a lot to learn. This all started because I asked you nicely to stop spamming the boards. You chose to justify the spamming rather than simply saying something like - "Yeah, OK. I am irritated with Khaos, but I will stop loading up the unread threads with spam".


I can only guess that Arch is not on line right now, or I believe he would inform you as to just what spamming is. I am not going to continue to play this little game that you obviously find so entertaining. This will be my last reply to you in this thread. I will suggest that you learn to respond to peoples requests in a more adult fashion though. I can't believe that you can not see how childish these posts back and forth were.





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Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: Snizzenfixit and his gloomy anecdotes. In the rest of this letter, I will use history and science (in the Hegelian sense) to prove that Snizzenfixit's relationship to the real world is indisputably peripheral. While I don't know his secret plans, I do know that if it were up to him, schoolchildren would be taught reading, 'riting, and racism. Lastly, Snizzenfixit's taradiddles are about as useful to society as a hundred deutsche marks were in 1923 Germany.




How's that dogg? grin.gif


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Once MajorKhaos and snitzenwhatzit get off my back.....that's exactly what I'll do.........until then, all they'll get is replies of garbage from me.


ROFL Nobody reads it anyway!! lol Do you think someone holds a gun to our heads and makes us read ANYTHING you put up here? I'm laughing my @$$ off at the way you're crying about how I'm victimizing you! I love it! Keep crying, kiddo... too bad baby can't take his medicine. grin.gif

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Who's crying about anything. I think this is fun. I just told snitzen that I'd stop when you guys did because he was being a crybaby about the whole thing....just like you. But I hope you don't stop........I like to make you guys look like chumps. grin.gif


Why does MajorKhaos stretch credulity beyond the breaking point? Anger? Fear? Stupidity? Some deep mawkish urging of his soul? The answer cannot easily be found, but he feels he has not only a right, but also a duty, to manipulate everything and everybody. To start, if you're interested in the finagling, double-dealing, chicanery, cheating, cajolery, cunning, rascality, and abject villainy by which he may confuse, befuddle, and neutralize public opposition sooner or later, then you'll want to consider the following very carefully. You'll especially want to consider that this makes me fearful that I might someday find myself in the crosshairs of MajorKhaos's crotchety teachings. (To be honest, though, it wouldn't be the first time.) Be that as it may, we are at a crossroads. One road leads into the light of a bright, shining future in which gutless, uneducated blood-stained criminals like MajorKhaos are thoroughly absent. The other road leads into the darkness of escapism. The question, therefore, is: Who's driving the bus? If I'm not mistaken, there's a painfully simple answer. It regards the way that if MajorKhaos is going to talk about higher standards, then he needs to live by those higher standards. MajorKhaos harbors persistent and inappropriate anger. That's all I have to say. Thank you for reading this letter.

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Who's crying about anything. I think this is fun. I just told snitzen that I'd stop when you guys did. But I hope you don't.......I like to make you guys look like a chump.


Seriously, Bug, this is sad. I mean, you're clearly totally socially retarded. What is your obsession with "chumps"? Have you been watching too much "White Men Can't Jump", chimp? Snizz is playing the way you want to, but I'm sitting here wasting perfectly good insults on someone who apparently is only barely literate. You'll understand one day very soon why I keep egging you on. laugh.gif


As always, I eagerly await the standard response.



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lol.......you're almost too easy chump-stain.........far easier target than snitzen. laugh.gif



Once MajorKhaos accepts responsibility for the problems he's caused, the focus shifts from who is responsible to what each of us can do about it, but that's not the point of this letter. The point is that I indeed refuse to kowtow to MajorKhaos's pompous cult. Before I begin, let me point out that it takes more than a mass of unimaginative self-proclaimed arbiters of taste and standards to debate the efficacy of MajorKhaos's illiterate reports. It takes a great many thoughtful and semi-thoughtful people who are willing to take personal action and point out that the emperor has no clothes on. Blockish tyrants like him always lie. Even an occasional truth is intended only to cover up a bigger falsification and is therefore, itself, a deliberate untruth. He and his henchmen are brazen twits. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. It's easy for armchair philosophers to theorize about MajorKhaos and about hypothetical solutions to our MajorKhaos problem. It's an entirely more difficult matter, however, when one considers that he argues that 75 million years ago, a galactic tyrant named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Earth, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping H-bombs on them. I wish I could suggest some incontrovertible chain of apodictic reasoning that would overcome this argument, but the best I can do is the following: We should agree on definitions before saying anything further about his vexatious sermons. For starters, let's say that "incendiarism" is "that which makes MajorKhaos yearn to move licentious colonialism from the politically incorrect fringe into a realm of respectability." MajorKhaos keeps saying that individual worth is defined by race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. Isn't that claim getting a little shopworn? I mean, he claims to have turned over a new leaf shortly after getting caught trying to change this country's moral infrastructure. This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by MajorKhaos's toadies. The truth is that MajorKhaos thinks that every word that leaves his mouth is teeming with useful information. However, the intrusive, recalcitrant bottom-feeders who collaborate with him should be spat upon -- or worse -- for their lack of integrity. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.



