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I once had a seller block me on ebay. He was trying to charge me more for shipping 9 slabs than 3x what he charged to ship 3 slabs. I politely told him to simply ship me 3 separate packages if it was cheaper. We went back and forth and then he blocked me. Kind of sucked because he sold a lot of what I buy and his auctions were reasonable. I actually created a second account just to keep buying from him.

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On 3/9/2022 at 10:54 AM, Beastfeast said:

Depends on the feedback.  If it seems petty or ignorant, I'll avoid them.  If they address real issues with the transaction, that's fine with me.  

I've started being more honest in my feedback I've left for sellers so hopefully that doesn't bite me in the :censored:

If they look like a problem I will block them. I don't need the headaches. 
This doesn't happen much, but every year I get one or two.

Some buyers struggle to understand this. If you give the seller the intention that
you are problem the sale isn't worth it alot of times. Ive even had a long conversation
with a couple of buyers about how they ask questions. Their OCD sometimes comes off
as buyer who will neg you if it isnt NM+. Ive actually unblocked one or two after we have had
a discussion on exactly what they meant, but their PM which sounded bad to me so I blocked them.



Edited by fastballspecial
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hey everyone

Just a warning not to buy from the Seller:


The guys sounds like a  hustler.  Making his grades 2-3 points higher than they should be.  I bought a book from him a couple years back and he graded it an 8.5.  It came back a 6.0.  I know ifs hard to grade and its always a gamble.  but when I was looking at another book he listed it as  9.4 9.6 and I looked at all his listings.  They all say that.  And there is not way these books will ever hit a 9.0.

I was  trying to help him out by letting him now he shouldn't post any grades on them and let the pics speak for themselves.  Hi response at first was apologetic.  I never asked for a refund or anything from him but he quickly went to the screw you attitude and sad to say its all too common from some ebay sellers.  He said well without the spine ticks it would be a 9.6 (well duh)

Do yourselves a favor and stay clear of the guys with 2-3 pages of notes on their books.


His auction notes shows how much he has to convince people about his grading practices and trust me it may sound like he is being helpful, but you will only get burned in the end:



House of Secrets #92 NEAR MIN/NEAR MINT PLUS? 9.4/9.6? higher? 1971 1st app. Swamp




This is a Near Mint 9.4/NM+ 9.6 in my unprofessional OPNION.  I think it leans much heavier on the 9.4 side


As you will READ I am not a professional grader, not employed by CGC, and my opinion does NOT matter to CGC or any 3rd party grader. Opinions and grading are both subjective be by nature. 


************* Start NOTICE:*******************


******My Grading*****

I normally hit the grade, the grade below, or the grade above it.  That's when I know the book and understand the defects, and/or catch all the defects. Probably 20% of the time I miss by a point or more ether higher or lower.


Some defects I'm not certain how they treat, but I normally won't coward away from providing some sort of grade. 


  Every grade I provide  grades is  just  my opinion. I am not an employee of CGC, I CAN NOT provide CGC grades. I do not infer, promise, gurantee or attempt to claim in anyway way my grade has any relation, influence, persuade, etc with A CURRENT, FUTURE, PAST, ETC CGC GRADE that may could ever, heck even will ever or has ever been assigned to the book. Again I am 100% independent of CGC. NO RELATIONS. Well I do send them money as a CUSTOMER. That's right me a customer not a grader or influencer etc.  I have never grades these books for CGC. NEVER.


You need to form your own opinion, maybe it will agree with mine, maybe lower, perhaps higher.   That's for you to decide. 


***"**" END****”""


This is your investment, treat it as such. Study the pics, do the research, and bid accordingly.


I can not tell you how important it is to get your books cleaned and pressed. Understand the defects they will fix often go unnoticed.  A few non color breaking dimples, bends etc.  The best chance you have at achieving maximum grade is to have the books professionally cleaned and pressed. CGC offers the service. 


I hope to never be  contacted about a high grade book you had CGC grade if the book wasn't professionally cleaned and pressed.  It's the only way to achieve maximum grade


****** BEGIN NOTICE:*****"This  is, pertinent information, requirement, statement and/or explanation of fact and/or operations/execution of this  auction and the pieces that make this auction will work. This is all  part of the legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding. Please ask if you are confused


My official policy is I don't refund due to 3rd party/CGC grades.   I do explain that I have and do. The steps necessary for you to complete for me even consider it. 


I am not interested in hearing grades from other companies. I only recognize CGC as a legitimate 3rd party grader and restoration expert.


I love learning and tracking CGC grades. I do not gurantee grades nor does a CGC grade get you refund or vice versa  you will not have to give me more money if grades higher or ends up being worth much more (it almost always is) than what you paid. Fair is fair. 


I sale  books that will come back with a blue, ie unrestored label. The grade?  That's for you to decide.


If I were to ever work with anyone it will on be on CGC BOOKS. If for some reason I felt guilty (I won't), think your situation warrants it, or if I ever miss  restoration this information Must come from CGC.  



I don't care what PGX or CBCS says.  Just don't.  REALLY. I  will not listen to, or entertain any issues that my evolve from having them grade my books.  Only CGC. CGC ONLY


You are 100% protected from Restoration.  Please read my policy at near the end of this document.

