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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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I get that it may be difficult for you to comprehend that some people enjoyed the movie. Not everyone has the same taste. Example your signature line while attractive to some is probably meh to others.


Different strokes for different folks

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BVS is a great comic book superhero movie.


Zack Snyder deserves some credit for trying to do something fairly ambitious. Most of his previous work could rightly be seen as style over substance but I think that he goes in the opposite direction in this movie - he attempts to treat characters that were created for children and who have basically been plodding through the same types of comic book stories for the last 70 years with a sense of seriousness.


The weakest parts of the movie are the ones that were inserted there to placate fan wankers - the parademon dream sequence is pointless, as is the tip to COIE and the big bad villain at the end is so badly designed you have to think that Stevie Wonder did the CGI for it.


Some of the mainstream criticism for the film is pretty ludicrous and frankly inaccurate. If you don't like it because of its tone or its themes then fair enough but I think that a lot of the 'proper' media just stuck a reviewer that hates superheroes on the film. The one in today's Times is laughable.


Affleck is very good as both Bruce as Bats. Gail Gadot isn't in the film long enough to 'steal the show' as some have claimed but she looks great as WW and does what she does very well. I look forward to the WW movie after this.


If you liked MOS or any of the Nolan Batman movies then you should enjoy this.


Ultimately, just like AOU, it has been created as a placeholder film for what comes next.

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I don't understand all the hate for Superman in this movie. Whether it's how the character was portrayed or how the franchise has been ruined for years to come, there's a lot of criticism about Superman. That's not what I thought when I watched the movie and I didn't leave the cinema thinking "I preferred Batman to Superman". Cavill did a stand up job of portraying Superman, in both MoS and BvS. A modern actor for a modern Superman.

I can`t understand the hate as well. My thinking is Superman became so PC with Lois and Clark and Smallville over the years that this Snyder version of Superman really shocked the critics.


If we think about it. Most of these critics are PC`ers. This Snyder version of Superman was too much for them. Their vision of Superman is Superman rescuing a cat out of a tree. ;)


They're the same reviewers that lambast and down vote every movie to below 30% that has a moral slant that disagrees with their own stubborn ideology and yet those non-reviewers who see it without an agenda give it a 90%+


I came here for angry fanboy conspiracy theories and I have not been disappointed.


i've been having a blast with them, andy. it's been exponentially more entertaining than the movie.


I don't consider myself a fanboy and I can understand how people cannot like this movie. I just hope if we are judging movies based on content we can do the same with the Marvel ones.


Unfortunately those who defend those movies aren't just fanboys but stockholders and speculators


Well, I'm a stockholder but the idea that what I post has any effect on the rise and fall of those stocks or my bottom line is a bit farfetched. DC doing well doesn't hurt my stock at all, in fact a healthy DC cinematic universe making quality movies insures the continuation of the era we are living in at the movies.


Marvel movies that I hated: Iron Man 2. Hulk.


They did reclaim Hulk in a big way w/ Avengers though, and there was more joy in that than anything I've seen at DC.


Most of the others are okay but many do have third act issues, which as I've said before tends to plague a lot of comic book movies, though for the first wave of Marvel films, and this was smart, the third acts tended to be replaced by Avengers for all of them. If you think about Batman V. Superman it kind of would have been a great third act for 3 more stand alone films prior.


One's above okay (in whatever degree people want to choose): Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Winter Soldier. Those are all incredibly satisfying, have their own genres, and just good sits. I know some will put Iron Man ere and it's definitely just under those for me, but that third act is kind of a let down for me



DO I think there is a significance difference between the "okay" Marvel movies and the Man of Steel and BvS? Not a ton actually BUT the problem is that those are Batman and Superman. Antman, Thor, Iron Man, Cap, Hulk, have really no business being as interesting as Batman and Superman, but they are kind of all the same to me, and Winter Soldier is better than Man of Steel or Batman V. Superman and that should not happen.


