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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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Not arguing you not feeling the soundtrack. But you are aware that the soundtrack for the movie is basically an expansion of MOS by Zimmer/JXL right?

There are many tracks in the BvS soundtrack that are practically a "remix" of the tracks from the MOS score:






Well then....a bit more ZIMMER and alot less Junkie XL would have made a difference.

It was supposed to be a cinematic soundtrack....not a rave.

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I hope Warner stays on this path. When I want light kids fair, I can always watch a Marvel comic movie.
After the viewing that's exactly what I thought too. And probably why the initial reviews were so negative. The critics must've been expecting typical blockbuster fare.


In my opinion it felt like the 1st volume of a book series. A dark rich adult-novel on film. Laying a foundation, establishing characters, themes, complexity and world-building. Moving a larger story forward.


I guess critics expecting paint-by-numbers were bound to leave dissatisfied. In my opinion the context changed. MOS becomes a stand-alone prelude, BvS being Book One of something epic.


I'll say I'm as satisfied with BvS as I am Netflix's Daredevil. My highest live-action-comic compliment. And I can't wait for the next part of the story.

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My review. And there are a TON of spoilers, so if you don't want to know, don't click....


But the title of my review says it all:


If you hate BVS: Dawn of Justice, you're wrong.



Really, i just don't understand the critics hostility toward this movie. Then again, this is 'merica, and we don't really have FILM critics, as much as movie critics, but hey, even the UK's Sight & Sound wasn't much impressed.


I can't figure out why.


Personally, I followed the story from the beginning...ok, they're showing us the death of Batman's parent's, reminding us he's human and motivated by REVENGE - an important lesson here - and then we later see his building being destroyed and a friend killed and he's angry at whoever did it (he can't necessarily SEE it at the time - once again, an important thing to notice....


We ASSUME he already knows it's Superman, because of how it was marketed, BUT, if you pay close attention....


In the next scene, Supes saves Lois Lane in the Middle East, BUT, once again if you're paying attention... you'll notice some kind of double cross happens out front while the bad guy has her inside... and you SHOULD think....Hmmm… something's amiss here, what was it?


Next, we see Senate hearings where they're trying to say Superman is to blame for some deaths in the middle east where he saved Lois, and we know that isn't true, so...already we see someone is manipulating events… but who? Holly Hunter? Lex, who we know is coming up at some point, and who i assumed was behind it.


Why critics so lost at this point in the movie?


Meanwhile, Batman’s PTSD is kicking into high gear and he is taking it out on every criminal in sight - remember, he is motivated by REVENGE, NOT by doing what is RIGHT, and Alfred even warns him, “That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men….cruel.”


We see Clark noticing Batman on the news, which puts a bee in his bonnet…I mean think about it. Much is made about Ma Kent telling him “You don’t owe this world anything”, but what she REALLY says is “Be their hero Clark. Be their angel, be their monument, be anything they need you to be… or be none of it. You don’t owe this world anything. You never did.” Which MEANS: Do it or DON’T do it, but if you DO, do it for the RIGHT reasons. Do it because you WANT to. Some are born to be hero’s and some aren’t, don’t ever feel you HAVE to. Do it because it’s YOU.


Dang, they should’ve let me write that part.


But anyway, Clark sees Batman OVER-doing it, when HE, as the strongest being on the planet, has to actually HOLD BACK, and even when he saves someone is getting criticized in Senate hearings…. which of course leads us to Lex making shady dealings with government officials and then… well, then if you’re any kind of comic book reader, and honestly, I’ve probably read LESS Superman and Batman comics than almost anyone on this forum, but, DUH, Lex Luthor has manipulated EVERY MOVE IN THIS MOVIE THUS FAR, in order to get BATMAN to FIGHT SUPERMAN. (They even give us a hint when Lex tells Bruce, “You should NOT want to pick a fight with this guy” (Clark).


Ok, so, not exactly the most original idea, I know, but what made this movie for me was the underlying theme of good vs evil, revenge vs duty, love vs hate… it’s so much a part of what’s here, and yet, I really haven’t seen anyone bring it up. Even Wonder Woman, yes she’s hot, and she’s BAD AZZ, but she gets drawn into it from a sense of duty and… LOVE. You know why she wanted that picture back, right? That’s Chris Pine next to her in the photo… he plays Steve Trevor in the WW movie.


Honestly, I tend to be an on the move kinda guy, and sitting in a theater for 2 1/2 to 3 hours is tough for me. I'll be honest, even the best Batman movie, the one where Heath Ledger (RIP) played the Joker... I got up to go to the restroom during the movie, and had no problem taking my time to wash my hands extra carefully and notice some of the coming attraction posters on my way back in, but for this movie I was engrossed all the way through.


It’s NOT a Marvel movie. Zack Snyder was trying to make a FILM. He’s already made the best superhero FILM of all (Watchmen) and I honestly believe, that critics will eventually come around on this movie and see it for what it is. An attempt to do a real superhero FILM. It’s taking the themes of duty and honor and loyalty and LOVE, and weaving them into a (maybe not so complex of a plot) involving superheroes. And I, personally think it worked.


And when it got to the fight scenes…. I’m sorry Marvel guys (and really I’M a Marvel guy), no one films superhero's beating the out of each other like Zack Snyder. Those battle scenes between Batman/Superman, Superman/Doomsday and all 3 of them vs Doomsday were BRUTAL and FUN. And I know some people didn’t like the idea of the DOS being shoehorned into the movie or whatever, but seriously, I ain’t sitting’ through no 2 1/2 hour DOS movie. It fit perfectly.


