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Answer from CGC.........

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"There are too many pages on the web giving squirrels a bad name. I think it's about time we spread the truth around, to tell people that squirrels aren't as evil as they've been portrayed by squirrel haters. Although not really a group, the Squirrel Rights League (SRL) automatically considers you a "member" if you like our cause. The top two squirrel photos are an Abert squirrel and a fox squirrel, two of America's most beautiful mammals".

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"There are too many pages on the web giving squirrels a bad name. I think it's about time we spread the truth around, to tell people that squirrels aren't as evil as they've been portrayed by squirrel haters. Although not really a group, the Squirrel Rights League (SRL) automatically considers you a "member" if you like our cause. The top two squirrel photos are an Abert squirrel and a fox squirrel, two of America's most beautiful mammals".



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wish Borock had been more explicit in his statement. As it stands now, it is obviously generating a massive response. And much based on speculation (pardon the pun



I suspect that Steve achieved his goal. Putting out a message that was a bit cryptic he will be able to formulate a policy taking into consideration the different points of view. Steve is able to see where the obstacles lie and try to determine how to minimize the hostility that awaits. He will be able to see many varied points of view and plan the defenses before policy is put into effect.


I think you're giving him too much credit. Borock is more coward than mastermind here.


Oh c'mon dude. The guy is just making a business decision. A decision that he (they) apparently think is good for the company. It is obvious they knew there would be backlash, so coming out to face that is showing anything BUT cowardice. I think it was Ze-man who called the guy and shot out every question he could think of to Steve, and Steve answered all questions without hesitation (back up 20 pages or so for the this post). I'm not saying he's a mastermind either, but somebody knew what they were doing with CGC as you certainly could not call them unsuccessful. From what I can recall, don't most successful businesses have to take some chances to grow and expand? It may not work out for them too. We'll just have to wait and see. I think CGC will be just fine though.

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Business decision? Is there an announcement of this new company somewhere? I hardly call the post an announcement or commitment.


All we know is what they wanted us to know at this time. Who says we have to know their plans before they are ready to tell us? Maybe THEY still do not know anything for sure. Arrangements need to be made, negotiations and etc. I think Steve's initial post was just written to tell us that there was some truth to the rumors, but that no official announcement is ready. I just don't see how anyone can call this cowardice. Think of all the other companies out there, big and small. How many of them disclose anything before the deals are done and papers are signed? We should be happy that we got what we did. Otherwise the previous thread (Is this where the hobby is going?) would have just come and gone and it would have stayed an unsubstantiated rumor. At least Borock came out and admitted there was some truth to it. He didn't have to. I'm not giving kudos, I'm just saying that calling each other derogatory names out of a disagreement in business decisions (and/or each other's varying opinions) is uncalled for and immature.

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Please, do we have to start with the graemlins? This thread is hard enough to wade through already...


Yep...and I find it all fascinating reading. No other thread I can think of has exposed, to this extent, people's true feelings towards the collecting as well as their opinion towards CGC. Hot button topics tend to do that....and the fact this hasn't digressed into a flame war is remarkable and commendable.



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And somewhere, someplace, J_C is smiling.


Maybe I'm biased b/c JC was on my grading team (even if he did quit), but I don't think he's that petty/bitter that he would be happy about something that's bad for the hobby. CGC getting into the business of pressing was never part of TGC of '04 theory anyway...


(Did I just defend JC?!?!? 893whatthe.gif)


You would be surprised with what J_C actually knew, and how much of it was reluctantly held back from being shared publicly, especially near the end when he was getting mocked for even suggesting anything that would remotely resemble an off-colour comment.


Unfortunately, the end for JC had nothing to do with what he "actually knew" via the rumormill OR TGC...


Dont kid yourself - - -JC knew "way more" than you think!


couldnt resist! tongue.gif

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wish Borock had been more explicit in his statement. As it stands now, it is obviously generating a massive response. And much based on speculation (pardon the pun



I suspect that Steve achieved his goal. Putting out a message that was a bit cryptic he will be able to formulate a policy taking into consideration the different points of view. Steve is able to see where the obstacles lie and try to determine how to minimize the hostility that awaits. He will be able to see many varied points of view and plan the defenses before policy is put into effect.


what else does Steve have to hear besides "Dont do it cause its a conflict of interest that will damage the CGC brand."