I provide methods to extend this protection indefinitely


CGC pre-screening DOES NOT COUNT. That's a swag.  I don't do SWAGS if your wanting to return or compensation of any type due to grade it must be a FINAL GRADE for me to even listen.


eBay does not make sellers refund due to CGC GRADES. Understand this will be done at my discretion and your handling of has a HUGE influence.


The book must be in your hand.   If it's not, it's not safe until it is,  nor will I begin negotiations until it is.  Please wait until book are in hand, you can provide grader notes and scans.  I can then compare what you say my book vs the original scan and pictures.   Without scans and pics of the grades book we will not get past stage 1. 


My 1st step will be to confirm it's the same book.  The book must be in the holder, in your possession.   Again if I decide to go you.  Please read to understand more


Again My official policy is I don't refund due to 3rd party/CGC grades.   I know that's not factually true but it's 100% at my discretion. Keep me informed through the process, answering my questions throughout, and being polite go A  long way.  Otherwise its easy to feel like a scam, or I'm being taken advantage of.


I have never and will never state my grades are CGC'S.  IF you feel like you may go down that road. My policy is I don't refund based on grades.  It's also at my discretion if I change my mind and decide to help someone out.  If that happens it's because  circumstances and THEN THE guidelines that must be met WERE MET.    Even then that don't mean I will exercise my discretion and issues some type of refund. It just means it's the only way I'll consider it. MORE ON THIS


If books comeback graded at a higher grade or a grade that puts it's at a much higher FMV than you paid, your not offering me any extra money.  Keep that in mind before you ask.  There is risk and fun in raw. We all know this. THERE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT IN THIS WORLD YOU CAN TAKE RISK FREE. Trying to buy raw not bothering to evaluate book, send to CGC AND EITHER getting the grade or getting a refund is not a buisness plan.


It's insane people think this would be.  I mean you should  be able to buy a book for pennies on the dollar, and  if it hits the grade you want  make 10k.  If it don't git that  grade then just return? Hey no risk.   Or message hey I am a few k  into less than FMV but uhh I won't a bigger refund.  I only wanted to be about 5% not 10% into FMV.


  Quit being a pansy I mean no risk? Get a grip, understand what risk is and means.    If I think your doing that I will shut down.   These people tend to treat you like the bad guy the minute the buy it.  It's usually pretty easy to see.  Let's work together, I hope you do hit the mini Lotto. I'm not professional comic seller.  This of all the professionals that been around this long, constantly buying stock to sell you  10.0 for 10% FMV    wish I  knew their secret.  Most of my stuff either my dad's or mine from his bookstore or overstock.  If I had to reload or when I do. I'll be done.   Not sure. What their secret is. Mine having cover price or less in most of what I'm selling.   It even all.


I know most of my books were  overstock or 1/2 owner and have NEVER  been pressed. I don't think most understand how rare that is on eBay.  Most raws in eBay by raw dealers have been pressed. Those guys are smart and need to maximize return on their products. 


I know I can't go get a refund from where I bought the book based on the CGC grade, I know your not going to offer to pay me more money if brings back higher value (almost ALWAYS) or grade.  My incentive to do so is low but without making the public as not to be played. There are certain circumstances I will entertain and if my directions followed  do what I can.   Directions again. Absolutely  Keep ME  in the loop through entire process, absolutely answer my questions, they are not trick questions  though your answer my spurn advice that will only help your case, be polite.  This should be a fun process that YOU WANT me in YOUR CORNER for.   It can only benefit you.  I bend over backwards for those I like and enjoy.


Not absolute but think about  this Any person that gets books graded will tell you getting a clean and press is the only way to maximize your grade. Without a clean and press I'll only wonder what if?  Well maybe.  I don't want to make that an absolute so I wont but it's hard seeing a situation... Anyway


Keep in mind all that I have wrote before you leave negative. Leaving a negative because you didn't properly assess your investment is not allowed as part of this legal binding auction  . I'm not a professional grader and would've been fired a long time ago if so.     You are bidding and buying based on your grade as instructed. If you get it wrong and want to send it back, fine.  Just don't neg me


I'm honest, post scans, pics and maybe notes.  I'm not trying to click bait you if you see something you believe is obviously wrong with my grade it is  your opinion, keep it to yourself.   Grading is subjective or I most likely am unsure how to treat a defect.  Such as  writing on a back cover.  I will not change a grade due to someone I don't know and PLEASE  respect my opnion. I simply don't know you. Sorry. Nothing personal. 


If your unsure ask me. I will tell you. I will even tell you how confident and why/why not I am confident in the grade.  I hide nothing intentionally.


It's your job to assess the book and bid accordingly. 


This is your investment, no one will study, and work harder to insure that's it's a solid investment than you. I'm not your stock broker, I'll help how I can but it's in you  COMPLETELY   Please understand  that is with all comic book purchases.   I truly hope you get this.


****************** END NOTICE:*******************


Last piece of advice. By the book, not the grade. Buy the book not the label.  Both. Will help your more than anything else you can do.


Listen, I, along with every comic book seller in the world gets grades wrong when comparing to CGC OR OTHERWISE.