It's very much like Spidey at Sony, which made good money but it isn't hitting whee it should be. At Marvel or not that's the flag character fir it to be making same ballpark as other character, even a little more, is enough for studios to reboot that franchise. When Spider-Man is being threatened by lesser properties (and we are talking about still the most valuable comic book property in the world if you follow the money, Batman is a distant 2nd) it's both alarming and speaks to the work Marvel has done with, let's be honest, their B-characters. We all grew up and know that Spidey and Wolverine/X-men are really the a-list characters of the last 30 years for them from a publishing standpoint. It got so bad Sony is working with Marvel and Feige now.


As we sit here, are we really worried about Dr.Strange or Civil War? Because I'm not , and that's baffling because it's Dr. Strange, that's the earned goodwill Marvel has, which means if they aren't good it's going to be incredibly disappointing. Have people seen the cast of Dr. Strange? It's stacked.





I don't want to minimize your post but if I read correctly the reason BVS is underwhelming is that the expectation is higher therefore the content should be greater whereas the marvel movies because the characters aren't that great excel due to the expectations being lower


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I loved it. I think of all the superhero movies it's the best one I've seen since iron man. It was different and fresh. Completely what I've been wanting in a superhero movie for adults.


While not perfect it was far better than what I've been led to believe


There has not been a perfect superhero movie and I doubt there ever will be. The closest I believe Hollywood has come was with the Nolan Batman movies. Then the GOTG movie (I hated the "dance" scene at the end, but otherwise it was Marvel's best movie.) Most of the superhero movies, as movies, are just okay. Nothing ground breaking, but easily digestible for the masses.


Now that I've had a day to digest what I saw yesterday, I cannot help but think this was a very ambitious movie and one I will have no problem watching again and again over the years, especially if there is a director's cut to flesh out some of the scenes. Melding two huge stories, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and the Death of Superman, is ambitious.


I liked the style. It fit with the dark tone of the movie. The lack of humor was okay with me too. Again, it all fit with the tone that was being set. I've been reading reviews and such since I saw it yesterday and I posted my opinion here, so I'm quite surprised at some of the hate this movie has been getting. I can understand completely that this darker tone is not to everyone's liking. I am turned off by the tone of a movie like Ant Man, because it is too light hearted, IMHO comically so and it makes sense others will not like a darker movie. But, I wouldn't say Ant Man was a bad movie, just not a movie to my taste. But then, I am not one to go out and watch movies of similar ilk unless one of my kids is dragging me to see it.


Some of the story choices were challenging, not unlike an art house movie. Momento and Mulholland Drive come to mind. Some people are going to like that and others will prefer a straight forward, paint by the numbers, story telling style. Both have their place. I'm not opposed to another Snyder directed DC movie, but I think his style is better suited for darker characters. I think he would do wonders with a Swamp Thing movie, for example. And if Snyder is ever tapped for a Marvel movie, I think Moon Knight would be a character he could translate to the big screen.


My favorite scenes are:


1) Wonder Woman enjoying the battle with Doomsday.

2) Batman freeing Martha Kent. This is a Batman I would like to see more of.

3) Superman floating in space after being hit by the atomic explosion. This was right out of the comic book!

4) Superman in the Senate hearing after the blast killed everyone else in the room.

5) Superman taking out Batman's artillery when they began their big fight. (Him floating and using his eye beams to destroy the hardware.)

6) Superman and Batman's first confrontation after Superman rips the top off the Batmobile off.


This movie was so full of comic book imagery, it was hard to take it all in.


Did anyone else notice all the nods to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns? For example, the punk in the crowd with the spiked mohawk. Obviously the scene with Superman in space after the atomic explosion, Batman's armored suit, etc. I'm going to reread The Dark Knight Returns before my next viewing.


Regardless of the critics, this movie is a huge win for DC. It is going to make money. It does a terrific job setting up the DC Cinemaverse. I've used the baseball analogy before. DC does not need to hit home runs every time they go up to bat. They should be happy with the singles, doubles, and triples. Marvel's first movies, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America were not home runs. This is DC's second movie in their cinemaverse and when stacked up against Marvel's second movie, this is absolutely a success. Marvel had to tweak things as they went and I would expect DC to do the same. DC took a short cut getting to where Marvel is at, and overall I think DC did a good job. While I would have preferred the slow buildup, it makes sense that they would want to capitalize on the superhero craze in Hollywood right now and not risk missing out on the money to be made with the genre. And avoid the obvious comparison to the path Marvel took.