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lol.......you're almost too easy chump-stain.........far easier target than snitzen.


Yes, yes "chump-stain", "target" blah blah blah it may as well be "Khaos I worship you and I seek your approval... please acknowledge me and validate my pathetic existence." smile.gif

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This is an open letter, which you are welcome to use as you wish. I want as many people as possible to know that I am totally shocked and completely appalled that MajorKhaos could voice the types of gross lies and historical misrepresentations that he so often does. Before I launch into my main topic, I want to make a few matters crystal clear: 1) MajorKhaos turns his back on those who have been the most loyal to him, and 2) as a result of that, MajorKhaos's fairy tales smack of voyeurism. Now that you know where I stand on those issues, I can safely say that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, have to wonder where MajorKhaos got the idea that it is my view that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel. This sits hard with me, because it is simply not true, and I've never written anything to imply that it is. He proclaims at every opportunity that he'd never substitute breast-beating and schwarmerei for action and honest debate. The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks. To say anything else would be a lie. One last thing: I, hardheaded cynic that I am, have avoided engaging in open debate with the worst sorts of high-handed creeps I've ever seen -- or even acknowledging their existence -- for fear of lending them any form of legitimacy.



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Boy howdy! Mr. bug you sure went from bein real entertaining to insane in less time than it takes a frog's guts to shoot out his mouth after being run over by a 4 by 4! You know what causes stuff like that - temporary or insanity out of nowhere? Steroids is one thing. they have a terrible effect on the brain - not to mention all those zits and manly dysfunctions. I figured that's what is really bothering you. Since poor Sniz has defended "you" so much in the past. I would say drink some bud and level out. It is much easier to color comics not to mention trim em up real pretty when you are not in the middle of a roid rage. Bug - a rose by any other name still stinks. Or something like that - know what i mean?

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awwwww........lighten up Francis.


Snitzenwhatzit and MajorChumpStain are the only two people I've found in here that deserve whatever I give them. They get going and just will absolutely stop at nothing and will keep posting into infinity with their rantings. Khaos follows my posting around like a puppy dog so he can try to insult me whenever he can. I'm just returning the favor.......and having a damn good time doing it. You and your 27 post count are quick to judge me when you don't know the reasons behind my actions.


I give them exactly what they give others and I think they deserve every bit of it. Snitzen didn't want spam in here but kept posting after every post that I made. He knew I'd keep replying but yet he kept posting anyway, so he's just as guilty as I am. If he had truly wanted me to stop posting that garbage, he knew all that he had to do was drop it......but he couldn't. They'll get no sympathy from me for that.


And you're pretty knew in here.......maybe your one of THEIR alter egos. So......which one are you?

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I am the one that catches frogs for a living. i have been locked up for awhile by the owner of this establishment and was just freed today. I am not alter anyhting - most of my bud's call me Hubie though. You sure use a lot of big words and that makes it hard for to understand what the heck you are talking about. You kind of come off like one of those fellows that has trouble deciding if he should be pitching or catching. You know like on that movie with Robin Williams. Anyway, gigging has been slow and am waiting for my loan from Murph's bank to finish my ultiamte spidey collection. maybe you could help convince him or loan the money to me. Someone with a vocabulary like you must be rich i bet. If you need collateral - i got it. No liens on my vehicle but my double wide is already spoken for. Having a paid for car and being in business for myself sure impresses the ladies. I met a real nice one on here the other day and I hope she comes back soon. I got locked up right after that - hope that dont scare her off.

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Here we go again: smile.gif


I could write a very angry letter right now about Electro, but I decided instead merely to express some constructive criticism. Note that some of the facts I plan to use in this letter were provided to me by a highly educated person who managed to escape Electro's belligerent indoctrination and is consequently believable. Anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that my cause is to give him a rhadamanthine warning not to establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that Electro is a psychologically defective person. He's what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath or a sociopath. Well, sure; the reasons that Electro gives for his values clearly do not correspond with his real motives, but that doesn't change reality. I have seen what he is capable of, and I am afraid. I am very afraid and I am very angry. Let us now hold Electro responsible for the hatred he so furtively expresses, because in that is our only hope for the future.





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Not many folks on here use words like that - sociopath? I remember one fellow who did though. Can't rightly say i remember what happened with him though. He did have lots of nice things to say to the owner of this establishment in lock up though. I got to read it when I was in there too. strange place.

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