  CGC,  I have personally experienced their inconsistencies.  Grading is very subjective. CGC publishes  ZERO GUIDELINES.  Don't fall for sellers that claim they can Tell you for sure what defect  detracts how much, HOW MANY OF SAID Defect FOR CERTAIN GRADE  BS. 


CGC Won't answer those questions in private or  publish NOTHING RESEMBLING THAT INFORMATION IN public. 


If you don't think and many others have not tirelessly  tried to trip/gleam info from  their head grader Matt Nelson up many of times you'd HILARIOUSLY be mistaken.  CGC employees don't tell you that type of information.   I can show you huge differences of quailtiy in ANY GRADE.  Don't believe me?  I'll put a few pics of graded books in  higher grade together over the next week and provide them to anyone that asks  


They will show blatant inconsistencies. Overall CGC is consistent especially since Matt N took over a few a years ago.  They are much stricter than ever but more consistent too. I believe he's a much better head grader than head presser, and he was world renowned presser and was my go to prior to being bought OUT  by CGC  years ago. So I say that as a very steep compliment.  Still there are inconsistencies abound.   Why? Grading is subjective.   Plus never developing at least public guidelines.  I can find no rumour of  strict private rules either from what little to nothing I can gleam.



Leave feedback after the transaction is complete.


******This is a requirement of the auction and part of the legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding *******

If you feel the need to leave negative feedback contact me 1st.  State why you feel that way and offer a clear, reasonable  resolution to avoid you needing to leave the negative feedback.  If I can't be reasonable or offer a reasonable alternative. By all means leave me a negative


FREE STUFF AND PARTIAL REFUNDS ARE DONE. If I misplace your book you get full refund.  And yes  who knows maybe  something very nice in the mail if your polite and still leave positive saying I was honest and provided refund.  My kindness has now been taken advantage of. 


If you can't handle buying books based of scans, pics, possible notes, and asking questions don't bid.  


These books are going for a small % of  FMV.  Actually a small percentage of  few grades under their listed grade on average  You should be ecstatic.  The upside is insane. Due to this. You must be capable of buying a books through one or all of these methods scans,

Pics, notes, questions. 


Some books due to high value will have returns. They will state so. 





If a book goes over 2k you can request for approval of  7 day return  you must be approved.  If you need this wait for approval to bid.  Feedback number will play apart along with a few other questions I will have.

Every other book is As is including the 2k books unless prior approval


I'm sure I'll loose. Back up.  But I posted I comped  a few books being nice.  Now guys that left feedback weeks are saying what about me.  What do I get?.  I see their point, but I can't. I mean these tiger buyers saves alot why not me?  I get the logic but again I can't.  And I won't. Anymore.


If book is damaged in shipping returns welcome

100% refund if book damaged during shipping. That's it. 


No returns or cancellations unless worked out prior to end of auction.


I am easy but recently have been taking advantage of.  I won't get into what I assume is a competitor cat fight.   'm getting random cancels for absolutely inexcusable reasons which is probably related.  Anyhoo


All comic books are  as is.  Must use pics, notes and questions if needed.


***********Restoration Protection*****************

Gurnanteed 3 months no  RESTORATION via CGC   This can be extended to indefinitely following these guidelines.


***Due to CGC Wait TIMES***

SEND IT TO Susan at the  Restoration Lab within 1 month of receiving.   You do not have to accept her word but she will document and photo book that will be used for comparisons if any restoration found.  She will certify either way too.



If you only care what  CGC says you need to do this.  Once Susan certifies and documents the book. I will need to be on email chain or added if restoration found.






Again CGC can take their. Sweet time if they find restoration at this point your are refunded plus comped.


IF SHE FINDS RESTORATION we can either do refund or send CGC to see what they say.  Buyers choice.


If restoration is found

I will pay her fees and pay her to assess pictures to see if would be reasonable not say both are same books.  If that's a service she would provide. If she won't, I'll just refund. I have never asked so I am unsure.


Very important detail you must do



On Susan from Restoration Lab


It's been my experience though NOT Recent She could get to any book  in 1-4 weeks.  Usually a week.  If she finds restoration I'll also refund you her fee too.


Please Google her if your unfamiliar and read her resume.  She's the foremost expert in the entire industry on this subject matter. She will certify it either way and I will honor it.   Heck as mentioned use them both if you would like. If Susan says no restore and CGC SAYS RESTORE I WILL COMP YOU.   aggrevation pay 10% FINAL SALES PRICE  up to $100


This is a legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding. This contract also binds  me , and my guarantees.  This includes sections not  "***NOTED****, AND Sections NOTED.  THAT WAS DONE TO CATCH YOUR EYE, NOT DEVALUE ANY OTHER PART OF THIS AUCTION


On Mar-11-22 at 07:25:19 PST, seller added the following information:


I wanted to add some information.

