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How much info in Comics General do you believe to be true?

101 posts in this topic

If a persons best interests are served by what they are saying then it's naive to take it at face value.


Some people over time earn my respect. When they say something, It take it more seriously.


There are reasons why I try to include some wording when I'm not sure ("I think" or "If someone has a source that says something different, please share...," for example).


When I'm new or with people I don't know well, I don't expect anyone to take anything I say at face value. Having said that, when I'm sure, I'm sure, but at the same time, I will willingly tell someone to look it up for themselves and often provide links. I really try not to say something is definitive unless I really know. . . this general doesn't happen with comics (many of you have admittedly gained a far greater knowledge than I, which is why I'm here), but mostly in something botanical or entomological in nature.

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The likelihood of me believing anything is directly proportional to how much it relates to comic books. The more off topic it is, the more likely it has been barked out of the nethers of an addle-pated twit. See generally, some of the super sweet legal theorizing and gun safety tips provided in the "Shooting in Texas" thread.


Depends entirely on the source.


If half the people on the boards can't even be bothered to read what other people write before spouting off, how can they be trusted with information themselves?



I see this almost every day here.


A) Click on thread...scan last post briefly...post opinion...express annoyance with those pointing out error.




B) Hear/read news...start thread...become annoyed when 3 other identical threads from the last week/month are pointed out.



PS - most here won't even realize the threadsurrection. :)


So let's say someone reads what is posted. Knows what is stated is actually true. And yet still acts as if it isn't true, like when a book was published which should have little to no debate. Is that arguing for the sake of arguing, and ignoring reality?




November 18th is right around the corner, buddy.



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The likelihood of me believing anything is directly proportional to how much it relates to comic books. The more off topic it is, the more likely it has been barked out of the nethers of an addle-pated twit. See generally, some of the super sweet legal theorizing and gun safety tips provided in the "Shooting in Texas" thread.


Depends entirely on the source.


If half the people on the boards can't even be bothered to read what other people write before spouting off, how can they be trusted with information themselves?



I see this almost every day here.


A) Click on thread...scan last post briefly...post opinion...express annoyance with those pointing out error.




B) Hear/read news...start thread...become annoyed when 3 other identical threads from the last week/month are pointed out.



PS - most here won't even realize the threadsurrection. :)


So let's say someone reads what is posted. Knows what is stated is actually true. Doesn't agree with me, even though I present what I say in a way that makes it look like it is absolute truth, regardless of empirical data. And yet still acts as if disagrees with me, like when a book was published which should have little to no debate solely because I say it should have little to no debate, again, despite empirical evidence that refutes me. Is that arguing for the sake of arguing, and ignoring reality, especially when I present the situation as a foregone conclusion, and anyone arguing with me is clearly only "arguing for the sake of arguing", instead of presenting a valid contrary position for which there is evidence on both sides of the issue, making it a legitimate debate?


(thumbs u


It always amazes me, Bosco, what you "know" other people know/believe/think, as if you have access to their MINDS.


"Chutzpah." Thy name is Bosco.

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(thumbs u


It always amazes me, Bosco, what you "know" other people know/believe/think, as if you have access to their MINDS.


"Chutzpah." Thy name is Bosco.


Still looking at the world through those same binoculars?





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If a persons best interests are served by what they are saying then it's naive to take it at face value.


Some people over time earn my respect. When they say something, It take it more seriously.


There are reasons why I try to include some wording when I'm not sure ("I think" or "If someone has a source that says something different, please share...," for example).


When I'm new or with people I don't know well, I don't expect anyone to take anything I say at face value. Having said that, when I'm sure, I'm sure, but at the same time, I will willingly tell someone to look it up for themselves and often provide links. I really try not to say something is definitive unless I really know. . . this general doesn't happen with comics (many of you have admittedly gained a far greater knowledge than I, which is why I'm here), but mostly in something botanical or entomological in nature.


I try and do this too.


I don't see too many vested interests influencing board discussion, but that is hard to judge, as often they are not disclosed.


For the most part I listen carefully to the opinion of people like Rick and Bedrock, as they appear to have built up trust over a long period of time with many collectors and know their stuff.


Someone with a reputation for honesty has an interest in proliferating that reputation by continuing to be honest. So that is a case where vested interests can actually help discover truth.


That being said. I never listen to someone dogmatically, and a well reasoned and insightful argument can always change my mind. But those are few and far between in CG.


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(thumbs u


It always amazes me, Bosco, what you "know" other people know/believe/think, as if you have access to their MINDS.


"Chutzpah." Thy name is Bosco.


Still looking at the world through those same binoculars?






Oh, Bosco, Bosco, Bosco...


Come, let us reason together...


I completely accept that distribution in November of 1992 was varied, some regions receiving their new books on Wednesday, but also knowing that other regions received their new books on Friday (and still others on Thursday.) There were still multiple distribution channels in existence at that point, and not everyone was served by Diamond and Diamond alone.


You refuse to accept that that's even possible, that everyone, all across the US, all received their new comic books and placed them on sale....pre-internet, mind you....on the same day in November of 1992, period.


On top of that, you surreptitiously, but obviously to those familiar with it (and confirmed by you) raise the issue weeks or months after it was last discussed, in an entirely unrelated thread (with most people reading this neither knowing, nor caring, about said issue), and present the matter not as it is...a genuine, debatable topic, with evidence to support both sides...but rather, a foregone conclusion, like "water is wet", and anyone disputing your position is doing it not because they actually have an intellectual and evidential disagreement with you, but rather that they really "know the truth" (as you state it), and are merely arguing for argument's sake.