CAN they do it, and make some extra dough??? Sure.

Do they WANT to walk away from easy cash that others are making with CGCs help (their slabs convert the pressing to cash)? NO.


But, they MUST not do this. They must stand apart from these shady tactics for their own good. Sorry, Steve, you know thats the smart move. Find another way to make extra dough...one that ENHANCES CGC reputation, not muddies it. Grade POGs!! or matchbooks, or press ahead (sorry) with all sorts of magazines.... How about an Ultimate Slab, an upscale variant that costs more. (OK stupid I know, but at least its a marketing solution not a cynical sleazy money grab...

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So where does it stop, will CGC purposefully not check for other forms of restoration if new technology becomes available to avoid harming their restoration business, will CGC advise their restorer business on how to evade their current restoration checks?

Questions that weeks ago were absurd are valid and need to be answered.

This is shocking news.



note: this wasnt directed at you aman, I was too lazy to go to page 1 sorry

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"There are too many pages on the web giving squirrels a bad name. I think it's about time we spread the truth around, to tell people that squirrels aren't as evil as they've been portrayed by squirrel haters. Although not really a group, the Squirrel Rights League (SRL) automatically considers you a "member" if you like our cause. The top two squirrel photos are an Abert squirrel and a fox squirrel, two of America's most beautiful mammals".






Squirrels are people too! mad.gif

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Oh c'mon dude. The guy is just making a business decision. A decision that he (they) apparently think is good for the company. It is obvious they knew there would be backlash, so coming out to face that is showing anything BUT cowardice.


But he's NOT coming out to face this. He made one announcement and then left the topic alone. Announcing something isn't the same as facing the backlash--what, did you think they'd start a new business venture and just NOT tell anyone about it?

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I decided not to waste any more time on this discussion (other than reading everyone else's great-but-speculation-based comments) until CGC provides more info on all of this. I think the pseudo-announcement could have been handled much better, but at this point, I don't believe there is any way this "news" could be spun further in a positive light, at least here on the boards.

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The real outrage derives from knowing that as long as consenting attitudes like yours persist, describing this as a "tolerable" and "inevitable" direction in the hobby's evolution, then we may never expect to do away with this level of dishonesty and deceit.


Aside from the poorly-done pressing you've been pointing out that can revert, which is a definite problem, what am I losing by buying a pressed book? You first voiced your own indignation to me about this earlier this year, and like I said then, I'm agnostic--I don't see how it affects me as a collector other than it affecting prices.


Does your agnosticism prevent you from seeing that the collecting community is being swindled on a mass scale? We are all losing our ability to make an informed choice, and I don't care how doubtful you are about whether NDP books will revert, by allowing this to trend to go full hilt, we are all allowing ourselves to be mislead into believing books are deserving of their assigned grade, when in actual fact, they are being aesthetically altered for the sake of yielding higher and consistent profit returns. And investment risk aside, when an NDP books grade returns to its pre-pressed grade as a result of short-term improvement methods, I'm sure your feelings of doubt, as with many others, will quickly turn to anger.


This at a time when the high-grade market seems to be slumping compared to recent years. Unfortunately, the concern I have is not a slumping market, but decietful practices like this flourshing at times when things aren't really all that bad. In other words, brace yourselves everyone, because I'd hate to see what the powers that be conjure up when times start getting real tough.


When you first emailed me about Matt Stanleys attempts at taking some eBayers and their hard-earned money for a ride, my first impression of you was of a person that would not settle for any sort of nonsense. What struck me most about your cyber-personality then was that it resembled one of a watch-dog. One that I admired over the years that I have been a member here, especially with your contributions in the area of restoration detection. In fact, in some ways I even encouraged it by sharing certain information I thought I was worth disseminating to like-minded individuals.


Whether this an error in judgement on my part, or a waning interest on yours, this recent bid of skepticism seems to be getting in the way of your past ability to excercise good judgement.

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