I had 10 people grade this via these pictures/scans    I then answered questions provided notes.    The 2 people came back and said VF+8.5
The ranges were from 8.5 to 9.4/9
If I remember correctly and I will update if I get this wrong The 9.2 had most votes with 9.2/9.4 and  9.0/9.2 tied in 2nd 3rd 9.4
9.6 last 8.5    
Grading is subjective but I decided full disclosure my make this a lot easier on me  lol
  I'm not in this to rip anyone off, I am I  this to hopefully slowly build a buisness.   I think for now I am going to move to a full disclosure    I will continue it, if it don't  break me. 
I'm afraid people don't understand these are all legitimate, independent opinions , they will see the low number and run.  Understand grading is subjective and if I had thrown out the lows and thw highs I'd.be dang near perfect on the CGC grades I have  been hearing  
  Look at the pictures and see what you think    make your opinion your buyers guide
I'll share good news and bad news.   This is bad enough I thought everyone should know it happened and I am taking extra steps to eliminate it from ever happening again
There is 1 book it appears to that I whiffed big on    I can't remember but I think it was a 8.0/8.5 my grade  and the buyers grade he got confused me but I believe it was a 6.  I will clarify and update   
That's a huge miss and I am waiting on more info     That's by far my biggest miss to date and am I not proud of it. For the most part I have been on the grade or within .5 pont Still I need to get better and definitely dont need anything that big . So I will up my scrutiny and down grade a little. If I'm not sure round down vs up etc     



On Mar-15-22 at 13:43:19 PDT, seller added the following information:


Sorry if this is repetitive I'm doing a bulk edit

Okay regardless to what it says return on raw books are ? accepted for 7 days any reason.
All I want is people to look at the pictures, read the description and then ask questions.
For example, looking at the spine don't see any spine tics , ask yourself is this camera ? ? or is it a perfectly clean spine. If your not sure, clarity of the close up is a great indicator, except on black spines. They show up 10ft away in life, my Samsung phone ain't picking them up. See Hero for Hire 1 as an example. Though I have been told my scanner got them. If at this time your not certain enough to live with the results on the defect existence and or unsure ASK ME
 I probably won't remember but I'll get back to you in 24 hours or less..  
Seriously I don't want to sell books with hidden defects but the camera dont always show it, or I know to look for it so I see it plain as day.When you know what your looking for spotting the defects is child's play.
I don't do partial refunds but I do full refunds but I'd rather you BID LESS because of a known defect or you are scared of unknown defects. Seriously. I wouldn't be saying this otherwise and try to cover up everything I could . That's not the type of business I'm interested in running.
I don't know what camer magicary makes some stuff looks like defects that is not and hide otherwise in your face defects. I don't. Add to it, there are a lot of pics and scans to go through for a 1 man show. I have in fact missed things. 
So let me help you. If you ask about defect I will straight lie and tell you it's there before I give even a pretty solid but not ? certain the defect is not there. It's easier this way. 
So while trying to decide what to bid, your like pfft, I don't want to read notes , look a pictures and ask questions; for the ? of GOD ? bid LOW like less than the current bid LOW. Nothing personal but I don't want the headache. Whether your buying my comic books are anyone else on the planet, never buy it based on a number assigned by a seller. Every seller on eBay states these are their own grades their own opinion. Thank about that. WTF does that mean? What are their standards and grading guidelines etc.  
Who knows, they could be like me not a noob but is still learning, may be are old school and everything 8.5 and above is NM higher. Hell it could mean every book I'm selling because my wife said we need roo. Guess that that guy's books are a 11.0s 
Now I am about to start posting MY grading guidelines for higher grade books. That dawned on me today. I think you all will like it Eventually I'll get all 10.0 in there but for now I'll focus on 9.4.-9.8
I'll probably lead with 2 definitions, 1 for guidelines, another for rules ha!
The following is a rough draft and Is not to be applied to current auctions.
? ??All Star Comic Grading Guidelines, not rules ???
This is a partial list that compares CBCS AND ALL STAR COMICS GRADING GUIDELINES
**CGC HAS NO PUBLISHED Grading Guidelines*
 ??Note: My values are higher because I rarely discriminate between manafacuter defects which don't count against grades and other defects. It's easier on me and I ain't trying argue. On what's a manafacuter defect and what's not. 
AVERAGE MAX ALLOWED (ie it can be more )
NM+ 9.4


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And I quote (Tales Of Suspense #75 1st Appearance of Sharon Carter. VF/NM 9.0 | eBay):

"Tales Of Suspense #75 1st Appearance of Sharon Carter. VF/NM 9.0.

Untestored. I'm keeping the grade comic connect/metropolises  gave it as the know more than I"

I wonder if he just borrowed the CC sticker from another book too as the one in the listing is probably a solid 7.5.

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On 3/20/2022 at 3:34 AM, DrPauly said:

hey everyone

Just a warning not to buy from the Seller:


The guys sounds like a  hustler.  Making his grades 2-3 points higher than they should be.  I bought a book from him a couple years back and he graded it an 8.5.  It came back a 6.0.  I know ifs hard to grade and its always a gamble.  but when I was looking at another book he listed it as  9.4 9.6 and I looked at all his listings.  They all say that.  And there is not way these books will ever hit a 9.0.

I was  trying to help him out by letting him now he shouldn't post any grades on them and let the pics speak for themselves.  Hi response at first was apologetic.  I never asked for a refund or anything from him but he quickly went to the screw you attitude and sad to say its all too common from some ebay sellers.  He said well without the spine ticks it would be a 9.6 (well duh)

Do yourselves a favor and stay clear of the guys with 2-3 pages of notes on their books.


