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My road to success (Moving Update 2)
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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.

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Been away from the boards for a few days..So where are we at? Two steps forward, three steps back?

Budget doesn't exist anymore.


Paying GPA high for a spec.


Still spending triple-digit $$$ on a min-wage PT job.


Can't even cosign himself to showering once a day because cleanliness apparently irritates his skin.



So, yeah.


True story. When I was a Resident Advisor, I had to provide advice for all sorts of common sense stuff, like how to do laundry, where the library was, how to cook (even a can of peas once) and for one individual, tell him he needed to bathe more.


It got so bad, people could not stand to sit in the common TV room with this guy. People would crack the windows in the middle of winter and he would not get the hint. His roommate stopped staying in their room.


I had to have "a talk" with this guy, to tell him he needed to shower every single day. I was later told his shower consisted of him stepping into the shower and getting out with his hair still dry. I then had to explain he needed to WASH and provided him with free soap and shampoo. I also had to teach him how to do laundry as that was part of the problem and get him some laundry soap and fabric softener.


This guy was in his early 20's at the time (as was I). So Gabe, I leave you with this advice:


Shower every freaking day. Don't be the smelly guy in the TV or any room. If you have that much of a problem (which I doubt), see a dermatologist about your skin.


In the meantime, try:


I'll try it but those things are lying most of the time, I used the acne treatment that said the same thing and my skin was red and irritated for three days and I do know how to do the laundry I did it in college.


Do you do your own laundry now or does mommy do it for you?


Did you consult a dermatologist for your skin issue or did you just try one product and give up as per usual?


My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


Why don't you do your own laundry?


If you do actually get severe itching from certain products, like soap, which makes bathing difficult, if you get referred to a dermatologist from your family doctor, that would be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) so it should be "free".


The product/prescription (if required) they recommend won't be free but depending on OHIP rules for your particular ailment your 'treatment' may or may not be covered, so what did they want money for exactly?


Just imagine if you were working FULL TIME and not dinking around with comics and toys you could afford to take care of yourself.


My mom said that since I'm here it's indifferent to her if she does it or not because she adds it to the pile. My skin doesn't get super bad like you might see on tv but if my skin comes in contact with something that's stronger it will red a burning for a couple days. I didn't know OHIP covers that so I'll try asking again.


If you feel you have non-cosmetic skin issues, book an appointment to see your family doctor or if you don't have one, go to a walk in clinic. Get a referral to an allergist and/or dermatologist. Those visits will be covered by OHIP. If you need a prescription, those won't be fully paid but I mean come on man, sort yourself out before you buy more books.


I'll check out the walk in clinic and see the dermatologist there and see what they say.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


He sold comics to buy those. Comic money doesn't pay for doctors, silly, only more comics. Comic money doesn't pay back debt either, so rather than use it to fill the hole he'd already dug for himself, he spent it on other stuff.


I know what I'm doing isn't making sense to you but it will.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


He sold comics to buy those. Comic money doesn't pay for doctors, silly, only more comics. Comic money doesn't pay back debt either, so rather than use it to fill the hole he'd already dug for himself, he spent it on other stuff.


So the $11 per week budget is for money he earns from his job, but if he sells stuff he can use that money to buy whatever books he can afford. I think I'm finally starting to understand how his mind works hm


That's correct that is how my mind works.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80


As others have said, stop with the excuses.

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The phrase that keeps getting repeated over and over that's killing me is "I'm working on that". This refers to any area Gabe feels he has a weakness in and is taking steps to improve.


The problem is: there is never any detail provided for HOW he's "working on that".


Good goals are ALWAYS measurable. You should be able to say "yes I accomplished this because" or "no I didn't accomplish this because". Black and white.


It's not enough to say "I'm working on math/business/emotions/hygiene". What are the exact steps you're taking to work on these areas?


I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more.


My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal.




Don't say "I'll trim my nails more". Say "I'll trim my nails every Monday and Thursday". That way, you can look back after a month and say "yes I definitely made my goal" or "no I didn't make my goal".


See the difference?


The phrase "I'm working on emotions" means nothing. Which specific emotions are you working on and what exactly are you doing to improve them? In a month's time, how can you tell if you've improved or not? Again, make it quantifiable.


Ok I'm working on my emotions of impulses and desperation.


I'm improving them but taking a deep breath if I get excited, count to 10 and look at it again


Then I check gpa to see if it's a good deal and if I see if I can buy it anywhere else for a better price


Finally after I check again to make sure that it's the right comic and grade I buy it.


Someone else is going to have to field this for me. I have no words.


Yes it's not how you would do things but it how I do things.


Please trust me when I say it's not just me. Do a google search for "S.M.A.R.T criteria" as it pertains to setting goals and tell me honestly if your "goals" meet the criteria outlined.


You'd be amazed at how effective it can be to structure your goals well.


I've read that before


Did you think there was any merit to it?


Yes I think there's merit to them



Then why not apply the concepts to your current goals? A goal is something you should be

able to write out clearly and succinctly.