I cannot help but think comic fans are the real winners here. Marvel and DC characters, coming to life on the big screen with huge budgets, is a dream come true. I hope both Marvel and DC continue to take chances with these movies too, capture the best of what they've published over the years and let director's run with those ideas.


Great post!



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BVS is a great comic book superhero movie.


Zack Snyder deserves some credit for trying to do something fairly ambitious. Most of his previous work could rightly be seen as style over substance but I think that he goes in the opposite direction in this movie - he attempts to treat characters that were created for children and who have basically been plodding through the same types of comic book stories for the last 70 years with a sense of seriousness.


The weakest parts of the movie are the ones that were inserted there to placate fan wankers - the parademon dream sequence is pointless, as is the tip to COIE and the big bad villain at the end is so badly designed you have to think that Stevie Wonder did the CGI for it.


Some of the mainstream criticism for the film is pretty ludicrous and frankly inaccurate. If you don't like it because of its tone or its themes then fair enough but I think that a lot of the 'proper' media just stuck a reviewer that hates superheroes on the film. The one in today's Times is laughable.


Affleck is very good as both Bruce as Bats. Gail Gadot isn't in the film long enough to 'steal the show' as some have claimed but she looks great as WW and does what she does very well. I look forward to the WW movie after this.


If you liked MOS or any of the Nolan Batman movies then you should enjoy this.


Ultimately, just like AOU, it has been created as a placeholder film for what comes next.


I agree. The movie is ahead of its time and for that it suffers. He's defining a new type of film and mistakes are made but like they say you cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs


I've said it before, it's by no means perfect but it's pretty damn good and I don't like Snyder that much



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I loved it. I think of all the superhero movies it's the best one I've seen since iron man. It was different and fresh. Completely what I've been wanting in a superhero movie for adults.


While not perfect it was far better than what I've been led to believe


There has not been a perfect superhero movie and I doubt there ever will be. The closest I believe Hollywood has come was with the Nolan Batman movies. Then the GOTG movie (I hated the "dance" scene at the end, but otherwise it was Marvel's best movie.) Most of the superhero movies, as movies, are just okay. Nothing ground breaking, but easily digestible for the masses.


Now that I've had a day to digest what I saw yesterday, I cannot help but think this was a very ambitious movie and one I will have no problem watching again and again over the years, especially if there is a director's cut to flesh out some of the scenes. Melding two huge stories, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and the Death of Superman, is ambitious.


I liked the style. It fit with the dark tone of the movie. The lack of humor was okay with me too. Again, it all fit with the tone that was being set. I've been reading reviews and such since I saw it yesterday and I posted my opinion here, so I'm quite surprised at some of the hate this movie has been getting. I can understand completely that this darker tone is not to everyone's liking. I am turned off by the tone of a movie like Ant Man, because it is too light hearted, IMHO comically so and it makes sense others will not like a darker movie. But, I wouldn't say Ant Man was a bad movie, just not a movie to my taste. But then, I am not one to go out and watch movies of similar ilk unless one of my kids is dragging me to see it.


Some of the story choices were challenging, not unlike an art house movie. Momento and Mulholland Drive come to mind. Some people are going to like that and others will prefer a straight forward, paint by the numbers, story telling style. Both have their place. I'm not opposed to another Snyder directed DC movie, but I think his style is better suited for darker characters. I think he would do wonders with a Swamp Thing movie, for example. And if Snyder is ever tapped for a Marvel movie, I think Moon Knight would be a character he could translate to the big screen.


My favorite scenes are:


1) Wonder Woman enjoying the battle with Doomsday.

2) Batman freeing Martha Kent. This is a Batman I would like to see more of.