His auction notes shows how much he has to convince people about his grading practices and trust me it may sound like he is being helpful, but you will only get burned in the end:



House of Secrets #92 NEAR MIN/NEAR MINT PLUS? 9.4/9.6? higher? 1971 1st app. Swamp




This is a Near Mint 9.4/NM+ 9.6 in my unprofessional OPNION.  I think it leans much heavier on the 9.4 side


As you will READ I am not a professional grader, not employed by CGC, and my opinion does NOT matter to CGC or any 3rd party grader. Opinions and grading are both subjective be by nature. 


************* Start NOTICE:*******************


******My Grading*****

I normally hit the grade, the grade below, or the grade above it.  That's when I know the book and understand the defects, and/or catch all the defects. Probably 20% of the time I miss by a point or more ether higher or lower.


Some defects I'm not certain how they treat, but I normally won't coward away from providing some sort of grade. 


  Every grade I provide  grades is  just  my opinion. I am not an employee of CGC, I CAN NOT provide CGC grades. I do not infer, promise, gurantee or attempt to claim in anyway way my grade has any relation, influence, persuade, etc with A CURRENT, FUTURE, PAST, ETC CGC GRADE that may could ever, heck even will ever or has ever been assigned to the book. Again I am 100% independent of CGC. NO RELATIONS. Well I do send them money as a CUSTOMER. That's right me a customer not a grader or influencer etc.  I have never grades these books for CGC. NEVER.


You need to form your own opinion, maybe it will agree with mine, maybe lower, perhaps higher.   That's for you to decide. 


***"**" END****”""


This is your investment, treat it as such. Study the pics, do the research, and bid accordingly.


I can not tell you how important it is to get your books cleaned and pressed. Understand the defects they will fix often go unnoticed.  A few non color breaking dimples, bends etc.  The best chance you have at achieving maximum grade is to have the books professionally cleaned and pressed. CGC offers the service. 


I hope to never be  contacted about a high grade book you had CGC grade if the book wasn't professionally cleaned and pressed.  It's the only way to achieve maximum grade


****** BEGIN NOTICE:*****"This  is, pertinent information, requirement, statement and/or explanation of fact and/or operations/execution of this  auction and the pieces that make this auction will work. This is all  part of the legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding. Please ask if you are confused


My official policy is I don't refund due to 3rd party/CGC grades.   I do explain that I have and do. The steps necessary for you to complete for me even consider it. 


I am not interested in hearing grades from other companies. I only recognize CGC as a legitimate 3rd party grader and restoration expert.


I love learning and tracking CGC grades. I do not gurantee grades nor does a CGC grade get you refund or vice versa  you will not have to give me more money if grades higher or ends up being worth much more (it almost always is) than what you paid. Fair is fair. 


I sale  books that will come back with a blue, ie unrestored label. The grade?  That's for you to decide.


If I were to ever work with anyone it will on be on CGC BOOKS. If for some reason I felt guilty (I won't), think your situation warrants it, or if I ever miss  restoration this information Must come from CGC.  



I don't care what PGX or CBCS says.  Just don't.  REALLY. I  will not listen to, or entertain any issues that my evolve from having them grade my books.  Only CGC. CGC ONLY


You are 100% protected from Restoration.  Please read my policy at near the end of this document.

I provide methods to extend this protection indefinitely


CGC pre-screening DOES NOT COUNT. That's a swag.  I don't do SWAGS if your wanting to return or compensation of any type due to grade it must be a FINAL GRADE for me to even listen.


eBay does not make sellers refund due to CGC GRADES. Understand this will be done at my discretion and your handling of has a HUGE influence.


The book must be in your hand.   If it's not, it's not safe until it is,  nor will I begin negotiations until it is.  Please wait until book are in hand, you can provide grader notes and scans.  I can then compare what you say my book vs the original scan and pictures.   Without scans and pics of the grades book we will not get past stage 1. 


My 1st step will be to confirm it's the same book.  The book must be in the holder, in your possession.   Again if I decide to go you.  Please read to understand more


Again My official policy is I don't refund due to 3rd party/CGC grades.   I know that's not factually true but it's 100% at my discretion. Keep me informed through the process, answering my questions throughout, and being polite go A  long way.  Otherwise its easy to feel like a scam, or I'm being taken advantage of.


I have never and will never state my grades are CGC'S.  IF you feel like you may go down that road. My policy is I don't refund based on grades.  It's also at my discretion if I change my mind and decide to help someone out.  If that happens it's because  circumstances and THEN THE guidelines that must be met WERE MET.    Even then that don't mean I will exercise my discretion and issues some type of refund. It just means it's the only way I'll consider it. MORE ON THIS


If books comeback graded at a higher grade or a grade that puts it's at a much higher FMV than you paid, your not offering me any extra money.  Keep that in mind before you ask.  There is risk and fun in raw. We all know this. THERE IS NOT AN INVESTMENT IN THIS WORLD YOU CAN TAKE RISK FREE. Trying to buy raw not bothering to evaluate book, send to CGC AND EITHER getting the grade or getting a refund is not a buisness plan.