I'll check them out




You've already said that you've read them and that you think there's merit to the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. What on Earth is there to "check out" at this point?


I re-read through the "Ask me anything" and the "Consignment" threads linked above recently and while those threads were from about 2 years back, it appears that you haven't made any progress since then.


I fully understand that you think you have a learning disability and that you're trying to overcome it. But it's not any potential learning disability that's holding you back...it's laziness. You know I how I know? We've never had an update that said "I spent 1 hour researching profit/loss statements last night" or "I watched a YouTube video about time value of money 3 times in an attempt to understand the concept today". It's abundantly clear that you have the time to do so, you just choose not to.


As others have said, your behavior is similar to that of an addict. You swore up and down that you'd stick to your $11/week budget only to break it by making an exception the first time a book you wanted to buy became available. The whole purpose of the budget was to teach restraint. By reasoning your way into breaking your budget, you're not teaching yourself anything.


Despite the fact that many members have attempted to advise you that you need to possess a better understanding of the basics before you'll be successful, you have done little to no research in an attempt to better understand the business you're trying to master. Posters here have even laid out the specific concepts you should be familiar with. Your "bookkeeping" is good evidence that you haven't taken any of this advice seriously. It's too much work, I suppose.


In this internet age, you don't need a teacher or paid professional to learn to do something. Heck, these days, you don't even really need to go to the library. Just hop on the computer and look up these concepts until you understand them. I'd be willing to wager that if you came here with a question about basic economics or business that made it sound like you were making a attempt at understanding things better, the response would be overwhelmingly positive. But after 2 years, you'd rather "listen to your friend about hot tips" than put in any type or work into giving yourself a better understanding of these concepts that you'll need to learn in order to succeed. It's just easier that way.


You are choosing to be unsuccessful at selling comics. You are choosing to have (self-professed) sub-standard hygiene. You are choosing to only work part-time. You are choosing to live at home. You are choosing to have your mom do your laundry for you. You are choosing to take losses on most of your purchases. You are choosing to not understand basic business concepts. These are all choices you're making.


Until you turn things around, I'm out. I'll be a spectator only. I'm still holding out hope that this is the most elaborate troll ever...one that played out over several years and platforms. If so, I'll be first in line to say "you got me". But as time goes on, I see that I'm just wasting time trying as others have to point you in the right direction.


I won't wish you good luck as I've seen others do that and it seems to be the only thing you latch on to...you ignore everything else. Instead, I'll leave you with the two words that, should you choose to follow them, will definitely put you on the right path.




Feel free to put me on the list.


You know what? In almost everything that you said you're right but I didn't choose to have losses happen it's because boardies said "be a adult and own up to your losses" and they did have a point because I would take a loss but I would at the very least have cashflow. You ask me why I need to check out something I've already read? Simple I forget things and if I didn't have a need to check I wouldn't.


I will fully admit I don't do as much as I should even with a learning disability and I've already asked about economics and got many responses but also many remarks that I should already know this and that a kid can do better than I can.


In any case thanks for the advice and sticking around.

Edited by uchiha101
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I'm still holding out hope that this is the most elaborate troll ever


I've thought this might be the case as well.


Nope I'm not a troll


Jesus Gabe, Turtle writes a really great page long post, genuinely trying to give you sound advice, and this is what you take from it?

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80


As others have said, stop with the excuses.


They take more then that and I don't like the idea of losing money if I don't have to.

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I'm still holding out hope that this is the most elaborate troll ever


I've thought this might be the case as well.


Nope I'm not a troll


Jesus Gabe, Turtle writes a really great page long post, genuinely trying to give you sound advice, and this is what you take from it?


I already responded to it check the other post

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80


As others have said, stop with the excuses.


They take more then that and I don't like the idea of losing money if I don't have to.


You ALMOST drew me back in with this one. But I maintain my steely resolve to not state my opinion or advice. I steadfastly remain .....OUT (but hot dam it was close).

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They take more then that and I don't like the idea of losing money if I don't have to.


Most. Ironic. Statement. Ever.


If you don't like losing money, stop trying to flip comics. Because that's what you do, lose money.


Yes that's true but I can change how I do things but I can't change fees.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80


As others have said, stop with the excuses.


They take more then that and I don't like the idea of losing money if I don't have to.


You ALMOST drew me back in with this one. But I maintain my steely resolve to not state my opinion or advice. I steadfastly remain .....OUT (but hot dam it was close).


Haha can't have been that steely if you were tempted ;) but I don't mind you as a spectator

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You know what? In almost everything that you said you're right but I didn't choose to have losses happen it's because boardies said "be a adult and own up to your losses" and they did have a point because I would take a loss but I would at the very least have cashflow. You ask me why I need to check out something I've already read? Simple I forget things and if I didn't have a need to check I wouldn't.


I will fully admit I don't do as much as I should even with a learning disability and I've already asked about economics and got many responses but also many remarks that I should already know this and that a kid can do better than I can.


In any case thanks for the advice and sticking around.