And it taught Bruce a lesson. Here was an ALIEN, willing to risk it all to either save his MOM or the WORLD, it didn’t matter which, it what heroes DO…. for no other reason than BECAUSE.

He’s a HERO. And that’s what hero’s do.

Not for revenge, not for glory, not for any reason other than BECAUSE.


Evil is the absence of good, but GOOD is more than the absence of evil. It takes an additional effort. And that’s what heroes are.


At the end, Diane says “I walked away from man a century ago, because of the horrors of man.” and Bruce says, “Man is still good. We break things, tear them down, but we can rebuild. We can be better, we have to be.”


BRUCE says that!


Ok, a few other notes: Anyone notice the mother box in the Cyborg clip? Very cool.

Where the heck is Green Lantern?

Superman + Eye Beams = very cool. Marvel, Vision, please take note.

Robin’s costume…. oh man….




Finally someone that got it. I followed the exact same path, great job. It's very ambitious. He takes a bunch of home run swings, some miss, but many fly out of the park.


I really think that we've been accustomed to the hand holding whereas Snyder decided to treat the audience like adults and not do that.


Great and wonderful post.



Agreed. Definitely a good review and I'm glad someone else saw the same movie I did.


I saw the same movie you all did, I enjoyed it but it could have been better.


Chuck even you say in your review you wished they had let you write that part, because yes your interpretation is better than what they showed us. Martha is wrong by the way, Clark owes this world for this life he is offered by being here as it makes him more than any Kryptonian could have ever dreamed possible. On Krypton he was just another person, here he is special, a "god" if you will. What a missed opportunity that was. Martha should have said something like "show this world what good really is, because you have these gifts, because you can" this reinforces the ideals they taught Clark as human parents. "You owe this world nothing" spoken with an angry facial expression - just wrong imho.


And I am sorry, I just can not like:

-twitchy nervous wacko "Heath Ledger Joker" Lex Luthor

-the Lord of the Rings Cave Troll

-does kryptonite affect Superman or not? One instance he is reduced to nothing in it's presence the next he wields a powerful kryptonite spear and slays the beast with it. So inconsistent.

-Batman branding the bad guys


It is clear the writers/ producers spent a lot of time on Wonder Woman, she is perfect and so is the execution.





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Yet it on it`s way to 1 billion worldwide. The grand generalization is there will be many more DC movies!

I know a lot of Marvel fans wanted a fail.

In the long run it`s will be better now that Marvel has competition because now Marvel will try harder to keep up with Fox and Warner.

Deadpool,and Batman v. Superman blew Ant-Mant and Avengers: Age of Ultron out of the water. Marvel was complacent,now that they see Fox and DC made big coin at the box office they will try harder!


I dont think anyone expected the movie to completely fail, regardless of who they are fans of...

With 250 million budget and 150 million in advertising, its going to put up numbers.


Personally as a marvel fan I am happy for DC to make movies if they make them well. I stand by my criticisms of DC rushing films out, and casting big name actors into roles, both are short sighted and reasons that their results come up short.


BvS didnt do bad at the box office, but it didnt do well either. The revision down of actual sales to 166, from $170 million, was because the Sunday drop off was bigger than expected. With so many people pre-ordering tickets movies tend to be front loaded, second weekend drop off is definitely something to keep an eye on...

Having the first DC "avengers" movie, with their most compelling/beloved characters do a smaller opening weekend than Iron Man 3, and only beat Deadpool by 34 million, with Quintuple the budget and way more advertising...... That's not exactly a solid foundation to launch a Movie Universe.


Looking bleak on those second weekend numbers





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I'm heading to see it at noon. I've been avoiding all the reviews until I get a chance to see it so it will be good to get in on the conversation.

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For 75 years Batman and Superman have been portrayed as contemporaries. But not in BvS.


- Batman is older, jaded and his moral compass is twisting.


- From MOS to BvS is 18 months. That's all. A whopping 1.5 years of Superman's presence in this DCU.


- Superman is still finding his footing and evolving. He's in love. He's unsure. His mom reinforces free will, his lover reinforces heroism, his nation wants to politicize his every move.


BvS is something new altogether. So it's understandable critics and fans expecting swashbuckling silliness would be left cold. But the flip side is at least once, one time, we get to see these characters in an adult storyline. Yes, it borrows from numerous comic plotlines, but overall the narrative is a new take.


Without spoilers, I thought the ending was genius. It wove the story so Superman will influence and inspire all the other heroes. You see it beginning with Batman and Wonder Woman. A fresh shortcut (18 months) to the same place. Superman, an ideal to live up to...

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I saw it last night, I thought it was pretty good. Not sure why all the negative reviews. As others have said, were critics expecting a paint by the numbers Avengers movie. Not that those are bad either, just different from what BvS was trying to be. I thought it made a decent lead in to a trilogy of planned movies.


My only complaints about the movie were:


1. Lex Luther, I duuno Jesse was just playing him too manic...almost Joker like. Not that he did a bad job in acting the part. They should have went an older actor that and play it more calculating and Machiavellian.


2. Doomsday, looked a bit too much like a Olog-hai from Lord of the Rings. He needed more Spikes!

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