It's insane people think this would be.  I mean you should  be able to buy a book for pennies on the dollar, and  if it hits the grade you want  make 10k.  If it don't git that  grade then just return? Hey no risk.   Or message hey I am a few k  into less than FMV but uhh I won't a bigger refund.  I only wanted to be about 5% not 10% into FMV.


  Quit being a pansy I mean no risk? Get a grip, understand what risk is and means.    If I think your doing that I will shut down.   These people tend to treat you like the bad guy the minute the buy it.  It's usually pretty easy to see.  Let's work together, I hope you do hit the mini Lotto. I'm not professional comic seller.  This of all the professionals that been around this long, constantly buying stock to sell you  10.0 for 10% FMV    wish I  knew their secret.  Most of my stuff either my dad's or mine from his bookstore or overstock.  If I had to reload or when I do. I'll be done.   Not sure. What their secret is. Mine having cover price or less in most of what I'm selling.   It even all.


I know most of my books were  overstock or 1/2 owner and have NEVER  been pressed. I don't think most understand how rare that is on eBay.  Most raws in eBay by raw dealers have been pressed. Those guys are smart and need to maximize return on their products. 


I know I can't go get a refund from where I bought the book based on the CGC grade, I know your not going to offer to pay me more money if brings back higher value (almost ALWAYS) or grade.  My incentive to do so is low but without making the public as not to be played. There are certain circumstances I will entertain and if my directions followed  do what I can.   Directions again. Absolutely  Keep ME  in the loop through entire process, absolutely answer my questions, they are not trick questions  though your answer my spurn advice that will only help your case, be polite.  This should be a fun process that YOU WANT me in YOUR CORNER for.   It can only benefit you.  I bend over backwards for those I like and enjoy.


Not absolute but think about  this Any person that gets books graded will tell you getting a clean and press is the only way to maximize your grade. Without a clean and press I'll only wonder what if?  Well maybe.  I don't want to make that an absolute so I wont but it's hard seeing a situation... Anyway


Keep in mind all that I have wrote before you leave negative. Leaving a negative because you didn't properly assess your investment is not allowed as part of this legal binding auction  . I'm not a professional grader and would've been fired a long time ago if so.     You are bidding and buying based on your grade as instructed. If you get it wrong and want to send it back, fine.  Just don't neg me


I'm honest, post scans, pics and maybe notes.  I'm not trying to click bait you if you see something you believe is obviously wrong with my grade it is  your opinion, keep it to yourself.   Grading is subjective or I most likely am unsure how to treat a defect.  Such as  writing on a back cover.  I will not change a grade due to someone I don't know and PLEASE  respect my opnion. I simply don't know you. Sorry. Nothing personal. 


If your unsure ask me. I will tell you. I will even tell you how confident and why/why not I am confident in the grade.  I hide nothing intentionally.


It's your job to assess the book and bid accordingly. 


This is your investment, no one will study, and work harder to insure that's it's a solid investment than you. I'm not your stock broker, I'll help how I can but it's in you  COMPLETELY   Please understand  that is with all comic book purchases.   I truly hope you get this.


****************** END NOTICE:*******************


Last piece of advice. By the book, not the grade. Buy the book not the label.  Both. Will help your more than anything else you can do.


Listen, I, along with every comic book seller in the world gets grades wrong when comparing to CGC OR OTHERWISE.


  CGC,  I have personally experienced their inconsistencies.  Grading is very subjective. CGC publishes  ZERO GUIDELINES.  Don't fall for sellers that claim they can Tell you for sure what defect  detracts how much, HOW MANY OF SAID Defect FOR CERTAIN GRADE  BS. 


CGC Won't answer those questions in private or  publish NOTHING RESEMBLING THAT INFORMATION IN public. 


If you don't think and many others have not tirelessly  tried to trip/gleam info from  their head grader Matt Nelson up many of times you'd HILARIOUSLY be mistaken.  CGC employees don't tell you that type of information.   I can show you huge differences of quailtiy in ANY GRADE.  Don't believe me?  I'll put a few pics of graded books in  higher grade together over the next week and provide them to anyone that asks  


They will show blatant inconsistencies. Overall CGC is consistent especially since Matt N took over a few a years ago.  They are much stricter than ever but more consistent too. I believe he's a much better head grader than head presser, and he was world renowned presser and was my go to prior to being bought OUT  by CGC  years ago. So I say that as a very steep compliment.  Still there are inconsistencies abound.   Why? Grading is subjective.   Plus never developing at least public guidelines.  I can find no rumour of  strict private rules either from what little to nothing I can gleam.



Leave feedback after the transaction is complete.


******This is a requirement of the auction and part of the legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding *******

If you feel the need to leave negative feedback contact me 1st.  State why you feel that way and offer a clear, reasonable  resolution to avoid you needing to leave the negative feedback.  If I can't be reasonable or offer a reasonable alternative. By all means leave me a negative


FREE STUFF AND PARTIAL REFUNDS ARE DONE. If I misplace your book you get full refund.  And yes  who knows maybe  something very nice in the mail if your polite and still leave positive saying I was honest and provided refund.  My kindness has now been taken advantage of. 


If you can't handle buying books based of scans, pics, possible notes, and asking questions don't bid.  


These books are going for a small % of  FMV.  Actually a small percentage of  few grades under their listed grade on average  You should be ecstatic.  The upside is insane. Due to this. You must be capable of buying a books through one or all of these methods scans,

Pics, notes, questions. 