And you know that they know that, too, despite the fact that you have no evidence proving they "know" the "truth", which means you're claiming to be a mind-reader.


Let's reason all that through....


Who....really...is the one who wants everyone to see things his way...?




The truth, Bosco, will set you free if you let it.


But you do use such lovely, delicious, high-quality lures...



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For anyone caring...this is what I sound like when I post. For better or worse. ;)


This isn't me, but this is how I "sound" in my head when I post, cadence, tone, diction. I love this guy.


You need to put this in your sig line. :grin:


I believe almost anything Chuck says, except about Stan Lee :grin:

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The truth, Bosco, will set you free if you let it.


But you do use such lovely, delicious, high-quality lures...





"High-quality lures"


Your fantasy is not reality when it comes to being lured. Maybe instead of preaching what you don't follow, walk the walk. That will definitely set you free.


Depends entirely on the source.


If half the people on the boards can't even be bothered to read what other people write before spouting off, how can they be trusted with information themselves?


Just think if you had taken a moment to notice there was a long discussion going on about Supes 75 before you jumped in. But that would require - well - reading something first.


1. Forgive.


2. Forget.


3. Forgive until you forget.


4. Give someone you don't like another chance. Then another one, and another one after that.


5. Stop assuming the absolute worst interpretation possible of other people's comments on a message board.


6. Stop being passive/aggressive, or just plain aggressive.


7. Learn how to keep your mouth shut.


8. Don't lie about others, no matter how much you hate them.


9. Make a geniune effort to work things out, so far as it is within your ability to do so.


10. Think for yourself.


11. Don't make judgements about others based on what your friends think of them.


12. Try to minimize the trashtalk behind closed PMs.


13. Don't go out of your way to alienate people.


14. Learn patience.


15. Learn humility.


16. Learn forebearance.


17. Learn compassion.


18. Learn kindness.


19. Learn gentleness.


20. It's ok to be angry, but don't be angry without cause.


21. Avoid snide commentary.


22. Forgive.


23. Forget.


24. Forgive until you forget.


25. If you don't understand what someone meant, ask them privately.


26. Work hard to preserve the dignity of others, no matter how little you think theirs is worth, or how little THEY think theirs is worth.


27. Do kind things secretly.


28. Mend fences.


29. If you can't mend a fence, do your best to not tear it down all the way.


30. Before posting something intended to anger someone else, walk away from the computer for 15 minutes. If you still feel the same after you get back, go away for another 15 minutes. Repeat this until you don't feel that way anymore.


I call BS on this post. You throw a healthy dose of "lures" and "barbs" on the fire.

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Everything I believe may not be true.


for example:

Nine planets?

And up until the mid sixties, the science books I was schooled from said the universe may have existed unchanged,forever, as opposed to a newer theory that was gaining popularity called the Big Bang.

When I was a kid we were taught that the 4 tastes were "mapped" to different parts of the tongue - "sweet" was on the tip IIRC. Now there's more tastes, and the entire tongue is equally sensitive to them all.


Everything that is true I may not believe.


for example: see above.


Comics General doesn't have a monopoly on false information, that's for sure. :P

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For anyone caring...this is what I sound like when I post. For better or worse. ;)


This isn't me, but this is how I "sound" in my head when I post, cadence, tone, diction. I love this guy.


You need to put this in your sig line. :grin:


I believe almost anything Chuck says, except about Stan Lee :grin:


lol I got Steranko riled up about Stan Lee on Twitter about a week ago.


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When I read the Gold Comics forum, I trust most of the information I read.


In Comics General, not so much.


This is an interesting comment.


I find Gold to be full of people who are a little less emotional about what they write. It's not that they are not as passionate, as most of them are lifetime collectors. I think it's just the level of physical maturity of the majority of posters that causes them to slow down and think through before they type. They're not really there for the attention as they have been there and done that.


General seems to be like a city sidewalk where anything goes.


Yes, this post has been made by an accused attention whore.





I'm pretty sure that's the nicest way I've ever seen to call a group of people OLD! :grin:

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1. Forgive.


2. Forget.


3. Forgive until you forget.


4. Give someone you don't like another chance. Then another one, and another one after that.


5. Stop assuming the absolute worst interpretation possible of other people's comments on a message board.


6. Stop being passive/aggressive, or just plain aggressive.


7. Learn how to keep your mouth shut.


8. Don't lie about others, no matter how much you hate them.


9. Make a geniune effort to work things out, so far as it is within your ability to do so.


10. Think for yourself.


11. Don't make judgements about others based on what your friends think of them.


12. Try to minimize the trashtalk behind closed PMs.


13. Don't go out of your way to alienate people.


14. Learn patience.


15. Learn humility.


16. Learn forebearance.


17. Learn compassion.


18. Learn kindness.


19. Learn gentleness.


20. It's ok to be angry, but don't be angry without cause.


21. Avoid snide commentary.


22. Forgive.


23. Forget.


24. Forgive until you forget.


25. If you don't understand what someone meant, ask them privately.


26. Work hard to preserve the dignity of others, no matter how little you think theirs is worth, or how little THEY think theirs is worth.


27. Do kind things secretly.


28. Mend fences.


29. If you can't mend a fence, do your best to not tear it down all the way.


30. Before posting something intended to anger someone else, walk away from the computer for 15 minutes. If you still feel the same after you get back, go away for another 15 minutes. Repeat this until you don't feel that way anymore.



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