No, you didn't choose to lose money intentionally, but the (continued poor) choices you have made directly led to your losses.


In reference to the red text, are you really trying to put that on "us"? Like I said in the other post, stop making excuses.


For 2+ years you've been given a wealth of knowledge. It's not the boards fault that you haven't/cannot apply it.


Flipping comics is hard work, but it's also not rocket science.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


He sold comics to buy those. Comic money doesn't pay for doctors, silly, only more comics. Comic money doesn't pay back debt either, so rather than use it to fill the hole he'd already dug for himself, he spent it on other stuff.


So the $11 per week budget is for money he earns from his job, but if he sells stuff he can use that money to buy whatever books he can afford. I think I'm finally starting to understand how his mind works hm


That's correct that is how my mind works.


Personally I never liked the $11 budget idea. If you keep making deals like the Hulk #180 I think you'll be well on your way to erasing that hole. I still don't think that Darth Vader #3 was a great deal ( we'll see ), but you need to keep finding these kinds of deals like the #180. Do you ever submit books for slabbing or do you just try to flip already graded books?

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You know what? In almost everything that you said you're right but I didn't choose to have losses happen it's because boardies said "be a adult and own up to your losses" and they did have a point because I would take a loss but I would at the very least have cashflow. You ask me why I need to check out something I've already read? Simple I forget things and if I didn't have a need to check I wouldn't.


I will fully admit I don't do as much as I should even with a learning disability and I've already asked about economics and got many responses but also many remarks that I should already know this and that a kid can do better than I can.


In any case thanks for the advice and sticking around.


No, you didn't choose to lose money intentionally, but the (continued poor) choices you have made directly led to your losses.


In reference to the red text, are you really trying to put that on "us"? Like I said in the other post, stop making excuses.


For 2+ years you've been given a wealth of knowledge. It's not the boards fault that you haven't/cannot apply it.


Flipping comics is hard work, but it's also not rocket science.


Actually I can put it on "you" since more then one boardie said it, more then once and perhaps you've missed the other point of what I said, I admitted that they have a point.

Edited by uchiha101
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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


He sold comics to buy those. Comic money doesn't pay for doctors, silly, only more comics. Comic money doesn't pay back debt either, so rather than use it to fill the hole he'd already dug for himself, he spent it on other stuff.


So the $11 per week budget is for money he earns from his job, but if he sells stuff he can use that money to buy whatever books he can afford. I think I'm finally starting to understand how his mind works hm


That's correct that is how my mind works.


Personally I never liked the $11 budget idea. If you keep making deals like the Hulk #180 I think you'll be well on your way to erasing that hole. I still don't think that Darth Vader #3 was a great deal ( we'll see ), but you need to keep finding these kinds of deals like the #180. Do you ever submit books for slabbing or do you just try to flip already graded books?


I've submitted comics to cgc before and I have made profit with them before I just need to be more aggressive in what I pay. I flip whatever I can as long as I can make money on it and have some more potential deals lined up for example a IH 180 CGC 9.2 for 300-400 bucks.


Also I want to say that copies have dried up on ebay to be replaced with copies that people want more for and this is before the announcement and trailer. There were also two copies sold two days ago for 100 and 90 dollars for a 9.8.

Edited by uchiha101
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That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80




Might be missing something here--- do Canadians have paypal fees on a transfer? - according to the paypal website - this should be free (though they do have a disclaimer).....



Might be a simple fix, no?





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That's money on my paypal account and if I were to take money out the charge me a fee for doing so.


How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80




Might be missing something here--- do Canadians have paypal fees on a transfer? - according to the paypal website - this should be free (though they do have a disclaimer).....



Might be a simple fix, no?





They charge me fees for conversion and for the money going to my bank account.

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My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid"


No money?



A DV 3 CGC 9.8 for 87 bucks

and a IH CGC 5.0 SS for 191 bucks


He sold comics to buy those. Comic money doesn't pay for doctors, silly, only more comics. Comic money doesn't pay back debt either, so rather than use it to fill the hole he'd already dug for himself, he spent it on other stuff.


So the $11 per week budget is for money he earns from his job, but if he sells stuff he can use that money to buy whatever books he can afford. I think I'm finally starting to understand how his mind works hm


That's correct that is how my mind works.



Personally I never liked the $11 budget idea. If you keep making deals like the Hulk #180 I think you'll be well on your way to erasing that hole. I still don't think that Darth Vader #3 was a great deal ( we'll see ), but you need to keep finding these kinds of deals like the #180. Do you ever submit books for slabbing or do you just try to flip already graded books?



The small budget - never a way for him to get out of the hole quick. IMO - it was a great learning tool for him to not chase bigger deals and lay out $$$ and assume more risk.


I would rather have seen him actually stick to the budget for several months - and learn the basics. Would help him a lot with money management on a small scale. Then - increase the budget slowly.


As it stands - he only followed the budget for 2 books - then jumped off of the page and started making "exceptions" to justify his spending.


Hope the IH180 deal does work. Until book is in hand, always a risk given some of his past transactions.









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