Some books due to high value will have returns. They will state so. 





If a book goes over 2k you can request for approval of  7 day return  you must be approved.  If you need this wait for approval to bid.  Feedback number will play apart along with a few other questions I will have.

Every other book is As is including the 2k books unless prior approval


I'm sure I'll loose. Back up.  But I posted I comped  a few books being nice.  Now guys that left feedback weeks are saying what about me.  What do I get?.  I see their point, but I can't. I mean these tiger buyers saves alot why not me?  I get the logic but again I can't.  And I won't. Anymore.


If book is damaged in shipping returns welcome

100% refund if book damaged during shipping. That's it. 


No returns or cancellations unless worked out prior to end of auction.


I am easy but recently have been taking advantage of.  I won't get into what I assume is a competitor cat fight.   'm getting random cancels for absolutely inexcusable reasons which is probably related.  Anyhoo


All comic books are  as is.  Must use pics, notes and questions if needed.


***********Restoration Protection*****************

Gurnanteed 3 months no  RESTORATION via CGC   This can be extended to indefinitely following these guidelines.


***Due to CGC Wait TIMES***

SEND IT TO Susan at the  Restoration Lab within 1 month of receiving.   You do not have to accept her word but she will document and photo book that will be used for comparisons if any restoration found.  She will certify either way too.



If you only care what  CGC says you need to do this.  Once Susan certifies and documents the book. I will need to be on email chain or added if restoration found.






Again CGC can take their. Sweet time if they find restoration at this point your are refunded plus comped.


IF SHE FINDS RESTORATION we can either do refund or send CGC to see what they say.  Buyers choice.


If restoration is found

I will pay her fees and pay her to assess pictures to see if would be reasonable not say both are same books.  If that's a service she would provide. If she won't, I'll just refund. I have never asked so I am unsure.


Very important detail you must do



On Susan from Restoration Lab


It's been my experience though NOT Recent She could get to any book  in 1-4 weeks.  Usually a week.  If she finds restoration I'll also refund you her fee too.


Please Google her if your unfamiliar and read her resume.  She's the foremost expert in the entire industry on this subject matter. She will certify it either way and I will honor it.   Heck as mentioned use them both if you would like. If Susan says no restore and CGC SAYS RESTORE I WILL COMP YOU.   aggrevation pay 10% FINAL SALES PRICE  up to $100


This is a legally binding contract you are agreeing to by bidding. This contract also binds  me , and my guarantees.  This includes sections not  "***NOTED****, AND Sections NOTED.  THAT WAS DONE TO CATCH YOUR EYE, NOT DEVALUE ANY OTHER PART OF THIS AUCTION


On Mar-11-22 at 07:25:19 PST, seller added the following information:


I wanted to add some information.

I had 10 people grade this via these pictures/scans    I then answered questions provided notes.    The 2 people came back and said VF+8.5
The ranges were from 8.5 to 9.4/9
If I remember correctly and I will update if I get this wrong The 9.2 had most votes with 9.2/9.4 and  9.0/9.2 tied in 2nd 3rd 9.4
9.6 last 8.5    
Grading is subjective but I decided full disclosure my make this a lot easier on me  lol
  I'm not in this to rip anyone off, I am I  this to hopefully slowly build a buisness.   I think for now I am going to move to a full disclosure    I will continue it, if it don't  break me. 
I'm afraid people don't understand these are all legitimate, independent opinions , they will see the low number and run.  Understand grading is subjective and if I had thrown out the lows and thw highs I'd.be dang near perfect on the CGC grades I have  been hearing  
  Look at the pictures and see what you think    make your opinion your buyers guide
I'll share good news and bad news.   This is bad enough I thought everyone should know it happened and I am taking extra steps to eliminate it from ever happening again
There is 1 book it appears to that I whiffed big on    I can't remember but I think it was a 8.0/8.5 my grade  and the buyers grade he got confused me but I believe it was a 6.  I will clarify and update   
That's a huge miss and I am waiting on more info     That's by far my biggest miss to date and am I not proud of it. For the most part I have been on the grade or within .5 pont Still I need to get better and definitely dont need anything that big . So I will up my scrutiny and down grade a little. If I'm not sure round down vs up etc     



On Mar-15-22 at 13:43:19 PDT, seller added the following information:


Sorry if this is repetitive I'm doing a bulk edit

Okay regardless to what it says return on raw books are ? accepted for 7 days any reason.
All I want is people to look at the pictures, read the description and then ask questions.
For example, looking at the spine don't see any spine tics , ask yourself is this camera ? ? or is it a perfectly clean spine. If your not sure, clarity of the close up is a great indicator, except on black spines. They show up 10ft away in life, my Samsung phone ain't picking them up. See Hero for Hire 1 as an example. Though I have been told my scanner got them. If at this time your not certain enough to live with the results on the defect existence and or unsure ASK ME
 I probably won't remember but I'll get back to you in 24 hours or less..  
Seriously I don't want to sell books with hidden defects but the camera dont always show it, or I know to look for it so I see it plain as day.When you know what your looking for spotting the defects is child's play.
I don't do partial refunds but I do full refunds but I'd rather you BID LESS because of a known defect or you are scared of unknown defects. Seriously. I wouldn't be saying this otherwise and try to cover up everything I could . That's not the type of business I'm interested in running.
I don't know what camer magicary makes some stuff looks like defects that is not and hide otherwise in your face defects. I don't. Add to it, there are a lot of pics and scans to go through for a 1 man show. I have in fact missed things. 
So let me help you. If you ask about defect I will straight lie and tell you it's there before I give even a pretty solid but not ? certain the defect is not there. It's easier this way. 
So while trying to decide what to bid, your like pfft, I don't want to read notes , look a pictures and ask questions; for the ? of GOD ? bid LOW like less than the current bid LOW. Nothing personal but I don't want the headache. Whether your buying my comic books are anyone else on the planet, never buy it based on a number assigned by a seller. Every seller on eBay states these are their own grades their own opinion. Thank about that. WTF does that mean? What are their standards and grading guidelines etc.  
Who knows, they could be like me not a noob but is still learning, may be are old school and everything 8.5 and above is NM higher. Hell it could mean every book I'm selling because my wife said we need roo. Guess that that guy's books are a 11.0s 
Now I am about to start posting MY grading guidelines for higher grade books. That dawned on me today. I think you all will like it Eventually I'll get all 10.0 in there but for now I'll focus on 9.4.-9.8
I'll probably lead with 2 definitions, 1 for guidelines, another for rules ha!
The following is a rough draft and Is not to be applied to current auctions.
? ??All Star Comic Grading Guidelines, not rules ???
This is a partial list that compares CBCS AND ALL STAR COMICS GRADING GUIDELINES
**CGC HAS NO PUBLISHED Grading Guidelines*
 ??Note: My values are higher because I rarely discriminate between manafacuter defects which don't count against grades and other defects. It's easier on me and I ain't trying argue. On what's a manafacuter defect and what's not. 
AVERAGE MAX ALLOWED (ie it can be more )
NM+ 9.4


Summarize please.


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On 3/20/2022 at 1:34 AM, DrPauly said:

??Note: My values are higher because I rarely discriminate between manafacuter defects which don't count against grades and other defects. It's easier on me and I ain't trying argue. On what's a manafacuter defect and what's not. 

Guy apparently can't grade or spell.  Nice apostrophe usage though.  

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User: rorschachs1986

The user bought an item (buy it now) for $27. Didn't pay. After a few days, he said he was waiting for another item to end before paying. I told him I don't have any auctions ending, he said he was waiting for someone else's AF15 to end so he could pay all of us at once. Have no idea what he's talking about. A few days later, I message his again asking of he's going to pay. He replies and says he's still waiting for the AF15 to end so he can pay all sellers at once. Not sure, but he could be overdoing it on the recreational drugs from his parent's basement. I cancelled the order and blocked him.

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On 3/21/2022 at 2:42 AM, mattn792 said:

And I quote (Tales Of Suspense #75 1st Appearance of Sharon Carter. VF/NM 9.0 | eBay):

"Tales Of Suspense #75 1st Appearance of Sharon Carter. VF/NM 9.0.

Untestored. I'm keeping the grade comic connect/metropolises  gave it as the know more than I"

I wonder if he just borrowed the CC sticker from another book too as the one in the listing is probably a solid 7.5.

Well, Metro tends to overgrade its inventory, but that one does look a fair way off.

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:51 PM, Jesse-Lee said:

Not block worthy, but I needed to vent - mods can delete if this doesn't belong. I have a book for sale for $21.95 obo. Guy offered me $10. Fair enough, I've sent some tester offers in my day, not a problem - I totally get it. I countered at $19.95, figuring I'd get a re-counter at like $15-18 and I might accept. I'm trying to move the books I list, I'm pretty open to offers. Guy comes back with a counter - $11. Come on dude. I let it expire. Then I sent an offer to all watchers at $19.95 to get some action going. This same guy comes back from that one at $12!

This book sells all day between $18-25, and mine is a nice copy. I don't mind accepting offers and giving some deals so people are happy, but the $1 re-counters just irk me to no end...

You can revise your listing to accept offers at no less than a specified price. Anything below that number won’t be accepted as an offer and you won’t receive any message

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On 3/23/2022 at 10:19 AM, B2D327 said:

You can revise your listing to accept offers at no less than a specified price. Anything below that number won’t be accepted as an offer and you won’t receive any message

I was going to suggest the same, but unsure if it works once you send the offer to all watchers. They can counter with whatever...it's Thunderdome!

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On 3/23/2022 at 1:08 PM, MultiSig Mike said:

I was going to suggest the same, but unsure if it works once you send the offer to all watchers. They can counter with whatever...it's Thunderdome!

From what I understand you do have the option not to allow counter offers. 

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On 3/23/2022 at 9:19 AM, B2D327 said:

You can revise your listing to accept offers at no less than a specified price. Anything below that number won’t be accepted as an offer and you won’t receive any message

Yeah, thanks - I've done that before, but I noticed I was getting decent results by countering initially low-ball offers when I didn't have a limit set. So then it got me wondering if I was missing out on potential sales by having a limit, so I turned it off.

Edited by Jesse-Lee
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