3) Superman floating in space after being hit by the atomic explosion. This was right out of the comic book!

4) Superman in the Senate hearing after the blast killed everyone else in the room.

5) Superman taking out Batman's artillery when they began their big fight. (Him floating and using his eye beams to destroy the hardware.)

6) Superman and Batman's first confrontation after Superman rips the top off the Batmobile off.


This movie was so full of comic book imagery, it was hard to take it all in.


Did anyone else notice all the nods to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns? For example, the punk in the crowd with the spiked mohawk. Obviously the scene with Superman in space after the atomic explosion, Batman's armored suit, etc. I'm going to reread The Dark Knight Returns before my next viewing.


Regardless of the critics, this movie is a huge win for DC. It is going to make money. It does a terrific job setting up the DC Cinemaverse. I've used the baseball analogy before. DC does not need to hit home runs every time they go up to bat. They should be happy with the singles, doubles, and triples. Marvel's first movies, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America were not home runs. This is DC's second movie in their cinemaverse and when stacked up against Marvel's second movie, this is absolutely a success. Marvel had to tweak things as they went and I would expect DC to do the same. DC took a short cut getting to where Marvel is at, and overall I think DC did a good job. While I would have preferred the slow buildup, it makes sense that they would want to capitalize on the superhero craze in Hollywood right now and not risk missing out on the money to be made with the genre. And avoid the obvious comparison to the path Marvel took.


I cannot help but think comic fans are the real winners here. Marvel and DC characters, coming to life on the big screen with huge budgets, is a dream come true. I hope both Marvel and DC continue to take chances with these movies too, capture the best of what they've published over the years and let director's run with those ideas.


Great post :applause:

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BVS is a great comic book superhero movie.


If we are all liking it,than why the are the critics dissing it?

You know if the critics were saying 64% like the latest James Bond SPECTRE I would have no problem,but to put it at 29% seems that there is agenda taking place.


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BVS is a great comic book superhero movie.


If we are all liking it,than why the are the critics dissing it?

You know if the critics were saying 64% like the latest James Bond SPECTRE I would have no problem,but to put it at 29% seems that there is agenda taking place.


I'm not sure if there is an agenda. I can see it being a very divisive movie.

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Iron man 2?

Iron man3???

Thor zzz

Avengers age of sleep?

How about Ant-Man?

That had to be the most pedestrian Marvel movie yet,but the Rotten Tomatoes critics have it at 80%.



And with audience approval of 87%. i guess they had an agenda as well.

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Mixed reviews and all, I can't help it - going to see it tomorrow.


Whether it's good, okay, or sucks, I'm a long time comic fan who is lucky enough to be able to even get the chance to see all these comic based films.

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I like the movie. I was entertained and the acting was good, the action was awesome and the effects were top notch.


Yes, there were some choppy scenes where you arent sure what's happening at first but I liked the movie and the narrative. I liked it better than Man of Steel.


I liked Affleck as Bruce Wayne and Batman better than Christian Bale. Some may think i'm nuts...so be it. He was more true to what I picture Batman fighting and acting.


No spoilers from me. I am looking forward the movies that come next.


And, I might even see BvS again.


My vote is to go see it and don't listen to other opinions.

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Mixed reviews and all, I can't help it - going to see it tomorrow.


Whether it's good, okay, or sucks, I'm a long time comic fan who is lucky enough to be able to even get the chance to see all these comic based films.


I'm middleground on it but It's definitely a must see at the movies experience. Imax is incredible.

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Mixed reviews and all, I can't help it - going to see it tomorrow.


Whether it's good, okay, or sucks, I'm a long time comic fan who is lucky enough to be able to even get the chance to see all these comic based films.





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Ok - after reading some of these posts and reviews, my wife and I STILL decided to see it last night.


Had a dinner, and knocked back a litre of wine. So - we really had a open mind and low expectations.


It wasn't great, at one point she wanted to leave the movie. The highlight was WonderWoman - she's hot. Other than that, go rent it.


If you had a choice to go have drinks or this movie.....stay at the bar, it's money better spent.


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